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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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So this:

(00:18:41) *** Legacy throws a Pokeball at Reshiram ***

Led to this:

(00:19) Reshiram: you can't catch my pokemon leave reshiram alone

(00:20) Legacy: But I wanna catch it, then sell it and live a comfortable life with my profits! D=

(00:20) Reshiram: NO!!!!!!!!1

(00:20) Legacy: why not? D=

(00:21) Reshiram: I ALREADY CAUGHT IT

(00:21) Legacy: Can I catch it and then sell it back to you?

(00:21) Reshiram: NO!

(00:21) Legacy: Awww why not? It's a win-win situation!

(00:22) Reshiram: FOR THE SAKE OF ARCEUS NO!

(00:22) Legacy: But why not?!

(00:22) Legacy: I just want to have a comfortable life man! Are you really going to be selfish and stop me from achieving that? :(

(00:22) Reshiram: ENOUGH OF YOU FOOL

(00:23) Reshiram: yes ._.

(00:23) Legacy: ....you're the worst kind of person....

(00:23) Reshiram: ...

(00:24) Legacy: ....can I have it now? =3

(00:24) Reshiram: i have been in a castle half my life...

(00:24) Reshiram: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(00:24) Legacy: But why not?!

(00:26) The other party left the server, so the window was disabled.

I feel bad now :(

Edited by Legacy
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[Reborn]Bennett: Ah. Hope. It appears you already have my badge.

[Reborn]Bennett: In that case, I shall take my leave for the night.

[Reborn]Bennett: Have a pleasant evening Reborn. Except for you Hidan.

~~~ [Reborn]Bennett died from a broken heart ~~~

Hidan: Bro

Hidan: I will snap yo shit up

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[星] Misa Amane: i'd love to see crep challenge league

[星] Misa Amane: js

[1]Epic C: yeah

[星] Misa Amane: with that same team omg

[1]Epic C: he'd RQ pretty fast

[星] Misa Amane: lmfao ;x

Hidan: All the tr teams in league are washs

[星] Misa Amane: April's isn't it >:I

April: I do fine with mine

[1]Epic C: and it'd take him 9001 months to beat every single gym leader not including Amaria. lol

crep: i would love to see you mind your own business :)

[星] Misa Amane: oh

Ryan C: ouch

[星] Misa Amane: ok

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(19:15:53) Hidan: ...Hark, you need a break from tumblr.

(19:16:01) ±OverUsed Tournament: KNIGHTisGOD has won a match! Reque is out of the tournament.

(19:16:01) ±OverUsed Tournament: Congratulations, KNIGHTisGOD has won the tournament!

(19:16:06) Reque: Glitchy-mon

(19:16:07) Reque: xD

(19:16:08) KNIGHTisGOD: :ooo

(19:16:10) KNIGHTisGOD: ikr

(19:16:12) KNIGHTisGOD: lmaoo

(19:16:19) Reque: *sigh*

(19:16:20) +Hark: n

(19:16:20) +Hark: o

(19:16:20) Reque: oh well

Hark has banned KNIGHTisGOD.

(19:16:25) Reque: gg Raptor

(19:16:27) Reque: ?

(19:16:30) Reque: Wtf

(19:16:32) Hidan: ...That was mod

(19:16:33) Hidan: <<

(19:16:37) +Hark: wtf

(19:16:43) Reque: Hark unban

(19:16:50) +Hark: who int he hell would be stupiud enough to name themselves

(19:16:53) +Hark: KNIGHTisGOD

(19:16:57) Hidan: Mod would be

(19:16:58) Hidan: <<

(19:17:00) +Hark: when knight keeps jumping ont he server

(19:17:18) Hidan: Maybe now he'll wisen up

(19:17:29) +Hark: hopefully

(19:17:31) Hidan: I am laughing

(19:17:33) Hidan: SO much

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(00:22:45) [Ninja] Erick: Ame, stahp

(00:28:34) +Amethyst: Stahp what

(00:29:36) [Ninja] Erick: Bein' so cute. c:

(00:30:41) +Ikaru: but yesterday he was abusive

(00:31:35) [Ninja] Erick: He can be both.

(00:31:46) [Ninja] Erick: People are often attracted to their abuser.

(00:32:14) [sTK]Devon: ...well that is the most M thing ive ever seen someone chat

(00:32:34) +Amethyst: it's totally true though

(00:32:49) +Amethyst: why do you think i stayed with kitty for so long

(00:32:51) +Amethyst: I DID NOT TYPE THAT

(00:32:52) ~~~ Amethyst is paralyzed! It can't move! ~~~

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SonGoldJunior: I AM GOD


Ryan C: Actually...


SonGoldJunior: AHAHAHH


SonGoldJunior has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!

Ryan C: Let's summon Great Grandmaster Kirito-Sama

[星] Misa Amane: oh

[星] Misa Amane: ok

Asura: gg

Ryan C: To ban your ass

+Great Grandmaster Kirito-Sama: HUAAAAH!!

Great Grandmaster Kirito-Sama has banned SonGoldJunior.

Asura: ...

Roo The Coat: Epic.

+Great Grandmaster Kirito-Sama: ... Totally worth the namechange. xD

[星] Misa Amane: pfft

Asura: That noise you made

my name is Brad.: lmao

Asura: Made me lol

(I cut some stuff out. -Ryan)

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This might be the best Silver-ism of all time.

[星] Ryan C: The Wind Waker was nominated for Game of the Decade.

BabyPowder: now thats messed

Silver|GoAway: No, it isn't.

[星] Ryan C: The nominations were chosen by viewers

Silver|GoAway: Wind Wanker was fucking awesome.

Silver|GoAway: ...

Silver|GoAway: *waker

+Ame|Poison: ...

[星] Ryan C: ...

+Ame|Poison: Silver, something you're not telling us? >>

[星] Ryan C: quotebook.

Silver|GoAway: ...

Silver|GoAway: That I have autism?

Silver|GoAway: Oh wait

Silver|GoAway: fuck

+Ame|Poison: psh

Silver|GoAway: I wasn't supposed to say that yet

[星] Ryan C: Silver

Silver|GoAway: Mm?

[星] Ryan C: That's fucking priceless

Silver|GoAway: ..shut up xD

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(21:02:58) Roo The Float: Sometimes I accidentally leave the phone on vibrate

(21:03:07) [星] Silver: I left mine on vibrate

(21:03:13) [星] Silver: And got a call in the middle of class

(21:03:14) Roo The Float: This one time I did it, and I was at the assembly in the hall at school when I remembered

(21:03:18) [星] Silver: it tickles

(21:03:28) Roo The Float: I basically have this loud alarm which wakes me up in the morning

(21:03:30) Roo The Float: from my phone

(21:03:45) Roo The Float: and somebody a few seats near me had the same alarm that went off just then

(21:03:54) Roo The Float: I nearly fainted because I thought it was mine

(21:04:02) [星] Silver: >>

(21:04:13) Roo The Float: When I realized it wasn't, I was in such a state of relief that I nearly fell off behind my chair

(21:04:15) Roo The Float: >>

(21:04:22) [星] Silver: Roo, I got a call from some guy, looking for Stacie Wilson, in the middle of my Algebra Exam.

(21:04:24) Roo The Float: Biggest heart-attack, almost.

(21:04:26) *** MetalEtemon burps ***

(21:04:30) Roo The Float: ...

(21:04:40) [星] Silver: It was on vibrate

(21:04:44) Roo The Float: Im not sure which was worse

(21:04:44) MetalEtemon: ..

(21:04:46) [星] Silver: but the vibrations are loud.

(21:04:52) MetalEtemon: ...........

(21:04:53) [星] Silver: And he kept calling

(21:04:58) Roo The Float: A giant alarm in a hall with about 300 other people

(21:04:59) [星] Silver: and I was laughing because it tickled

(21:05:05) MetalEtemon: Your parents heard you using the vibrator?

(21:05:06) Roo The Float: or a loud call in the middle of an exam

(21:05:09) Roo The Float: ...

*30 seconds later*

(21:05:29) MetalEtemon: ..aaaaah

(21:05:39) MetalEtemon: And your teacher heard you using the vibarotr?

(21:06:02) [Ninja] Erick: .......................................................................................................................

(21:06:04) [星] Silver: No, he heard me get several phone calls.

(21:06:12) MrWeemsicle joined the channel.

(21:06:20) MetalEtemon: So several vibration sessions?

(21:06:21) [星] Silver: Now give it u-

(21:06:28) [星] Silver: Go back to the sixth grade.

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Hori: omg its Allan

+Allan: >>

Hori: hi Allan

+Allan: sup

Hori: I'm your biggest fan

+Allan: OH SHIT

Hori: can you sign my face

+Allan: ok

*** Allan signs face ***

Allan's Biggest Fan: omg

[scorpia] Blast: well, one less thing on the bucket list

Allan's Biggest Fan: I can die happy

