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Bug Reporting - Version 5


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  On 5/27/2015 at 2:09 AM, tails12 said:

It could be that Combusken is following its Omega Ruby/Aplha Sapphire learn set and not the X & Y moveset. Try getting Combusken up to 31 and check to see if it learns Bulk Up. Also as mentioned, Bulk Up is a TM.

This is correct. It'll learn it at lv 31. Bulk TM is the reward for defeating Keta. (As of V5)

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So I've encountered several issues with Shadow Pokemon and Hyper Mode. Such as catching a shadow pokemon in Hyper Mode and when you send it out it's still in Hyper Mode. Also the the hyper mode message spamming when the pokemon's heart is ready to open.

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so after the double battle against Venam and Saki at Tesla's Villa.

after the following event Venam still stands on her spot at the battlefield and using the same dialog like before the battle:

that makes her being in two spots simultanously - on the battlefield and in the downstairs area

Edited by Cepheus
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  On 5/27/2015 at 3:32 AM, RagesSorrow said:

So I've encountered several issues with Shadow Pokemon and Hyper Mode. Such as catching a shadow pokemon in Hyper Mode and when you send it out it's still in Hyper Mode. Also the the hyper mode message spamming when the pokemon's heart is ready to open.

I'll look into this.

  On 5/27/2015 at 5:19 PM, RagesSorrow said:

Help Mission titled "Chase Him" is supposed to award a Leaf Stone. It gives a Water Stone instead.

You sure? I just checked and "Mysterious fountain" gave the water stone and "Chase him" gives a leaf stone.

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  On 5/27/2015 at 5:22 PM, Jan said:

I'll look into this.

You sure? I just checked and "Mysterious fountain" gave the water stone and "Chase him" gives a leaf stone.

It gave me a water stone. I did the Battle Me Again post and got the Leaf Stone there. Not sure what happened there.

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  On 5/27/2015 at 9:30 PM, Oracle said:

I just downloaded the game, chose my starter, and fought the two rival battles. However, as soon as I go try to heal after the battle at the Pokemon center, the game crashes.

Does this happen every single time? What OS are you running? Have you tried making a new game?

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Sorry about that! Turns out I wasn't on the most updated version (there was a recent post about rejuvenation on imgur with a download link to version 3).

EDIT: But I have found an actual bug. I can't seem to catch pokemon! I'm on a Macbook Pro (Yosemite, Version 10.10.3), and I'm on Version 5.3.2 of Rejuvenation (aka the one you download on the "Pokemon Rejuvenation" pinned thread). And I just tried catching pokemon twice (a bidoof and a bellsprout), both of which crashed the game. immediately after the pokeball stopped shaking.

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  On 5/27/2015 at 10:50 PM, Oracle said:

Did that, still happening.

Go into your audio folder then the ME folder and delete Pokemon Healing and it should be okay. If you crash when you catch a Pokemon, delete Jingle - TMHM. It should work fine after that.

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IDK if Tile Glitches can be put in for this but:


Among others in this area have the wrong tile being used,it should be like the one opposite it.

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i've skimmed through this topic and i'm usually lurking (which is why i made this account solely for this post) and didnt find anything to at least one of those bugs:

-in one of the (earlier) xen laboratories, you can walk through the wall

-in Jirukala cavern, you can skip the whole dark cave part because the ledge doesnt work properly.

-Angies froslass isn't weak to rock but still weak to steel

-dont know if intentional or not, but before a certain double battle against 2 gym leaders, the levels of trainers rise by 10 levels from 40 to 50 while wild pokemon remain on level 30-34 making it impossible (or rather, very tiresome) to grind and making you way too underleveled for later fights. (casual difficulty)

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  On 5/27/2015 at 10:53 PM, Jan said:

Go into your audio folder then the ME folder and delete Pokemon Healing and it should be okay. If you crash when you catch a Pokemon, delete Jingle - TMHM. It should work fine after that.

This worked! Thank you.

I've found another bug, it occurs when I'm about to face Dimensional Rift Volcanion.

As soon as Aelita says "Let's get rid of it!" it crashes.

I think it's Volcanion's cry?

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If you walk against this wall you can get up here. http://gyazo.com/930ef753758bda82866dd49bfaf8fe2d

In the Pokemon Breeder Dibby battle on the boat escaping from the prison. Her Audino doesn't attack back. This is likely a scripting issue.

End of Episode 4 message still displays after beating Victoria for the Dewdrop Badge in V5.

Missing Battlefields in Battles taking place after Victoria.

Edited by RagesSorrow
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  On 5/26/2015 at 12:54 PM, Cepheus said:

Ok... there is something about Crawli's Gym that bugs me... (hehe... 'bugs' me...)

I am on floor 0 (the top-starting area)

I alligned an open hole on Floor 1 over a webbed hole on Floor 2... I jump down... and... nothing... I'm on floor 2 even though I should have torn through the web.

I try it again... the same...

I walk around floor 2 and suddenly I'm in Room 3.3 - WUT?

I immediatley turn around thorugh the door I came and I'm in Room 3.2...


I go left from a Room on Floor 2 (I think it was 2.3) and I end up in Room 3.3 ... i go right in that room and I'm in Room 3.2 ... HOW can I change floors(vertically) when I only changed rooms (horizontally)

This Gym is cursed!!! I don't think that Crawli is using bug types anymore... he must be using Psychic or Ghost for something that spooky to happen!

Which version are you playing exactly? I just checked all the warps and they send you to the right spots...

nvm, found the pesky spot.

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