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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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Clarice has some sass today.

%mde2001: .helix do you think I'm better than Bibs
#BreloomBot: Cannot predict now.
Alpha Male Sloth: uh clarice
Alpha Male Sloth: whatchu doing
%mde2001: .helix is Azery better than Bibs
#BreloomBot: Outlook not so good.
Alpha Male Sloth: HA
%mde2001: .helix are you just being nice to Bibs because he loves you
#BreloomBot: Signs point to yes.
Alpha Male Sloth: .
Alpha Male Sloth: if you keep spamming clarice she will give you the answer you want to hear because shes tired of your shit :[
Alpha Male Sloth: .helix aint that right clarice bby
Alpha Male Sloth: &BreloomBot: Most likely.
%mde2001: .helix are you just giving me the answer I want to hear because you're "tired of my shit"
#BreloomBot: It is decidedly so.
%mde2001: Fair enough
Alpha Male Sloth: L O L
%mde2001: .helix should I stop using .helix because it is annoying
#BreloomBot: Yes - definitely.
%mde2001: Will do
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I must commend Spine. It is almost impossible to leave me at a loss for words, but he has accomplished this feat:

[21:06] @Zuмi: remember when i had this as my forum avatar

[21:06] @Zuмi: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Qc6koJkNtJc/VsbDUOd6f1I/AAAAAAAAB5Y/ZauLoqM9jKU/w640-h360/1.gif

[21:06] entreflores: ...Bibs

[21:06] entreflores: you can't be eating dinner right now

[21:06] entreflores: YOU CAN'T

[21:06] entreflores: say it's a dessert

[21:06] Spineblade: As new trash, I'm afraid not, Viri

[21:06] %Hukuna: Oh yea... I remember that Zumi XD

[21:06] Spineblade: .

[21:07] Spineblade: Why the hell

[21:07] @Zuмi: hehehehe

[21:07] Spineblade: Did I call you viri

[21:07] Spineblade: Zumi

[21:07] @Zuмi: LOL

[21:08] Spineblade: Ehhh, four letters, ends in i, it's pretty much the same

And lol no, it most certainly isn't.

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[13:54:24] @Captain Kyoyo: I love you

[13:56:35] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: U-Uhm

[13:56:43] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: Kyo-Chan I-I don't know how to respond to those feelings

[13:57:36] @Captain Kyoyo: You don't have to do anything...

[13:57:44] • @Captain Kyoyo wraps his hand around Pyon's waist

[13:57:50] @Captain Kyoyo: Just let me be with you tonight...

[13:58:02] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: N-noooo Kyo-Chan that's too l-lewd

[13:58:07] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: What if my family finds out...

[13:58:46] @Captain Kyoyo: Then we'll run away. I don't care as long as you're by my side

[13:59:25] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: K-Kyo-Chan

[13:59:31] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: I haven't been completely honnest with you

[13:59:34] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: I-I

[13:59:39] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: I'm a horse

[13:59:52] @Captain Kyoyo: ...A what?

[14:00:00] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: Woops sorry auto correct

[14:00:02] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: I mean

[14:00:03] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: A whore

[14:00:21] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: FUCKING AUTO CORRECT

[14:00:21] @Captain Kyoyo: Hold on. I need to stop laughing for a moment

[14:00:38] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: I mean: a podiatrist

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[18:31] • +Apophyll Sparky tosses gazelle inmages at Arkhi

[18:31] +Apophyll Sparky: *images

[18:32] • %TF Ark chops them with his anti-gazelle sword

[18:32] %TF Ark: look ma, I'm Yasuo

[18:32] +Avatar of Grima: Ew

[18:32] Meteor Ace Ama: gazelle in-mages

[18:32] Meteor Ace Ama: this could either be very cute or very unnerving

[18:32] KittehMiss: LOL Ark

[18:33] Inno: Gazelle mages.

[18:33] %TF Ark: plz on

[18:33] %TF Ark: no

[18:33] +Apophyll Sparky: lmao

[18:33] %TF Ark: Gazelles are bad enough

[18:33] +Apophyll Sparky: gazelles that are capable of magic

[18:33] KittehMiss: lol Distorted fun

[18:33] Prasiolite: Hmmm Gazelle Mage

[18:34] Inno: [16:32:51] %TF Ark: plz on >> He wants more!

[18:34] %TF Ark: That's not what I meaaaaant

[18:34] KittehMiss: I've been getting back into Fleetwood Mac and I just wanna share this song because I love it so much lol

[18:35] %TF Ark: the gazelle madness must stop

[18:35] Meteor Ace Ama: great, now I have the urge to listen to Little Lies

+ThunderInuki left

[18:36] Bazaro: we need a gazelle pokemon pronto

[18:36] %TF Ark: What about

[18:36] %TF Ark: instead of having one

[18:36] %TF Ark: we don't

[18:36] Bazaro: what if

[18:36] %TF Ark: I rest my case

[18:36] @LidаRоsе: We totally should

[18:36] Bazaro: yes

[18:37] +Apophyll Sparky: I mean we already have girafarig lol

[18:37] +Apophyll Sparky: !dt girafarig

[18:37] @LidаRоsе: That's a giraffe though

[18:37] Bazaro: we have an elk, but not a giraffe...

[18:37] @LidаRоsе: We need a gazelle mon

[18:37] Bazaro: er

[18:37] +Apophyll Sparky: unless you count gogoat as a gazelle

[18:37] Bazaro: gazelle**8

[18:37] KittehMiss: I should have been born in the late 50's so I could be a young adult in the 70's. I feel like that's my true time.

[18:37] +Apophyll Sparky: !dt gogoat

[18:37] +Avatar of Grima:

ID spam time

[18:37] Bazaro: goGOAT

[18:37] %TF Ark: but it legit says

[18:37] Bazaro: hmmm

[18:37] @LidаRоsе: Gogoat is a goat

[18:37] Prasiolite: Liek what if we get a Gazelle pokemon styled like Delphox

[18:37] • +Apophyll Sparky tackles Ark to the ground

[18:37] %TF Ark:

ID spam time

[18:38] • %TF Ark is melted on impact

[18:38] KittehMiss: I could have had dat 80's hair-do.

