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Gym Leader Help Thread


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ur right i should replace mightyena, its just all i had on me, i havent done the chandalure event yet, but i managed to scrap by her again weirdly wihout using the feild or the sun tho it took a crap ton of resetting to get right... that rotam is a pain i dont remember it using 5 overheats then 1 struggle and returning only to be swiched out and having hidden powe ice.... had to make use of max revives for this too work.

i replaced mightyena in that fight with marowak not the best but it helped.

looking for a suggestion on a grass type to pit against eric's rotom tho, leveling up a tropius atm but i have a feeling thers better, also where do i find a cradant/corpish?

two more quistions is it worth leveling up mawile to speficly counter his mega ampheros?

and can dig/inferno brake eric's feild?

Edited by sandy
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For future reference you can always check out the pokemon location guide, but you fish for corpish with a good rod in Goldenleaf town iirc, I dont think there is necessarily a bad Grass type to have, but a lot of ppl are fond of jumpluff and there's always leafeon if you want that. I dont think Mawile has too much use in the game period imo, too slow and too frail on the SpD side. idk about his field effect tho check the mannual inside the rejuvenation folder.

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i had a look in the manual and there wasn't a section on removing it... was thinking of mawile purely for his ace and nothing more,back to grinding that tropius back up in the meantime, that also reminds me that i still have the evee event, not sure if it learns a grass move on evoulition wwill need to bulbapedia it

tho i do beleive that both tropius and jumpluff have the same problem they get destroyed by roton's HP ice

thanks for the info

edit sorry was thinking about reborn with the evee event, ive only done one of the 3 hep requests in west gearen at this time

Edited by sandy
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If you want to train a fairy for Ampharos, do you have Gardevoir? It easily swept half of Erick's and Flora's team in my run. I stopped training Mawile. It may hit pretty hard, but is slow and easily defeated by special attacks (which the last two leaders mainly use, as far as I remember).

I can't give any real suggestions about grass types, as I stopped training them in the mid-game. But I guess Tangrowth, Roserade, or Breloom are quite strong in Rejuvenation.

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i dont sadly, and i lucked out against eric, the amount of times his thunder pulse missed was unreal combine that with my inferno hit luck (3 in a row) and add dig to that, it really makes a deadly combo, tropius plyed his part also, i thinking of adding a umberon or mudkip to my team once i beat the grass leader for some bulk, i know the team i have can take her quite easily

Edited by sandy
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Any tips on Valerie? I have trouble the whole way through the battle and i've never beat her lapras.

My Team

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My Pc Pokemon (They have pretty much no evs except hp)

Electrode -33, Altaria -41, Trevenant -45, Arbok -32, Mawile -30

Edit: Nevermind i fluked it and beat her lmao

Edited by kalzone678
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  • 3 weeks later...

Crawli. Bug Type Gym Leader.

My Swoobat with simple stacked with 3 x 2 Calm Minds wrecked half of his team but there was something that troubled me so much in this battle. No, it was not the Yanmega with its enpowered Bug Buzz or the persistant rain that let my Pyroar useless against everyone but the Excavalier.

It was the Heracross! How can a Heracross just be quicker than my favorably speeded Pyroar, Dedene, Swoobat, Emolga and even worse my Greninja?! Does it have a perma-active Quickclaw or was it altered to have 500 speed at lvl 49?

That Heracross was the only reason this Gym Leader was more challenging than the others. Greninja with double water shuriken (one after he lowered its own defesnes with Close Combat) could potentialy take it down, as would Emolga if the Stone Edge did not hit or Dedene with a single Playrough. But still... :unsure:

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  On 9/14/2016 at 10:14 PM, FreeMercenary said:

Crawli. Bug Type Gym Leader.

My Swoobat with simple stacked with 3 x 2 Calm Minds wrecked half of his team but there was something that troubled me so much in this battle. No, it was not the Yanmega with its enpowered Bug Buzz or the persistant rain that let my Pyroar useless against everyone but the Excavalier.

It was the Heracross! How can a Heracross just be quicker than my favorably speeded Pyroar, Dedene, Swoobat, Emolga and even worse my Greninja?! Does it have a perma-active Quickclaw or was it altered to have 500 speed at lvl 49?

