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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(16:11:20) [sTK17]Silver: The Wind Waker was AWESOME.

(16:11:23) Pandora: Sorry.I read Wind Wanker.

(16:11:23) JellyMan: came out a long time ago

(16:11:25) JellyMan: ...

(16:11:31) Last Order: ...

(16:11:33) Last Order: Wind Wanker. xD

This will be one of the very few things that actually made me make this face.


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(22:04:45) [sTK17]Silver: AMETHYST 2?

(22:04:54) Amethyst 2: Hiya!

(22:05:01) [sTK17]Silver: I see an Ikaru 2 in the future.

(22:05:01) Eternal Edge 2: lmao^

(22:05:06) JellyMan: wait... hes hitting all the auth's first!

(22:05:13) JellyMan: run!

(22:05:14) CrystallineElemental: Everyone's upgrading to their 2.0 versions.

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Things you walk into on SU:

(18:43:12) +Eternal Edge: ...

(18:43:13) [sU]Pandora: ..

(18:43:13) Brave Soul: Jizzed them out of pure joy

(18:43:17) *** [sU]Pandora follows ***

(18:43:20) [sU]Pandora: TAKE

(18:43:20) [sU]Pandora: YOUR

(18:43:21) Eri: Ricki is back :D Hai Ricki~

(18:43:22) [sU]Pandora: PANTIES

(18:43:22) [sU]Pandora: OFF

(18:43:24) +[sU]Evans: LOL

(18:43:27) Brave Soul: Ricki :D

(18:43:30) +[sU]Evans: Ys

(18:43:31) +Eternal Edge: This Should be legit.

(18:43:34) +[sU]Evans: Yes brave

(18:43:35) [sU]Huggy: i come back... to rj jizzing

(18:43:38) +[sU]Evans: Pure joy

(18:43:44) +[sU]Evans: LOL

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Fun with trolls XD

(22:13:26) ProMark: Oh a challenge? What me kill this twerp

(22:13:35) [sU]Pandora: Damn you blitzcrank :c

(22:13:35) +Ninja Pirate King Kaito: ...

(22:13:37) +Ninja Pirate King Kaito: Was.

(22:13:39) +Amethyst: Challenge failed, I see.

(22:13:40) *** Nilon uses de abilify ***

(22:13:42) +Ninja Pirate King Kaito: I just called a twerp? ^^;

(22:13:45) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: inb4 ProMark looses ^_^

(22:14:00) *** Nilon kills rodaku ***

(22:14:42) *** Nilon gets moab ***

(22:14:49) *** Nilon uses moab ***

(22:15:01) *** Nilon wins game ***

(22:16:27) Brolaf: Brooooooooooooo....

(22:16:30) Ninja Pirate King Kaito won against ProMark.

(22:16:50) Ninja Soul: lolchase

(22:16:54) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: (22:13:26) ProMark: Oh a challenge? What me kill this twerp

(22:16:57) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: then gets 5-0

(22:17:00) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: ed by kaito

(22:17:09) ProMark: That guy was such a hacker

(22:17:14) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: Reborn 1, Trolls 0

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(17:55:52) Eri: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lgofk6eYgZ1qa7xv5o1_500.jpg <-- World's smallest deer

(17:56:06) +Kai: ...

(17:56:07) +Kai: It's...

(17:56:09) +Kai: It's...

(17:56:14) +Kai: ADORABLE~~~~~

(17:57:19) Eri: ...Kite. Did you seriously just say that? XD

(17:57:21) Eri: ...

(17:57:45) Eri: Never gonna let you live this down~~

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(14:16:47) [sTK]Silver: Pandora's back!

(14:16:49) [sU]Pandora: Fire sucks.Kill it with water.

(14:17:00) [sU]Pandora: Fire is like so over rated

(14:17:13) [sTK]Silver: At least he didn't say,

(14:17:15) [sU]Pandora: And I?m just lagging atm.

(14:17:17) [sTK]Silver: Kill it with grass!

(14:17:28) [sTK] Nic-E17 Leader: Kill it with mosquitoes!

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(02:01:18) Poeseph: We should duel later, Luka

(02:01:23) [sU]Luka Megurine: Sure.

(02:01:25) *** Poeseph sits down below his tree ***

(02:01:32) [sU]Luka Megurine: I'll have to build another deck, though.

(02:01:32) Poeseph: Might even bring out my favorite deck

(02:01:40) *** Poeseph shuffles ***

(02:01:43) +Eternal Edge: KAIBA DECK.

