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Bug Reporting - Version 5


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Im on a mac and in the Xen Lab when I get to the dimensional rift a pop up comes on to say an error occurred. Is it fixable or do you think its just a problem with wine? I have a picture attached.


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Came across an error after switching between versions 4 and 5 for some grinding and move relearning, while still on version 4 I sailed to Terajuma Island and it initiated an event which was already completed, most of the side quests involving the help center remains unchanged however I can't enter Crawli's gym, I had also sailed back to Gearen city and saw Aelita and Melia, though unable to speak to them, I attempted to find Rorrim B, the only dialogue there being what happened after defeating him. There's also no way for me to sail to the secret shore either to attempt those events yet again and Crawli's gym remains locked.

Here are some screenshots:

http://gyazo.com/46b2a71b05ab8ff50ad3c1953819be2d The pier where there's no dialogue at all, except for talking to the sailor.

http://gyazo.com/a5e2c2209c2c3a6e07e80f120bad5d06 Rorrim B after defeating him.

http://gyazo.com/efe4d0fbb064ab780f245e1873e8a10d Talking to the sailor with no option to go to the secret shore

http://gyazo.com/08fc504921273e52065beb9311ffc835 Lastly the entrance into Crawli's gym being closed off.

If there's a way to solve this without having to restart the game could someone send me a message as well?

Edited by Daelax
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Came across an error after switching between versions 4 and 5 for some grinding and move relearning, while still on version 4 I sailed to Terajuma Island and it initiated an event which was already completed, most of the side quests involving the help center remains unchanged however I can't enter Crawli's gym, I had also sailed back to Gearen city and saw Aelita and Melia, though unable to speak to them, I attempted to find Rorrim B, the only dialogue there being what happened after defeating him. There's also no way for me to sail to the secret shore either to attempt those events yet again and Crawli's gym remains locked.

Here are some screenshots:

http://gyazo.com/46b2a71b05ab8ff50ad3c1953819be2d The pier where there's no dialogue at all, except for talking to the sailor.

http://gyazo.com/a5e2c2209c2c3a6e07e80f120bad5d06 Rorrim B after defeating him.

http://gyazo.com/efe4d0fbb064ab780f245e1873e8a10d Talking to the sailor with no option to go to the secret shore

http://gyazo.com/08fc504921273e52065beb9311ffc835 Lastly the entrance into Crawli's gym being closed off.

If there's a way to solve this without having to restart the game could someone send me a message as well?

This isn't really much of an error as it is a consequence for switching between versions, which has been stated to be done at your discretion. I don't really recommend switching between versions because variables in the game can change, and this right here is a prime example of why you shouldn't. Nevertheless, I'll fix your save for you if you post it in the save file troubleshooting thread.

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Hey, I found a bug, I don't know if it's happened to someone else, but, on Terajuma Island, on the ship, there is a Trainer to battle constantly with, his first pokemon is an Audino, who behaves like a sitting duck, it doesn't attack, it does nothing until it faints, it is good for grinding, but, why does that happen?

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Hey, I found a bug, I don't know if it's happened to someone else, but, on Terajuma Island, on the ship, there is a Trainer to battle constantly with, his first pokemon is an Audino, who behaves like a sitting duck, it doesn't attack, it does nothing until it faints, it is good for grinding, but, why does that happen?

That's actually a known bug. I think Jan said he doesn't know how to fix it despite having attempted to fix it multiple times :V

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That's actually a known bug. I think Jan said he doesn't know how to fix it despite having attempted to fix it multiple times :V

Consult Ame or Dan on the matter, I know there's been trainers in Reborn who have done that at one point or another.

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I don't know if this has been reported or not, but sometimes when I run into a Pokemon center after a battle I get stopped as soon as I enter it by dialogue and my pokemon are healed instantly when the dialogue ends. It's the same dialogue as when you black out, with nurse Joy telling you "We hope you excel". This has happened in multiple pokemon centers and I have not been able to recreate the bug so I don't know what's causing it. It's not gamebreaking (it's actually pretty helpful :P)

Also, this is not a bug but the map in the pokemon center in Kakori village doesn't show the same map as the map in your CyberNav.

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I'm finding all the bugs today. In Jirukala Cavern, there's a spot that doesn't respect the fact that I used a Super Repel. I was walking around there and used surf in that little stream and ran into a wild pokemon (a Seel) after surfing for a few steps.

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I'm finding all the bugs today. In Jirukala Cavern, there's a spot that doesn't respect the fact that I used a Super Repel. I was walking around there and used surf in that little stream and ran into a wild pokemon (a Seel) after surfing for a few steps.

What level was the Seel? If your pokémon is lower leveled, then you might still encounter pokémon that are higher leveled than the pokemon who is in the first spot in your party.

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What level was the Seel? If your pokémon is lower leveled, then you might still encounter pokémon that are higher leveled than the pokemon who is in the first spot in your party.

Aaaah this makes sense. The Seel was level 47 and my Mr Mrs Ms.(?) Mime was level 46.

Two more things I found;

  1. Venum's mom still says "They're playing loud music upstairs" when I go to get the CD and clearly no one is upstairs.
  2. The Scolipede outside of Jirukala Cavern have reappeared but I can't interact with them.
Edited by vsx2000goton
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That glitch was fixed in Version 5.5. (Referring to the double battle)

Welp I just solo'd them anyway :')

Also as some people have pointed out, the time machine is still broken. I went into Jenner's lab and activated the PC but it said "You have already activated an event" and stepping into the machine lead me back to the first and only event you can relive.

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