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Mewtwo (spoilers)


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Garchomp?! No, that was easy. I'm talking about the Sheer Force Nifoking lead that will wreck half of your team if you don't know exactly what you need to do to put it down and keep if down after all the Hyper Potions she throws at it.

Terra was honestly pretty easy for me. With Swampert and a super speedy Noivern, they swept Terrawr with relative ease. Also, I was running a Mienshao at the time which dealt crazy damages with Hi Jump Kick.

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Garchomp?! No, that was easy. I'm talking about the Sheer Force Nidoking lead that will wreck half of your team if you don't know exactly what you need to do to put it down and keep if down after all the Hyper Potions she throws at it.

It was actually pretty easy, just a strong Donphan to take the blow and make him eat an Earthquake to OHKO him.

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Just finished a monopoison run. I beat mewtwo by first using crobat with sunny day to outspeed and die.

Next comes chlorophyll venusaur w/ sleep powder and leech seed. Now I petal dance until it wakes up and kills me.

Finally I send out gengar and swap between it and drapion abusing the AI by having it hit drap with psystrike until leech seed takes its toll and kills it

Edited by Zane0144
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