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A Mysterious Stranger Appears! Who is the Fallen Saint?


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The room suddenly goes quiet as a man wearing a black hooded cloak comes through the door. He drifts like a phantom through the room and up to an empty seat at the back of the room, where he stops and turns, looking around at the now staring crowd. His cool gaze, hidden by the darkness inside his hood, takes in the faces around him. Then with a flourish he tosses his cloak aside and sits down in one fluid movement.

The man is dark haired and of average build, with a age-worn guitar held in his hands and a rapier at his side. He gives a gentle strum of the guitar that vibrates through the room. The man gives a content sigh as the sound echoes through the room before he begins playing in earnest. The melody is haunting and weighs upon the souls of the listeners, but the player seems lost in his music, no longer caring that there are others in the room. The crowd watches him play, eyes closed and focused. At times, pain crosses his face but he plays on. When the song ends, he once more gives a sigh of content and gently lays the guitar in his lap.

There are a few moments of quiet contemplation in the room before someone finally asks who this man is. He looks up in answer, his dark eyes taking in the person who asked. A slight smile plays at his lips, but doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"I've been called Bard, Outlaw, and even Saint. I've travelled many a lonely road and never stay in one place too long. If you must call me something, Fallen will suffice. This place seems interesting. Guess I'll stick around. For a while."

With that, the man leans back in his chair and readies his guitar to play. His next song is soothing and light, letting the room slowly return to its normal flow as the mysterious player uses his music to fade into the background

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Thank you very much. I enjoy writing and role playing so I decided to have some fun with the intro. I used to be on a similar site, but it went down a few years back and a couple friends of mine showed me this place last night. During my bachelor party no less.

Thank you Blasterman, I'll take a look and see what they have going on.

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Chubb you will see me whenever you look for the mysterious guitar player I'll probably be in the back of the room.

And Thomas, I am quite sane. Just very.... Inventive. My persona is simply supposed to be an enigma. *Suddenly stares off into the distance*

Darkness is sweet and calming, calling to my soul. Fill me, become me. Satisfy my unholy hunger. Bring forth the flames that light playfully upon bones and give rest to the angel that sat upon my weary shoulder. Oh darkness, my love, take me in and fill this void. Grant me sleep.

*Shakes head*

Huh? What?

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A tall guy walks up to the musician. "Well played, friend. There are some things you should know. We have a FAQ in the Grand Hall and if you look to the left you can see the rules. Also on the left is the door to the Pokemon Showdown server if you're interested in battling." He looks around making sure nobody can hear his words and whispers "Head to the RP forums. Hukuna Sensei will show you around. Your rant just now tells me you have no sanity. 'Tis sad. My Snorlax was hungry." Without a goodbye he walks away and slinks back into the shadows, his mission complete.

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The bard gives Yash's back a smirk and a nod before playing a special cord just for him.

Hmmmm. This is twice I've heard of this "Hukuna" person. Perhaps I should see what Hukuna has to say.

Gives Yash one final look before giving a rough bark of a laugh. There seem to be some interesting people here. Maybe sticking around was a good idea. *Another trance begins*

Running through the street, blade in hand. "Hurry Alan! The airship is going to leave!"

"I can't..."

"What? We have what we came for! If we don't leave now..."

"I know. Three days. That's all I ask."

Look to the airship. Final preparations are ready. They are about to leave. The others have already boarded and the enemies are closing in. Look back to Alan, pain in his eyes. Can't deny him this. Not after what he has lost.

"I'll come back for you. No matter how long it takes, I will find you."

"I know partner. Get out of here!"

One last pained look. A nod. Then gone. A promise to keep...

*Comes back to present*

Again the bard takes up his guitar and resumes playing. This time the melody is soft and sad, reflecting the pain in his dark eyes.

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((Well met... hmm... Saint?

Sorry, can't decide. Anyway, welcome to the place place.

Everybody already said it, but go check out Kakuna and the RP forum. Senp-- Sensei Hukuna will tell you everything you need to know.

I hope you enjoy your stay! ))


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Saint will be fine Vinny. That is what I am. Well, was. A long time ago.

*Enters Trance*

Alone. Hunted. Its closing in. Down a potion just to keep standing. Blood flowing down my side. Cut is deep, but if I can end this quickly I'll survive.

If only Alan was there. But he wasn't. My fault. Left him behind.

Notch an arrow and wait patiently. It shows itself. Four legs, each with sharp claws. Blood stained on one from a lucky hit on my side. I'll kill it. Kill it to drown out my guilt. Fires.

Time passes. The fire cooked the monster up nicely. Dinner and another potion made me heal nicely. Got to find Alan. Forget the mission. Forget the world. Promise to keep... But he's gone. Lost in time. "I'll have to go back. Find him somewhere in the past."

"Good plan, but you will need help."

Look over my shoulder.... Who is this?

*Comes back to present*

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Guitars and violins and pianos and aaaaaaaa

I love my strings. <3 And I'll add to the number of times you've read about Hukuna, cause Kuna-sensei's the guy to talk to about Roleplaying ~ And, as folks've already said, check out the Creative Writing forums too. I'm certain you'll enjoy it there.

Also. Wololooooo ~ \o/

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Thank you for all the welcomes. Sorry I have been slow to respond, but I have been preparing for my wedding tomorrow. So much to do, so little time.

*Trance begins*

Time. Time. Had to go back. Alan had last been seen in the time storm, possessed by the darkness and ruthlessly destroying both friend and foe. The woman, Aki by name, had the answers. Knew a professor who researched the storm. Thought it could be harnessed, but where it would lead was unknown. Aki, Ash, the Professor, Leck the minor dragon, and Garret. Allies I would need to travel time and find my lost companion.

A risky move. But it worked. Stopped in many places in time. Almost killed by Alistair's ancestor. Couldn't fight back in case I accidently killed the man. Had he died, Alistair would not have been born and our battles would have been harder.

Finally I found him. Or someone like him. A woman by the name of Saint Ajora. She had led a large following in the ancient times. She was a seer. She had predicted things that would happen perfectly and had almost a cult like group around her. The current war hung in the balance because of her. And history showed that she would be betrayed by a friend and burned at the stake as a witch. Aki and the Professor warned against messing with time. But I was certain that Alan and Ajora were connected. Ajora would burn in the fire. Or at least it would appear that way. With Ash able to use teleportation, we simply needed a body of proper size. An easy enough thing to find in this war torn time. I planned and plotted and soon the day of the execution arrived.

Ajora screamed as the fire was lit. Her followers begged for her life while her betrayer and soldiers stood between them and their saint. But none of them knew that another stood near. A hero who had been called a Saint Brave by the world. But our Braves were now divided and facing our own trials. This was mine. I ordered the plan to begin and soon we had a slightly toasted Ajora stumbling between Garret and I as we retreated into the Time Storm.*

*Trance Ends*

Time.... If only I could turn it back once more.

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