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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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What Happens everytime Kate and I are online at the same time.

(11:34:13) *** [Twilight]Kate tackles Danielle ***
(11:34:27) *** Danielle R rubs her face ***
(11:34:28) Danielle R: Owie
(11:37:17) *** Danielle R punches Kate in the nose ***
(11:37:27) *** [Twilight]Kate dodges ***
(11:37:34) [Twilight]Kate: lol
(11:38:04) *** [Twilight]Kate laughs at Danielle ***
(11:38:08) *** Danielle R calls the Police and reports Kate for Domestic Abuse ***
(11:38:43) Officer Danielle: What seems to be the problem?
(11:39:00) *** Officer Danielle arrests Kate ***
(11:39:06) *** [Twilight]Kate gets in the police car and drives away ***
(11:39:16) *** Officer Danielle cries because her love is gone ***
(11:39:32) [PKDK]Kid!: O_O
(11:39:36) *** [Twilight]Kate jumps out the car ***
(11:39:37) Danielle R: ;-;
(11:39:44) *** Danielle R prepares to jump off the cliff ***
(11:39:50) [PKDK]Kid!: watching Danielle and Kate is like watching a bad soap opera
(11:39:51) Danielle R: *Because there's a cliff for some reason*
(11:40:22) *** Danielle R jumps off the cliff, glancing back at KAte before she begins to fall ***
(11:40:46) *** [Twilight]Kate grabs danielle ***
(11:40:55) [PKDK]Kid!: and believe I've gotten stuck watching a soap opera once.....it was horrible
(11:41:04) *** Danielle R looks up at Kates Beautiful face ***
(11:41:09) Danielle R: Y-you saved me!
(11:41:26) Danielle R: B-bu..but you abuse me all the time!
(11:41:57) [Twilight]Kate: no i am playful its not abuse
(11:42:10) Danielle R: But it hurts!
(11:42:39) [Twilight]Kate: I'm sorry danielle
(11:42:53) *** [PKDK]Kid! sheds a tear ***
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(02:38:42) Shirinui: ..YAY AME'S HERE
(02:38:44) Shirinui: AME PROTECT ME

(02:38:47) [Reborn]TERRA: THANKS SHIRI
(02:38:47) Sapphire Rose: AME
(02:38:48) +Amethyst: ...Huh?
(02:38:49) *** Shirinui hides behind Ame. ***
(02:38:52) Sapphire Rose: AME HI
(02:38:53) *** [Party Girl]Katelin tackles Terra ***
(02:38:53) [ironfist] Trevo: Ohh, its on like Donkey Kong.
(02:38:54) +Amethyst: ...Oh, Terra's here.
(02:38:54) +Amethyst: Bye.
(02:38:55) ~~~ Amethyst was taken by the Umbrella Corporation! ~~~
(02:38:56) Amethyst left the channel.

(02:38:56) Yame: I'm alright. Go eat. We can talk later
(02:38:56) Purple_Wolf: hiya ame
(02:38:56) Sapphire Rose: I'M SCARED
(02:38:57) Lan: Hey Amethyst--
(02:38:59) Sapphire Rose: .....AME NOOOOOOOOOO
(02:39:00) Purple_Wolf: LOL
(02:39:00) Shirinui: ..NUUUUU
(02:39:02) [Reborn]TERRA: WOW
(02:39:05) [Reborn]TERRA: AM I REALLY THAT BAD?
(02:39:07) Lan: Ok, seeya Yame
(02:39:13) ZeroxJustice: Terra, you need a hug.

