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Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]


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I finally got my 5th Badge. And I said Version 4 is done..... So now what?

That's an error, I noted it in the known errors column. There's still 2 badges left to go. Just enter the forest. have fun.

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Oh yeah.... Jan I been wanting to know exactly WHERE did Fennekin ran off to because like I try looking for that fella everywhere in the 2nd town including Amethyst Cave which I will admit a good name for the cave in honor of Ame.

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I finally got my 5th Badge. And it said Version 4 is done..... So now what?

1. House in sheridan where the quest starts
2. Route 3, along the river on the side with the houses
3. Corta forest, small path next to the houses past the Kingdra bridge
4. Goldenleaf town directly south of entrance
5. Route 2 by the northen mini-lake
6.Velvet Apartment Rooftop
7.Goldenwood Forest (where the whismur event was, to the right of where you met melia before the cave)
8. Terujuma Shore
Good luck searching.
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Okay Guys after 2 hours of searchin, I also give up...pls send me a Pm where the Odd Key is xD after the tip with the bookshelves o thought i got it but i was wrong....

I send you, so check it.

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can anyone tell me what is the ladder for ( the one you got when rock climbing the wispy ruin) also is there anything on top of the stair (after the smack down tm there a staircase bottom of it that send you to the top and there only a trainer that said there something there but he cant find it)

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can anyone tell me what is the ladder for ( the one you got when rock climbing the wispy ruin) also is there anything on top of the stair (after the smack down tm there a staircase bottom of it that send you to the top and there only a trainer that said there something there but he cant find it)

There is a Chandelure event in the game after which you can use the ladder.

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do you mean the one in the amestyst cave where you get the lickwick??

Yes, outside where the graves are after that event there is a grave that uses the ladder, but you need to have the move Dig.

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Okie v.v I'm lost unfortunately xD I've went through Amethyst Cave several times and I must be missing it or it isn't in place v.v

I'm at the part where you have to find the cracked wall by the ladder to access Amethyst Grotto (for the 2nd badge), but I can't find it /: I checked a few LP on YT, but they must have the older version with a different layout. It wasn't in the place they went to in theirs.

Never mind xD I clicked the red stone and it unveiled the passageway.

Edited by ChocolateChip
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I've just beaten Keta's revenant and received the Diamond Punch Badge, but the gate to Route 3 (I'm assuming this is to the West of the training area in Sheridan Village) is still blocked.

Should I be going somewhere else?

Also could someone send me the Odd Key location because I guess that'll get peoples' attention.

Edited by Warusou
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