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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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Silver is a slacker who does not quotebook

23:37:04) Roo The Fush: I'm British and fuck monocles

(23:37:26) Eclipse: im 6 and what is this
(23:37:30) Jacze: ...How was that even relevant?
(23:37:32) Roo The Fush: go away Nickel
(23:37:36) Eclipse: no u
(23:37:43) Roo The Fush: I saw the word america and decided to contrast
(23:37:55) Roo The Fush: Any complaints you have can go in the mailbox that I never check
(23:38:03) Eclipse: what mailbox
(23:38:08) Roo The Fush: that one
(23:38:14) Eclipse: mailboxes pose a safety issue around here so they do not xist
(23:38:15) *** Roo The Fush points in a vague direction. ***
(23:38:23) Eclipse: are you telling me you've smuggled a maelbox?!
(23:38:27) Eclipse: ...mailbox
(23:38:27) Eclipse: *
(23:38:29) Roo The Fush: They pose a safety issue, which is exactly why I have one-
(23:38:31) Roo The Fush: Maelbox.
(23:38:35) Roo The Fush: MAELBOX.
(23:38:38) Eclipse: MAELBOX
(23:38:40) Roo The Fush: MAEL?! MAELBOX?
(23:38:42) Roo The Fush: GENIUS
(23:38:44) Godot: ?
(23:38:50) Roo The Fush: silver
(23:38:51) Godot: I'm down
(23:38:53) Eclipse: omg
(23:38:53) Roo The Fush: friggin quotebook that

(23:38:59) Eclipse: if i ever go to see mael
(23:39:05) Godot: ?
(23:39:08) Eclipse: i'll tape a thing that says "maelbox" onto his mailbox

Mael make it happen

Also for those who were curious:

(23:39:09) +Xaynar: Godot i finished the game
(23:39:14) +Xaynar: also, roo, what is a fush?
(23:39:28) Eclipse: ALSO HEY
(23:39:30) Eclipse: GUESS WHAT
(23:39:33) Eclipse: FUCK SCIENCE
(23:39:41) Roo The Fush: A Fush is a creature that is neither a man, nor a fish, nor anything that resembles them as a combination or as a seperate being. I am the last of it's kind.
(23:39:52) Roo The Fush: silver have you quotebooked it yet
(23:39:57) +Xaynar: so you're aquatic?
(23:40:07) Roo The Fush: I'm ambihabitatial.
(23:40:13) Roo The Fush: I just came up with that word now.

Ambihabitatial is now a legitimate word in the Fush Dictionary and it means fuck adaptation I'm fine with any living standard

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I came back after a DC and decided to sing when i noticed i was the only one.

(02:56:08) Connected to Server!

(02:56:08) ±[1] Song of the Day: ahahaaha I'm free!!!
(02:56:08) ±[2] Welcome!~: Welcome to the Reborn Server! Please enjoy your stay and have fun. We're currently working on tiers and getting the league running again. Do mind the rules, you can check them by using /rules. There is also a FAQ page to look at. Any further questions don't hesitate to ask the auth!~
(02:56:19) Bagel: all
(02:56:20) Bagel: by
(02:56:22) Bagel: my
(02:56:25) Bagel: self....
(02:56:34) Bagel: i dont wanna be
(02:56:36) Bagel: all
(02:56:37) Bagel: by
(02:56:39) Bagel: my
(02:56:42) Bagel: self...