That Heracross was the only reason this Gym Leader was more challenging than the others. Greninja with double water shuriken (one after he lowered its own defesnes with Close Combat) could potentialy take it down, as would Emolga if the Stone Edge did not hit or Dedene with a single Playrough. But still... :unsure:

Might be Scarfed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

I'm seriously stuck on Angie.

I've tried quite a few different pokemon (also ones suggested on different posts) and I just can't get past her for some reason.

My team:

Hitmonchan level 55

No hold item

Inner Focus (so good against her Weavile)

Bashful nature

- Stacking Shot

- Ice Punch

- Thunder Punch

- Sky Uppercut

Seismitoad level 54

No hold item

Poison Touch

Relaxed nature

- Hydro Pump

- Mud Shot

- Surf

- Drain Punch

Sylveon level 54

No hold item


Serious nature

- Swift

- Moonblast

- Draining Kiss

- Misty Terrain

Barbaracle level 55

No hold item

Tough Claws

Sassy nature

- Cross Chop

- Stacking Shot

- AncientPower

- Razor Shell

Magneton level 55

No hold item


Hasty nature

- Spark

- Mirror Shot

- Discharge

- Magnet Rise

Arcanine level 54

No hold item


Modest nature

- Flame Burst

- Fire Fang

- Flamethrower

- Reversal


Other pokemon in my PC:

Graveler level 52

Hard Stone


Lax nature

- Earthquake

- Rock Blast

- Explosion

- Stealth Rock

Blissey level 45

No hold item

Serene Grace

Bold nature

- Fling

- Egg bomb

- Refresh

- Sing

Vivillon level 50

No hold item

Friend Guard

Jolly nature

- Hurricane

- Quiver Dance

- Psybeam

- Wish

Noivern level 51

No hold item


Quiet nature

- Roost

- Air Cutter

- Tailwind

- Air Slash

Tangrowth level 51

No hold item


Lonely nature

- Knock off

- Wild Charge

- Grassy Terrain

- Giga Drain

Mawile level 54

Metal Coat

Hyper Cutter

Adamant nature

- Iron Defense

- Play Rough

- Iron Head

- Crush

Shedinja level 49

No hold item

Wonder Guard

Impish nature

- Metal Claw

- Phantom Force

- Double Team

- Heal Block

I've tried switching out pokemon and I've trained a few from scratch (Mawile and Barbaracle) but I just can't get past her.

I'm afraid I might have to do a complete 180, but if that's the only option, then I'm not sure if I want to continue (that's why I came here!)

I coúld also put down the difficulty, but that's not really something I want to do (playing on hard atm). But it might be something that's necessary if I can't get past her this way.

Thanks for your feedback!

Edited by Thaliest
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  On 9/30/2016 at 10:00 AM, Thaliest said:

Hey everyone,

I'm seriously stuck on Angie.

I've tried quite a few different pokemon (also ones suggested on different posts) and I just can't get past her for some reason.

My team:

Hitmonchan level 55

No hold item

Inner Focus (so good against her Weavile)

Bashful nature

- Stacking Shot

- Ice Punch

- Thunder Punch

- Sky Uppercut

Seismitoad level 54

No hold item

Poison Touch

Relaxed nature

- Hydro Pump

- Mud Shot

- Surf

- Drain Punch

Sylveon level 54

No hold item


Serious nature

- Swift

- Moonblast

- Draining Kiss

- Misty Terrain

Barbaracle level 55

No hold item

Tough Claws

Sassy nature

- Cross Chop

- Stacking Shot

- AncientPower

- Razor Shell

Magneton level 55

No hold item


Hasty nature

- Spark

- Mirror Shot

- Discharge

- Magnet Rise

Arcanine level 54

No hold item


Modest nature

- Flame Burst

- Fire Fang

- Flamethrower

- Reversal


Other pokemon in my PC:

