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How much happiness does it take away?

2 points 5 points? 10 points?


BTW jan there is a minor glitch you should look into

when i was fighting narcissia every second time id fight her my game would crash

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Actually Jan, it's not the Salons that really help you make your pokemon happy in reborn. At least -fast-. Pokesnaxs are. And i was thinking how come you didn't make GourmetTreats do the same tbh :o. After all pokesnax's average price is 400 pokedollars in reborn and you need like 40 of em so roughly 16000 pokedollars or sth to evolve an eevee to Sylveon/Umbreon/Espeon or Marill to Azumarill (Awwww Zuzu :3). And like 2 visits to both Salons if i remember correctly. So making it give less or same happiness (dk how that works tbh) and at the cost of 2000 each to boost our happiness a bit would help. Btw, if crobat needs 220 happiness such as swoobat, idk why your's hasn't evolved. My woobat evolved on 29 (had it hold soothe bell as well for like 2-3 lvls).

Oh and Anti-Fern, double posting isn't really allowed btw, you can get reported for that. Just informing so that Jericho doesn't take action :P.

Edited by timbla
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I think Jericho as said somethink about the double posting befor and I just ran around doing still things with gorbat on me and no lvling him till I felt he was at the right happyness

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  On 5/1/2015 at 8:37 PM, timbla said:

Actually Jan, it's not the Salons that really help you make your pokemon happy in reborn. At least -fast-. Pokesnaxs are. And i was thinking how come you didn't make GourmetTreats do the same tbh :o. After all pokesnax's average price is 400 pokedollars in reborn and you need like 40 of em so roughly 16000 pokedollars or sth to evolve an eevee to Sylveon/Umbreon/Espeon or Marill to Azumarill (Awwww Zuzu :3). And like 2 visits to both Salons if i remember correctly. So making it give less or same happiness (dk how that works tbh) and at the cost of 2000 each to boost our happiness a bit would help. Btw, if crobat needs 220 happiness such as swoobat, idk why your's hasn't evolved. My woobat evolved on 29 (had it hold soothe bell as well for like 2-3 lvls).

Oh and Anti-Fern, double posting isn't really allowed btw, you can get reported for that. Just informing so that Jericho doesn't take action :P.

I didn't even know that was a function... I will definitely add this in for V6. Also dw Anti-Fern, I fixed your post.

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  On 5/1/2015 at 8:19 PM, The Anti-Fern said:

How much happiness does it take away?

2 points 5 points? 10 points?


BTW jan there is a minor glitch you should look into

when i was fighting narcissia every second time id fight her my game would crash

In Gen 6, if your Pokemon has 0-99 Friendship points, leveling up gives it +5. At 100-199, it changes to +4. Then, at 200-255, it goes down to +2. I'd assume it would be the same: -2, then -4, then -5. But I don't know for sure.

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yeah well ive got a shiny eevee to make into an umbreon then back to breeding my eevee's but because of its 3 max iv's the shiny eevee after it evolves will be going into the daycare along with the sylveon to breed got lucky the shiny is also a female

and i think somewhere in reborn you could get that pokesnacks for 200poke i dont remember where and dont quote me on it but i think there is...

29 posts to go till the 500 mark i meant to do this notice at 30 posts to go but i messed up

Edited by Hypa
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Ya know what

for now i'm done

i like rejuvenation but THE GRINDING IS SO BAD

i can't find a dusk stone ANYWHERE for my lampent and GOLBAT just WONT evolve

i'm waiting for episode 6 so golbat can travel with me and i can find a dusk stone


Your litterally jesus


BTW im in need of a dark type

do i go Honchcrow or is there something better?

ok third edit here

why is there a littler girl named mathew stranded on a small streach of land in the water in golden leaf yelling at me?

Edited by The Anti-Fern
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deep forest , in the south east near the tropious , jan you ruined the shiny sprite of breon .... i wanna kill you and where is dark pulse ? o.o

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  On 5/1/2015 at 10:20 PM, timbla said:

Actually it's next to the river before you enter/exit (depends on the way you go) to the Tropius area. (The north gate)

^^^^This one right here.

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  On 5/1/2015 at 8:06 PM, Chubb the Pig said:

They're actually called Reverse Candies, but I think Shing is right. They're the opposite of Rare Candies, level up your Pokemon, causing it to be happier (friendship is boosted by leveling up). Reverse Candies would therefore de-level your Pokemon and decrease their happiness.

Do you know how much the happiness gets raised per rare candy? Becuase I gave my Eevee 9 rare candies just to test and see if it would evolve but it didnt lol and this is after training it 25 levels, with the soothe bell.

Edit: Nevermind I saw your post explaining it

Edited by SexyMilotic
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on the other hand i fed a rare candy to my sylveon at lv 56--->57 and it evolved , i soft reset leveled till 60 and it didnt evolve if that helps you work it out

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I was too bored chasing a sht like Mudkip around and decided to go and do the Chandelure, mommy event XD. And lets not forget the waste of super repels!

Edited by timbla
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yes i think he goes up near to the top of the cliff side after that near the hole that has two rocks blocking it, after that he goes back into his nook behind the waterfall

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