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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(22:25:57) +Maelstrom: what do you have to say inyour defense?
(22:26:23) Very Dana: go suck a co...
(22:26:23) ~~~ Very Dana was banned ~~~
(22:26:29) Zetaark: wow
(22:26:31) Summer: cookie
(22:26:31) Raging Demon Aeon: Oh
(22:26:35) Summer: cookie
(22:26:37) Summer: cookie
(22:26:40) [星] Shanco: ow
(22:26:41) Zetaark: ...
(22:26:42) [星] Shanco: wow*
(22:26:47) Raging Demon Aeon: That was just
(22:27:00) Zetaark: disappointing
(22:27:05) Raging Demon Aeon: Good show
(22:27:12) Very Dana: I cheated death fuckers
(22:27:19) Raging Demon Aeon: Here I was munching almonds
(22:27:19) Zetaark: /ban Very Dana
(22:27:37) Zetaark: congratulations

(22:27:57) +Maelstrom: He was reborn.
(22:28:02) Zetaark: ...
(22:28:03) Very Dana: :I
(22:28:03) *** Maelstrom was shot from the grassy knoll ***
(22:28:17) *** Summer hides guns. ***
(22:28:25) *** Zetaark takes guns ***
(22:28:34) *** Such Hori is guns ***

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You're all meanies >:I

(22:12:54) Roo The Fush: oh hi 2Roo4You.

(22:13:05) Roo The Fush: What do you need from me on this fine day
(22:13:06) Aaron: everyone should make a roo name
(22:13:08) [RB]tomoyo wolf: why no
(22:13:13) Roo The Fush: DENIED.
(22:13:13) Aaron: just to make shit really confusing
(22:13:14) Zetaark: oh gosh
(22:13:15) Rooreeloo: the only thing of note is fletchinder
(22:13:19) Roo The Fush: HEY, I'M THE LEADING MAN!

(22:13:25) Jacze: Nah
(22:13:25) Zetaark: sure you are

(22:13:30) Raging Demon Aeon: Next minute
(22:13:32) Raging Demon Aeon: muted
(22:13:33) Rooreeloo: thats the only problem with ignore
(22:13:36) Aaron: what is roo even from
(22:13:36) Roo The Fush: STEP ASIDE BALTHIER
(22:13:39) Aaron: it sounds dumb

(22:13:43) Jacze changed names and is now known as Leading Roo.

(22:13:44) [RB]tomoyo wolf: ok ok

(22:13:47) Roo The Fush: desuland is-
(22:13:48) Roo The Fush: ...
(22:13:49) [Ghost]Requieon: and roo, you got me my gale wings fletch, that aint worthless

(22:14:22) Roo The Fush changed names and is now known as Real Leading Roo.

(22:14:26) Real Leading Roo: I'M THE LEADING MAN HERE
(22:14:31) Rooreeloo changed names and is now known as XCom Rookie.

(22:14:31) Leading Roo: NO ME
(22:14:34) Real Leading Roo: NO ME
(22:14:37) Leading Roo: NO ME
(22:14:43) Aaron: no you
(22:14:43) [RB]tomoyo wolf: alice
(22:14:46) Aaron: hue hue hue
(22:14:52) XCom Rookie: i needed to change my name so people would tell me apart from the others
(22:14:53) [Ghost]Requieon: they are multiplying, KILL IT WITH FIRE
(22:14:54) Aaron: Roo is the leading man.
(22:14:56) Aaron: hue hue hue

(22:14:59) Leading Roo: definitely not Aaron.
(22:15:03) Real Leading Roo: Questionn 1: How many cookies do I eat in one day?
(22:15:05) Leading Roo: hue desu hue.

(22:15:08) Leading Roo: 5
(22:15:10) Aaron: Roo > Roo > Roo
(22:15:13) Real Leading Roo: ...correct.
(22:15:21) Zetaark changed names and is now known as The Roo.