Graveler level 52

Hard Stone


Lax nature

- Earthquake

- Rock Blast

- Explosion

- Stealth Rock

Blissey level 45

No hold item

Serene Grace

Bold nature

- Fling

- Egg bomb

- Refresh

- Sing

Vivillon level 50

No hold item

Friend Guard

Jolly nature

- Hurricane

- Quiver Dance

- Psybeam

- Wish

Noivern level 51

No hold item


Quiet nature

- Roost

- Air Cutter

- Tailwind

- Air Slash

Tangrowth level 51

No hold item


Lonely nature

- Knock off

- Wild Charge

- Grassy Terrain

- Giga Drain

Mawile level 54

Metal Coat

Hyper Cutter

Adamant nature

- Iron Defense

- Play Rough

- Iron Head

- Crush

Shedinja level 49

No hold item

Wonder Guard

Impish nature

- Metal Claw

- Phantom Force

- Double Team

- Heal Block

I've tried switching out pokemon and I've trained a few from scratch (Mawile and Barbaracle) but I just can't get past her.

I'm afraid I might have to do a complete 180, but if that's the only option, then I'm not sure if I want to continue (that's why I came here!)

I coúld also put down the difficulty, but that's not really something I want to do (playing on hard atm). But it might be something that's necessary if I can't get past her this way.

Thanks for your feedback!

All you literally need to do is train Hitmonchan to like lvl 62, learn Close Combat, and then use reverse candies on it. Angie will be a piece of cake lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been trying to beat Crawli. Here's my team:

Empoleon (Lv.49) @ Splash Plate

Defiant ~ Quirky Nature

Surf - Brine - Metal Claw - Drill Peck

Zebstrika (Lv.49) @ Oran Berry

Lightningrod ~ Naive Nature

Wild Charge - Discharge - Thunder Wave - Flame Charge

Houndoom (Lv.49) @ No Item

Flash Fire ~ Bashful Nature

Flamethrower - Crunch - Nasty Plot - Foul Play

Golem (Lv.49) @ No Item

Sturdy ~ Hasty Nature

Bulldoze - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Smack Down

Swoobat (Lv.49) @ Twistedspoon

Simple ~ Naughty Nature

Psychic - Future Sight - Air Slash - Calm Mind

Pyroar (Lv.49) @ No Item

Moxie ~ Timid

Hyper Voice - Flamethrower - Crunch - Noble Roar

**On the PC**

Trevenant (Lv.47) @ Miracle Seed


Phantom Force - Horn Leech - Shadow Claw - Leech Seed

Mawile (Lv.48) @ Pixie Plate


Play Rough - Iron Head - Crunch - Baton Pass

Altaria (Lv.48) @ Draco Plate

Cloud Nine

Dragon Dance - Dragon Pulse - Moon Blast - Perish Song

Abomasnow (Lv.49) @ Nevermeltice

Snow Warning

Wood Hammer - Ice Punch - Ingrain - Blizzard

Garbodor (Lv.49)


Toxic Spikes - Toxic - Sludge Bomb - Acid Spray

Quagsire (Lv.49)

Water Absorb

Surf - Earthquake - Amnesia - Yawn

Cofagrigus (Lv.45)


Shadow Ball - Curse - Hex - WIll O Wisp

Pangoro (Lv.49)


Crunch - Parting Shot - Circle Throw - Vital Throw

Liepard (Lv.50)


Hone Claws - Assurance - Night Slash - Nasty Plot

Medicham (Lv.50)

Pure Power

High Jump Kick - Confusion - Force Palm - Recover

I get always rekt by his Yanmega. Can anyone help? Much appreciated.

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Need help with Amber's doubles gym. Started playing on version 8.1 , Typhlosion and Rotom are both fast and hard-hitting so I don't survive first turn half of the time.

Infernape (60) Iron Fist

Close Combat

Mach Punch
Dig (never hits because she switches into Zard)


Graveler (59) Sturdy - would like to evolve but idk where the Link Heart item is

Smack Down
Stone Edge - All rock moves turn into fire moves which boost Typhlosion's Flash Fire and are weak against Rotom, kind of broken :(



Golduck (59) Swift Swim

Surf - 4x weak because Sun stacks with broken field

Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt

Rock Smash

Electabuzz (59) Static - don't know where Electirizer is

Thunder Punch


Electro Ball

Thunder Wave - paralysed Typhlosion then got it's HP down to reduce Eruption's power, but then Hyper Potion was used

Abomasnow (59) Snow Warning

Blizzard - want to use this to cool down field, OHKO'd before this happens

Ice Shard

Wood Hammer

Rock Climb

--- PC Mons of Interest ---
Boldore - tried to use this to get up rocks or sandstorm, but double teamed which broke Sturdy before I could land a move

