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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(00:42:59) Mczipo: This is the story all about how

(00:43:04) Poe: Kaito is a crossdressing robot

(00:43:05) Mczipo: My life got flip turned upside down

(00:43:18) Evans: No more Bel-Air

(00:43:25) Evans: Sweat to God

(00:43:27) Evans: ...

(00:43:29) Evans: FUCK

(00:43:30) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Sweat to god?

(00:43:32) ~~~ Evans was voted off the island. ~~~

(00:43:35) [sU]Miku Hatsune: XD


(00:43:47) [sU]Miku Hatsune: XD XD XD


(00:43:53) +Kirito: xDDDD

(00:43:59) [sU]Miku Hatsune: Can I quote book this?

(00:43:59) [星] KuroNeko: LOL

(00:44:02) [星] KuroNeko: do it


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adding a few lines before the log to give a detail of what led up to this

"Hey Mashew!"


* An old member that Mashew now hates with a passion. >>

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:16) +Mashew: I am going to murder you for that name, Kyukon.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:22) Kyukon: :3 :3

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:23) [silver]Dark Pit: ...

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:27) Moekaiser: ...

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:28) [silver]Dark Pit: W-why?

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:32) +Mashew: Oh its YOU.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:33) Kyukon: I know how to make Mashew mad.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: Mashew slowly turned to Kyukon and watched as they melted into a pool of nothingness.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:39) +Wizard Howl: I am being nice, Haineko

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:39) [silver]Dark Pit: ...

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:40) +Mashew: And I know howto kill you.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:41) +Mashew: <<

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:45) [silver]Dark Pit: Wait

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:45) +Godot: ,,,

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:45) Lobos: Were sexy but sexier than this fluffieh guy

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:50) Lobos: http://www.funnywallphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Im-sexy-and-I-know-it...jpg

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:50) [silver]Dark Pit: Was that

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:51) Kyukon: <<

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:52) Kyukon: >>

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:54) Kyukon: :3

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:55) Moekaiser: Owen.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:55) +Godot: don't anger mash

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:55) Moekaiser: Rule 3.

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:16:58) [silver]Dark Pit: OWEN

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:00) HeroiclyLogical: Ok i wont tell... D:

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:01) [silver]Dark Pit: OWEN HAI

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:05) HeroiclyLogical: Even know i dont know

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:06) Kyukon: Im allowed to poke fun

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:07) Amanderr: OWEN... I LOVE YOU

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:08) [silver]Dark Pit: I BEAT SIGMUND

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:09) HeroiclyLogical: But someone told me

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:11) Kyukon: ...

(18:23) [silver]Dark Pit: (21:17:12) ~~~ Kyukon died of a heart attack 40 seconds later. ~~~

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(23:23:45) Pocky: i merd a vernderng mercherne

(23:23:47) Amanderr: I love xbox.

(23:23:49) Amanderr: xD

(23:23:52) [silver]Dark Pit: X Bawks

(23:23:53) [silver]Dark Pit: ?

(23:23:54) Pocky: terk dert

(23:24:00) Amanderr: yerr xbawks

(23:24:09) [silver]Dark Pit: My gods

(23:24:12) Amanderr: dats wherrt i serrd

(23:24:12) [silver]Dark Pit: I made like

(23:24:23) Pocky: xberkz merstur rerce

(23:24:24) [silver]Dark Pit: a 5 minute long tunnel

(23:24:32) [silver]Dark Pit: SO MUCH GLASS

(23:24:39) [silver]Dark Pit: SO MUCH UNDERWATER GLASS

(23:24:46) [silver]Dark Pit: Then, I drowned

(23:24:47) Amanderr: derr creeperers err scerry

(23:24:55) [silver]Dark Pit: Oh,

(23:25:04) [silver]Dark Pit: the creeper exploded and made me drown.

(23:25:10) [silver]Dark Pit: It broke my tunnel

(23:25:11) Amanderr: I dernt sperk engresh

(23:25:13) Pocky: herherherher

(23:25:21) [silver]Dark Pit: Killed the 5 of us

(23:25:21) Pocky: i sperk erngrersh

(23:25:29) Amanderr: i dernt nerr wert yer seryin

(23:25:32) LittleYame: Who slipped Reborn the Derp Drug? >w>

(23:25:41) Pocky: yermer derd

(23:25:42) [silver]Dark Pit: ..

