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Bug Reporting - Version 5


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The machine works fine, if you glitched the machine before, it will stay glitched. I think I found a solution to this whole mess, though.

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I'm also having problems with Jenkel's machine, I think I once pressed too many times at once and it allowed me to only open the Goldenwood Portal, so after I had finished that simulation I had nothing to do. When I tried to relive the Amethyst Cave event, there were only two Team Xen grunts and no Zetta in sight. The one grunt was rebattlable, and said that there's a fancy puzzle hiding the exit, which makes me think I have to get him to stand somewhere though I don't know where. I tried updating to version 5.5 once I learnt it was out but it kinda made it worse.

The computer is now telling me " You already activated an event " and the portal chamber thing tells me " You must tell the computer which event you want to relive " leaving me no choice of selection.

I just had my snag machine fixed and I really want those shadow pokemon... Is there anything we can do or do we wait for version 6?

Sorry if this has been posted before, but a search didn't turn up much in regards to a solution.

P.S. Awesome game Jan, I really like it, I wanna see how intense the new intense mode you made is

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I dunno if these bugs were reported already,but i might as well remember/do it:

On the route 2 wood bridge,you can surf INTO the bridge,just by clicking Z (or whatever button u have) on the bridge itself.


Other bug,is that the breeder on the ship in that island where multiple dexoy appear,his audino doesn't do any attack,so basically it's a free exp. There's also another trainer,that have same bug,but i literally cannot remember where i saw it.

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jan I started again tried to use the time thing and lol guess what its buged it wont load up and I didn't try it after the frist time coz of the bug that was wrong befor 5-5 (which is the ver I started in)

Edited by lokighost
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so I'm currently at Terajuma jungle after waking up the first Vileplume... and I can't go across the bridge again to go back and heal my pokemon (where Melia and the others are waiting), it just makes that *thud*-sound like I'm walking into something


I found the way around it, across the water and now it works fine again

edit 2:

Ok that bridge is trolling hard... when you come from the water-path and jump down the ledges, the bridge functions as intended... but when you are coming outof the jungle to the left (the walking path) there is something blocking the left end of the bridge, thus not allowing you to pass...

So I continued on and from where Tropius is, I went up and used surf to see that I'm in that area again, where the others a waiting... BUT I can access the bottom ledge and walk up to the end of the map.

I thing there is just something missing to block that path.

edit 3:

also Route 5 - Valor Path... A LOT of the trees are just broken... primarily the ones on the edges

Edited by Cepheus
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Leaving Akuwa cave looks like this;

  Reveal hidden contents

And the swimmers along route 11/Akuwa shore go right through you when they approach to battle you;

  Reveal hidden contents
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When the player attempts to battle Valarie with a Shadow Pokemon, she says they are not allowed. And then she says it again. And again. Indefinitely. So the player is stuck hearing Valarie repeating this like a broken record.

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I'm sure others have encountered this, but I caught the shadow froakie when I fought Zetta and it isn't showing up in my box. Is there a way to actually get the froakie? This "caught" symbol is taunting me.


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Just a minor thing:

during the Tropius Request in Kakori Village, once you've hunted down the Egg thief in the Cabin on Route 5 it still says:


"It feels like you're being watched..."

when you come down or go back to the ladder, even though the hide and seek has been finished

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Ok... there is something about Crawli's Gym that bugs me... (hehe... 'bugs' me...)

I am on floor 0 (the top-starting area)

I alligned an open hole on Floor 1 over a webbed hole on Floor 2... I jump down... and... nothing... I'm on floor 2 even though I should have torn through the web.

I try it again... the same...

I walk around floor 2 and suddenly I'm in Room 3.3 - WUT?

I immediatley turn around thorugh the door I came and I'm in Room 3.2...


I go left from a Room on Floor 2 (I think it was 2.3) and I end up in Room 3.3 ... i go right in that room and I'm in Room 3.2 ... HOW can I change floors(vertically) when I only changed rooms (horizontally)

This Gym is cursed!!! I don't think that Crawli is using bug types anymore... he must be using Psychic or Ghost for something that spooky to happen!

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On the farthest right side of Route 10, some of the left-pushing waves don't work so you can just hit the black edge (all though I'm sure Jan knows about this one, just pointing it out).

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  On 5/27/2015 at 12:42 AM, RagesSorrow said:

Combusken Learns Bulk-Up at Level 28. For what ever reason mine didn't get the option to learn the move.

It could be that Combusken is following its Omega Ruby/Aplha Sapphire learn set and not the X & Y moveset. Try getting Combusken up to 31 and check to see if it learns Bulk Up. Also as mentioned, Bulk Up is a TM.

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