(22:15:21) girrrll: i feel like loving someone right noww
(22:15:27) The Roo: well too bad
(22:15:32) Real Leading Roo: Question 2: What is my alias in the land of ninjas?
(22:15:34) XCom Rookie: see i was first sence ive been on PO sence it existed

(22:15:37) Raging Demon Aeon changed names and is now known as Lunatic Roo.

(22:15:40) alice fire: ew
(22:15:42) Aaron: this shit is getting real confusing
(22:15:42) luc3master: shhut up and listen
(22:15:47) Real Leading Roo: shhhhhhhhhh real other roo
(22:15:47) girrrll: im gonna love the roo

(22:15:50) Real Leading Roo: don't tell them that
(22:15:51) Lunatic Roo: Sup my bruthahs
(22:15:51) Aaron: inb4 i become Aroon
(22:15:53) Leading Roo: We can't stop the roo
(22:15:54) The Roo: your own fault Aaron
(22:15:57) Real Leading Roo: ...
(22:16:00) [Ghost]Requieon changed names and is now known as Roo of Roo's.

(22:16:01) XCom Rookie: i know right thank god that ive changed my name so you know who i am
(22:16:03) luc3master: şssssghjgds
(22:16:08) Real Leading Roo: I'm the leading man here! and so is rooreeloo
(22:16:15) Roo of Roo's: I am the true Roo
(22:16:18) Real Leading Roo: no I am
(22:16:22) alice fire: how do u mute pll
(22:16:23) Leading Roo: I am Roo.
(22:16:25) Lunatic Roo: I am the LUNATIC ROO
(22:16:27) girrrll: i love all the roos
(22:16:29) The Roo: congrats
(22:16:32) Aaron changed names and is now known as Aroon.
(22:16:32) Real Leading Roo: Somebody please do somethin about this
(22:16:33) Leading Roo: thanks
(22:16:35) Lunatic Roo: Breathen
(22:16:36) Roo of Roo's: I am the One, the only Roo
(22:16:36) Real Leading Roo: also someone quotebook all of this

(22:16:38) Aroon: desu :3
(22:16:41) Real Leading Roo: I AM THE ONLY REAL ROO...
(22:16:41) Leading Roo: Ikaru becomes Ikaroo

(22:16:46) Lunatic Roo: WE ARE THE TRUE ROO
(22:16:47) Real Leading Roo: --apart from rooreeloo-
(22:16:55) luc3master: let's talk about pokemon
(22:16:56) Leading Roo: we are the roo
(22:16:58) XCom Rookie: people know who the real rooreeloo is because on steam im Jose Conseco
(22:16:59) Real Leading Roo: no
(22:17:00) Cheshire: meow
(22:17:00) Aroon: < Original Roo.
(22:17:01) Real Leading Roo: I am the sole Roo

(22:17:03) The Roo: sure
(22:17:05) Leading Roo: resistance is futile.
(22:17:07) Real Leading Roo: aside from rooreeloo
(22:17:07) luc3master: why
(22:17:14) Real Leading Roo: I feel the need to mention that
(22:17:15) Aroon: You're the bottom of a foot, Roo?
(22:17:18) Real Leading Roo: ...

(22:17:20) Real Leading Roo: no
(22:17:20) Roo of Roo's: I am the way, the truth, and the Roo
(22:17:23) Leading Roo: oh yeah
(22:17:32) Leading Roo: can someone send this roo a hatching power
(22:17:32) Real Leading Roo: You will all Roo the day you did this to me
(22:17:33) luc3master: bxbhsgsvdshshdhdhdhdjhfhfhfhfjfhfjdjddjhddj
(22:17:33) Leading Roo: ?
(22:17:38) Real Leading Roo: also that's proof I'm the leading man
(22:17:43) Secundum: .l
(22:17:43) luc3master: dfgbng
(22:17:53) Aroon changed names and is now known as Aaron.