(23:25:43) Amanderr: deerrp dreeg?

(23:25:48) [silver]Dark Pit: Wait, there were 7 of us

(23:25:49) Amanderr: ermergerd

(23:25:58) [silver]Dark Pit: 7 of us, in a tunnel

(23:26:07) [silver]Dark Pit: Creeper killed us all

[silver]Dark Pit has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!

(23:26:09) Amanderr: werr erll gerrna dierrr

(23:26:09) Pocky: derk pert

(23:26:18) Pocky: terk erngrersh

Edited by Amanderr
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(20:14:29) ±OverUsed Tournament: SilentSinnerInBlue has won a match! Pandora is out of the tournament.

(20:14:34) Pandora: booo!

(20:14:36) Pandora: You suck :c

(20:14:40) *** Pandora runs off crying ***

After that, he just started bitching me while I was battling Explosisms. And just for lulz...

(20:22:50) ±OverUsed Tournament: SilentSinnerInBlue has won a match! Explosms is out of the tournament.

(20:22:50) ±OverUsed Tournament: Congratulations, SilentSinnerInBlue has won the tournament!

By the way...

(21:18:01) SilentSinnerInBlue: Sweeping a team full of legendaries with a Durant.

(21:18:12) Hunter Sigma: omg HOW?

(21:18:20) Tinkao forfeited against SilentSinnerInBlue.

(21:18:22) Wheatley: lol

(21:18:29) Wheatley: overpowered

(21:18:29) Hunter Sigma: thats funny

(21:18:36) Hunter Sigma: a lil Durant

(21:18:41) Hunter Sigma: eating pokemons

Edited by SilentSinnerInBlue
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So.... Poe and I are doing a Storm Silver nuzlocke and...Well, Joey killed Poe's Fluffles. A discussion about "The Rules" was brought up, and the following happened.

(21:44:12) Evans: The rules are golden

(21:44:19) Poe: My rules are silver

(21:44:19) Evans: You cannot break the rules >>

(21:44:23) Poe: I had to save Fluffles!

(21:44:30) Evans: YOU BROKE THE RULES


(21:44:36) Evans: AND YOU SHALL SOON PAY

(21:44:54) Evans: I am sorry

(21:45:09) Poe: Well, you would have done it too, Xiph

(21:45:18) Poe: Crit

(21:45:22) Poe: That mattered

(21:45:31) *** Evans shudders ***

(21:45:33) Evans: Crits.

(21:45:43) Poe: On your second favorite Pokemon on your team

(21:45:47) Poe: Rohan's still my favorite

(21:45:55) Poe: But Fluffles is fucking amazing

(21:46:03) Miku Hatsune: Shell Armor is the godly abillity in Nucloze

(21:46:03) Evans: What is he?

(21:46:07) Poe: Rohan?

(21:46:10) Poe: Cyndaquil

(21:46:23) Evans: Wait

(21:46:25) Evans: (21:45:43) Poe: On your second favorite Pokemon on your team

(21:46:26) Evans: Wut

(21:46:27) Poe: I'll explain why in about 5 minutes

(21:46:32) Poe: Yeah

(21:46:40) Poe: Fluffles is my second favorite Pokemon on my team

(21:46:54) Poe: Rohan is my favorite

(21:46:57) Poe: Because of his namesake

(21:47:08) Evans: Well

(21:47:15) Evans: Now that I'm doing a nuzlocke

(21:47:28) Evans: Poe. Want to be Poedaquil again?

(21:47:46) *** Poe puts on his gloves and makes them ignite ***

(21:47:48) Poe: HELL

(21:47:49) Poe: FUCKIN'

(21:47:51) Poe: YEAH!

(21:48:00) Evans: THAT'S THE SPIRIT

(21:49:42) Evans: .......

(21:49:44) Evans: Poe

(21:49:53) Evans: ......Joey beat me

(21:49:57) Poe: SEE!?

(21:50:00) Ryner: LOL

(21:50:03) Poe: HE'S A FUCKING CHEATER!


(21:50:23) Evans: I don't know what to do

(21:50:28) +Kirito: ...

