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Alakazam or Gardevoir


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Currently I am trying weigh the pros and cons of Alakazam vs Gardevoir.

I am leaning towards Gardevoir because of telepathy (I use Earthquake a lot) and it's better type coverage than Alakazam.

My con for Gardevoir are the base stat differences mostly the speed difference.

I need help I am playing on an older Reborn so I have access to both of them right now at the start. :D

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Gardevoir is the one I personally like more, cuz of the STAB Moonblast. Alakazam only gets Dazzling Gleam as of Fairy coverage, and that TM is way too good for Ame to give to us right now. (Probably once we defeat Adrienn).

Besides, you don't have to train a Bidoof up to Level 15 for that Ralts. To me, that's just so much work, especially since the only good training spots are the alleys before Julia.

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Okay sounds good, I actually just got a 31 S.Attack and S.Defence IV Ralts. It will make good breeding stock.

Edit: Since I am going with the Ralts chain I am thinking the moves I am going with are: Psychic, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, and Thunderbolt.

Any suggstions, I haven't built a Gardevoir since they became a dual type.

Edited by Ganolth
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That is a good idea I have it on my Alakazam on my other save file. Which move would you recommend getting rid of for Calm Mind? I am thinking Shadow Ball, because I will have plenty of Ghost coverage in my team.

Edit: Also replacing Venusaur with Gengar.

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Decent Fairy-type Pokemon are hard to come by currently. Outside of Sylveon and Clefable, I'm hard pressed to think of another Pokemon that has a strong STAB Fairy-type move, all the while providing secondary coverage for one of it's weaknesses (Poison). Dual-type coverage is a definite perk for Gardevior, and though you'll sacrifice speed, its overall base stats more than make up for the loss. Not to mention you'll save yourself a Link Stone, as well as have STAB Psychic and Fairy coverage.

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I haven't used Alakazam in reborn yet due to it coming so late and my team is usually just about finished at that point. Gardevoir's dual coverage is pretty good and her physical def along with her hp are both 20 points higher than Alakazam making her physical survivablity way higher. Alakazam dies if something farts in its general direction buuuuuuut his speed and power are no joke. Use wise fairy coverage wins since poison types and steel types aren't the most common among enemy usage while fighting types and dark types are everywhere. Plus Lin and Sapphira use dragons, I'd rather be ready for them.

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Using either of these Pokemon without Calm Mind is extremely sub-optimal.

Also a lot of users are selling short Alakazam's special bulk. It's strong enough on the special side to take most special attacks and it's fast enough to get up a Calm Mind before it can get hit, so with some form of healing between Recover and Ice Creams, Alakazam is easily capable of setting up with Calm Mind and sweeping.

Run Psychic / Calm Mind and then pick two from Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Reflect.

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