(22:17:55) XCom Rookie: i cant help but be proud of the cat right now
(22:17:59) *** Aaron scats the scrubs theme. ***
(22:18:00) luc3master: please listen
(22:18:01) XCom Rookie: chat*
(22:18:07) Real Leading Roo: One lamb down.
(22:18:13) luc3master: cbdhddhx
(22:18:21) Roo of Roo's: I must leave for now, but remember, the true Roo is always with you
(22:18:25) Aaron: Shut the fuck up, Luce.
(22:18:27) Cheshire: meow
(22:18:28) The Roo: well then
(22:18:28) Real Leading Roo: ...yeah, that's me.
(22:18:34) alice fire: how do you mute some one
(22:18:36) Leading Roo: lies
(22:18:40) Real Leading Roo: not lies.
(22:18:46) +Ikaru: you mute them by being authority on the sever
(22:18:46) Leading Roo: yes lies
(22:18:48) Real Leading Roo: You didn't even answer my second question
(22:18:49) Real Leading Roo: you fool
(22:18:50) ~~~ Roo of Roo's Ascends to true Roo-dom ~~~
(22:18:50) Roo of Roo's left the channel.

(22:18:54) Leading Roo: Ikaroo pls
(22:19:00) Real Leading Roo: ikaru help
(22:19:03) Lunatic Roo changed names and is now known as King of Roo Thai.

(22:19:03) Real Leading Roo: I'm the leading man here
(22:19:05) Aaron: i should be auth

(22:19:09) Roo of Roo's joined the channel.

(22:19:09) Aaron: i'm totally trustable
(22:19:10) *** The Roo shoots Real Leading Roo ***
(22:19:18) King of Roo Thai: I AM THE KING OF ROO THAI MARTIAL ARTS
(22:19:20) Real Leading Roo: but I'm the real Roo.
(22:19:29) Aaron: i've been here longer than egge and that guy's an owner.
(22:19:30) Real Leading Roo: Roo Thai!
(22:19:32) Leading Roo: We have a Roo down!
(22:19:35) Real Leading Roo: I started that thing.
(22:19:37) Roo of Roo's: oh my, the roo war turns violent
(22:19:38) Aaron: how did edge even BECOME an owner?
(22:19:45) Roo of Roo's changed names and is now known as [Ghost]Requieon.

(22:19:48) XCom Rookie: see, i just let my body doubles run loose
(22:19:49) The Roo: because he knows people?
(22:19:55) XCom Rookie: while i slip away on a different name
(22:19:56) Real Leading Roo: edge became an owner by kicking asses off the table
(22:20:03) Real Leading Roo: ..rooreeloo

(22:20:06) [Ghost]Requieon: lol Roo
(22:20:07) Real Leading Roo: are you saying all these roos
(22:20:09) Real Leading Roo: COME FROM YOU?!
(22:20:10) The Roo changed names and is now known as Zetaark.

(22:20:16) King of Roo Thai changed names and is now known as Raging Demon Aeon.

(22:20:17) Real Leading Roo: ...then I have nothing to worry about!

(22:20:21) Real Leading Roo: I'm the leading Fush!
(22:20:22) Leading Roo: well I'm out now
(22:20:23) Real Leading Roo: ...and Roo.

(22:20:27) Leading Roo changed names and is now known as Smitty.

(22:20:38) XCom Rookie changed names and is now known as [ÆoR]Rooreeloo.

(22:20:41) Aaron: Alsmitty?
(22:20:43) Aaron: huehuehue
(22:20:48) Smitty: ?
(22:20:48) [Ghost]Requieon: and I am the lagging Ghost. afk
(22:20:50) Real Leading Roo: Alskitty.
(22:20:52) alice fire left the channel.

(22:21:12) Cheshire: *kill everyone* that is what I'm going to do if u all don't quit arguing
(22:21:14) Smitty: who am I being paired with?
(22:21:19) Secundum joined the channel.

(22:21:21) Raging Demon Aeon changed names and is now known as King of skitty Thai.

(22:21:25) [ÆoR]Rooreeloo: wait who was arguing
(22:21:27) Real Leading Roo: it appears the clone wars 3.5 has subsided.