[18:38] KittehMiss: I'm going to bring it back.

[18:38] +Avatar of Grima:


[18:38] • KittehMiss grabs the perm kit

[18:38] %TF Ark:

[18:38] Bazaro: what type would the gazelle be

[18:38] +Apophyll Sparky: -cue Edgeworth styled Objection-

[18:38] Meteor Ace Ama: I want something based on a Greater Kudu or maybe an Eastern Bongo o3o

[18:39] Bazaro: I feel like it could have lots of jumping and kicking and headbutting with horns

[18:39] %TF Ark: There's only one breed of gazelle, though

[18:39] %TF Ark: the Uberbad Gazelle

[18:39] %TF Ark: It's named after the fact that it is very bad

[18:39] • Bazaro checks type chart

[18:39] %TF Ark: It's harmful to the environment

[18:39] +Avatar of Grima:

[18:39] +Avatar of Grima: !dt Stantler

[18:39] +Avatar of Grima: ^pretty close to a gazelle

[18:39] Meteor Ace Ama: stantler was my ace in my heartgold run, hue

[18:39] %TF Ark: More ID

[18:40] Bazaro: stantler is a reindeer

[18:40] Prasiolite: Fighting Grass Gazelle or Psychic Grass Gazelle

[18:40] %TF Ark: Let's face it, GameFreak knows better than to add a Gazelle :]

[18:40] +Avatar of Grima:

ID covers hue hue

[18:41] %TF Ark: Oh my god

[18:41] %TF Ark: This is incredible

[18:41] %TF Ark: because Stand By Me is incredible and EDEN covered Blank Space and asdf this is gold

[18:42] %TF Ark: and Gold is also an ID song, so that was a joke, I guess?

[18:42] +Apophyll Sparky: gib Poison type legendary gazelle pokemon pls

[18:42] %TF Ark: IF GF adds a gazelle, it totally would be poison-type because it's toxic to the environment

[18:43] @Dark Desire: whats wrong with gazelles ):

[18:43] +Apophyll Sparky: Ark doesn't believe they exist

[18:43] %TF Ark: No one knows what they are

[18:43] %TF Ark: everyone says they exist, but they don't

[18:43] Meteor Ace Ama: but pokemon taught us that dragons and fairies are real

[18:43] Bazaro: Headbutt, Megahorn, Horn Leech, Jump Kick, Bounce...

[18:43] Meteor Ace Ama: gazelles can be real in the pokemon world

[18:43] Meteor Ace Ama: gazelle new type confirmed

[18:44] @LidаRоsе: The gazelle type?

[18:44] @LidаRоsе: I approve

[18:44] • %TF Ark flips tables

[18:45] Bazaro: Stantler: Gazelle/Normal

[18:45] %TF Ark: noh

[18:45] Bazaro: Sawsbuck: Gazelle/Grass

Aero joined

[18:45] Bazaro: Girafarig: Gazelle/Psychic

[18:45] Bazaro: the list goes on :^)

[18:45] Meteor Ace Ama: Deerling is my fave gazelle

[18:45] Aero: What is super effective against gazelle

[18:46] %TF Ark: Mass extinction.

[18:46] Inno: I love those gazelles you find in gardens that you can rest under for shade.

[18:46] Inno: ...Wait...

[18:46] @LidаRоsе: ...Inno

[18:46] @LidаRоsе: Those are gazebos

[18:46] Inno: That's a gazebo.

[18:46] Inno: Right.

[18:46] %TF Ark: Let's play "guess the ping"

[18:46] %TF Ark: http://prnt.sc/awuwv4


[18:53] +RВRN Оdy: I miss the old Adidas Gazelle shoes

[18:53] %TF Ark: they sound dumb >:c

[18:54] Bazaro33: What's wrong with gazelles

[18:54] Aero: They made you run like a gazelle!

[18:54] Aero: Supposedly.

[18:54] Bazaro33: Graceful af?

[18:54] %TF Ark: Gazelles are fictitious creatures that don't actually exist.

[18:54] +RВRN Оdy: they look good, just like gazelles

[18:54] Aero: How could you run like a gazelle with only 2 legs?

[18:54] %TF Ark: I'm not crazy, you're crazy

[18:55] +RВRN Оdy: Ark, a lion family today had a fictitious lunch too

[18:55] Bazaro33: Silly Aero, that's why you buy 2 pairs and run on all 4s

[18:56] Aero: Hm.

[18:56] Aero: This is the part where Ark says lions don't exist either.

[18:56] %TF Ark: Nah, lions are neat

[18:56] %TF Ark: but gazelles

[18:56] Sebastian DW: http://prntscr.com/awuzqp

[18:56] %TF Ark: They aren't

[18:57] +RВRN Оdy: if you like lions, Ark, you have to accept their prefered lunch: gazelles

[18:57] %TF Ark: I SWEAR that arkhive site exists solely to spite me

[18:57] Bazaro33: I'm waiting for S&M to have a gazelle starter

[18:57] Sebastian DW: LMAO

[18:57] Inno: [16:56:14] %TF Ark: Nah, lions are neat >> Sounds like a lie-n.

[18:57] +RВRN Оdy: Bazaro...

[18:57] +RВRN Оdy: don't whip the gazelle

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[20:03:29] @LidаRоsе: Behold, the Scarf Snail!

[20:03:46] +Apophyll Sparky: Unfortunately, when I spotted it, you were nowhere in sight.

