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Rainbows in the Skies..


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So in my current run, I've decided to make a team based on using the Rainbow field. I'd like some suggestions for the team.

These are the details of the field..

"What does it mean?"

* The secondary effect chance of all moves is doubled

* Created by Fire Pledge + Water Pledge, or by cancelling Rainy or Sunny weather with

its opposite

* Cloud Nine will randomly boost one stat at the end of each turn

* The ability Marvel Scale is activated

* Wonderskin will evade all status moves (from 50%)

* Normal moves increase base power x1.5 and apply damage of a random type

* The follow moves gain a x1.5 increase in power:

Silver Wind Mystical Fire Dragon Pulse Tri Attack Sacred Fire

Fire Pledge Water Pledge Grass Pledge Aurora Beam Judgment

Relic Song Hidden Power Secret Power Weather Ball Mist Ball

Heart Stamp Moon Blast Zen Headbutt

* The following moves suffer a x0.5 decrease of power:

Dark Pulse Night Daze Shadow Ball

* The following moves' stat-boosting effect is amplified:

Meditate Cosmic Power

* Wish restores 75% of the user's Max HP (from 50%)

* Nightmare and Bad Dreams have no effect.

* Sleep Pokemon recover 1/16 Max HP each turn

* Sonicboom deals 140 flat HP damage

* Nature Power becomes Aurora Beam

* Camouflage changes the user's type to Dragon

This is what I have so far..

Ninetails@Heat Rock (Drought)


HP Dark



Politoed@Damp Rock (Drizzle) [once available]

Hydro Pump

Hyper Voice

Mud Bomb

HP Poison

Volcarona@Insect Plate (Flame Body) [once available]

Silver Wind

Quiver Dance

Fiery Dance

HP Electric

Altaria@Steel Plate (Cloud Nine)

HP Steel

Dragon Pulse

Moon Blast


Ludicolo@Big Root (Rain Dish)

Nature Power

Giga Drain

HP Flying

Leech Seed

Medicham@Big Root (Pure Power)

Secret Power

Zen Headbutt

Drain Punch

Rock Slide/Meditate

Blastoise@Damp Rock (Rain Dish)

Dragon Pulse

Aura Sphere

Water Pulse

Rain Dance

Any suggestions for some more mons??

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Dammit. I thought "Once available" meant "it was available for a while in the past but isn't now", not "whenever we get one", since King's Rock was a thing in E9-ish, so Politoed WAS available. *sigh* I'm stupid.

Anyways, gonna put something together here, gimme a sec.

EDIT: So here we go. First of all, let's see what can be done to improve your current set-up.

For Ninetales, I think you'd be much better just sticking with attacks than going for a WoW-Hex combo. If you go back to pre-E13, you can get it Energy Ball. There's also Extrasensory from any episode (and the in-rainbow-20% flinch chance is nice enough). Both have a 10% chance to do stuff, so yeah. With Psychic, Grass and Fire, HP Rock or Ground round out your coverage very well.

For Politoed, pre-E13 nets you both Psychic and Ice Beam, as well as (but you can skip it) Scald. Since your team is sorta slow, you could also hit up the 7th Street tutors to get Icy Wind instead of Ice Beam.

With Volcarona, HP Grass would be much better than Electric IMO, since it hits both Water and Rock super-effectively. Sure, Electric hits Flying types Super-effectively, but Rock is a much bigger threat to Volcarona.

Though I'm really not expecting this thing within the next 3 episodes at least, sadly.

Here's an odd one. Honestly, beside Cloud Nine, I don't really see much of a reason to run Altaria? If you wanna stick with it...um...give it Iron Tail for 60% chance of Defense drops? Altaria gets next to nothing good. Maybe Ice Beam from pre-E13.

I think you should run Swift Swim over Rain Dish since your team IS rather slow, so having at least one speedy thing (without set-up) is nice. Again, Scald from pre-E13. Your team also isn't that bulky, so Leech Seed stalling wouldn't be terribly effective. Try maybe Brick Break, or Zen Headbutt (Swift Swim+40% flinch chance? sounds good to me).

...eh. Medicham really isn't that good without it's mega. Yeah, hits hard, but it's slow and rather frail. You have no Electric coverage, so I'd run Thunder Punch. For a Fighting STAB, you could also run Force Palm for 60% chances to para. And I'd really recommend Bullet Punch to help with that pitiful speed. Also, maybe Rock Tomb>Rock Slide since Medicham won't be flinching anything anyways and the Speed drops can really help your team out.

Your team isn't really dependent on having weather except for setting the field effect, so I really don't think you need Rain Dance on Blastoise. Again, Ice Beam and Scald from pre-E13 are a thing. There's also Dark Pulse, but I'd instead recommend Flash Cannon.