Just so you know, I am the real authentic Leading Roo.

The blame goes entirely to Vaan in reality

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(17:44:31) +Xaynar: Rotation battles are fun tho
(17:44:34) +Mashew: inverse rotation sky battles
(17:44:35) Eclipse: rj
(17:44:39) Eclipse: rotation with me
(17:44:43) [ÆoR]Rooreeloo: i will come back later i believe
(17:44:43) Eclipse: or are you scared
(17:44:46) Eclipse: huehuehue
(17:44:46) +Ikaru: do you rotate the opposite direction???
(17:44:48) +Xaynar: did PO even code those yet?
(17:44:49) +Nyrias: you know, we have a rule, that's called being respectful.. and calling someone "slave" isn't very respectful
(17:44:52) +Nyrias: no
(17:44:55) +Xaynar: I rotate in ALL the directions
(17:44:56) +Nyrias: they never coded rotation battles
(17:44:57) +Ikaru: are inverse sky battles diglett only??
(17:45:00) +Xaynar: ^
(17:45:01) Eclipse: ^
(17:45:09) +Ikaru: ????????
(17:45:10) +Mashew: diglett and dunsparce
(17:45:12) Eclipse: ??????????
(17:45:19) +Nyrias: diglett, dunsparce and ekans
(17:45:27) guest924: juan
(17:45:28) +Mashew: no man snorlax
(17:45:30) [ÆoR]Rooreeloo: you can only use anything but flying types/levitate
(17:45:33) Eclipse: um obviously sky battles are steelix only
(17:45:35) Eclipse: scrubs
(17:45:41) +Nyrias: no
(17:45:42) +Xaynar: bitches, please
(17:45:42) +Nyrias: lapras
(17:45:44) Eclipse: inverse*
(17:45:45) +Mashew: you nub its electrode only
(17:45:46) +Xaynar: sky battle magikarp only
(17:45:50) Eclipse: rj wins
(17:45:51) Roo The Fush: any pokemon that can dig :I
(17:45:52) Eclipse: goodbye
(17:45:56) Eclipse: shitting down
(17:46:00) +Nyrias: shitting down
(17:46:06) storm: chalenge
(17:46:06) *** Eclipse was shit down ***
(17:46:06) +Xaynar: LOL
(17:46:09) Eclipse: shit
(17:46:09) +Xaynar: silveritis is hilarious
(17:46:10) +Mashew: thats so
(17:46:11) Eclipse: i meant to /d
(17:46:11) +Mashew: gross
(17:46:15) ~~~ Eclipse broke a Pinkie Promise and was banished forever. ~~~

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(23:25:14) +Xaynar: Matt, put on the dress
(23:25:19) +Xaynar: you're the closest thing to a girl in this channel
(23:25:23) +Xaynar: and I know Ame probably won't wear that.
(23:25:26) +Nyrias: but Ame's a gir-
(23:25:32) +Xaynar: We're going out doing fancy things
(23:25:35) +Xaynar: possibly killing people
(23:25:38) +Mashew: WHY AM I THE CLOSEST THING WTF
(23:25:45) +Xaynar: That is precisely why.
(23:25:49) +Nyrias: I think Ikaru's the closest thing
(23:25:50) +Mashew: JUST CAUSE IM GAY
(23:25:53) +Maelstrom: duh.
(23:25:56) +Xaynar: No, because you're pretty.
(23:26:04) +Nyrias: oh
(23:26:06) +Ikaru: um
(23:26:07) +Nyrias: then nevermind about Ikaru
(23:26:07) +Mashew: I was gonna say something sexual then you said Im pretty
(23:26:08) +Maelstrom: xaynar says the sweetest nothings.
(23:26:08) +Mashew: Im down
(23:26:09) +Ikaru: ...
(23:26:13) +Nyrias: LOL
(23:26:20) +Xaynar: \o/
(23:26:28) +Nyrias: rest in peace in peace ikaru
(23:26:29) +Ikaru: i mean whatever

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(01:26:03) Cpt Dana KS: Sweet i was able to keep my color
(01:26:07) +Maelstrom: alternate reality batman was...
(01:26:10) +Maelstrom: enlightening.
(01:26:18) [G-Rank]Ryner: yea
(01:27:11) ~~~ There is such potential in one mortal life; Cpt Dana KS has wasted his. ~~~

Hey check it out. there's /ds that don't put your name at the beginning.