(21:50:30) Evans: The shame I feel

(21:50:49) Evans: I

(21:50:53) Evans: ...I

(21:50:58) Evans: Lost to Joey

(21:51:00) *** Poe pats Evans on the back ***

(21:51:04) Ryner: Evans lost to the number 1 trainer

(21:51:05) Ryner: in the game

(21:51:09) Evans: What does this mean....

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[星] KuroNeko: why does he wanna know my name

[星] KuroNeko: he already knows it

[星] KuroNeko: FALE

[ironfist] Ryan C: lol

[星] KuroNeko: FALE*

[星] KuroNeko: omg

[sC]Cynthia: you're missing the point of the song

[星] KuroNeko: false*

[ironfist] Ryan C: what about FAIL?

[星] KuroNeko: I really do fail.

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Battle between rotomfan63 and [星]Raiden started!

Tier: OverUsed

Mode: Singles

Variation: +21, -11

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Freeze Clause

Rule: Species Clause

rotomfan63 sent out Vlot! (Electivire)

[星]Raiden sent out Liepard!

Vlot is floating on a balloon!

Start of turn 1

The foe's Liepard used Fake Out!

Vlot lost 67 HP! (23% of its health)

Vlot's Air Balloon popped!

The foe's Liepard is hurt by its Life Orb!

Vlot flinched!

Start of turn 2

The foe's Liepard used Night Slash!

Vlot lost 177 HP! (60% of its health)

The foe's Liepard is hurt by its Life Orb!

Vlot used Cross Chop!

It's super effective!

The foe's Liepard lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Liepard fainted!

[星]Raiden sent out Serperior!

Start of turn 3

rotomfan63 called Vlot back!

rotomfan63 sent out FiddleSticks! (Shedinja)

The foe's Serperior used Leaf Storm!

FiddleSticks's Wonder Guard evades the attack!

Start of turn 4

[星]Raiden called Serperior back!

[星]Raiden sent out Simipour!

FiddleSticks used Swords Dance!

FiddleSticks's Attack sharply rose!

Start of turn 5

FiddleSticks used Sucker Punch!

The foe's Simipour lost 77% of its health!

The foe's Simipour used Ice Beam!

FiddleSticks's Wonder Guard evades the attack!

[星]Raiden: gg

[星]Raiden forfeited against rotomfan63!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

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  On 9/4/2012 at 3:49 PM, rotomfan63 said:

Battle between rotomfan63 and [星]Raiden started!

Tier: OverUsed

Mode: Singles

Variation: +21, -11

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Freeze Clause

Rule: Species Clause

rotomfan63 sent out Vlot! (Electivire)

[星]Raiden sent out Liepard!

Vlot is floating on a balloon!

Start of turn 1

The foe's Liepard used Fake Out!

Vlot lost 67 HP! (23% of its health)

Vlot's Air Balloon popped!

The foe's Liepard is hurt by its Life Orb!

Vlot flinched!

Start of turn 2

The foe's Liepard used Night Slash!

Vlot lost 177 HP! (60% of its health)

The foe's Liepard is hurt by its Life Orb!

Vlot used Cross Chop!

It's super effective!

The foe's Liepard lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Liepard fainted!

[星]Raiden sent out Serperior!

Start of turn 3

rotomfan63 called Vlot back!

rotomfan63 sent out FiddleSticks! (Shedinja)

The foe's Serperior used Leaf Storm!

FiddleSticks's Wonder Guard evades the attack!

Start of turn 4

[星]Raiden called Serperior back!

[星]Raiden sent out Simipour!

FiddleSticks used Swords Dance!

FiddleSticks's Attack sharply rose!

Start of turn 5

FiddleSticks used Sucker Punch!

The foe's Simipour lost 77% of its health!

The foe's Simipour used Ice Beam!

FiddleSticks's Wonder Guard evades the attack!

[星]Raiden: gg

[星]Raiden forfeited against rotomfan63!

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.


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*** Amanderr takes taylor and shoves her down her shirt ***

Amanderr: >>

Amanderr: <<

[ironfist] Ryan C: ...

[PR] Lady Taylor: 0_0

Amanderr: mine :c

Brave Soul: <__<

*** [PR] Lady Taylor slithers out ***

Brave Soul: Well that's just unfair.