I'm yet to get a Heart Scale or Ability Capsule or the TM Rain Dance because I don't know where they are in this version

Edited by afrotail
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  On 10/25/2016 at 6:52 AM, domzzdomzz said:

Been trying to beat Crawli. Here's my team:

Empoleon (Lv.49) @ Splash Plate

Defiant ~ Quirky Nature

Surf - Brine - Metal Claw - Drill Peck

Zebstrika (Lv.49) @ Oran Berry

Lightningrod ~ Naive Nature

Wild Charge - Discharge - Thunder Wave - Flame Charge

Houndoom (Lv.49) @ No Item

Flash Fire ~ Bashful Nature

Flamethrower - Crunch - Nasty Plot - Foul Play

Golem (Lv.49) @ No Item

Sturdy ~ Hasty Nature

Bulldoze - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - Smack Down

Swoobat (Lv.49) @ Twistedspoon

Simple ~ Naughty Nature

Psychic - Future Sight - Air Slash - Calm Mind

Pyroar (Lv.49) @ No Item

Moxie ~ Timid

Hyper Voice - Flamethrower - Crunch - Noble Roar

**On the PC**

Trevenant (Lv.47) @ Miracle Seed


Phantom Force - Horn Leech - Shadow Claw - Leech Seed

Mawile (Lv.48) @ Pixie Plate


Play Rough - Iron Head - Crunch - Baton Pass

Altaria (Lv.48) @ Draco Plate

Cloud Nine

Dragon Dance - Dragon Pulse - Moon Blast - Perish Song

Abomasnow (Lv.49) @ Nevermeltice

Snow Warning

Wood Hammer - Ice Punch - Ingrain - Blizzard

Garbodor (Lv.49)


Toxic Spikes - Toxic - Sludge Bomb - Acid Spray

Quagsire (Lv.49)

Water Absorb

Surf - Earthquake - Amnesia - Yawn

Cofagrigus (Lv.45)


Shadow Ball - Curse - Hex - WIll O Wisp

Pangoro (Lv.49)


Crunch - Parting Shot - Circle Throw - Vital Throw

Liepard (Lv.50)


Hone Claws - Assurance - Night Slash - Nasty Plot

Medicham (Lv.50)

Pure Power

High Jump Kick - Confusion - Force Palm - Recover

I get always rekt by his Yanmega. Can anyone help? Much appreciated.

Ok so for you always lead Golem and get up Stealth rocks. Add Abomasnow for Hail if you want to get rid of the rain field effect. thrown in some fire types, add Cofagrigus for Bug resistance and if you want, bring in Garbador for T-spikes support and another bug resist and you should be good to go.

  On 10/25/2016 at 10:32 AM, afrotail said:

Need help with Amber's doubles gym. Started playing on version 8.1 , Typhlosion and Rotom are both fast and hard-hitting so I don't survive first turn half of the time.

Infernape (60) Iron Fist

Close Combat

Mach Punch

Dig (never hits because she switches into Zard)


Graveler (59) Sturdy - would like to evolve but idk where the Link Heart item is

Smack Down

Stone Edge - All rock moves turn into fire moves which boost Typhlosion's Flash Fire and are weak against Rotom, kind of broken :(



Golduck (59) Swift Swim

Surf - 4x weak because Sun stacks with broken field

Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt

Rock Smash

Electabuzz (59) Static - don't know where Electirizer is

Thunder Punch


Electro Ball

Thunder Wave - paralysed Typhlosion then got it's HP down to reduce Eruption's power, but then Hyper Potion was used

Abomasnow (59) Snow Warning

Blizzard - want to use this to cool down field, OHKO'd before this happens

Ice Shard

Wood Hammer

Rock Climb

--- PC Mons of Interest ---



Boldore - tried to use this to get up rocks or sandstorm, but double teamed which broke Sturdy before I could land a move



I'm yet to get a Heart Scale or Ability Capsule or the TM Rain Dance because I don't know where they are in this version

For you, I highly suggest searching the fourms and find out where you get Rain dance. There has been so many changes to the game, that I dont even know how you get it now lol. But if all that fails then what you need to do is bring back Houndoom and give it flash fire ability if it doesnt have it already to eat some fire attacks. If you wanna evolve Graveler, Link Hearts are sold on route 3 during the day time for 10,000. So you need money if you dont got it. It would also be nice if you could change Golduck's ability to Cloud nine, which negates weather. Of course you need ability capsules for that, which are also sold on route 3. You cant evolve electabuzz atm, unless you caught elekid while it was holding the electrizer.

