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Which one is the best starter?

Ulrike M

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The best starter? Well Torchic is probably the best, since Speed Boost and give attacks make it so good. Charmander is pretty good early game, since Dragon Rage beats the early game gym leaders. Overall, I think Fire Types are one of the best starters in Reborn. I don't like Fennekin or Tepig though.

I personally like Torchic and Froakie as starters.

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Honestly I never liked Froakie.. It doesn't really have the moves and we barely get any good TMs.. So it really cuts down on Greninja's usefulness..

Even squirtle isn't all that great.. It needs it's mega to be useful.. You can always go with Charmander/Torchic/Chimchar.. Even Mudkip and Totodile are good.. Snivy is supposed to be good if you know how to use it.. I always liked bulbasaur due to sleep powder and leech seed.. It all depends on your preference..

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I picked Mudkip, and it's great against Julia but then it stinks in the Grass-heavy parts of the game until you get to Corey.

You can get Mudkip later in the game though, something I didn't know at the time I picked it . . . :(

For that reason, I'd recommend against Mudkip now. Fire starters are clearly the best, especially since Vulpix is going to be moved in E15.

I might try Fennekin if I do another run . . .

Edited by ReddestDream
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  On 4/26/2015 at 4:26 PM, Ashes said:

Chimchar is my personal favourite 'cause my first game was Pearl, but ultimately Protean Froakie is without a doubt the best starter hands down. Greninja is the first starter-evolution to ever reach smogon ubers, which I think is enough to justify Greninja's status :')

I understand your enthusiasm, but Blaziken has been renting apartments in ubers long before Greninja moved into the neighbourhood.

Still the best starter. Relies on its own strength, its own movepool via level-up, is a killer-chicken and has fabulous hair.

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I'll try to put them in my own tiers...

Easy: Torchic (obviously), Froakie (again, obvious), Cyndaquil (for that Eruption), Mudkip, Chimchar, Turtwig (since y'all like him so much), Snivy (Contrary FTW), Tododile (Sheer Force is beautiful)

Normal: Piplup (Defiant is pretty nice for a Mixed set), Charmander (although he seems kinda Borderline here), Bulbasaur (some may disagree), Squirtle, Fennekin, Chespin (even though I love him), Treeko (Stats are good, but movepool is lacking)

Hard: Tepig, Oshawott, Chikorita (this one here is probably on the verge of falling off Hard into Insane)

The ones you can get ingame now are (they'll all be Events sooner or later, but the most powerful will obviously be later in the game):

Chikorita, Tepig, Mudkip, Piplup, Chespin, and Cyndaquil. Hopefully I'm not missing anyone.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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Mudkip! It helps especially on the first gym and helps you get a "stable" team since you have a poke that you can rely on in a tough spot. It has decent attack + SATT and has that bulk. It definitely saved me quite a bit throughout the game.

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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:31 AM, Sonikku said:

Protean makes him and his evolutions some of the best Pokemon in the game. Also the fastest starter at 122. (Greninja)

But Greninja doesn't even get many good moves until very late into the game, due to there not being many useful TMs.

Torchic is overall the best starter, due to it being very useful throughout the whole game, with Chimchar coming in second place IMO. I'd say Cyndaquil is the 3rd best fire starter, and one of the better starters overall due to the massive power spike Eruption can give it after getting the move re-learner's house key in the underground railway. (Before that point it's a pretty average fire type.)

Edited by Mighty Kamina
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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:35 AM, Mighty Kamina said:

But Greninja doesn't even get many good moves until very late into the game, due to there not being many useful TMs.

But which is more important? Moveset of Hydro Pump Dark Pulse Ice Beam Grass Knot? W/ PROTEAN? Look up on smogon. Bet thats a set they reccomend. I thought this was for pokemon entirely? Not reborn? ah well.

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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:44 AM, Sonikku said:

But which is more important? Moveset of Hydro Pump Dark Pulse Ice Beam Grass Knot? W/ PROTEAN? Look up on smogon. Bet thats a set they reccomend. I thought this was for pokemon entirely? Not reborn? ah well.

I believe this thread is for Reborn specifically, and in Reborn, Froakie isn't very good for most of the game.

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Forget my first answer, I'll quote myself to answer this:

  On 4/27/2015 at 3:03 AM, Vinny said:

The best starter is the one that fits the team you'll plan on having in the future.

Cliché, but true.

Every single starter is gonna get rekt by Julia bar Marshtomp anyway. And Marshtomp is a disaster against Flo.

Go with personal preference. You're already winning that way.

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Best starter is Blaziken. I've literally had entire matches where he was outclassed due to typing and he wins. Its pretty OP for a starter. Greninja didn't quite do it for me even with protean. Charizard is my favorite but that 4x rock tho. Chesnaught straight drilled through teams for me. Spiky shield-> leech seed-> spiky shield-> attack. In double battles I had him drain teams to death. He even (albeit with massive help) took down Charolotte's squad. He did not die and this was pre-nerf. All this information though is relatively useless since one pokemon cant handle every situation even if it can handle very tough ones. Pick the one you like.

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