(02:01:44) Poeseph: But right now, Toriko

(02:01:53) Poeseph: No.

(02:01:58) Brave Soul: BLUE EYES

(02:02:00) [sU]Luka Megurine: Sure, i managed to get my strongest hitters out and fuck Kaito up in an epical way

(02:02:01) Brave Soul: WHITE

(02:02:07) Brave Soul: FRAGON

(02:02:14) Brave Soul: *DRAGON

(02:02:14) [sU]Luka Megurine: I just doubt i would get the same chance with you.

(02:02:15) Brave Soul: lolmyfail

(02:02:16) Poeseph: Blue Eyes White Fragon

(02:02:24) [sU]Luka Megurine: BUT, THERES ONE THEY FEAR

(02:02:28) Poeseph: My deck is a deck guided by fortune

(02:02:33) Brave Soul: In their tongue

(02:02:33) [sU]Luka Megurine: IN THEIR TONGUE, HES FOVAHKIIN

(02:02:35) +Eternal Edge: BLUE EYES WHITE FRAGON

(02:02:36) [sU]Luka Megurine: FRAGONBORN

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(21:35:10) [sU]Pandora: I haven't found my soulmate champion yet

(21:35:16) [sU]Pandora: Till then it's Karma~<3

(21:35:30) Cokeboy Ja-Ja: Pandora right here

(21:35:36) [sU]Pandora: Yes?

(21:35:59) Cokeboy Ja-Ja: i can be

(21:36:24) [sU]Pandora: ..

(21:36:26) [sU]Pandora: I'ma guy

(21:36:39) Cokeboy Ja-Ja: nevamind then

(21:36:48) [sU]Pandora: -.-"

(21:36:57) Lucaria: xD

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(20:05:58) Ringo Nomura: Well kaito was a jerk

(20:06:01) Ringo Nomura: So I am going to eat XD

(20:06:03) Ringo Nomura: So yeah!

(20:06:04) Ringo Nomura: Cya

(20:06:09) +Kai: Later Soph. ^^

(20:06:14) +Eternal Edge: baibai

(20:06:22) +Kai: And I am not a jerk. You were just too slow. xD

(20:06:33) +Eternal Edge: I say it's a little bit of both

(20:06:39) +Eternal Edge: *shot*

(20:06:51) +Kai: Says the guy who forced me into bed last night. xD

(20:06:52) +Kai: ....

(20:06:55) +Kai: Oh dear lord.

(20:06:55) IA: O_O

(20:06:55) [sU]Pandora: .............

(20:06:57) [sU]Oliver: .......

(20:06:59) +Kai: I worded that HORRIBLY.

(20:07:00) [sU]Pandora: QUOTEBOOK

(20:07:02) [sU]Oliver: O^///

(20:07:13) [sU]Oliver: ER MER GERD!

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(14:07:07) +Kai: Says the guy who forced me into bed last night. xD

(14:07:08) +Kai: ....

(14:07:09) [sU]codarus left the channel.

(14:07:11) +Kai: Oh dear lord.

(14:07:11) IA: O_O

(14:07:12) [sU]Pandora: .............

(14:07:14) [sU]Oliver: .......

(14:07:15) +Kai: I worded that HORRIBLY.

(14:07:16) [sU]Pandora: QUOTEBOOK

(14:07:18) [sU]Oliver: O^///

(14:07:29) [sU]Oliver: ER MER GERD!

(14:07:40) +Kai: Greaaat.

nuh said =w///

Edit: Dang it Fang I so had that Dx

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15:20:30) [sTK17] Flipsie: Dora's questions were really hard today

(15:20:49) [sTK]Silver: Dora? The explorer?

(15:20:57) [sU]Pandora: Pandora the Explorer~

(15:21:03) [sU]Pandora: Screw Dora

(15:21:03) [sU]Pandora: I ROCK

(15:21:10) [sTK]Silver: XD

(15:21:11) [sU]Pandora: =3

Edited by Silver_Anarchy_17
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(23:28:10) 「AS」Dark Desire: i'ma go to bed, gn everyone :D:

(23:28:17) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: nitey nite

(23:28:26) 「AS」Dark Desire: *kisses chase on the way out*

(23:28:33) 「AS」Dark Desire: ;p

(23:28:35) 「AS」JellyMan: uhhh...