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[sTK] Silver: Imagine
+Eternal Edge: Secretly all the leaders are opposite of what they are on PO
[sTK] Silver: Of course Terra has a booty >>
+Eternal Edge: Lawdy lawd
[sTK] Silver: Everybody's evil?
+Ren: Terra is tsundere to Ciel
Renzo: Terra would still havea nice booty
+Eternal Edge: Aya is a cheerleader
[星] Ryan C: Everyone hop on the mid-lane pain train!
[sTK] Silver: Samson is a bucket of love omfg
+Eternal Edge: Titania is cuddly
[sTK] Silver: Amaria hates us
+Eternal Edge: Amaria is depressed
Renzo: Bennett is cool.
+Eternal Edge: =c
[星] Ryan C: Laura is a dominant bitch
+Ren: Saphira is like Sigmund and Sigmund is like Saphira
Fezzdog: wth is that score Shanco
+Eternal Edge: Laura is Dom tho
+Eternal Edge: why do you think she lieks grass types
[sTK] Silver: ...
+Eternal Edge: them vines
[sTK] Silver: looooool
+Dark Desire: How is that gunblade working for you Ryan? <<
[星] Ryan C: Fucking amazing. The passive.
[Reborn]Laura: ....Oh my...
Bazaro: Terra's calm and awkward
Renzo: Hardy sucks at guitar
[星] Ryan C: LOL
+Eternal Edge: Hi Laura <3
[sTK] Silver: Laura just had some thoughts
[sTK] Silver: bad andy
[ironfist] Trevo: Check
[sTK] Silver: >>
+Eternal Edge: ily Laura
+Eternal Edge: <3333
+Ren: Charlotte is afraid of fire
+Ren: omfg
*** Bazaro throws Edge out of his window ***
Desper: How do I manage to infuriate almost every leader?
Bazaro: pyrophobic
+Ren: Titania's always mad
[sTK] Silver: ^
+Ren: so nothing new
Renzo: Serra is self absorbed
[sTK] Silver: Titania got pissed at me because #HPFire
Gummy: Charlotte? Sharing my fear of fire!? That'll be the day XD
Pandora: What do you expect from a model,Xiph?
+Eternal Edge: Shade is as talkative as a high school girl
[sTK] Silver: LOL
Renzo: ^
Sapphire Rose: pffffff

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No Context
Context would make Ame look good :3


(22:03:32) *** [sTK] Silver-chan leans in to flipsie ***
(22:03:32) [sTK] Silver-chan: guess what?

(22:03:32) *** [sTK] Silver-chan punches in the face and steals wallet ***

(22:03:32) [sTK] Silver-chan: never loved you bb good bye

Brb Crying 5ever


Roo - 1 : Ikaru - 0


Edited by ipwn4trance
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(15:16:40) Jelly: you dont play this game
(15:16:46) Jelly: no one plays this game
(15:16:50) Jelly: only ame
(15:16:56) Flipsie The Kid: Jelly shut up
(15:16:58) Alois Trancy: Oh, don't listen to his nonsense.
(15:17:00) Flipsie The Kid: :#
(15:17:00) Jelly: she just fucks wiht our brains to keep us coming here
(15:17:02) Flipsie The Kid: :3
(15:17:18) guest39152: really? hm..
(15:17:22) Jelly: and then she takes our lunch money
(15:17:32) Jelly: to pay for her dumb ahri skins
(15:17:33) Alois Trancy: As I said before don't listen to him.
(15:17:50) +Dark Desire: lol Jelly xD
(15:17:58) Jelly: as i said before disrespect me one more time and i will be forced to take your grandmother on a lovely date

So. True.

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(12:33:27) Jett Pakk|Astrid: muskateers use those pointy things not swords >.>
(12:33:41) Silver|Test: ...
(12:33:43) James Yakumo: Rapier
(12:33:45) Silver|Test: Those ARE SWORDS.
(12:33:51) +Ikaru|Teambuilding: I LOVE SWORDS
(12:33:54) +Kirito: ...
(12:33:55) Silver|Test: Ikaru pls
(12:33:57) +Kirito: Swords? :D
(12:33:57) Jett Pakk|Astrid: I LOVE BOWS
(12:34:02) Grief Steak: I
(12:34:03) Grief Steak: LOVE
(12:34:06) Pandora: That was epic
(12:34:06) Silver|Test: OYSTERMAN!
(12:34:06) Jett Pakk|Astrid: BOWS ARE MUCH BETTER
(12:34:07) +Ikaru|Teambuilding: Kirito where do we keep the swords?
(12:34:07) +Kirito: SwordsSwordsSwordsSwordsSwords~ :D
(12:34:07) Pandora: but brb
(12:34:08) Grief Steak: WOMENNNNNNNNNNNN
(12:34:11) +Kirito: SwordsSwordsSwordsSwordsSwords~ :D
(12:34:12) +Kirito: SwordsSwordsSwordsSwordsSwords~ :D
(12:34:13) +Kirito: SwordsSwordsSwordsSwordsSwords~ :D
(12:34:13) emile: im back
(12:34:15) Silver|Test: LOL
(12:34:17) +Kirito: SWORDS! LD
(12:34:18) +Kirito: * :D
(12:34:22) Jett Pakk|Astrid: BOWS >:o
(12:34:26) Bazaro: Kirito shaddup
(12:34:27) +Ikaru|Teambuilding: my work here is done
(12:34:28) Silver|Test: Bladeophile Kaito her
(12:34:28) Renzo: Calm down Fred
(12:34:28) Silver|Test: e
(12:34:29) Renzo: Jesus <<
(12:34:31) +Kirito: SWORDS! D:>
(12:34:42) Jett Pakk|Astrid: BOWS !! >:o
(12:34:43) Renzo: I will stab you with a sword
(12:34:46) Renzo: :I
(12:34:47) Bazaro: --|================>
(12:34:53) Silver|Test: um
(12:34:55) +Kirito: ... Sorry mate, I dun swing that way.
(12:34:57) Jett Pakk|Astrid: i'll shot you with a bow
(12:34:57) Silver|Test: LOL