Main things tho: Lead Graveler/Golem and soft restart until you are able to get Stealth rocks up, they are crucial for your victory. You might also need to catch some water types. I believe there are some that learn Rain dance thru level up. Abomasnow also gets rid of the Sun if you bring it out later, so use that wisely if you cant get Rain dance. Make use of status inducing mons (like Twave Electabuzz) and you should be good to go.

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  On 10/25/2016 at 8:38 PM, Milotic said:

Ok so for you always lead Golem and get up Stealth rocks. Add Abomasnow for Hail if you want to get rid of the rain field effect. thrown in some fire types, add Cofagrigus for Bug resistance and if you want, bring in Garbador for T-spikes support and another bug resist and you should be good to go.

Thanks for the tip.

I actually have to catch a Zubat, evolve it into Crobat (EV Trained: Speed, Attack, HP) and lead it with Acrobatics against Heracross. I used my Arcanine (EV Trained: Speed, Attack, Def) against Galvantula, Golem (EV Trained: HP, Attack, Speed) against Vespiquen and Yanmega using Stone Edge, and Houndoom (EV Trained: Sp.A, Speed, Sp.D) against Escavalier.

Took me a day to train them but def worth it.

Edited by domzzdomzz
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  • 4 weeks later...



Delphox [58] - Magician - None - Rash - Psychic, Cut, Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp

Stoutland [57] - Scrappy - Amulet Coin - Adamant - Work Up, Retaliate, Reversal, Take Down

Jumpluff [58] - Infiltrator - None - Hasty - Bullet Seed, Leech Seed, U-turn, Acrobatics

Floatzel [59] - Water Veil - Sea Incense - Adamant - Surf, Aqua Jet, Rock Smash, Aqua Tail

Mismagius [63] - Levitate - Twisted Spoon - Mild - Confuse Ray, Psybeam, Shadow Ball, Perish Song

Swanna [55] - Hydration - None - Rash - Air Slash, Hurricane, Surf, Roost


Pikachu [46] - Static - Exp. Share - Jolly - Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Sweet Kiss, Nasty Plot

Snover [37] - Soundproof (sadly) - None - Adamant - Swagger, Mist, Ice Shard, Wood Hammer

Mawile [30] - Intimidate - None - Careful - Vice Grip, Feint Attack, Baton Pass, Crunch

Skitty [37] - Wonder Skin - None - Hasty - Attract, Facade, Wake-Up Slap, Assist

Nuzleaf [31] - Early Bird - None - Lonely - Torment, Feint Attack, Fake Out, Leaf Blade

Growlithe [20] - Flash Fire - None - Impish - Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel

Litleo [23] - Unnerve - None - Lax - Headbutt, Noble Roar, Take Down, Fire Fang

Mystery Egg (I think its Aron)

Litleo Egg

I tried to overlevel her as you can see, but in most times, her Weavile and his Beat Up fucked all my team.

Edited by ShaylaShay
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Oops, nevermind, I did evolve the slugma and with a big bunch of luck did win ^^

Lately crawli has been having the annoying habit of 1HKOing my whole team, even when I started training specific mons to counter him...

So now I've got:

On team:

  • Venusaur (lv 48, Chlorophyll) Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Leech Seed and Petal Dance
  • Medicham (Lv 50, Huge Power) Recover Rock Smash Confusion HiJump Kick
  • Zebstrika (Lv 50 Lightningrod) Thunder Wave, Discharge, Flame Charge & Wild Charge
  • Seismitoad (50 Water Absorb) Surf, Mud Shot, Drain Punch & Bounce
  • Fearow (Lv 50 Sniper), Drill Peck, Aerial Ace, Mirror Move & Roost
  • Gourgeist (Lv 50 Insomnia) Razor Leaf, Seed Bomb, Shadow Ball & Shadow Sneak

And on PC (Actually all in one bc I've changed everything trying to beat him...)

