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Where do I go next? [REJUVENATION]


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@thiccivy I think i know what the problem is. This is story related so your not gonna get back their for awhile....assuming you didnt arrive throgh the claydol when you went to the desert 

if you did then you can do what Kithas suggested


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1 hour ago, kithas said:

I think the Claydol in the desert Oasis can sneak you in, it's connected with the one in the scholar disctrict's park!

Okay, I got in that way but now I'm confused as to how I get back to the stadium.

56 minutes ago, Gengar768 said:

@thiccivy I think i know what the problem is. This is story related so your not gonna get back their for awhile....assuming you didnt arrive throgh the claydol when you went to the desert 

if you did then you can do what Kithas suggested


Yeah I got in that way, thanks though

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hi guys,

i need help with the Ana-Questline. I talked to Ana and Dylan on route 9 and Route 10 is open for me.

The next step should be to talk to her inside the Blakeory Anatheum, she isn't there thou... am I Missing something?game.rxdata


found the solution. i simply forgot to return to the police station first

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I'm new to this. So I just did the thing where we find out that Cera was tricking us in the Garufra Ruins and was making a stalling plan. We went back to talk to The Eldest and Aelita and I talked to her. The Eldest then asks us whether we should go straight away or whether the protagonist should come later. I wanted to do some training so I said I'll come later. When I eventually went to Texen's house, there were two ladies saying Texen isn't ready at the moment so no one could go into the gym. They were infront of the doors which means no one can go in. Please help me. I've gone to my earliest save file but I deleted the ones before that since I delete my old save files quite regularly. The only save file I have left is the save file before the fight with Angie. I obviously don't want to fight her all over again. If it helps, I'm playing V9. Pls help since I love this game so much and it is very good. 😞 If there are any other pages that I should be asking this on please let me know since making an account on this  thing was kind of a last resort.

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Oh and also does anyone know where I can get my hands on a pseudo legendary. Any one is fine but just not hydreigon since my level cap is 55 at the moment. Thx in advance.

Actually sorry. I found out it's behind the waterfall.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone help me with eclypsia pyramid puzzle. I watched a vid and did it but I didn't save so had to start again. Now that I do it. Ren isn't able to activate the red triangle at the first stage help pls

Nvm I managed to do it.

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I am trying to do the forest restoration quest, but I cut down the blossom tree in the past so now the fisherman that is supposed to be on route 2 is not there. Is there any way to get to route 2 in the past or cannot finish the help request? And I would also like to buy the other jhoto starter crests.


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1 hour ago, DogoWaff said:


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I am trying to do the forest restoration quest, but I cut down the blossom tree in the past so now the fisherman that is supposed to be on route 2 is not there. Is there any way to get to route 2 in the past or cannot finish the help request? And I would also like to buy the other jhoto starter crests.

Interact with the ground where the cherry tree was planted back in the past once more and it should change route 2 back to how it originally looked.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I don't know if this is a bug but I'm at the part where I defeated Groudon and went back to Telia Resort where the cutscene with Melia and Venam played. After the other cutscene with Val and Venam, I went back Kakori Gym to find Crawli. I'm in the depths and I've looked up Youtube videos and I think there's supposed to be a cutscene that plays between Venam and Crawli, allowing me to get through the last doors?  But when I enter the last part of the depths they're not there and I can't get through the doors.

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