For other stuff you can use, I'd have 5 recommendations: Sigilyph, Lickilicky, Roserade, Whimsicott and Heliolisk. Sigilyph's flagship set based around Cosmic Power and Stored Power works really well with the fact that the Rainbow field doubles Cosmic Power's boosts are doubled. That means not only doubled defenses in one turn, but also a 100 BP Stored Power in one go. Next, Air Slash and Charge Beam/Ancient Power are excellent moves to go with SP. Air Slash gives you a 60% chance to flinch the foe, Charge Beam is guaranteed to boost your special attack, and Ancient Power is coverage (but CB>AP by a mile IMO). Tailwind is also an option to support the team.

Since status moves are incredibly uncommon in Reborn, you can run Tinted Lens for "coverage" instead of the common Magic Guard, though there is a Life Orb in the game (not 100% legally, but hey).

Lickilicky not only gets Cloud Nine, it gets stupidly good coverage. It's insane how many different moves this thing can run, the majority of which have some added effects (E12 is this thing's best friend). Of course, Normal moves are amplified in that field as well and Body Slam also has a natural 30% chance to para stuff. You can also have it go the defensive route with those boosted Wishes, though there's no need for defensive things in-game.

Roserade gets it's Hidden Power boosted not only by the field, but also by Technician, giving you a 135 BP Hidden Power. And it also gets Weather Ball, so yeah.

Whimsicott has that priority with Rain Dance/Sunny Day, boosted Moonblast, Memento to help Volcarona's or Lickilicky's set-up and Solar Beam STAB.

Aaaaaand Heliolisk is pretty obvious considering the fact that you have a Ninetales around (Solar Power). Thunderbolt, HP Ice, Grass Knot and Charge Beam/Dark Pulse are all good moves for it.

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I suggest running water pledge over water pulse on blastoise, since we will wait a lot till we can mega evolve it. Also you can team it up with typhlosion (or emboar) until we get volcarona, with fire pledge to have an alternative way to set up the field. Definetely run meditate on medicham and i suggest to add a magnezone with sonicboom/tri attack/flsah cannon/discharge(thunder when available) until we can get politoad or instead the ludicolo

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Wow that is a lot of stuff Etesian.. I think I will have a go at this.. I had that Blastoise ready for Mega Evolution.. I may actually change it.. Altaria I kept considering Dragon Pulse and Moonblast get boosted in the field.. I think I will actually have all of these ready.. Whimsicott, Roserade, Heliolisk, Sigilyph(CB) will all be useful against Amaria.. Thanks for the suggestions.. I'll skip the politoed for now.. Get rain dance on something else..

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Wow that is a lot of stuff Etesian.. I think I will have a go at this.. I had that Blastoise ready for Mega Evolution.. I may actually change it.. Altaria I kept considering Dragon Pulse and Moonblast get boosted in the field.. I think I will actually have all of these ready.. Whimsicott, Roserade, Heliolisk, Sigilyph(CB) will all be useful against Amaria.. Thanks for the suggestions.. I'll skip the politoed for now.. Get rain dance on something else..

Yeah, haha, that's kinda what I do in this section for almost every team in this section, your's has got an interesting twist to it. Anyways, both Megas and stuff like Volc are most likely still in the far-off future, so I think the stuff I recommended should have you covered, at least until that stuff becomes obtainable. And like I said, Whimsicott with Rain Dance sounds good to me, but you can have anything bulky and/or fast do it, even Ludicolo will do.

Anyways, for the pre-E13 stuff, my pinned guide in this section has a download link for E12 and, should you need it, you can PM me to ask how to get a specific move or something. And for Politoed, King's Rocks used to be obtainable via Pick-up in E9, for which I have a link lying around somewhere, one I can find for ya, should you ever change your mind.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd love to give my opinion, but all I see is:

What. WHERE?! And when and how?

Can you see it now?? :D She is finally here!!! My sun team is going to murder all you little bitches!!!!

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you could always get a politoad right now -- just save on the 10th floor of the department store (if you have all of the stickers), transfer your file to E13, and then enjoy being free to buy your king's rock. (and some other things. if you want. :] ) be sure to save after and transfer your file while still in the building though, or else your game will probably crash. and as always, switching between episodes carries the risk of save file corruption.

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you could always get a politoad right now -- just save on the 10th floor of the department store (if you have all of the stickers), transfer your file to E13, and then enjoy being free to buy your king's rock. (and some other things. if you want. :] ) be sure to save after and transfer your file while still in the building though, or else your game will probably crash. and as always, switching between episodes carries the risk of save file corruption.

Exactly why I have no issues waiting..

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