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The Wide lens is capable of increasing accuracy however I'mnot certain if it's obtanable in pokemon reborn.

Oh thats a same :/ i wanted a more accurate Hypnosis so i can eat Dreams more often

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Wide Lens are available, but you have to find them on Wild Yanma on Azurine Island, if you lead with something that has Compound Eyes as it's ability, Yanma should have a 20% chance of having WL (instead of a 5% chance without CE). There's also Zoom Lens somewhere in the Department Store, but those only work if you'Re slower than your opponent (though WL boost a by 10% and ZL by 20%; so Hypnosis would have either 66% or 72% depending on your item).

Or spare yourself all the trouble and don't use a move as bad as Hypnosis. It's got 60 accuracy!

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Wide lens can be found on wild yanmas, although it is a really small chance (5% i think). Also you can buy zoom lens that boost the accuracy by 20% instead of the 10% boost the wide lens give, but only if you are slower than your target

Edit: Greninja'd :P

Edited by pyrromanis
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Wide Lens are available, but you have to find them on Wild Yanma on Azurine Island, if you lead with something that has Compound Eyes as it's ability, Yanma should have a 20% chance of having WL (instead of a 5% chance without CE). There's also Zoom Lens somewhere in the Department Store, but those only work if you'Re slower than your opponent (though WL boost a by 10% and ZL by 20%; so Hypnosis would have either 66% or 72% depending on your item).

Or spare yourself all the trouble and don't use a move as bad as Hypnosis. It's got 60 accuracy!

I see well Hypnosis works well if it hits on both Gengar with Hex (stab) and Gardevoir with Dream Eater (stab) I always wanted my gengar with dream eater but without stab it really disapointed me on Gengar.... well thanks by the way and I assume that most of key items for battle are held by wild pokemon and you have to use a Kecleon's Thief to obtain them

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An alternative way, is the use of x-accuracy. But is usefull only in gym/boss battles

I know man....but I prefer not to use items like these or potions.....actually I NEVER use them....i prefer the Held Item strategy....plus the ones we use like X Accuracy consume one turn :) ..... i did not max out the Spec Atk and Speed EVs for nothing ^_^

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