(23:29:00) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: XD

(23:29:05) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: shes a girl

(23:29:05) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: XD

(23:29:23) 「AS」JellyMan: i know

(23:29:27) Araciel leader Brad-: ooooooooooooooooooooooooo i thought she was a guy

(23:29:31) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: lol

(23:29:49) Araciel leader Brad-: thats why i punched her wen she huged me

(23:29:54) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: that wudda been wierd


(23:30:38) 「AS」JellyMan: :D

(23:30:49) Araciel leader Brad-: virtual baba

(23:30:53) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: at least im gettin some :P

(23:30:56) 「AS」JellyMan: lol

(23:31:00) 「AS」JellyMan: virtual baby

(23:31:02) Araciel leader Brad-: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhaahaa

(23:31:24) Chase's Baby: daddy

(23:31:28) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: XD

(23:31:31) Chase's Baby: mama

(23:31:37) *** Chase's Baby pukes on chase ***

(23:31:45) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: FUCK

(23:31:48) *** Chase's Baby giggles ***

(23:31:53) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: *throws baby against the wall*

(23:31:58) *** Chase's Baby splatters ***

(23:32:02) 「AS」Teh Mighty Chase: lol

(23:32:11) 「AS」JellyMan: hahaha

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Punching people has never been so messy.

(22:27:18) +Eternal Edge: POP QUIZ


(22:27:38) +Godot: ?

(22:27:40) +Eternal Edge: HERE'S A CLUE

(22:27:42) +Eternal Edge: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB

(22:27:47) BroadwayCJ97: dubstep?

(22:27:49) +Godot: PORTAL

(22:27:49) +Eternal Edge: YOU CAN'T TELL, CAN YOU?

(22:28:10) *** Reborn's Tyranitar tightens it's focus... ***

(22:28:10) +Godot: its a decripted message saying "making wolf a sammich

(22:28:18) *** Reborn's Tyranitar uses Focus Punch on Edge ***

(22:28:22) +Eternal Edge: yeah

(22:28:22) +Eternal Edge: sure

(22:28:57) +Eternal Edge: I'm actually a Zoroark

(22:28:58) +Eternal Edge: Wait

(22:28:59) +Eternal Edge: Fuck

(22:29:00) ~~~ Eternal Edge started to bleed heavily and passed out. ~~~

(22:29:05) +Godot: remember edge i like wheat...

(22:29:07) +Godot: FUCK

(22:29:12) *** Reborn's Tyranitar snickers ***

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Punching people has never been so messy.

(22:27:18) +Eternal Edge: POP QUIZ


(22:27:38) +Godot: ?

(22:27:40) +Eternal Edge: HERE'S A CLUE

(22:27:42) +Eternal Edge: WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB

(22:27:47) BroadwayCJ97: dubstep?

(22:27:49) +Godot: PORTAL

(22:27:49) +Eternal Edge: YOU CAN'T TELL, CAN YOU?

(22:28:10) *** Reborn's Tyranitar tightens it's focus... ***

(22:28:10) +Godot: its a decripted message saying "making wolf a sammich

(22:28:18) *** Reborn's Tyranitar uses Focus Punch on Edge ***

(22:28:22) +Eternal Edge: yeah

(22:28:22) +Eternal Edge: sure

(22:28:57) +Eternal Edge: I'm actually a Zoroark

(22:28:58) +Eternal Edge: Wait

(22:28:59) +Eternal Edge: Fuck

(22:29:00) ~~~ Eternal Edge started to bleed heavily and passed out. ~~~

(22:29:05) +Godot: remember edge i like wheat...

(22:29:07) +Godot: FUCK

(22:29:12) *** Reborn's Tyranitar snickers ***



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(00:03:56) 「AS」JellyMan: did hark do what i think he did?

(00:04:00) +Hark: weaht

(00:04:01) [sTK]Silver: Yep.

(00:04:03) +Hark: what

(00:04:04) 「AS」JellyMan: ah

(00:04:07) [sTK]Silver: He's drunk.

(00:04:09) +Ikaru: he's not ame

(00:04:09) +Hark: shh

(00:04:17) BrokenKave: lols

(00:04:18) +Hark: its' a secfrey

(00:04:21) [sTK]Silver: Or close to it.

(00:04:21) +Hark: secret

(00:04:31) +Hark: BRBEGGFS

(00:04:36) 「AS」JellyMan: its vodka

(00:04:37) +Hark: jk i got a pm!

(00:04:37) +Ikaru: EGGFS

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(17:28:46) +Kai: Yes?

(17:28:50) +Kai: Sorry, I was getting food.

(17:29:12) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Do you want a pokemon in my team?

(17:29:19) +Kai: Sure. ^^

(17:29:23) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Too bad

(17:29:27) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Your not getting one <-<

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(22:53) Jenni: make me a sammich cause ily<3

(22:53) Amethyst: okie, with what on it?