Amanderr: NOO

*** Amanderr cuddles Taylor ***

*** [PR] Lady Taylor snuggles ***

*** Amanderr my kitty ***

[ironfist] Ryan C: "and they lived happily ever after."

[Reborn]Laura won against [sBL]Dusk.

Amanderr: The end

Amanderr: c:

[PR] Lady Taylor: Story of my life

Amanderr: <3

[PR] Lady Taylor: But it aint over yet

Edited by rc52
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(21:41) Tipzeh x3: eyyo ;D

(21:41) Tipzeh x3: wait

(21:41) Tipzeh x3: dont fight yet

(21:41) Tipzeh x3: i just downloaded po v2

(21:41) Tipzeh x3: soooooooo

(21:41) Tipzeh x3: gimme a sec importing my team :P

(21:42) rotomfan63: Who the heck're you?

(21:42) Tipzeh x3: oopz

(21:42) Tipzeh x3: sorreh xD

(21:42) Tipzeh x3: wrong guy~~~

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+Amethyst: ...au.

+Mashew: Though ame doesn't know any tricks.. Except how to run in a circle and play dead.

Battle between [DR] Batᴌent and akaFila started.

Kharma: Ame play dead for us

+Amethyst: wolie ≠ doggiepet

Skeleton: Wolie? :D

+Amethyst: *wolfie

*** Kharma fake shoots ame ***

+Mashew: You still know tricks.

~~~ Amethyst was infected by the X-Parasites. ~~~

+Mashew: See.

Enigma: ...

+Mashew: Ame is a great actor.

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Washman: when are you ungrounded, ame?

*** [ironfist] Ryan C leaves Ame alone so she can stay covert. ***

+Amethyst: October, at latest.

Washman: ok

Skeleton: ...

Skeleton: My

Skeleton: My grandma

[ironfist] Ryan C: yiked

Pandora: Balls.

[ironfist] Ryan C: yikes*


Skeleton: asjcbas

Skeleton: adhvsdbv

~~~ Skeleton was driven to sheer madness by their unrequited love for the below person, and took their own life. ~~~

[星]Jago: Hi

+Mashew: LOL

+Amethyst: ...lol. >>

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Swimming95: I am getting milkshakes

Swimming95: be back soon

[ironfist] Ryan C: ...milkshakes...?

DR.TRAN: Boys in the yard?

[星] KuroNeko: suddenly

Battle between [AO]Dark Desireღ and Densetsu! started.

[ironfist]Ayame: im dring a smootjie which is the only thing i will eat from burger king

[星] KuroNeko: boys have flooded in swi's yard

[星] KuroNeko: Swn

[星] KuroNeko: ...

[星] KuroNeko: Swim's*

±Leader Availability: Laura, Sigmund, Shade, Hardy, Samson, Serra, Luna, Titania, Charlotte, Ciel

±Reborn League: Please PM Wizard Howl the name of the leader you wish to battle.

*** [ironfist] Ryan C decides he doesn't want what Swimming95 is having. ***

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[uPM]Darkness Thgil: ok

[Reborn]Hardy: I don't think Adfox will mind if I get this next song out before sis comes. Should be a quick one. Darkness, you ready?

[uPM]Darkness Thgil: yeah

Battle between sprite and Tornado started.

[uPM]Darkness Thgil: ass I'll ever be

Lobos: ...

[星] KuroNeko: lul ass

Battle between [Reborn]Hardy and [uPM]Darkness Thgil started.

[星] KuroNeko: orz

Lobos: hahah

Lobos: a*

[uPM]Darkness Thgil: sorry

Lobos: a$$

[uPM]Darkness Thgil: as I'll ever be

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(19:39:18) +Phoenix: I swear to whatever religious figure if I'm pinged one more time in relation to Phoenix wright I'm going to kill someone

(19:39:50) Pandora: Phoenix

(19:39:51) Pandora: Wrigth

(19:39:55) Pandora: Wirght

(19:39:57) Pandora: Wifght

(19:39:59) Pandora: :c

(19:39:59) Enigma: Phoenix

(19:40:01) Enigma: Phoenix

(19:40:04) Enigma: Phoenix

(19:40:10) Enigma: Wright

(19:40:15) +Phoenix: hahahaha

(19:40:39) Pandora: Your face

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