Then Nyu came on two seconds later lol

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(16:01:54) +Amethyst: Firstly from a psychological standpoint it would be mentally unhealthy to foster a fetishistic attraction to dinosaur erotica in a zeitgeist where even sexual intercourse with merehouse pets is frowned upon. The resulting dynamic can cause significant stress on the part of the individual in the emotional shame resulting from being attracted to the dinosaur in question couple with the cultural pressure and stigma surrounding the general concept of bestiality. Of course, this analysis assumes that the subject in question is indeed capable of feeling arousal as a result of the dinosaur-erotica stimulus. If this is not the case than while the former analysis is invalidated the new arguement becomes that the subject is then being edxposed to undesirable stimuli which may not only be of no use to the individual, but flat out trauamatizing if presented in a strong enough context. Psychological implications aside, the economic effects of supporting this industry amplify the aforementioned consequences on a societal level. By reading or especially purchasing the book in question the economic demand factor of the item is raised thereby suggesting to the writers and publishers that there is a larger market for the item than there probably realistically is. This is problematic for them as, in artificially inflating the demand for a product they waste resources trying to meet the supply (granted we are dealing with just one transaction on a micro level but as with all sociological data we must assume that any given situation is not solely isolated). It is also problematic for the consumers as there will then be a larger range of socially unacceptable (and thereby psychologically toxic) dinosaur erotica available and potentially forced on them to choose from. As a side effect, the bad-dragon website's sales might go up... Anyway, finally, there are ethical implications in consideration as well, as, firstly, it is questionable on a base level to include dinosaurs in human reprorductive acts as there is nothing neurologically to suggest that there is any evolutionary boon to be warranted from the copulation of a dinosaur with a human. Secondly, it is questionable to any humans involved or portrayed in the making of the story. For instance, the title of the item in question references 'Christie' who we can assume is a human female, and, while without actually reading the aforementioned literature it is difficult to say before, it can be assumed based on the notions surrounding the dominant, predatory nature of the T-Rex and the classically submissive female in modern pornography, that this human female is violated in some way by the dinosaur. If this is not the case with this article, should the demand for dinosaur erotica increase, there will certainly be such an instance of that scenario. If and when it is created then it serves to further cement the role of the female in modern society as a sexual object, reinforcing the patriarchal notions of male dominance and female objectification. Finally, there is the undeniable fact that dinosaurs are, in the first place, quite extinct, which makes all of this very silly in the first place.

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(22:38:13) Pocky: You know what's fun on Yasuo?
(22:38:22) Roo The Fush: ravenous hydra?

(22:38:25) Pocky: When nami ults, you put your wind barrier

Nobody quoted the Custom Ame thing

Oh well

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+Kurapika: .... ^^;

Odd Future: Yes yes, we know, Kaito
Odd Future: ^^; as well
[星] Shanco: I'm missing out on a joke or somethin here.
+Kurapika: ... God dammit Erick. xD
Rooreeloo: Parenting with Vegeta
Themalejinx: oh lol
[Ghost]Requieon: what shanco said
Themalejinx: can't wait
+Kurapika: Well APPARENTLY, I use the ^^; smiley too much, so people tend to make jokes about it. ^^;
+Eternal Edge: What are you talking about Kaito? ^^;
Odd Future: Yeah, what are you on about? ^^;
+Kurapika: I hate all of you. xD
+Eternal Edge: I love you too Kaito-senpai ^^;
[星] Shanco: Edge, what's wrong with you? ^^;
Odd Future: <3 ^^;
Smitty: Such pain ^^
Odd Future: You had one fucking job ^^;
Smitty: fail -.-
+Kurapika: Hate. You. All. xD
+Kurapika: Now hands off my smiley bitches. >:c
Smitty: sure ^^;
Odd Future: Nah ^^;
Smitty: Pi ^^;
+Eternal Edge: I'm gunne get slty now >:c.... ^^;
Odd Future: So salty ^^;
[星] Shanco: god, you guys are killing it... ^^;
Rooreeloo: Salty?

Odd Future: You know nothing, Ryan. ^^;
Rooreeloo: welcome to the salt mines.
Sorry, ^^; is censored.

[星] Shanco: FUCK
+Eternal Edge: It's funny because IO can still do that Kaito ^^;
[C7] jeyfet: there's no botton
+Eternal Edge: Aaaaawkward ^^;
Odd Future: Nooooooooo
+Kurapika: Eh, acceptable losses. :P
[星] Shanco: damn you edge.
Odd Future: Kaito you suck
*** Kurapika poses ***

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(22:20:12) Renzo: Summer is great and I idolize him!!!