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(18:49:52) [Reborn]Amaria: Yeah, I can totally lift a brick wall
(18:49:53) [Reborn]Amaria: check me out
(18:50:02) [Reborn]Amaria: I'll be flexing in that magazine


(19:26:27) +Kirito: ... Photographing near naked ladies isn't an easy job?
(19:26:35) Renzo: Yes
(19:26:38) Renzo: It's very hard
(19:26:40) ~~~ Renzo has angered BreloomBot and was Focus Punch'd away! ~~~

Edited by Tkaa
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(20:51:07) [Reborn]Amaria: That would take too much time! I'd keep Dominator waiting! And he demands his battle right now.
(20:51:08) SasoriSand: lol
(20:51:08) [Reborn]Amaria: Right?
(20:51:08) Eclipse: .
(20:51:14) [Reborn]Amaria: Right Dominator?!
(20:51:14) Eclipse: Dominator is AFK

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(19:24:32) Mikey57: .
(19:24:34) Sakido: LOL
(19:24:34) Jacze: pppffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
(19:24:35) Eclipse: LOL
(19:24:36) Mikey57: LOLWHAT
(19:24:42) Sakido: loling so hard
(19:24:43) Renzo: LOL
(19:24:44) Eclipse: FUCKING
(19:24:45) Mikey57: WHAAAT
(19:24:46) Eyan: uh.. huh
(19:24:48) Mikey57: /d
(19:24:51) Jett Pakk|Hingo: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL



Kirito confirmed for crazy cooking freak.

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(22:01:35) Mikey57: Owen owes me a birthday gift *Shot*
(22:01:35) Pandora: Tf's dance is shit
(22:01:36) Reese: im going this year as well
(22:01:37) Sakido: they went
(22:01:38) Sakido: on sale
(22:01:39) Reese: or next year
(22:01:40) Sakido: MY GIFT
(22:01:41) Pandora: he deserves something decent
(22:01:43) Sakido: WAS COMING DOWN
(22:01:44) +Phoenix: I gave owen life
(22:01:45) Sakido: TO SEE YOU
(22:01:46) Sakido: D:<
(22:01:47) Mikey57: I KNOW D:<
(22:01:50) Mikey57: I WAS KIDDING.
(22:01:51) Mikey57: D:<
(22:01:54) Mikey57: Oh Owen
(22:01:54) Sakido: D:<
(22:01:55) Pandora: Phoe I thought you were a guy
(22:01:58) Pandora: my life is a lie
(22:01:58) Mikey57: I got a tier 4 :0
(22:02:05) Sakido: o-o
(22:02:09) Mikey57: The uh
(22:02:12) Mikey57: AMX-40
(22:02:14) Pandora: fuck?
(22:02:15) Pandora: o
(22:02:16) Pandora: ok
Pandora has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
(22:02:18) Sakido: like it
(22:02:19) Mikey57: It's a d-
(22:02:19) Sakido: ?
(22:02:20) Mikey57: EAT IT PAN.
(22:02:21) ZeroxJustice [VR]: Pandy died
(22:02:22) Mikey57: EAT IT.
(22:02:23) Sakido: Duck
(22:02:23) You have been muted.

Sakido has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
(22:02:24) 绝对: 嘎嘎嘎
(22:02:25) Mikey57: Anyway-
(22:02:25) Mikey57: ...
(22:02:26) Oh looky, you're muted. Stop doing things.