[20:04:05] A Shadow Snail: :]]

[20:04:06] @LidаRоsе: It is recognized by its fabulous scarfs and ability to find amazing music

[20:04:28] A Shadow Snail: spoopy shadowy snail

[20:04:31] @LidаRоsе: Additionally, it has a 6th sense for finding Atok Niiro works

[20:04:35] A Shadow Snail: Shadow Snail was taken..

[20:04:44] Arkhisnail slowly crawls around some headphones

[20:04:44] Inno: Can you lure it with headphones, Rose?

[20:04:46] @LidаRоsе: The Scarf Snail has never been spotted before today

[20:04:50] @LidаRоsе: Yes you can!

[20:04:57] @LidаRоsе: The Scarf Snail loves headphones

[20:05:09] A Shadow Snail: i love the timing with Arkhi and Inno just then

[20:05:10] Arkhisnail snail noises of happiness

[20:05:15] +Quіnn: There's actually a good way to break Ark

[20:05:29] Aurora K_H: But you don't know it.

[20:05:29] +Apophyll Sparky tosses a blanket at the scarf snail

[20:05:30] +Quіnn gives Ark a letter full of horrible grammar

[20:05:39] Sebastian DW gives Ark a gazelle as well

[20:05:49] Arkhisnail can't read the letter because he is protected by a blanket

[20:05:54] Aurora K_H: Need I repeat myself?

[20:05:55] @LidаRоsе: The Scarf Snail works quite carefully with the Blanket Snail. The two are partners in crime

[20:05:57] A Shadow Snail slinks around a laptop

[20:06:01] Inno: The natural predator of the Scarf Snail is the Gazelle.

[20:06:03] A Shadow Snail: lol\

[20:06:35] +Quіnn takes blanket

[20:06:35] Arkhisnail puts his trench coat on and holsters his six-shooter

[20:06:39] Mr. Mojo Roo: he was caught in the crossfire and blasted into dust

[20:06:46] +Quіnn pours salt on Ark

[20:06:49] @LidаRоsе: The one weakness of the ScarfSnail is when things that shouldn't exist do, such as bad grammar and gazelles

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Aika, you'll always be our favourite meme.

17:35] Frоnt - Ⓜⓞⓔ: How tall are you den?

[17:35] IKEA-sαn: tbh now that i think about it i am actually not too different from a bird

[17:35] IKEA-sαn: you kEEP CALLIN ME SMOL but i'm 2 feet tall

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: uhm. is that right?

[17:36] +Captain Breakfast: ...

[17:36] Viridescent: .....

[17:36] Viridescent: Hahaha

[17:36] Viridescent: Quotebooked.

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: idk how the americans and their feet work

[17:36] Frоnt: 2ft

[17:36] Viridescent: That's probably right

[17:36] Frоnt: That's smaller than the smallest person on earth

[17:36] +Captain Breakfast: I'm pretty sure 2 ft is pixie-ish

[17:36] Frоnt: You're 60cm then

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: oh

[17:36] Viridescent: Hahahaha

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: i

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: .

[17:36] Viridescent: I'm still laughing

[17:36] IKEA-sαn: what the heCK

[17:36] Frоnt: I wouldn't be surprised if that were true xD

[17:37] IKEA-sαn: okay i just proved how much of an iDIOT I AM

[17:37] • IKEA-sαn hides in a trash can

[17:37] +Captain Breakfast: Did you think 1 foot = 1 metre or something?

[17:37] IKEA-sαn: y

[17:37] IKEA-sαn: yes

[17:37] Frоnt: pfft

[17:37] Frоnt: 1 foot is 30cm

[17:38] IKEA-sαn: sh

[17:38] IKEA-sαn: SHUT UP

[17:38] Frоnt: Noh

[17:38] IKEA-sαn: IM LEARNING

[17:38] Frоnt: Smol learning

[17:38] IKEA-sαn: Noh

[17:38] Frоnt: One smol step at a time

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  • Veterans
git gud

[14:34:52] Morshυ: same zui

[14:34:54] Calcudescent: The fairy typing did more for it

[14:34:56] Morshυ: zumi too

[14:34:59] Oikawа: zui

[14:35:08] Calcudescent: The typose

[14:35:10] Morshυ: zui is actually a legit name as well

[14:35:11] Calcudescent: It spreads

[14:35:23] Morshυ: if I didnt correct myself you wouldnt have known it was a typo

[14:35:24] Morshυ: >:[

[14:35:31] Calcudescent: Probably true

[14:35:35] Calcudescent: I am exhausted XD

[14:35:36] Oikawа: but now you've said it's a typo

[14:35:39] Oikawа: so now it's a typo

[14:35:43] Morshυ: OBJECTION

[14:35:49] Oikawа: and therefore it's avisable to not say it again

[14:35:52] Calcudescent: Rejection.

[14:35:58] Oikawа: advisable*

[14:36:06] Calcudescent: Nice.

[14:36:09] Morshu Wright: my client has not literally stated that it was a typo

[14:36:17] Morshu Wright: ok maybe he did

[14:36:17] Oikawа: [14:35:23] Morshυ: if I didnt correct myself you wouldnt have known it was a typo

[14:36:17] Morshu Wright: fuck

[14:36:19] ReploidZero: Cut is grass type

[14:36:20] Calcudescent: My god

[14:36:23] Oikawа: LOL BIBS

[14:36:26] ReploidZero: 100 accuracy and 60 power in this hack

[14:36:28] Oikawа: YOU TRIED

[14:36:37] Morshu Wright: goddammit bibs

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[21:58:34] Arkhiphone: Anyway, thete was a timr whenReborn was hosted by SiteGatoe

