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An Englishman and a Piplup get on a train.......


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......and so it began. The journey through a cracked Reborn Region. Seriously, so many cracks!

I'm Daniel. Far too old for Pokemon, but far too stubborn to break the habit. My first game was Pokemon Yellow, so I've been doing this a fair while. I do play online but I'm not a competitive player, although I do enjoy it when Galvantula eats up the odd Mega Mewtwo Y on Wi-fi. I'm currently sat on the beach awaiting Kiki to show up and whoop my team of Empoleon, Stunky, Hariyama, Noibat, Growlithe, and Meowstic. I should probably get something else for those Fighting types actually. My reserves are weak to Fighting.....

Anyway I'm playing Reborn because of the playthroughs I saw on YouTube, and it looked like a fun challenge so here I am. The whole 'field' thing felt weird but I do like the way it adds an extra something. Shelly never stood a chance poor girl. But how did I not burn the whole place to a cinder??

My favourite type is Fire, but my favourite Poke is Gyarados. Haven't worked that one out yet but that's the truth of me. I haven't yet had my balls handed back to me by Reborn, but I expect that to happen as I travel further into the game. I have a nasty habit of 'accidentally' getting critical hits on Pokes I want to use, and I find a lot of stuff on the floor (I search everywhere as a habit).

So yeah. "Hello".

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Hey and welcome mate. Get crazy here and have fun.

No one is too old for pokemon. NEVER say that ever again.

Kiki problems? Go to threat Team showcase for help if you have trouble for Kiki.

You will get used to the field.

And the shelly thing, Cuz poke logic.

Gyarados the gamebreaker eh? Neh whatever.

Welp the habit to find a lot of stuff is pretty much me when i play all pokemon games lol.

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Well met Daniel! Welcome to Reborn

Gyarados is your favorite poke? Mine is Weavile, but Gyarados is well known for being "the Janitor" of Reborn for a while.

Well anyway, just to let you know: Arkhidon is the music master, Zeph is going to convert you and Link will welcome you to the club. I'm just the receptionist for now.

I hope you enjoy your stay... IT'S PERMANENT.

Edited by Vinny
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Hey!! There is a FAQ in the grand hall and the site rules on the left.. A bunch of pinned threads are useful.. Showdown is where we chat and battle.. Come see us there.. Don't worry about being too old.. We have Grandpa Mael and Uncle Jerry who are old too.. So what if I am just as old as Jerry.. I started with Yellow or Red.. I don't remember.. But I did have both of them.. oldageproblems


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Cheers everyone!

I haven't faced Kiki yet, I just got the Meditite. Decided to level Noibat for a while whilst I do as many of the stickers as I can (I think 3 maybe at this stage?).

Yeah I figure Gyarados is my fave because in the games it always makes my story teams. I always pick the Fire-type starter in the games, so Gyarados gives a nice balance. The fact it's busted/flexable/attainable helps out too I suppose.

The thread name could be a joke. Needs finishing though........

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Welcome! I can't shake the feeling that the thread name is the beginning of some joke... Anyway, enjoy your time here!

same actually

"An Englishman and a Piplup get on a train.

Piplup used Explosion

Pokemon Reborn starts"

And now we all know who blew up the train XD

also hi resident priestess is here \o/ wololooooo ~ welcome to Reborn, new child of Blue ~

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