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[Solved] Stuck in Route 2


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This is my save file. This is me, and this is a Crustle in a very wrong place. Between me and the Crustle lies an unstable rock. And I have to pour some good ol' Rage Powder on that damn insect. Problem is, I can't circumnavigate the unstable rock between me and it. Have I missed a possible stable path towards the Crustle, or have I messed the path up for good?

(Why is it there, you ask? First I thought that I could push it sideways, I had already saved in a position where I couldn't go back left, and then stuck it to the corner with the faintest of hopes that I could ragepowder it from the level above, but this get-out-of-jail-free card never worked.)

Edited by Odybld
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...let me finish banging my head against the wall a bit...

...a bit more, please...

Ok, we're good. I solved it the old-fashioned "get out of the Route and back to the checkpoint, return back to the Route and find the Crustle back in its nest" way. Back to the head-against-the-wall routine now. It makes me feel more in pain and less like an idiot.

Edit: ...returning to the Crustle, it actually came out of the nest already in a commatose state, asleep AND immovable, at least I solved it with the Rage Powder. When I saw it coming out and not reacting to any clicks, pushes or to Sleep Powder, I almost freaked out. Lesson learned for next time...

Edited by Odybld
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