rupe left
[21:58:41] Sebastiana WPP: i think i saw him post something about defeating radomus
[21:58:41] Uncle Bibs: sitegatoe
[21:58:44] Uncle Bibs: thete
[21:58:48] Shawjamon: what is
[21:58:50] Meteor Ace Ama: well, he finally did it, then
[21:58:51] Shawjamon: a sitegatoe
[21:58:52] Sebastiana WPP: so i guess he decided to try again
[21:58:57] Sebastiana WPP: but now he cant even play
[21:59:01] Arkhiphone: It was aeful, because thr sitr would frwwurntly go down
[21:59:02] entreflores: thete, thete
[21:59:08] Shawjamon: Arkhi
[21:59:10] Uncle Bibs: ark are you ok
[21:59:10] Shawjamon: stop
[21:59:12] Meteor Ace Ama: i am enjoying this way too much
[21:59:13] Arkhiphone: Shhh
[21:59:17] @Zuмi: same ama
[21:59:17] Arkhiphone: Im telling a story
[21:59:19] Uncle Bibs: your typing is
[21:59:21] Shawjamon: we can't understand you anymore
[21:59:21] Uncle Bibs: aeful
[21:59:21] Meteor Ace Ama: Arkhi
[21:59:22] Meteor Ace Ama: continue
[21:59:22] Uncle Bibs: tb
[21:59:24] Uncle Bibs: fuck
[21:59:25] Nova 1000: sebastina have patiace it needs time to work something out
[21:59:28] entreflores: Arkhi, you're aeful
[21:59:28] +Milk and Oreon: ark
[21:59:31] +Milk and Oreon: stawp
[21:59:36] @Zuмi: im just sitting in front of my laptop sipping my coffee and watching the chaos unfold
[21:59:41] Sebastiana WPP: well its not my problem but im still trying to help
[21:59:41] @Zuмi: it's a beautiful sight to behold
[21:59:43] +Milk and Oreon: believe in the gazelles first
[21:59:44] Arkhiphone: So when the site faikrd to load for th last time, we took axtion
[21:59:47] +Milk and Oreon: and then type :3
[21:59:47] Sebastiana WPP: i try to help everyone if i can
[21:59:51] Shawjamon: faikrd
[21:59:51] Uncle Bibs: axtion
[21:59:54] Sebastiana WPP: unfortunately,i'm useless :(
[21:59:55] Frоnt: Zumi stop sipping that coffee and start eating it
[21:59:59] +Milk and Oreon: maybe if mde or one of the devs came
[22:00:01] Meteor Ace Ama: axtion is the best medicine
[22:00:02] +Milk and Oreon: they could help him
[22:00:02] @Zuмi: i am SIPPING IT
[22:00:03] +Milk and Oreon: but idk
Nova 1000 left
[22:00:09] • Uncle Bibs kicks zumi
[22:00:10] Frоnt: You have to EAT IT
[22:00:12] Arkhiphone: Forst, Ame made a ranty thread about Rost Gaot bring awful
[22:00:13] Uncle Bibs: sometimes you just gotta do it
[22:00:16] @Zuмi: fine
[22:00:16] Uncle Bibs: forst
[22:00:17] @Zuмi: ill eat it
[22:00:17] Shawjamon: Rost Gaot
[22:00:20] Uncle Bibs: rost goat
[22:00:23] Sebastiana WPP: uhh i want some milk and oreos
[22:00:25] Uncle Bibs: ROST GAOT
[22:00:25] Shawjamon: Rost gaot
[22:00:26] • Frоnt pats Zumi
[22:00:28] Uncle Bibs: I MEAN
[22:00:28] Frоnt: gj am proud
[22:00:28] +IceCreamSandWitch: Frost Goat
[22:00:30] +Milk and Oreon: arkhi what are you doing
[22:00:30] @Zuмi: thank
[22:00:39] Uncle Bibs: ROST GOAT BRING AWFUL
Uncle Bibs was warned by BreloomBot. (Automated response: caps)
[22:00:40] Arkhiphone: Nothinf changed, so we proceeded to tackle the issue head-on
[22:00:42] +Milk and Oreon: did you believe in the gazelles
[22:00:48] Uncle Bibs: GAOT
[22:00:49] Uncle Bibs: NOT GOAT
[22:00:50] • Meteor Ace Ama buries face in a pillow to stop laughing
[22:00:51] Uncle Bibs: IM CRYING
[22:00:56] Arkhiphone: Forst 23/ condemned the gazelles
[22:00:59] @Zuмi: this is chaos
[22:00:59] Shawjamon: rost goat is terrible
[22:01:03] Uncle Bibs: im
[22:01:06] Uncle Bibs: [scree
[22:01:09] @Zuмi: [scree
[22:01:11] Meteor Ace Ama: [scree
[22:01:14] Shawjamon: [scree
[22:01:19] Arkhiphone: [scre
[22:01:21] @Zuмi: LOL
[22:01:22] Uncle Bibs: OH
[22:01:23] Uncle Bibs: MY
[22:01:24] Uncle Bibs: GOD
[22:01:26] +Milk and Oreon: also
[22:01:28] Shawjamon: Arkhi why
[22:01:30] +Milk and Oreon: Redemption's started
[22:01:36] Uncle Bibs: im quotebooking the fuck out of this
[22:01:38] Shawjamon: you can't even type [scree right on the phone
[22:01:41] @Zuмi: i'm so glad
[22:01:53] @Zuмi: im laughing like an idiot holy shit
[22:01:54] Arkhiphone: Anyway, we wsnted yo switchhists
[22:01:57] +Milk and Oreon: .
[22:01:58] @Zuмi: DSKLGJDFKL
[22:02:01] Uncle Bibs: LOL
[22:02:03] Meteor Ace Ama: you wanted my what
[22:02:03] +Milk and Oreon: wsnted yo switchists
[22:02:07] Shawjamon: ...you wanted yo swithhists
[22:02:14] Uncle Bibs: ark you are a god
[22:02:16] +Milk and Oreon: switchhists*
[22:02:18] Meteor Ace Ama: hide yo children hide yo switchhists
[22:02:21] +Milk and Oreon: can't type the typo :[
[22:02:23] RBRN Alice: is it ark o'clock
[22:02:26] Shawjamon: switchhists* rofl
[22:02:34] Arkhiphone: We changed hosts from Roast Goat to something less sucky
[22:02:40] Shawjamon: Roast Goat
[22:02:41] Uncle Bibs: ROAST GOAT
[22:02:42] Uncle Bibs: IM DONE
[22:02:44] @Zuмi: roAST GOAT
[22:02:47] Uncle Bibs: BURY ME
[22:02:48] Uncle Bibs: ITS OVER
[22:02:56] +Milk and Oreon: >ROAST GOAT
[22:02:57] • Meteor Ace Ama kicks bibs into the grave
[22:03:06] Sebastiana WPP: i thought it was called Roost goat?
[22:03:07] Arkhiphone: Toast Ghost was an aful site gost, as Akr informed us all in a rsnty thread
[22:03:10] Uncle Bibs: brb I gotta get some tissues
[22:03:10] @Zuмi: i swear
[22:03:12] Uncle Bibs: TOAST GHOST
[22:03:13] Shawjamon: Toast Goast
[22:03:15] @Zuмi: LJSOFKHJDFS
[22:03:16] Shawjamon: Ghost*
[22:03:17] Sebastiana WPP: i thought it was called Roost goat???
[22:03:18] Arkhiphone: Akr = Ame
[22:03:18] Uncle Bibs: AKR
[22:03:20] Shawjamon: Wow this became that terrible fanfic lmao
[22:03:22] Uncle Bibs: RSNTY
The Sakurai joined
[22:03:25] Meteor Ace Ama: Akrhidon
[22:03:29] Uncle Bibs: AFUL SITE GOST
[22:03:39] Shawjamon: what's a rsnty thread
[22:03:47] Meteor Ace Ama: Goasts pls
[22:03:49] Arkhiphone: Ranty Throat krpt saying "your site is bring dixed," butnit was all a lie
[22:03:51] Uncle Bibs: im sorry I need to look away for a moment
[22:03:53] @Zuмi: RANTY
[22:03:53] Prasiolite: <<
[22:03:55] Uncle Bibs: because my parents
The Sakurai left
[22:03:55] Meteor Ace Ama: dix it
[22:03:56] Shawjamon: the Goasts are intercepting my fingers
[22:03:56] @Zuмi: THROAt
[22:03:59] Uncle Bibs: cant take it anymore
[22:04:13] Shawjamon: Ranty Throat
[22:04:30] Arkhiphone: Kuna coildnt takr it ajymore, so hr faced Phō's Most on the mountain
[22:04:36] Meteor Ace Ama: ...
[22:04:46] Meteor Ace Ama: >Phō
[22:04:46] Arkhiphone: Toe's Moist put up a good fighr
[22:04:51] Shawjamon: I'm surprised
Prasiolite left
[22:04:53] Meteor Ace Ama: how did you even fuck up that hard
[22:04:56] Shawjamon: he actually spelled mountain right
Inno left
[22:05:11] • Inno went off to do an errand.
[22:05:14] Uncle Bibs: im sweating
[22:05:15] Shawjamon: Toe's Moist put up a fighr
[22:05:18] Uncle Bibs: from laughter
[22:05:19] Uncle Bibs: jessu
[22:05:21] Uncle Bibs: JESUS
[22:05:24] Shawjamon: jessu
[22:05:29] Arkhiphone: But in the end, Lew'd Coast let down hid guard
[22:05:33] +Milk and Oreon: .
[22:05:34] Uncle Bibs: my parents are literally telling me to not die
[22:05:35] +Milk and Oreon: Lew'd Coast
[22:05:36] Shawjamon: Lew'd Coast
[22:05:37] Uncle Bibs: LEW'D COAST
[22:05:44] Meteor Ace Ama: found DW's new name
[22:06:01] @Zuмi: oh my god
[22:06:02] Lew'd Coast DW: :]
[22:06:05] @Zuмi: he actually changed it
[22:06:05] Meteor Ace Ama: ~
[22:06:10] Arkhiphone: Hykina sturct thr last bloe at Krab Folk
[22:06:13] Shawjamon: of course he did
[22:06:15] Shawjamon: ...what
[22:06:17] Meteor Ace Ama: Krab Folk
[22:06:17] Arkhiphone: And won
[22:06:23] Uncle Bibs: ark
[22:06:25] Uncle Bibs: god bless you.
[22:06:25] @Zuмi: crab people
[22:06:29] @Zuмi: crab p eople
[22:06:29] Meteor Ace Ama: is that crab people or a music genre
[22:06:36] Shawjamon: the crab folk that live on lew'd coast
[22:06:36] @Zuмi: TASTE LIKE CRAB
[22:06:38] @Zuмi: WALK LIKE PEOPLE
[22:06:43] @Zuмi: CRAB PEOPLE
[22:06:44] Uncle Bibs: LOST
[22:06:45] Uncle Bibs: LOL
[22:06:46] Arkhiphone: This thus ended thr battle beywenn Tebron and Rad Joes
[22:06:50] Uncle Bibs: RAD JOES
[22:06:53] +Milk and Oreon: Tebron and Rad Joes
[22:07:03] Shawjamon: is that a distant relative of Radomus
[22:07:06] Meteor Ace Ama: Pokémon Tebron
[22:07:13] Uncle Bibs: ama
[22:07:16] Uncle Bibs: and the evil team is called
[22:07:18] Uncle Bibs: rad joes
[22:07:21] +Milk and Oreon: Noel and Anna's dad is actually called Rad Joes
[22:07:31] Arkhiphone: No one missef Losy Hatter afyer that
[22:07:35] Shawjamon: what
[22:07:41] Uncle Bibs: my tears stain the carpet
[22:07:42] Shawjamon: don't drag me into this
[22:07:42] +Milk and Oreon: .
[22:07:44] Uncle Bibs: jesus fuck ark
[22:07:44] Meteor Ace Ama: Rad Joes Leader Srolais wants to fight?
[22:07:46] +Milk and Oreon: Lost Hatter
[22:07:49] +Milk and Oreon: Losy*
[22:07:55] Uncle Bibs: ark
[22:07:55] Shawjamon: amazing
[22:07:57] Meteor Ace Ama: ok I am definitely dying
[22:07:59] Shawjamon: you typo'd the typo into me
+Kurotsune left
[22:08:00] Uncle Bibs: you are the best storyteller
[22:08:00] Arkhiphone: So we continue to hate kn Knot Flatter since we won tj baeele
[22:08:02] Uncle Bibs: I have ever seen
[22:08:03] Uncle Bibs: LOL
[22:08:07] Uncle Bibs: KNOT FLATTER
[22:08:10] Shawjamon: you won tj baeele
[22:08:19] Meteor Ace Ama: also that's wrong :c
[22:08:26] Meteor Ace Ama: [22:07:42] Arkhiphone: No one missef Losy Hatter afyer that
[22:08:27] Arkhiphone: Anf thats the end of that story
[22:08:27] Meteor Ace Ama: I would missef Losy Hatter very much
[22:08:38] Uncle Bibs: ok time to quotebook now then
[22:08:40] Shawjamon: I am making
[22:08:41] Arkhiphone: Thats not even my beststory tbh
[22:08:43] Uncle Bibs: thank you for your time ark
+Jiniri joined
[22:08:46] Shawjamon: the most hideous noises rn tbh
[22:08:51] Arkhiphone: Thank you all fornour wufiencr