  • Pangoro (49, Scrappy) Circle Throw, Body Slam, Karate Chop, Crunch
  • Lunatone (49, Levitate) Stone Edge, Psychic, Explosion and Rock Slide
  • Houndoom (46, Flash Fire) Fire Fang, Bite, Foul Play, Flame Charge
  • Swoobat (44, Simple) Attract, Psychic, Air Slash, Assurance
  • Magcargo(50 Magma armor), Flame Burst, Rock Slide, Earth Power & Lava Plume
  • Mismagius (41, Levitate) Confuse Ray, Hex, Pain Spilt and Psybeam

What can I do? Thank you in advance :unsure:

And well I obviously have other underleveled mons on the pc but I'm not going to put here two full pc boxes whith mons under their forties... Unless my team is hopless, that is.

Edited by kithas
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Thanks! I already did crawli anyways, with the help of the magcargo and underleveling a level my mons (I hate-love that weird thing when they go easier on you bc you have lesser levels lol) but I think I'll do the thing with Swoobat. Thanks!

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So I'm sorry to write after myself but I may or may not have encountered another obstacle in Angie... And seeing how easy is for her to sweep through my team made to counter Ice types I thought I could use some help... If only, about the choice of the team components...

Mons in team:

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In the box:


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Again, thanks a lot!

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Use Arcanine and Medicham. Arcanine will be a pretty good lead (level it up though) against Weavile. Medicham's wallbreaking capabilities can easily 1 or 2 shot Walrein with High Jump Kick. Replace Lunatone and Seismitoad. I can't really see the being of better usage than Medicham and Arcanine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/25/2016 at 10:32 AM, afrotail said:

Need help with Amber's doubles gym. Started playing on version 8.1 , Typhlosion and Rotom are both fast and hard-hitting so I don't survive first turn half of the time.

Infernape (60) Iron Fist

Close Combat

Mach Punch
Dig (never hits because she switches into Zard)


Graveler (59) Sturdy - would like to evolve but idk where the Link Heart item is

Smack Down
Stone Edge - All rock moves turn into fire moves which boost Typhlosion's Flash Fire and are weak against Rotom, kind of broken :(



Golduck (59) Swift Swim

Surf - 4x weak because Sun stacks with broken field

Aqua Tail

Zen Headbutt

Rock Smash

Electabuzz (59) Static - don't know where Electirizer is

Thunder Punch


Electro Ball

Thunder Wave - paralysed Typhlosion then got it's HP down to reduce Eruption's power, but then Hyper Potion was used

Abomasnow (59) Snow Warning

Blizzard - want to use this to cool down field, OHKO'd before this happens

Ice Shard

Wood Hammer

Rock Climb

--- PC Mons of Interest ---
Boldore - tried to use this to get up rocks or sandstorm, but double teamed which broke Sturdy before I could land a move

I'm yet to get a Heart Scale or Ability Capsule or the TM Rain Dance because I don't know where they are in this version


lvl 60 houndoom with flash fire reks that gym(nasty plot) , any pokemon with flash fire is mvp this fight, i legit won this fight with a chandelure with flash fire and a typlosion with flash fire(egg from carotos mountain) , didnt even need to use any other pokemon just some hyper potions here and there.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Global Mods

Currently having some trouble with Narcissa.



Blaziken LV 39, Naughty, Speed Boost, No Item, Blaze Kick/Stacking Shot/Poison Sweep/Bulk Up

Nidoqueen LV 38, Rash, Sheer Force, Poison Barb, Poison Sweep/Crunch/Body Slam/Toxic Spikes

Meowstic LV 38, Sassy, Competitive, Twistedspoon, Psyshock/Shadow Ball/Flash/Light Screen

Gourgeist LV 38, Gentle, Pickup, No Item, Shadow Sneak/Razor Leaf/Shadow Ball/Leech Seed

Dewgong LV 36, Adamant, Hydration, No Item, Ice Shard/Aqua Jet/Headbutt/Brine

Altaria LV 38, Bashful, Cloud Nine, No Item, Dragonbreath/Disarming Voice/Cotton Guard/Mist


Trained Pokemon in box:

Golem LV 36, Modest, Hard Stone, Rollout/Magnitude/Stealth Rock/Rock Polish

Swanna LV 35, Calm, Sharp Beak, Air Slash/Water Pulse/Rain Dance/Roost

Clefairy LV 29, Modest, No Item, Magical Leaf/Stored Power/Sweet Kiss/Minimize  (need second moonstone and no calm mind available hurts)


Main problem is nobody but Blaziken hits very hard. Blaziken could set up on spiritomb by healing the sleep and getting free turns with dream eater, but was completely walled by flashfire Chandelure. Plus I'd like to be able to do things without having to just rely on Blaziken and/or cheesy item stalling.