~~~ Allan's Biggest Fan was thrown into the TV. ~~~

Hori: That wasn't happy.

+Allan: nope

Hori: That was domestic violence.

+Ikaru: quite literally

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Hori is my favorite person.

(22:50) Lucina: how do I challenge a leader

(22:57) Lucina: help how do I challenge leader?!

(22:58) Lucina: when is league

(22:58) Nirvash: never

(22:58) Lucina: oh

(22:58) Nirvash: it's cancelled

(22:58) Lucina: how do I challenge leader then?

(22:58) Nirvash: Well first

(22:59) Nirvash: you go to Ame and ask for a pickle in a pod

(22:59) Nirvash: she'll know what you mean

(22:59) Nirvash: next, you take that to a freeway overpass in the great Ohio wasteland to a drug dealer named Mick

(22:59) Nirvash: answer his riddles correctly and Mick becomes Morphidoodleoodle, the great wizard of the Cloud-Muncher tribe.

(23:00) Nirvash: He will then summon the rain with a mystic dance and when it stops

(23:00) Nirvash: a furby flies down onto his shoulder

(23:00) Nirvash: he'll attach a letter to its leg and send it off into the skies, past the moon and into a black hole

(23:01) Nirvash: once it (hopefully) passes the event horizon into the Leader Dimension, the leader gets your challenge and eventually logs on to face you

(23:01) Nirvash: it may take a while; 1 second there is about 90 years here.

(23:01) Nirvash: Sucks, I know but what can you do?

(23:01) Nirvash: Good luck!


(22:59:49) Lucina: Amethyst!

(23:00:06) [Reborn]Bennett: Excellent.

(23:01:18) The league is now over.

(23:01:24) Lucina: Dammit!

(23:01:42) Lucina: Ame got off before I could ask for a pickle in a pod. ;-;

(23:02:08) +Nirvash: LOL

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(18:29:10) *** Xiphera touches Mori ***

(18:29:18) Godrick: o.o

(18:29:38) Godrick: I NEED AN ADULT

(18:29:43) +Kirito: ... That poor puppy.

(18:29:43) Xiphera: You wearin dem spiderman pjs

(18:30:10) Xiphera: I like dem spiderman pjs

(18:30:14) *** Xiphera smacks lips ***

(18:30:18) Godrick: oijewqkf[ket423

(18:30:19) Xiphera: Mmmmhmmmmm

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