[22:12:54] Frоnt: ...I feel like grabbing a dong .-.
[22:13:00] Frоnt: ...*drink
[22:13:03] @Zuмi: LOL
[22:13:05] Champion Cool Girl: xD
[22:13:07] %DerpySimon: How did you..
[22:13:07] Frоnt: How did that become dong
SilentShing joined
[22:13:11] %DerpySimon: ..
[22:13:13] +Milk and Oreon: >dong
[22:13:13] Uncle Bibs: LOLF
[22:13:13] Cyaloom: I came after reading zumi's status
[22:13:15] Champion Cool Girl: same typo that I made a while back xD
[22:13:16] Uncle Bibs: IM
[22:13:17] @Zuмi: WHAT
[22:13:18] Uncle Bibs: I
[22:13:19] Cyaloom: What is happening
[22:13:20] RBRN Alice: i guess you want to
[22:13:21] @Zuмi: HOYL SHIT
[22:13:21] RBRN Alice: take dong
[22:13:26] Uncle Bibs: ALICE LOL
[22:13:28] Frоnt: Hoyl shit
[22:13:30] +Mikzal: Shing o/
[22:13:31] Shawjamon: ...
[22:13:31] Cyaloom: And hai everyone
[22:13:34] Uncle Bibs: AND
[22:13:35] @Zuмi: im losing my shit
[22:13:36] Uncle Bibs: QB AGAIN

