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Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]


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On 11/23/2017 at 1:37 AM, ScaldingMango said:

I'ts v9, and the girl just stole my money on route two. I cleared the route and it says i cant go in amythest cave without finding the girl who took my money..


Am i supposed to get cut and cut through trees or something?


Edit: Okay i just had to talk to a cut tree, weirdest thing lol..


For anyone that sees this post thats stuck as well, talk to the cut tree that u see west of the old lady sitting on the bench. its near a trainer. just talk to all the cut trees 

I thank you for this. Gonna pay this forward because I had to search this thread to find out what to do here. 

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24 minutes ago, wildkratt123 said:

I need help with the telia resort.The team xen grunts stormed Teslas villa I got through that then i lost the battle outside the villa and i wasnt paying attention to the dialogue so I dont know where to go

nevermind i found out what to do

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36 minutes ago, wildkratt123 said:

well im supposed to follow venam but i dont know where she went

Go to Crawli's gym, in the backroom of the arena you fought against him.

After that, there should be some dialogue with Venam when you enter Valor mountain, but if that doesn't happen you need to leave the mountain and enter from crawli's gym again or you won't be able to start a certain event.

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Hey so I've just beaten Adam and watched the cutscenes that follow, to which I then continued Narcissa's quest where I'm now in Gearen City.


My question is how the hell do I get back to GDC?? I've been to every station, tried flying, going back into the past (which I couldn't find a way to do), and nothing I've seen leads me back to where I'm meant to be.


Nevermind I figured it out, I feel so dumb lol it was the PageUp PageDown buttons

Edited by BallaZ
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i'm stuck. I beat rift Aelita and then opened the box and such. The cutscene of melia at the back of rose theatre played, then I was at the front door of the theatre. I tried to go to scholar district, but i wasn't able to. I read that im supposed to go with Erin to some place but idk what place. Can someone help?

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On 5/14/2020 at 7:44 AM, 0opsOhNo said:

i'm stuck. I beat rift Aelita and then opened the box and such. The cutscene of melia at the back of rose theatre played, then I was at the front door of the theatre. I tried to go to scholar district, but i wasn't able to. I read that im supposed to go with Erin to some place but idk what place. Can someone help?

I think I may have the same Problem.

Normally Erin should be at south of route 9, just in front of the entry to the scholar disctrict. But she isnt there. I read, that it might be a rare glitch. Anyone have a solution for this?

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6 hours ago, QueenOfDorkdom said:

I JUST started episode 3 and have NO idea where to go. Can't get into goldenwood forest. What do I do?

You'll need to get Venam to get rid of the fence in front of the gate. Go back to Gearen and talk to the guy in Venam's gym almost right in front of the door upon entering. He'll tell you where to search for her.

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If, by Goldenwood forest, you mean the route next to Sheridan, you first have to solve the issue of Carotos mountain and obtain Keta's badge, I think!

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I've got 2 issues to deal with, which I suspect might be somehow related so I'll make one post here 🙂

Issue #1 I am doing the Painting Sidequest in GDC. I'm after the thief who goes towards the underground market, but the entrance to the building is blocked by 2 people and I thus can't progress.

Issue #2 : I have finished the entire main story as of V12. However, the GDC help plaza (left wing elevator, dream apartments) is not responding. Have I missed anything?

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1 hour ago, Dofuguss said:

Where do I find Rorim B after Melia asks the protagonist to find him so she can "catch up" with Venam? I already looked all over the jungle and route 5.

He's on the northwest corner of the jungle, in the Hula Meadow. If you're having trouble finding it, you can check this guide:


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I'm in Kakori Village and a little lost. 


The last thing I did in the main plot was talk to Melia outside of Crawli's office. After a bit of dialogue, a boat pulled up to the island playing loud music and Melia having recognized the specific song rushed off. 
I've been all over the island and can't find where to trigger the next part. 


I also can't help being a bit concerned because BIGJRA's excellent guide describes a battle with Rorim B. in Hula Meadow after which Augustus is supposed to take you to Secret Shore which somehow regains you access the mainland (Gearen City etc.) but Rorim B. not there in my game.
I haven't battled Crawli yet, is this meant to be sometime after that even though the guide lists it before?

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hey devilish 

1. In the building that has crawli’s office and the gym, there’s a room with a healing star. Go to the room left of it. 

2. no it’s before you fight crawli 


Edited by HelpMiiPlease
Forgot to put who I’m addressing. Sorry
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3 hours ago, HelpMiiPlease said:

1. In the building that has crawli’s office and the gym, there’s a room with a healing star. Go to the room left of it. 

Perfect. I'm still preparing but TY.

3 hours ago, HelpMiiPlease said:

2. no it’s before you fight crawli 

Then it seems I have an issue since as I said Rorim B. isn't in my Hula Meadow. I'm actually there now because it has the highest levels for grinding and I'm shiny hunting a Trumbeak for the Crawli battle. It's a small area so doesn't take much exploring so I can guarantee he's not there. 


Full disclosure, I finished the Help Center quests. 

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On 6/5/2020 at 1:40 PM, Devilish said:

Then it seems I have an issue since as I said Rorim B. isn't in my Hula Meadow. I'm actually there now because it has the highest levels for grinding and I'm shiny hunting a Trumbeak for the Crawli battle. It's a small area so doesn't take much exploring so I can guarantee he's not there. 


Full disclosure, I finished the Help Center quests. 

Just a head's up that this issue is resolved. He appeared after I did the cut scene with Melia and Vanem. 

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