(22:02:28) Mikey57: LOLOLOLOLOLOLZ
Mikey57 has angered BreloomBot and was Focus Punch'd away!
(22:02:34) Pandora: EAT IT MIKEY
(22:02:34) You have been unmuted.

(22:02:36) Mikey57: Ok
(22:02:36) +Amethyst: TRIPLE KILL
(22:02:36) Pandora: EAT IT
(22:02:39) Mikey57: That was qq
(22:02:39) Sakido: Im dying
(22:02:41) Sakido: that was
(22:02:46) Sakido: fucking hilarious
(22:02:50) Mikey57: ^
(22:02:57) Pandora: mikey pls
(22:03:01) Mikey57: Pan no pls
(22:03:05) Pandora: get punch'd nob

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Fiam: Freeze hax.
Fiam: plox.
Fiam: That's all I want.

Start of turn 17
The foe's Alakazam used Recover!
The foe's Alakazam regained health!

Jellicent used Ice Beam!
The foe's Alakazam lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Alakazam was frozen solid!

Fiam: ._.

Start of turn 31
Gliscor used Swords Dance!
Gliscor's Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Dragonair used Waterfall!
It's super effective!
Gliscor lost 130 HP! (36% of its health)

Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!
The foe's Dragonair was hurt by poison!
The foe's Dragonair fainted!
Micheal_Holt sent out Armaldo!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Armaldo!
The foe's Armaldo fainted!

Micheal_Holt sent out Charizard!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Charizard!
The foe's Charizard fainted!

Micheal_Holt sent out Rattata!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Rattata!

Start of turn 32
Gliscor used Earthquake!
The foe's Rattata lost 90% of its health!
The foe's Rattata fainted!

Fiam won the battle!
Fiam: ('w ') Gotcha, and that's game!
Micheal_Holt: Good game!
Micheal_Holt: you switch too much

A funny moment that made me derp.

(08:53:21) [Reborn]Shade: ...
(08:53:29) Void Hollow: Greetings, Mr. Shade
(08:53:34) Badjuni: hi shade
(08:53:44) Fiam: ._>
(08:53:48) Badjuni: My soul is ready
(08:53:49) [Reborn]Shade: ...
(08:53:52) +Dark Desire: Shadeeee~
(08:53:59) Fiam: IS THIS A SHADOW DUEL?!
(08:54:06) Void Hollow: A SHADOW GAME?
(08:54:09) Void Hollow: IT CAN'T BE!
(08:54:10) Fiam: ^
(08:54:13) Fiam: NOWAYMAN!
(08:54:17) Fezzdog: MIND CRUSH
(08:54:19) *** Fiam is scurt. ***
(08:54:20) Void Hollow: Is Shade using THE SEAL OF ORICHALCOS?
(08:54:25) Fiam: Omigosh!

My stupidity-mode is contagious.

Edited by Fiammazure
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(00:19:41) +Hatty Hattington: The headcrab from half-life 2