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[22:16:25] +Jing Wei <3: Oh, a nerdy oppai witch

[22:16:37] %King Murdoc: I know what you meant

[22:16:47] %King Murdoc: But that sounds like a witch with boob-affecting spells

[22:16:51] +Jing Wei <3: LOL

[22:16:52] %King Murdoc: A mastomancer?

[22:17:02] %King Murdoc: ...no, that sounds like something else...

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[20:55] +SilentShing: When the chat is quiet

[20:55] +SilentShing: or dead

[20:55] Delicious DW: lmao Shing

[20:56] +SilentShing: Indeed

+Red_Chaos_PR joined

[20:56] Wendalf Garadex: Shing

[20:56] Wendalf Garadex: Don't you mean when the chat is Silent?

[20:56] +SilentShing: Oh no

[20:56] +SilentShing: You just didn't

[20:56] +SilentShing: You fucker

[20:56] Wendalf Garadex: <3

[20:57] +Abbey Street: lmao

[20:57] Delicious DW: xD

[20:57] Wendalf Garadex - ⓁⓞⓁ: And our jungler d/c'd

[20:57] +SilentShing: I did not expect that wendal

[20:57] +SilentShing: I'll give that one.

Wendel strikes again.

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[22:12:54] Frоnt: ...I feel like grabbing a dong .-.
[22:13:00] Frоnt: ...*drink
[22:13:03] @Zuмi: LOL
[22:13:05] Champion Cool Girl: xD
[22:13:07] %DerpySimon: How did you..
[22:13:07] Frоnt: How did that become dong
SilentShing joined
[22:13:11] %DerpySimon: ..
[22:13:13] +Milk and Oreon: >dong
[22:13:13] Uncle Bibs: LOLF
[22:13:13] Cyaloom: I came after reading zumi's status
[22:13:15] Champion Cool Girl: same typo that I made a while back xD
[22:13:16] Uncle Bibs: IM
[22:13:17] @Zuмi: WHAT
[22:13:18] Uncle Bibs: I
[22:13:19] Cyaloom: What is happening
[22:13:20] RBRN Alice: i guess you want to
[22:13:21] @Zuмi: HOYL SHIT
[22:13:21] RBRN Alice: take dong
[22:13:26] Uncle Bibs: ALICE LOL
[22:13:28] Frоnt: Hoyl shit
[22:13:30] +Mikzal: Shing o/
[22:13:31] Shawjamon: ...
[22:13:31] Cyaloom: And hai everyone
[22:13:34] Uncle Bibs: AND
[22:13:35] @Zuмi: im losing my shit
[22:13:36] Uncle Bibs: QB AGAIN

In my defense I was really tired at the time

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[15:36] +Viridescent: Ah, nothing beats homemade ice cream~

[15:36] Nova 1000: which flavor

[15:36] +Viridescent: Mango

[15:36] +Viridescent: From my own tree

[15:36] Nova 1000: goddamit viri

[15:36] +Viridescent: :]

[15:36] Nova 1000: you know you go chocloate when you go ice cream

+SupaRocketSaiyajin joined

[15:37] +Viridescent: Mango > chocolate

[15:37] Chimpnology: I come back to see

-- Zuмi is no longer away.