(22:54) Jenni: erm i dunno ham cheese lettuce mustard?

(22:55) Amethyst: okay

(22:55) Jenni: dont burn it~

(22:55) Jenni: >><<

(22:56) Amethyst: *throws ham on your face, coats you in cheese, puts lettuce under your shirt, sprays you with mustard, then lays you on top of a piece of bread and puts another pieces on top of you*

(22:56) Amethyst: There you go, you're a sammich~

(22:56) Jenni: qq

Edited by Jennifer
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(21:30:56) Rodagant: i must sleep all.... but before i do

(21:31:00) *** Rodagant looks over at ikaru ***

(21:31:18) Rodagant: This hand of mine is BURNING RED

(21:31:26) 「AS」JellyMan: bai rodaku

(21:31:32) *** Rodagant hand begin to trun red as he lifted it ***

(21:31:37) [sU]Pandora: I read Radiant somewhere in this chat

(21:31:39) [sU]Pandora: LEONA CALLS

(21:31:40) Rodagant: Its LOUD ROAR tells me to grasp VICTORY

(21:31:47) *** Rodagant begins to run at Ikaru ***

(21:31:49) Rodagant: Erupting...

(21:31:51) Rodagant: BURNING....

(21:31:57) Rodagant: FINGER!!!

(21:31:58) *** Phoenix drop kicked Rodaku ***

(21:32:03) ~~~ Rodagant whited out. ~~~

(21:32:07) 「AS」JellyMan: lol

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(21:30:56) Rodagant: i must sleep all.... but before i do

(21:31:00) *** Rodagant looks over at ikaru ***

(21:31:18) Rodagant: This hand of mine is BURNING RED

(21:31:26) 「AS」JellyMan: bai rodaku

(21:31:32) *** Rodagant hand begin to trun red as he lifted it ***

(21:31:37) [sU]Pandora: I read Radiant somewhere in this chat

(21:31:39) [sU]Pandora: LEONA CALLS

(21:31:40) Rodagant: Its LOUD ROAR tells me to grasp VICTORY

(21:31:47) *** Rodagant begins to run at Ikaru ***

(21:31:49) Rodagant: Erupting...

(21:31:51) Rodagant: BURNING....

(21:31:57) Rodagant: FINGER!!!

(21:31:58) *** Phoenix drop kicked Rodaku ***

(21:32:03) ~~~ Rodagant whited out. ~~~

(21:32:07) 「AS」JellyMan: lol

This makes my day.

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(22:53) Jenni: make me a sammich cause ily<3 (22:53) Amethyst: okie, with what on it? (22:54) Jenni: erm i dunno ham cheese lettuce mustard? (22:55) Amethyst: okay (22:55) Jenni: dont burn it~ (22:55) Jenni: >><< (22:56) Amethyst: *throws ham on your face, coats you in cheese, puts lettuce under your shirt, sprays you with mustard, then lays you on top of a piece of bread and puts another pieces on top of you* (22:56) Amethyst: There you go, you're a sammich~ (22:56) Jenni: qq
(22:53) Jenni: make me a sammich cause ily<3 (22:53) Amethyst: okie, with what on it? (22:54) Jenni: erm i dunno ham cheese lettuce mustard? (22:55) Amethyst: okay (22:55) Jenni: dont burn it~ (22:55) Jenni: >><< (22:56) Amethyst: *throws ham on your face, coats you in cheese, puts lettuce under your shirt, sprays you with mustard, then lays you on top of a piece of bread and puts another pieces on top of you* (22:56) Amethyst: There you go, you're a sammich~ (22:56) Jenni: qq

In about one week later we'll find a certain burnt person inside a sandwich... IN AMETHYST'S PLAC Location unknown.

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(20:31:00) Cloud: >Cldd

(20:31:02) [sTK]Silver: Shelley's gonna kill me, you won't have to wait too long.

(20:31:04) Cloud: >CLDD

(20:31:09) Cloud: WHERE ARE THE TWO D's?

(20:31:11) Cloud: ;;

(20:31:18) Jim Moriarty: It's new every night Cloud

(20:31:20) Jim Moriarty: x3

(20:31:21) [sTK]Silver: Well, the DD's SHOULD be on your chest.

(20:31:25) [sTK17] Flipsie: ha!

(20:31:26) Supergum1295: BURN D:

(21:27:50) *** Bazaro smacks the weapon out of Roo's hand and runs ***

(21:27:58) 「AS」JellyMan: O-O

(21:28:05) [sU]Pandora: ..