I'm fine with training up new pokemon if I need to.


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  On 1/9/2017 at 4:33 AM, DreamblitzX said:

Currently having some trouble with Narcissa.



Blaziken LV 39, Naughty, Speed Boost, No Item, Blaze Kick/Stacking Shot/Poison Sweep/Bulk Up

Nidoqueen LV 38, Rash, Sheer Force, Poison Barb, Poison Sweep/Crunch/Body Slam/Toxic Spikes

Meowstic LV 38, Sassy, Competitive, Twistedspoon, Psyshock/Shadow Ball/Flash/Light Screen

Gourgeist LV 38, Gentle, Pickup, No Item, Shadow Sneak/Razor Leaf/Shadow Ball/Leech Seed

Dewgong LV 36, Adamant, Hydration, No Item, Ice Shard/Aqua Jet/Headbutt/Brine

Altaria LV 38, Bashful, Cloud Nine, No Item, Dragonbreath/Disarming Voice/Cotton Guard/Mist


Trained Pokemon in box:

Golem LV 36, Modest, Hard Stone, Rollout/Magnitude/Stealth Rock/Rock Polish

Swanna LV 35, Calm, Sharp Beak, Air Slash/Water Pulse/Rain Dance/Roost

Clefairy LV 29, Modest, No Item, Magical Leaf/Stored Power/Sweet Kiss/Minimize  (need second moonstone and no calm mind available hurts)


Main problem is nobody but Blaziken hits very hard. Blaziken could set up on spiritomb by healing the sleep and getting free turns with dream eater, but was completely walled by flashfire Chandelure. Plus I'd like to be able to do things without having to just rely on Blaziken and/or cheesy item stalling.


I'm fine with training up new pokemon if I need to.



Yo, Its been a mintue since I replayed the beginning of the game, so bear with me.


Blaziken and Nidoqueen seem like your hardest hitters with blaze kick and crunch (despite dark moves doing less damage) . Meowstic with shadow ball could be useful too since its fast and ghost moves are boosted in that battle. Because the game has changed so much its kinda hard to remember what is available to help you out right now. So the best advice i can give is to find some helpful normal types, since they are imune to ghostly wail. Use the location guide to help you out. Altaria with dragon breath is good to para your opponent so they're easier to deal with. Replacing your dewgong with a better water type may be able to help you out as well, since its not very good. Like before refer to the location guide to help you find good pokemon. Houndoom also deals with chandelure, if you dont mind training one up.

Edited by Milotic
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  On 1/10/2017 at 12:52 AM, Milotic said:

Yo, Its been a mintue since I replayed the beginning of the game, so bear with me.


Blaziken and Nidoqueen seem like your hardest hitters with blaze kick and crunch (despite dark moves doing less damage) . Meowstic with shadow ball could be useful too since its fast and ghost moves are boosted in that battle. Because the game has changed so much its kinda hard to remember what is available to help you out right now. So the best advice i can give is to find some helpful normal types, since they are imune to ghostly wail. Use the location guide to help you out. Altaria with dragon breath is good to para your opponent so they're easier to deal with. Replacing your dewgong with a better water type may be able to help you out as well, since its not very good. Like before refer to the location guide to help you find good pokemon. Houndoom also deals with chandelure, if you dont mind training one up.



Sadly the field lets ghost hit normal for SE damage, but I considered training a scrappy pangoro. Houndoom is a good call, I'll see if I can find a houndour. I'd love a better water type, dewgong hits like a wet noodle but I'm struggling to find one. crunch seemed to do unfortunately little but maybe that was just the particular pokemon.

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Nvm just beat her after 5hours

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