[15:37] Chimpnology: [12:10:33] +Viridescent: Mango > chocolate

[15:37] Jhin of The Opera: I love mangoes more than chocolates

[15:37] HushieHush: hi bibs

[15:37] Jhin of The Opera: But I prefer chocolate Ice Cream

[15:37] Chimpnology: how can something, ANYTHING be better than choco

[15:37] Nova 1000: hi amphy

[15:37] +Viridescent: 'Tis true

[15:37] @Zuмi: hihihi

[15:37] +Viridescent: Bibs

[15:37] HushieHush: hi zumi

[15:37] +Viridescent: You don't know the heaven of tropical fruit

[15:37] +Viridescent: Especially mangoes

[15:37] @Zuмi: mangoes are great

[15:37] Chimpnology: yes but

[15:37] Nova 1000: someone make a poll of chocolate vs mango ice cream

[15:38] Chimpnology: you dont know the heaven that is CHOCO

[15:38] +Viridescent: Don't get me started on mangoes, I wax more eloquent about them than I do about magnezone

[15:38] +Viridescent: Mangozone!

[15:38] +Viridescent: YES!

[15:38] @Zuмi: oh dear

[15:38] Chimpnology: .ban

[15:38] Pоcky: no

[15:38] HushieHush: i smell an art on mangozone coming

[15:38] Chimpnology: oh god no

And mere minutes later, we have our first devotee!

[15:57] Pоcky: guys they just released the newest mega evolution of magnezone!!!

[15:57] Pоcky: http://prntscr.com/b1mnr9

[15:58] Chimpnology: what have you DONE

[15:58] +Viridescent: YES

[15:58] +Viridescent: SO MUCH YES

[15:58] VoydVoyd: Mangozone


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how clarice became carls, aka how to get muted 101 by aika

[08:28:00] Aika-san: Whel

[08:28:04] Aika-san: Im gonan
[08:28:05] Aika-san: Slep
[08:28:09] Pineapple the Blue: bye gonan
[08:28:19] Aika-san: Bye bo
[08:28:20] Aika-san: B
[08:28:32] Bo the Blue: wtf is this
[08:28:35] Bo the Blue: this aint blue
[08:28:41] Aika-san: Ok
[08:28:42] Aika-san: Nye
[08:28:43] Aika-san: Byw
[08:28:48] Pineapple the Blue: o/
[08:28:50] Aika-san: Clarice
[08:28:53] Aika-san: Mute
[08:28:54] Aika-san: Me
[08:28:56] Aika-san: Pls
[08:28:57] Pineapple the Blue: dont
[08:28:58] Pineapple the Blue: worry
[08:28:59] Pineapple the Blue: aika
[08:29:00] Pineapple the Blue: ill
[08:29:01] Pineapple the Blue: save
Pineapple the Blue was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: flooding)
[08:29:02] Aika-san: A
[08:29:04] Aika-san: Aa
[08:29:06] Aika-san: Bb
[08:29:08] Aika-san: Hu
[08:29:14] Aika-san: Um
[08:29:16] Aika-san: ?????
[08:29:21] Aika-san: Helo???
[08:29:26] Aika-san: Carls
[08:29:31] Aika-san: Clarcs
[08:29:42] Aika-san: Ho cLorce wherr is the you
Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ was warned by BreloomBot. (Automated response: caps)
[08:30:16] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: wtf
[08:30:17] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: rude
[08:30:26] Aika-san: Man idk how to spam with these PHAT FOMGNERS
@Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ left
Aika-san was warned by BreloomBot. (Automated response: caps)
@Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ joined
[08:30:46] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: rude @chrome
Aika-san was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: caps)

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Oh, bibs, you never cease to amaze me.

[19:59] Spineblade: Anyway

[19:59] Spineblade: I must fly

[19:59] Spineblade: Fly far away

[19:59] Pineapple the Blue: do not

[19:59] Pineapple the Blue: fly away from us

Spineblade left

[20:00] Spineblade tried to fly and fell and died

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: there is no esc-

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: goddammit viri

Bootiful Bidoof left

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: I just realized that chat was fifty shades of green

Spineblade joined

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: except for my hipster blue color

[20:00] Spineblade: The hell did Viri do

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: I

Random Battle started between +Red_Chaos_PR and pizza maker.

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: CANT BELIEVE

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: MYSELF

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: .

[20:00] Spineblade: What

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: *goddammit spine

[20:00] Pineapple the Blue: 'oops'

[20:01] Spineblade: HOW

[20:01] Spineblade: THE HELL

[20:01] Pineapple the Blue: I

[20:01] Pineapple the Blue: DONT

Myrdwyn Lily left

[20:01] Pineapple the Blue: KNOW

Pineapple the Blue was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: flooding)

[20:01] Spineblade: RIP IN PEACE

[20:01] Spineblade: YOU BEAN

[20:01] Spineblade: Also I think that's 48 now

+Viridescent joined

[20:02] Spineblade: Good timing

[20:02] +Viridescent: Hello, everyone

[20:02] +Viridescent: Mh?

[20:02] Spineblade: Look at the last ten messages

[20:02] Spineblade: Or so

[20:02] Wendalf Garadex: Hai Babiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiribiri

[20:02] +Viridescent: Oh

[20:03] +Viridescent: Hi wendel

[20:03] +Viridescent: And I am laughing, bibs

[20:03] Wendalf Garadex: Yea Bibs

[20:03] +Viridescent: I am laughing

[20:03] Spineblade: So I once mixed up Zumi and Viri

[20:03] Wendalf Garadex: gj Bibs

[20:03] Spineblade: But he manages to mix up Spine and Viri?