(00:19:52) +Lamarr: from half life 2?
(00:19:57) +Allan: Half life 2 is bad
(00:20:03) +Lamarr: 6 letters, half (2) of 6 is 3
(00:20:06) +Lamarr: half life 3 confirmed
(00:21:02) +Lie Ren: .
(00:21:10) +Lie Ren: it's always confirmed in some way
(00:21:22) +Lamarr: would you say there have been
(00:21:33) +Lamarr: at least 3 ways?
(00:21:38) +Lie Ren: pls stop
(00:21:45) +Lamarr: pls has 3 letters no chatspeak
(00:21:50) +Lie Ren: pls
(00:21:58) +Lamarr: you and I together have 3 R's
(00:22:07) +Lie Ren: goddamn it ikaru
(00:22:22) +Lamarr: touhoumon is 3 syllables
(00:22:34) +Lie Ren: IKARU PLS
(00:22:44) +Lamarr: you've said pls 3 tmes
(00:22:45) +Lamarr: times*
(00:23:10) +Lie Ren: so done
(00:23:13) +Lamarr: there are 3 RWBY characters here
(00:23:37) +Lamarr: Yang's got 3 names
(00:23:46) +Lie Ren: zipo what have you done
(00:23:48) +Lamarr: 3 parts in her name*
(00:23:55) +Hatty Hattington: Something glorious
(00:23:58) +Lamarr: he has confirmed half life 3
(00:24:07) +Lamarr: nyu is 3 letters
(00:24:09) +Lamarr: hi nyu <3
(00:24:34) +Lamarr: it's 1:24am
(00:24:45) +Lamarr: 2+4 = 6 * 1 = 6
(00:24:55) +Lamarr: 6 / 2 is 3 and 3 / 1 is 3
(00:25:06) +Lamarr: we're using PO v2.1.0
(00:25:10) +Lamarr: 2+1 = 3
(00:25:11) +Allan: Ikaru
(00:25:14) +Allan: for the love of god
(00:25:18) +Lie Ren: i'm so done
(00:25:20) +Lamarr: god is 3 letters
(00:25:29) +Lamarr: and also unconfirmed
(00:25:33) +Lamarr: like half-life 3
(00:25:34) +Allan: gg
(00:25:53) +Lamarr: science has yet to confirm
(00:25:58) +Lamarr: science has 2 c
(00:26:00) +Lamarr: c's*
(00:26:04) +Lamarr: and is 6 letters
(00:26:08) +Lamarr: 6 / 2 is 3
(00:26:27) +Lamarr: Reborn League
(00:26:28) +Lamarr: 3 lines
(00:27:48) +Lamarr: i still have this up
(00:27:49) +Lamarr: http://prntscr.com/1lwx7x
(00:27:57) +Lamarr: 66 split into two is 6 and 6
(00:28:10) +Lie Ren: omg
(00:28:14) +Lamarr: 6 divided by the two it was split in is 3
(00:28:21) +Lie Ren: i blame zipo entirely
(00:28:41) +Lamarr: are you done?
(00:28:48) +Lamarr: might you say
(00:28:49) +Lamarr: #done?
(00:28:52) +Lie Ren: yes
(00:28:59) +Lamarr: # is obtained with Shift+3
(00:29:03) +Lie Ren: please
(00:29:05) +Lamarr: and you said you're done 3 times
(00:29:08) +Lie Ren: i knew that was coming
(00:29:15) +Lamarr: you accepted the trap
(00:29:23) +Lie Ren: coming is 6 letters
(00:29:36) +Lamarr: Lie Ren is two words consisting of 3 letters
(00:30:29) +Lie Ren: yup
(00:30:39) +Lamarr: yup also has 3 letters
(00:30:47) +Lamarr: after closing VBA i have 3 applications open
(00:31:13) +Lamarr: VBA is also also 3 letters
(00:31:23) +Lamarr: I'm currently watching RvB Season 10 Episode 3
(00:31:25) +Lie Ren: if you want this to be quotebooked it has to end at some point
(00:31:35) +Lamarr: and was watching VGHS season 2 episode 4
(00:31:41) +Lamarr: the number between 2 and 4 is 3
(00:32:18) +Lamarr: This line makes a 3rd consecutive line from me
(00:32:36) +Lamarr: now it's 1:32am
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(18:33:26) +Ikaru: yeah by the way I set the automod on hevay as is the tradition when Owen starts taunting the bot
(18:33:29) +Ikaru: heavy*
(18:33:38) Sakido: :3
(18:33:45) +Ikaru: one of these days.
(18:33:46) Pandora: http://prntscr.com/1lziyt someone pls
(18:33:47) +Makoto: I put it on heavy whenever theres a lot of people talking.
(18:33:48) Pandora: moderatuu
(18:33:53) ciao: Your team is invalid, you can't challenge except for Challenge Cup! Try giving moves to your pokemon.
(18:33:56) Sakido: I remember... uuuh
(18:34:03) Pandora: fast chat, gotta keep up
(18:34:04) *** Sakido digs through the quotebook ***
(18:34:16) Frostblade Eclipse: pne of these days you're gonna forget the s in sass
(18:34:22) Pandora: .....
(18:34:22) Frostblade Eclipse: "I don't need your ass, breloom"
(18:34:26) Magikarpkiller: hey guys
(18:34:26) Pandora: .....................
(18:34:33) Pandora: brb quotebook