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(03:57:24) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: -.-

(03:58:23) ~~~ [COOKIE]God Bibarel .exe has stopped working ~~~
(03:58:23) [COOKIE]God Bibarel left the channel.

(03:59:29) +Maelstrom: here lies god bibarel.
(03:59:35) +Maelstrom: he was a good slave.
(03:59:39) +Maelstrom: but that was about it.

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The dumb rainbow thing that roo wanted

(17:17:58) Smitty: oh no
(17:17:59) Smitty: Ame no
(17:18:10) Zetaark: well
(17:18:12) 悪霊 Aeon: Weeee
(17:18:13) Roo The Fush: I'm too good.
(17:18:14) +Xaynar: Ame no
(17:18:20) Blast: >>
(17:18:32) Aaron: suigintou doesn't deserve any energy
(17:18:39) Zetaark: this will be interesting
(17:18:46) Smitty: jeez
(17:19:02) Zetaark: ...
(17:19:04) Roo The Fush: I win.
(17:19:08) +Xaynar: GODDAMN IT, AME
(17:19:11) Aaron: holy shit what
(17:19:11) Smitty: ..
(17:19:11) [AO]Berserker: what happen
(17:19:11) 悪霊 Aeon: My fab...

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(11:51:52) Candyman Aeon: Well...
(11:52:02) krizzy: can someone check what pokemon my friend safari has? pm me ill give FC
(11:52:02) krizzy: (18:51:44) [sW]TriHorn: hey
(11:52:03) Candyman Aeon: You cetaintly are acting quite the ass
(11:52:10) EggtasticTaco: Me?
(11:52:11) Candyman Aeon: But
(11:52:13) Faltray: ...umm....hello
(11:52:18) Madeon: me?
(11:52:19) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: wait hmmm
(11:52:23) Candyman Aeon: Mad is, but Egg
(11:52:26) Madeon: am ı am ass?
(11:52:30) Madeon: :(
(11:52:30) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: yet
(11:52:32) Candyman Aeon: Don't try being the same
(11:52:35) Candyman Aeon: That is all
(11:52:37) ~~~ Candyman Aeon died a hero. ~~~

(11:53:05) EggtasticTaco: Welp imma play league
(11:53:07) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: lets just have a awkward silence momentt when before a fight comes
(11:53:08) *** Madeon ıs shocked ***
(11:53:18) EggtasticTaco: Because Aeon made me sad of Reborn
(11:53:26) Candyman Aeon: Good
(11:53:37) Candyman Aeon: Wanna play with me?
(11:53:45) Madeon: Aeon lıke bullyıng lıttle gırls
(11:53:53) Scyther Dude: i like girls
(11:53:57) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: coughthis does not mean you can break cough the rule back cough
(11:54:06) Scyther Dude: 17+ that is
(11:54:07) EggtasticTaco: Aeon being a bully isn't nice
(11:54:11) EggtasticTaco: Remember the saying
(11:54:19) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: left him alone
(11:54:19) Candyman Aeon: Not trying to be a bully
(11:54:23) [COOKIE]CourtiePop: mybe his on a bad mood
(11:54:30) EggtasticTaco: Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo
(11:54:30) Candyman Aeon: Just trying to make you guys stop
(11:54:31) Madeon: who?
(11:54:36) Candyman Aeon: Squidlord style
(11:54:46) Candyman Aeon: As in Ikaru
(11:54:46) Madeon: ı haven't done anythıng?
(11:54:52) Candyman Aeon: So...
(11:54:53) ~~~ Candyman Aeon fell into Ikaru's illusion! ~~~