[20:03] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: tfw

[20:03] Spineblade: Shh

[20:03] Wendalf Garadex: rekt Bibs

[20:04] +Viridescent is bawling with laughter

[20:04] +Viridescent: This has to be quotebooked~


[20:08] Morshυ: im ALIVE

[20:08] Morshυ: goddammit spien

[20:08] Wendalf Garadex: Noh

[20:08] +Red_Chaos_PR: hi

[20:08] Morshυ: ...

[20:08] Morshυ: *VIRI

[20:08] Wendalf Garadex: >Spien

[20:08] +Viridescent: Hi red

[20:08] +Viridescent: Wb bibs

[20:08] +Viridescent: And this is GOLDEN

[20:08] Morshυ: dont mind me

[20:08] Morshυ: ill just go

[20:08] Morshυ: fall off a cliff

So it seems that the phrase 'Goddamit Viri' has become a conditioned response, what?

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Another wonder from our much-loved Bibs:

King Bibz: nothing as important in life as knives

Shawjamon - ⒹⒾⓈⒽⒺⓈ: Ama go eat

King Bibz: ...I meant food

King Bibz: shit;

Shawjamon - ⒹⒾⓈⒽⒺⓈ: ...how does one typo food into knives

King Bibz: today is not my day

King Bibz: my mind didnt work ok

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Ody wanted this QB'd

Durnduhdkdnehrkrb was locked from talking by LidаRоsе.

Vocalist 2-D joined
[23:25:36] 2tousent: oh come on
%mde2001 joined; ‽Durnduhdkdnehrkrb left
Durnduhdkdnehrkrb was banned by Jеriсhо - ⒶⓦⓐⓨⓉⓘⓛⓈⓘⓧ.
[23:25:40] 2tousent: at least be original with the links
[23:25:41] Stardust Avenue: sigh
[23:25:46] 2tousent: ._. everyone knows that one
Bazaro - ⓝⓐⓟ left
[23:25:57] Shelte: I'd write, but I'm super lazy.
[23:25:58] 2tousent: i hate these guys
[23:26:00] +FraRPetO: Combo take down
[23:26:01] Shelte: And lack lots of motivation.
[23:26:05] entreflores: www.goddamnitspine.com
[23:26:10] &Jеriсhо - ⒶⓦⓐⓨⓉⓘⓛⓈⓘⓧ: Ody
[23:26:14] &Jеriсhо - ⒶⓦⓐⓨⓉⓘⓛⓈⓘⓧ: I almost banned you
[23:26:16] &Jеriсhо - ⒶⓦⓐⓨⓉⓘⓛⓈⓘⓧ: off of reflex there
[23:26:19] +RBRN Azery: .
[23:26:19] +RBRN Azery: LOL
[23:26:21] +RBRN Azery: rip
[23:26:23] +Milk and Oreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: I remember one time there was a person who did what's your favorite email
[23:26:24] +Captain Breakfast: "server DNS address could not be found"
[23:26:24] entreflores: LOL
[23:26:25] 2tousent: that would be funny
[23:26:44] +Milk and Oreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: there was a porn link which has a name very close to hotmail
[23:26:46] +Milk and Oreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: :x
[23:26:54] Meteor Admin Ama: kek
[23:27:04] +Captain Breakfast: Ouch.
[23:27:10] +Trevore: https://www.facebook.com
[23:27:12] entreflores: that's all gonna go qb'd btw
[23:27:16] &Jеriсhо - ⒶⓦⓐⓨⓉⓘⓛⓈⓘⓧ: /ban Trevore
[23:27:18] Stardust Avenue: ^
[23:27:24] +Trevore: lol
[23:27:31] +Captain Breakfast: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/
[23:27:41] RBRN Alice: http://reborn.psim.us
[23:27:43] Shelte: That's an unsafe link.
[23:28:02] krimunist movement: Once you click it you cant leave
[23:28:06] Meteor Admin Ama: ban alice for advertising a server
[23:28:11] +Captain Breakfast: Alice had the same idea, it seems.
[23:28:21] RBRN Alice: shhh
+Milk and Oreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ left
[23:28:36] Meteor Admin Ama: or ban her for being cute idk just do it
[23:28:46] entreflores: banlice
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[13:44:18] Mystic Knіght: im leaving school is important

[13:44:18] Meteor Admin Ama: can't catch me

[13:44:22] Mystic Knіght: its the last 2 weeks

[13:44:25] Mystic Knіght: see yall

[13:44:27] Mystic Knіght: bibs sucks

Slayer95 joined

[13:44:29] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: LOL

[13:44:29] Pineapple the Blue: fuck you

[13:44:32] • Mystic Knіght tripped on the door out

[13:44:32] Bazaro: more like C-ya l8r

[13:44:36] Mystic Knіght: waI

[13:44:37] Mystic Knіght: t

[13:44:37] Pineapple the Blue: WRONG

[13:44:38] Pineapple the Blue: COMMAND

[13:44:39] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: LSDKJGH

[13:44:42] Pineapple the Blue: FUCKER

Mystic Knіght left


[13:44:50] Pineapple the Blue: NICE

[13:44:52] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: hi aika

[13:44:54] @Zuмi - Ⓢⓒⓗⓞⓞⓛ: bye aika


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[01:26:30] +Avatar of Grima: I took the Soleil one because I wanted to rhyme

[01:26:34] ~IkaruKazuna: ooo i spy with my little eye, my favorite music guy

[01:26:41] +Avatar of Grima: Ark?

[01:26:43] ~IkaruKazuna: no

HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[03:39:18] +Sаpphirе: Huk. When Rose isn't around

[03:39:21] +Sаpphirе: Consider me like her.

[03:39:27] +Sаpphirе: I'll eat you senseless.

[03:39:30] +Sаpphirе: h

[03:39:30] %Hukuna: ....

[03:39:31] +Sаpphirе: no

[03:39:32] +Sаpphirе: shit

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