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(13:55:14) Ackalacka: So hey guys
(13:55:16) Ackalacka: Guys
(13:55:21) Ackalacka: Hey- hey listen
(13:55:25) Fezzdog: we're not guys
(13:55:26) Ackalacka: LISTEN TO ME
(13:55:29) Ackalacka: Please.
(13:55:39) Ackalacka: I have something very important to tell you all..
(13:55:39) BreloomBot has tempbanned Ackalacka for 1 hour.
(13:55:41) Fezzdog: we're aliens from a far away planet
(13:55:43) +Haruka: L
(13:55:44) +Haruka: O
(13:55:44) +Haruka: L
(13:55:48) Reese: wow
(13:55:48) Fezzdog: whaaaaaaaaaaat.
(13:55:49) Fiam: RIGHT ON CUE
(13:55:51) Reese: i wanna know what it is
(13:55:58) Fezzdog: oh my god, please, quotebook that someone
(13:56:09) Fiam: DAMN RIGHT I WILL

(21:26:58) ±OverUsed Tournament: Congratulations, Fiam has won the tournament!
(21:27:05) Mr. Sunshine!: gg
(21:27:07) Fiam: OHMAHGAD
(21:27:10) Fiam: CONKELDURR
(21:27:10) Fiam: MVP
(21:27:16) Fiam: SURVIVED WITH 1 HP
(21:27:37) Testdog: conkelderp
(21:27:41) Testdog: doing work
(21:28:32) Fiam: Is drain puch physical?
(21:28:34) Fiam: ._.

(21:28:40) Testdog: yeah
(21:28:40) Testdog: >>
(21:28:43) Derpy Eclipse: and yes it is
(21:28:46) Fiam: o3o
(21:29:09) Testdog: punch kind of you know, gives it away
(21:29:32) Fiam: Drain does't.
(21:29:34) Testdog: ew it's an Astrid
(21:29:35) Fiam: tbh
(21:30:04) Testdog: you should try punching someone and feeling their health drain into you yo

(21:30:10) Fiam: LOL
(21:30:15) [CF]Meloetta Girl: XD
(21:30:36) Testdog: that's how conkelderp eats, his mouth is actually his ears
(21:30:36) Fiam: That'd be.... Weird.
(21:30:49) [CF]Meloetta Girl: really wierd .-.
(21:30:58) Testdog: he punches stuff and earns his dinner
(21:31:24) Fiam: at the same time.
(21:31:39) Testdog: :o efficiency to the max
(21:32:29) *** Fiam pukes. ***

(21:33:00) Testdog: you're not manly enough to drain punch yet son

Edited by Fiammazure
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(21:36:02) Thinder God Eclipse: The official star of fall is the 21st
(21:36:06) +Nirvash: oh, wait, that technically is summer
(21:36:09) +Nirvash: my derp
(21:36:11) Thinder God Eclipse: yeah
(21:36:23) +Nirvash: by then most everything is dying anyway
(21:36:29) +Nirvash: which is sad
(21:36:32) Thinder God Eclipse: I'm the very last "summer" birthday I've ever known
(21:36:43) +Nirvash: I forget when MAtt and Colin's birthdays are
(21:36:56) Cowtao won against [Reborn]Shade.

(21:37:16) Thinder God Eclipse: Tyler's birthday was actually supposes to be February 29th
(21:37:29) Thinder God Eclipse: but he shoved himself out a week early
(21:38:05) Thinder God Eclipse: ...actually I was a pr- WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOS
(21:38:10) Thinder God Eclipse: I JUST REALOZED
(21:38:19) Thinder God Eclipse: MY DADS BIRTHDAY IS JANUARY 16TH.
(21:38:23) +Nirvash: and?
(21:38:28) Thinder God Eclipse: I'M A PRODUCT OF BIRTHDAY SEX.
(21:38:36) +Nirvash: LmaO
(21:38:42) +Nirvash: OH MY GOD
(21:38:43) Thinder God Eclipse: I'M GONNA CRY
(21:38:50) Thinder God Eclipse: I'M SO DONE
(21:39:03) +Nirvash: IM DYING
(21:39:05) Thinder God Eclipse: RJ HELP ME
(21:39:05) +Nirvash: SILVER
(21:39:06) Skitty|playing GF: o3o?
(21:39:08) +Nirvash: THNAK YOU
(21:39:09) +Nirvash: I CaNT
(21:39:11) Thinder God Eclipse: I CAN'T BREATHE
(21:39:12) +Nirvash: BREATHE
(21:39:24) +Nirvash: DYING
(21:39:38) *** Thinder God Eclipse BROHUGS ***
(21:39:44) *** Nirvash brohugs ***
(21:39:48) Thinder God Eclipse: IM NOT ABLE TO
(21:39:54) Thinder God Eclipse: I can't comprehend

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