(21:28:06) Bazaro: :I

(21:28:11) [sU]Pandora: Why'd you smack his..

(21:28:14) [sU]Pandora: "Weapon"

(21:28:14) [PEDREG]Washman: we are brosnan

(21:28:16) [sU]Pandora: D:

(21:28:30) [sTK]Silver: Out of his HAND

(21:28:36) [sTK]Silver: That's just WRONG

(21:28:37) Bazaro: D: yumessedup?

(21:28:49) [sTK]Silver: You don't stop a man from doing his BUSINESS!

(21:29:07) Bazaro: ._.

(21:29:10) [sTK]Silver: ...

(21:29:22) [sU]Pandora: ^@Silver

(21:29:28) Bazaro: well that was an awkward moment

(21:29:29) [sU]Pandora: You just don't do that :/

(21:29:32) [sTK]Silver: Like,

(21:29:40) [sTK]Silver: If you walk in on it,

(21:29:42) Bazaro: and they continue

(21:29:47) [sTK]Silver: just walk out.

(21:29:48) Roo The Baka: ...

(21:29:51) Rebel Leader: and they continue

(21:29:53) [sU]Pandora: You can't touch it

(21:29:54) [sU]Pandora: wtf

(21:29:54) [sTK]Silver: Just walk away.

(21:29:56) [sU]Pandora: It's not a puppy

(21:30:01) *** Roo The Baka Breaks Pandora's Back. ***

(21:30:06) [sTK]Silver: Seriously.

(21:30:07) 「AS」JellyMan: um... can i say one thing... QUOTEBOOK

(21:30:07) Rebel Leader: wait what are they talking about

(21:30:15) *** [sU]Pandora isn't affected ***

(21:30:16) [sTK]Silver: Forget the image, forget it happened,

(21:30:31) [sU]Luka Megurine: Can leaders of the league battle out of league matches?

(21:30:35) *** Bazaro erases Silver's brain of the incident ***

(21:30:36) Swimming95: nope

Nope, can't kill me. Bazaro took your... "Weapon", remember?

Edited by Silver_Anarchy_17
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This is how you depress Cloud.

(02:32:34) [sU]Luka Megurine: Cloud

(02:32:35) +[sU]Kaito: Ahuh.

(02:32:36) [sU]Luka Megurine: That look

(02:32:37) Cloud: Oh nothing, Kaito. ಠ_ಠ

(02:32:38) [sU]Luka Megurine: Is so

(02:32:41) [sU]Luka Megurine: NORMAL TYPE

(02:32:41) Cloud: Intelligent~?

(02:32:42) Cloud: ..

(02:32:43) ~~~ Cloud was hit by a flying ice cream truck. ~~~

(02:32:43) [sU]Pandora: LOL CLOUD

Silver can I kill you now? :3

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(02:16:26) Brave Soul: Wonder if this game's got Chocobo breeding like 7

(02:16:59) [sU]Poe: Wouldn't that be useful

(02:18:58) [sU]Poe: I still think stained glass would be incredibly useful

(02:19:49) [sU]Poe: Build lovely little glass houses

(02:22:18) Brave Soul: Glass house

(02:22:22) Brave Soul: mobs outside

(02:22:27) Brave Soul: practical only in minecraft

(02:22:34) [sU]Poe: Yep

(02:22:39) [sU]Poe: That's why I'd love it

(02:22:48) [sU]Poe: Hell, I'd love a glass door, aswell

(02:23:03) Brave Soul: Well, it looks like I have to stick around the Archylte Steppe for a bit before I can unlock a new gate.

(02:23:08) Brave Soul: I'm fine with that <3

(02:24:32) Brave Soul: crap tons of XP

(02:24:37) Brave Soul: a BGM I love

(02:24:39) Brave Soul: fuckin' Chocobos

(02:24:58) [sU]Poe: So the game does have Chocobo breeding?

(02:24:59) [sU]Poe: >.>

(02:25:07) Brave Soul: I see what you did there.

(02:25:12) Brave Soul: But I dunno yet.

(02:25:17) +Eternal Edge: BOW CHICKA BOW WOW

(02:25:28) Brave Soul: *BOW CHOCO WOW WOW

(02:25:40) [sU]Poe: *BOW CHOCO BO WOW

(02:25:41) +Eternal Edge: YOUR MOM

(02:25:48) Brave Soul: Poe wins

(02:25:57) [sU]Poe: Poe always wins

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