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Meanwhile, in a back channel

Eclipse: i swear they're literally just ignoring me
[星] Shanco: what did you want?
Kurapika kicked 李保源逗逼!
Kurapika kicked オクタビオ!
Kurapika kicked 可恐!
Kurapika kicked 呵呵-!
Kurapika kicked 月巴二世!
Kurapika kicked 呵呵-!
Kurapika kicked 李保源逗逼!
Kurapika kicked 李保源!
+Dark Desire: hi
Jacze: seee
Jacze: if you look at this chat
Jacze: Kirito just seems racist.
+Dark Desire: ikr

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[星] Shanco: Everyone was talking amongst themselves
[星] Shanco: Except Mash and Colin who were in a corner
Eclipse: were they making out
Eclipse: .d
Eclipse: /d
Fezzdoge: oh
Summer: move on
Summer: from there
Fezzdoge: oh
[星] Shanco: i think so
Eclipse: lel
+Nyrias: sounds like us
Summer: kek
Eclipse: kinky
Eclipse: but now i srs have to go
Summer: who was on top
Eclipse: see you
Eclipse: at lu-
Eclipse has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
[星] Shanco: LOL
Fezzdoge: rekt
Eclipse: fuck you too
Summer: no re

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Double post, but this needs to be here. I cleaned up some of the random people speaking to make it shorter. But Story Time with Shanco is always fun!

