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[Spoiler] Kiki's Medicham


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Ok, so... Am I the only one that was shocked when Cal's Magmortar throwed Kiki's Medicham in the magma river? I MEAN HOW COULD HE DO THAT? IT WAS AN AMAZING MEDICHAM!!!

Plus, I never thought that Shade's death scenes would materialize! Ok, it showed the Poison Leader that I don't remember the name too, but c'mon... That freakin' Garchomp...

And after that amazing and shocking episode of Reborn, I don't know what to do... I just can think in the other two scenes and THAT AMARIA WAS WITH BY A FU***** SUPERPOWER!! If she dies, I'll be mourning.

Note: my first post here (and in any forums. I never entered in one before), so I'm sorry if I posted it in the wrong place or any other thing that I might shouldn't have did.


Edited by Millefor
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Ayyy greetings fellow follower of our based lord Amethyst. There is a lot the next few parts of the game. Currently we can have 12 badges? [: Welcome!

Oh and listen to this with me please. Tell me what you think!! n_n


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Yeap Ame really knows how to play with our feels.
Seeing Corey as Gengar was pretty, I dunno, dark? For me at least. I was basically going: Corey? Holy shit...

Kiki's death was a real shocker

and seeing her ghost in the Wastelands was friggin spooky

Look forward to more shocks and great meaningful moments. Props to Ame for making such amazing scenarios!

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Perhaps this would be better suited for Reborn City?

But yes, these deaths are quite shocking. They were for me once I first played. But... If you completed E14, the teaser for the next Episode has something to do with Shade's Gym. Hopefully that wasn't too much of a spoiler, since I'm not telling you what it exactly says.

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personally i love the fact that shade liked corey so much he made him a gengar i mean thats respect making him one of the most OP pokes

I thought he made Corey a Gengar to serve him because as a form of redemption for betraying the league? Or due to Corey's selfishness he turned into a gengar upon death and Shade decided to put that to good use by using him as his pokemon?

Though I imagine Corey is PISSED facing off against the PC since they failed to look after heather. Though this begs the question of why Corey would fight the PC since beating shade would be the only way to save Heather from Meteor? Bit of fridge logic there.

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