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Will you marry me ?


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Unfortunately, I'm not your lover nor your crush. I am a totally new person in your life and you still don't know me. And I don't want to marry you yet. But now that I have your attention, I'll at least tell you who I am so that you'll be able to remember me later on - or not.

I'll start by announcing that I am French and that, as of now, you're under the invasion of the glorious army made of myself and... well, myself. If you don't know - which I doubt but you'll let me write it anyway since you have no choice - France is that country where we are supposed - supposed since I never did so myself - to eat frogs. Some says that we are frogs but we're not cannibal so I doubt that. Which means that I'm not one of those frogs that can transform into an handsome prince when a young maiden kisses it. You can try but it won't get you anywhere. I'm a male, though, so there's at least that.

I think I can understand English quite well but I've never really written in it before so I'll excuse myself for every mistakes I can do. And by "excuse myself", I mean that I've already forgiven me and that I don't need your approval to be in peace with that. But I'd still like it though. After all, a well-established peace is better than one that could shatter at any moment, right ?

Right now, I'm twenty. And I'm studying geology at the university. The city I'm studying in is Nancy, if you want to know. If you have any question regarding geology or that town, I'll do my best to answer you. I mainly choose geology because I thought that it was what I wanted to do when I was in junior high but, right now, I'm not that sure about it since I don't really like field work. But that's still better than what the three years old me dreamed of : being a gardener on the moon. Not that it wouldn't be cool but it's a hopeless dream. And I don't even dream of it now so...

Other interests include philosophy (in all of its aspects), role playing on forums specially made for it (have anyone else written a 25000+ words character sheet ?) and uhm... reading. Yeah, that's it reading. Even though I also have a somewhat important tsundoku syndrome. I like fantasy and stuff like that and the author I like the most right now is Walter Moers.

I've started playing Reborn something like one month ago. Or maybe more, I don't really remember. It was the first time I played pokemon since the fourth generation and carbink became my favorite pokemon the moment I saw him. Because who doesn't like jewels ? Since then, I've started a grass monotype and I've also started playing playing other fangames like Zeta or Rejuvenation. And I must say that even though I love sweeping, annihilating everything with a tank that receives close to no damage is a pretty good feeling.

I suppose that'll be enough for self-introductions. If you'd like to know more, we can do it before the altar, you're always free to ask questions. I don't bite. And since I'm a level 1 member, even if I did, it would probably not make any significant damage. Ah and even though I tried my best, i don't really have a high stat in humor so be lenient, please.

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Now that's an intro

*Tips hat*

Well met... Fournaise? Is that how you'd like us to call you?

Anyway, welcome to Reborn! I'll let you know that here we don't use guns, we just throw the bullets.

i'll just let you know right now that you might wanna speak with Hukuna Fulmine if you're interested in RP. It's not a forum dedicated to it, but we have a section dedicated for RP.

And I must say that even though I love sweeping, annihilating everything with a tank that receives close to no damage is a pretty good feeling.

Do you have a Gyarados? If you don't get this, you will in the future. Trust me :]

Also, let me go ahead and ask: "How did you find this place?" and your "first impressions on it". That'll do for now.

I hope you enjoy your stay... after all, IT'S PERMANENT

Be seeing you.

@Ark Not even a "french" word Ark? dissapoint.

Edited by Vinny
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Hey welcome.. Stuff is happening here.. And more stuff in the rules.. And even more stuff in the FAQ.. Which is in the grand hall, where there is more stuff.. Though the stuffiest place is the RP section.. It has great stuff for doing stuff.. I remember stuffing stuff in the stuff at the stuff.. It's stuff o'clock and I'm stuffy.. Also sanity should be stuffed along with other stuff inside the stuff which my Snorlax will stuff into it's stuffy mouth...


The above has absolutely nothing to do with any sort of stuff

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Welcome to the forums! Hope you'll enjoy your stay here as much as I enjoying reading your intro!

Should you need any in-game team advice, feel free to make a topic in the Team Showcase. Or just send me a PM, I kinda run the place anyways. There's also a pinned topic there if you have trouble with any particular event.

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i presume the other steriotypes are still valid like smelling of garlic, wearing black striped shirts wearing a barre and carrying around a baguette ohh and being chese eating surrender monkeys :P jk im sure french people are okay and sorry had to get a line in from black adder :0 welcome

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Welcome to Hellborn Reborn matey! I see that you enjoy roleplaying and clearly has a great hand for writing, so check out our RP subforums anytime you want. We don´t usually bite too much in there. ^_^

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