(09:16:26) [星] Shanco: time for Story Time with Shanco
(09:16:27) [星] Shanco: so
(09:16:35) [星] Shanco: My dream was like five years into the future
(09:16:52) [星] Shanco: after I worked in the States for a bit.
(09:17:01) Fezzdoge: how dya know five years
(09:17:08) [星] Shanco: random guess
(09:17:18) Eclipse: there was liely some time indication
Eclipse has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
(09:17:28) +Nyrias: Breloombot doesn't like that
Nyrias has unmuted Eclipse
Nyrias has cleared BreloomBot data for Eclipse
(09:17:37) [星] Shanco: fuck off Breloom, you don't know my dreams.
(09:17:37) Eclipse: well listen here u lil shit
(09:17:40) [星] Shanco: But anyway.
(09:18:02) [星] Shanco: I had since left Reborn
(09:18:18) Summer: definitely a dream
(09:18:19) [星] Shanco: and so I thought to myself "I wonder what Ame's up to"
(09:18:51) [星] Shanco: shortly after, I got something in the mail
(09:19:21) [星] Shanco: "You have been cordially invited to the wedding of Michael McGlynn and Amethyst Liddell"
(09:19:25) +Nyrias: .
(09:19:25) Summer: LOL
(09:19:27) +Nyrias: ...
(09:19:27) Summer: WHAT
(09:19:38) Eclipse: ryan ships ikt
(09:19:39) +Nyrias: somewhere Ikaru is putting the barrel of a gun to his head
(09:19:39) Eclipse: it
(09:19:40) [COOKIE]Robbaz: Lol?
(09:19:42) [星] Shanco: I thought to myself, "what"
(09:19:51) +Kirito: ...
(09:19:56) +Kirito: Pfft. xD
(09:20:00) [COOKIE]Robbaz: i wanna go too ;-;
(09:20:03) Eclipse: ...
(09:20:08) Eclipse: IT'S NOT EVEN REAL
(09:20:09) Eclipse: ?
(09:20:11) [星] Shanco: And so when I got to the wedding in Florida
(09:20:24) Eclipse: why would it be in florida ikaru hates heat
(09:20:25) [星] Shanco: Everyone from Reborn was there
(09:20:27) Fezzdoge: so guessing ikaru is michael?
(09:20:31) Summer: yes
(09:20:32) Eclipse: no
(09:20:35) Eclipse: ikaru is squid
(09:20:35) +Nyrias: Michelle
(09:20:37) Summer: his irl name
(09:20:41) Eclipse: shut up summer
(09:20:42) [星] Shanco: Because Ikaru was whipped as fuck in this dream
(09:20:48) +Kirito: Woo, Dream inclusion!
(09:20:55) +Kirito: ... And that does not suprise me.
(09:20:55) Summer: :^]
(09:20:58) Eclipse: wow i was in a dream
(09:21:03) Eclipse: much appreciate
(09:21:04) Summer: I never get invited to parties
(09:21:06) +Nyrias: I don't wanna be at Ikaru and Ame's wedding wtf
(09:21:06) [星] Shanco: so I went to the wedding ceremony
(09:21:08) Eclipse: such feelgood
(09:21:09) +Nyrias: that sounds like a terrible wedding
(09:21:17) Summer: did you bring a present?
(09:21:17) [COOKIE]Robbaz: ^no
(09:21:18) Eclipse: tree x squid
(09:21:24) [星] Shanco: Everyone was talking amongst themselves
(09:21:38) [星] Shanco: Except Mash and Colin who were in a corner
(09:21:43) Eclipse: were they making out
(09:21:44) Eclipse: .d
(09:21:45) Eclipse: /d
(09:21:46) Fezzdoge: oh
(09:21:46) Summer: move on
(09:21:50) Summer: from there
(09:21:52) Fezzdoge: oh
(09:21:53) [星] Shanco: i think so
(09:21:55) Eclipse: lel
(09:21:57) +Nyrias: sounds like us
(09:22:01) Summer: kek
(09:22:07) Eclipse: kinky
(09:22:11) Eclipse: but now i srs have to go
(09:22:14) Summer: who was on top
(09:22:16) Eclipse: see you
(09:22:17) [星] Shanco: The only person that said hi to me
(09:22:17) Eclipse: at lu-
Eclipse has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
(09:22:22) [星] Shanco: LOL
Nyrias has unmuted Eclipse
(09:22:26) Fezzdoge: rekt
(09:22:30) Eclipse: fuck you too
(09:22:31) Summer: no re
(09:22:42) Eclipse: that was literally perfect though
(09:22:43) Summer: ok go om
(09:22:47) Eclipse: ANYWAYS
(09:22:49) Summer: *go on
(09:22:51) Eclipse: matt was on top
(09:22:51) ~~~ Eclipse went into the Escape Pod without the key! ~~~
(09:22:59) [星] Shanco: And I had depictions of everyone there
(09:23:13) Summer: was i sunny
(09:23:15) Summer: ?
(09:23:24) [星] Shanco: Sophie was in a bright pink dress, trying to talk to Kaito who was too busy wolfing down a steak
(09:23:37) Summer: ...
(09:23:49) +Nyrias: sounds like Fred
(09:23:51) [星] Shanco: Summer was in a white tuxedo
(09:23:59) Summer: hell yeah
(09:24:07) Summer: whit
(09:24:15) Summer: white tuxedos are the shit
(09:24:46) [星] Shanco: There were some of the reborn veterans sitting around a round table talking about Ame in a completely different light
(09:24:54) [星] Shanco: (ex. Kajj, Chase, Kitty)
(09:25:19) Summer: they're
(09:25:21) Summer: ...
(09:25:25) Summer: wow
(09:25:39) Summer: i never really thought about them aftrr they left
(09:25:55) [星] Shanco: Lexii was in a white dress playing a harp in the background
(09:26:25) [星] Shanco: Godot and Mael were hammering back beers at the bar
(09:26:58) [COOKIE]Robbaz: Everyone's celebrating. and im just sitting here, playing pokemon
(09:27:00) [星] Shanco: Then the minister asked us to take our seats
(09:27:16) ~~~ [COOKIE]Robbaz yolod too hard ~~~
(09:27:20) Summer: who's the minster
(09:27:37) ZephyrSky: celebrating what robbaz?
(09:27:48) [星] Shanco: Probably the homeless guy in Denver whom I gave directions to the baseball stadium
(09:28:09) yagami_light: may be christmas preparation
(09:28:26) [星] Shanco: I saw Ikaru in a suit, Inuki was his best man (of course)
(09:28:48) [星] Shanco: Then I saw Kuro (who was sitting beside me) turn around
(09:28:50) Summer: >squid in suit
(09:28:55) [星] Shanco: And there's Ame
(09:29:14) [星] Shanco: done up in a purple wedding dress and...
(09:29:18) [星] Shanco: I woke up.
(09:29:35) +Kirito: ... That DOES sound like me...
(09:30:13) [星] Shanco: I spent most of the wedding looking after Godot's kid
(09:30:49) [星] Shanco: (they both had kids in my dream; Godot had a son and Mael had a daughter)
(09:30:52) Summer: :I
(09:31:37) [星] Shanco: There were actually a whole bunch of people from SU at one table
(09:31:51) [星] Shanco: Just Kaito and Sophie were sitting pretty far away from them
(09:31:53) Summer: that sounds legit
(09:32:41) [星] Shanco: When I wasn't looking after Godot's kid, I was hanging with Tony, Kuro, Edge and Libra
(09:33:42) [星] Shanco: but anyway
(09:33:57) [星] Shanco: I feel like I missed a "TO BE CONTINUED" detail in this dream.
(09:34:18) +Kirito: ... Why are we sitting far away? o.o
(09:34:23) Summer: I'll like that dream.
(09:34:41) [星] Shanco: you weren't really missing anything, really.
(09:35:00) [星] Shanco: People had gathered at the other end to talk to Xiph while you were still eating
(09:35:08) [星] Shanco: And Sophie was trying to hurry you up
(09:35:48) +Kirito: Hahaha! That again, sounds like me. x3
(09:36:06) +Kirito: "B-But if I leave now someone else will take all the steak..."

