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Need some advice


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Hey, so I made the mistake of going for a mono rock run lol. This has put me in a situation of having to have just an onix vs the pulse tangrowth.

Now I've ev trained this onix with Hp and SpD max with a curse set. I thought this would be enough, but between the forest boosted mega drains and growth it is very difficult. Even when I do para it with dragonbreath I still come short.

I'm currently overleveling to obtain screech and then brining it back down to 25, but I was wondering if I could ask your all's expertise itemwise.

I currently have one X spec def, and I'm planning to by some ice cream for healing, but do you all know of any more hidden items I can find that will help me? Like more x spec defs or a good hold item I can use? I will stop this thing! Thanks!

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Sorry to say I know almost nothing of item placement (which is sad, considering the amount of times I've played this game) But after reading you were doing a mono rock run I just had to say good luck. There is an item guide in the "On the Hunt" section of the forums, but it helps if you know exactly what you're looking for.

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