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Most hated Pokemon?

Another Felix

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  On 4/30/2015 at 9:54 PM, EluriaMendes said:

There are people who hate pokemon? I get disliking them, but hating? O :

My most disliked pokemon, is the Paras line. Not because of the pokemon themselves, but because they are literally being controlled by their fungi. Which strikes me as unfathomably disturbing.

Yeahp totally agree with this. I don't hate any but I find Amoonguss really unlikeable. Really hard to take down, status effects and Rage Powder makes battling it a dread and a huge annoyance. Also it looks annoying. At least to me.

And it acts like a Pokeball on the ground. As a person who loves looting, I can't bring myself to like it.

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Hmmm. What to begin with? Well, i'll categorize my opinions on pokemon as to which ones i find way too op and need nerf or sth, those i wasn't able to look at, those that move set sux butt, those that i just hated the minute i saw and those that gave me a hard time in playthroughs.

1)Chandelure (Srsly, wtf is wrong with that pokemon's special attack...)

2)Heatmor/Durant (What's nice about these things? I find Garbodor a lot more attractive e.e, even stunfisk)

3)Kricketot/tune and Combee/Vespiquen. (By far the most useless pokemon ever)

4)Garchomp (Usually it's owned by an enemy and owns you with it and if you have the chance to get it, it will be really hard)

5)Swellow/Cinccino (Guts+Toxic/Flame orb+Facade+ awesome speed=fk my life and Skill Link+King's Rock+awesome speed again=I'm about to smash my screen)

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The only pokemon that I truely have a problem with is Milotic i remember this thing being the biggest troll when i was a kid i never used electric types and if i had a grass type and i fought someone ( usually the champion) with a milotic i would send out my grass type thinking "this will be easy" next thing i know SURPRISE ice beam and my grass type is dead and I have to waste another pokemon and have it lose health just to kill milotic. And screw Cynthia's Milotic for using ice beam and getting a critical hit on my Torterra with ice beam in my platinum play-through where i was determined to beat the main pokemon games for the first time, thankfully I had a leafeon with that was able to take a hit and kill Cynthia's Milotic. Seriously screw Milotic.

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  On 5/1/2015 at 2:21 AM, Damage said:

Jynx. It looks like a living racial slur. Other than that just one other... ummmm.... OH RIGHT! every fairy type ever made...

Oh even Diance and Carbink? D:

Mr. Mime.... It looks freaky and in an animation I once saw it was drawn like a European guy.

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The DogeToge line. The show made me loathe 'em, that waste of egg-shaped space even made me stop watching the show. Everyone's acting like it "gracing" the universe with it's existence is the best goddamn thing to ever happen, while it never does anything other than cause trouble, it's completely worthless, it should not exist.

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Kingdra due to the cheap tactics the AI use in the main games, stupid Juan and the double teaming kingdra, or Clair who spams smokescreen, just an annoyance to deal with.

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You know, I normally don't "hate" any pokemon per say, that is until the first thing I saw this.....thing. I have absolutely no problems with its two evolutions, but just ugh.

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DURANT. When Gen 5 was released, most people cringed at Pokemon based on objects such as the Vanilluxe line, Chandelure line, Klinklang line etc.

I was okay with those - I even liked the two former Pokemon's design! But Durant... urgh

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I dislike the multitude of boring fish in the game. Qwilfish, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Basculin, Alomomola. They don't evolve and I've never wanted to use them.

I wouldn't even know Relicanth existed if it wasn't require to get the Regis.

Also, how does this:

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turn into this?

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What? Some ridiculous fish sorcery.

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I hate Finneon. The damn thing is worthless. It literally has no friggin uses and is one of the only original water types of Sinnoh. Every other water type outclasses it, including Corsola and Luvdisc. The stats and movepool are bad, it can't hold its own and it's just another bland fish. Don't even get me fucking started with Burmy though oh my god. I'll talk about him in another post, my hatred for him requires 2-3 paragraphs at the least. brb. I'm going to smash my head against a wall.

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Sygilyph. If I don't roar it out or get rid of it fast or if it tanks a super-effective move, the fucker sets up and causes a stored power sweep if my team's not right. Hate facing 'em at Pokemon Showdown more because that's where most of them happen.

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My least favorite Pokemon... Probably Conkuldurr, as I absolutely despise it's design. IMO it's the ugliest Pokemon ever created. I also hate Rotom-Wash, due to it's lack lustre design, and it being on basically every team in OU. (At least the last time I played in the OU tier, and I played a lot of OU. Got sick and tired of seeing the stupid thing.)

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not the Pikachu-line... JUST Pikachu!


it gets showed in your face EVERYTIME! (it is the poster-child after all)

Here is a new Pokemon-game... have a Pikachu!

Pikachu get so much "extra" love i could puke...

- We make a special PIKACHU edition (to simulate the Anime)

- here is Surfer-Pikachu, which knows the Water-move Surf!

- oh here is the 6th Generation of Games... guess what - the only Pokemon to FINALLY say it's name as it's cry... IS FRICKING PIKACHU!!!

- Here is an Item with which you can breed your Pikachus, so that they learn the strongest physical Electric attack! with a base accuracy of 100% and 15PP! YEAH YOU CAN USE IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! ... oh yeah... and it can PARALYZE the enemy!

(now Zekrom's Bolt Strike is the storngest ph electric attack... but it still only got 85% accuracy and only 5PP)

- oh yeah and that Item DOUBLES Pikachus attack and Special Attack! making it's evolution Raichu utterly USELESS!!! YAY!!!!!!!

- here is a special Pikachu that wears costumes! and these costumes grants it a special attack it normally can't learn! Like Hawlucha's signature-move Flying Press!!!

and Pikachu is only 'loved' so much because it is Ash's first Pokemon in the Anime... they should have gone with Clefairy like they wanted to initially...

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  On 5/12/2015 at 8:56 AM, Cepheus said:


not the Pikachu-line... JUST Pikachu!


it gets showed in your face EVERYTIME! (it is the poster-child after all)

Here is a new Pokemon-game... have a Pikachu!

Pikachu get so much "extra" love i could puke...

- We make a special PIKACHU edition (to simulate the Anime)

- here is Surfer-Pikachu, which knows the Water-move Surf!

- oh here is the 6th Generation of Games... guess what - the only Pokemon to FINALLY say it's name as it's cry... IS FRICKING PIKACHU!!!

- Here is an Item with which you can breed your Pikachus, so that they learn the strongest physical Electric attack! with a base accuracy of 100% and 15PP! YEAH YOU CAN USE IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! ... oh yeah... and it can PARALYZE the enemy!

(now Zekrom's Bolt Strike is the storngest ph electric attack... but it still only got 85% accuracy and only 5PP)

- oh yeah and that Item DOUBLES Pikachus attack and Special Attack! making it's evolution Raichu utterly USELESS!!! YAY!!!!!!!

- here is a special Pikachu that wears costumes! and these costumes grants it a special attack it normally can't learn! Like Hawlucha's signature-move Flying Press!!!

and Pikachu is only 'loved' so much because it is Ash's first Pokemon in the Anime... they should have gone with Clefairy like they wanted to initially...

Ahem, dookieshed made a rant about that pokemon. Personally, I ignore pikachu. Anyways back on topic: I hate Watchog, annoying when I went against in b/w 1

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