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that really would be the worst wedding

Bride, do you take this man to be your wedded husband?


Groom, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?

the crowd waits in anticipation; all eyes are forward. but there is no answer. ikaru doesn't say a word. he activates his squid camouflage and waits until everyone thinks he is gone so that he can slip away unnoticed. only squids dont have camouflage; everyone can still see them. but he remains perfectly still. perfectly silent. he stands at the alter unmovingly for if he moves he knows we will surely detect his presence, the presence everyone was already aware of anyway. for hours we wait, watching him, him watching us waiting for us to stop watching him. the sun sets. the children sleep. the cake's organic frosting begins to melt, the third tier giving way and letting the the top layer fall with a slight squish onto the purple tablecloth below, staining it. but still no one has moved. we dare not look at the falling cake for we know if we look away then ikaru will surely vanish like the victim of a weeping angel. we stare at him in perfect still motion for hours. with a sigh, the pastor closes his bible, mutters something about just saying so in the first place and wanders away sadly. the audience murmurs in confusion. one by one they filter out of the steeple in disarray. people whisper among themselves; did the wedding finish? what happened? why are they still standing up there? the squid remains still because he knows if he leaves with anyone else still present, his cover will be blown. the sun rises. it sets again. the audience is gone. the cake is untouched, now a heap of stale bread molding over a puddle of what was once vanilla icing. the wedding gifts are gone, for many of the visitors took them back in confusion on the way out. mashew and colin resolve to use the RP they got as a wedding gift on themselves instead. kaito takes on the noble task of eating the thirty nine steaks he bought for us himself; he convinces himself this was a good idea because i dont eat meat. the rest of SU does not tell him they knew from the start that he chose such a gift for that exact reason. horizon appears and steals the rest of the gifts. hours pass. only ikaru and i remain, still at the altar. i still stare deeply into his eyes, patiently awaiting an answer. he does not stare deeply into mine. he awkwardly averts his gaze and hope that the movements of his eyes do not betray his squid camoflage. he will wait for me to tire and leave. little does he know the me that is on the altar is nothing more than a copy; i have been at home the entire time, just then finally maxing out the level on the 6th ambipom of my pickup army. soon i will have leftovers enough to rival a post-thanksgiving meal.

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