(22:20:12) Renzo: if that doesnt get qb'd i will be disappointed summer

(22:20:13) Renzo: <<

i hope you weren't disappoint senpai

lol jk here's what he wanted me to qb

(22:20:01) Renzo: leaving on a good note

(22:20:01) Renzo: for once

(22:26:03) ~~~ Renzo has committed suicide. ~~~

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+Kurapika: Rule 8 please. ^^ English only.
guest59940: มา
+Kurapika: \mute guest59940
[星] Shanco: Kurapika.
guest59940: เกม
+Kurapika: \mute guest59940
+Kurapika: ...
+Kurapika: Why is my command not working?
+Kurapika: And yes
+Kurapika: *?
[星] Shanco: do you really think he's gong to understand.
+Kurapika: There we go!
[星] Shanco: also, you're using the backward slash.
[星] Shanco: fool.
+Kurapika: And no, but it's worth a shot, right?
+Kurapika: ... Huh.
[星] Shanco: in reality, no.
+Kurapika: Whoops.
+Kurapika: Sue me, I'm steaking. xD
Fezzdog: idk if that's a thing or f=if you misspelled streaking
+Eternal Edge: ....
+Eternal Edge: Kurapika
+Eternal Edge: I'm higly disappointed in you
+Eternal Edge: >>
+Kurapika: ?
+Kurapika: Whatever I did, I can stab it all better.
[星] Shanco won against Lord Astherion.

+Eternal Edge: your fail commands
+Eternal Edge: >>
+Kurapika: I just got done rubbing down steak with Olive Oil and Steak Seasoning, my hands were slippery.'
battle between [星] Shanco and Lord Astherion started.

guest28691: .
Lord Astherion forfeited against [星] Shanco.

[星] Shanco: oh
[星] Shanco: my god
*** [星] Shanco is dying of laughter ***
[星] Shanco: --please tell me that was the only thing you were rubbing down
~~~ [星] Shanco continually kicked a rock until death. ~~~

+Kurapika: .. Yeah. Just the steak. XD

Renzo: dont let him lie
[星] Eclipse: Morning.
[星] Shanco: morning, good sir.
[星] Eclipse: Ryan, up for some Snowdown Showdown?
[星] Eclipse: Or if not, I can go back to my show.
+Kurapika: Oh yes, obviously I was sensually rubbing down something that's not meat with Olive Oil and Steak seasoning, of course. xD
[星] Shanco: A showdown? Yeah.
[星] Eclipse: No sweat either eay-
[星] Eclipse: .
[星] Eclipse: Kaito.
[星] Eclipse: What the fuck.
Renzo: it's meat
Renzo: everyone knows that
[星] Eclipse: Why do you rub your beat with steak seasoning? That's unhealthy.
[星] Eclipse: Meat too.

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08:37:17) [星] Shanco: lol eclipse
(08:37:18) [星] Shanco: my sides
(08:38:10) [星] Eclipse: So today I learned my grandma has another concussion.
(08:38:11) Renzo: i got you something silver
(08:38:25) [星] Eclipse: if it's slay belle kat, then i am yours.
(08:38:27) Renzo: i think you will like it
(08:38:34) [星] Eclipse: i mean
(08:38:34) [星] Eclipse: what
(08:38:35) Renzo: just check your league
(08:38:47) [星] Eclipse: dude my grandma gets more physical activity than i do
(08:38:53) Renzo: i bet she does
(08:38:56) [星] Eclipse: >>
(08:38:57) Renzo: ;)
(08:39:09) [星] Eclipse: she's had more concussions and injuries than me
(08:39:23) Renzo: grandpa is doing something right
(08:39:25) [星] Eclipse: ,.
(08:39:27) Javon: hey
(08:39:34) [星] Eclipse: that-
(08:39:36) +Eternal Edge: I need a website for anime/video gae images so I can be in love with Tales of Vesperia more
(08:39:41) Renzo: have fun with those images silver
(08:39:47) [星] Shanco: ready when you are, eclipse
(08:39:50) [星] Eclipse: WOW
(08:39:51) [星] Eclipse: WOW
(08:39:54) [星] Eclipse: WOW XIPH

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I expect this thread will see a lot of action tonight.

From the King's Game

Kaito the chicken

棉毛球的厲害: Kaito, you're a good friend and I secretly dream of slapping my hands between your thighs as you make chicken noises and your little brother watches. I will then fall to the floor and you will pluck peaches from my cheeks as we merge into one being and restart the universe with our love dance.


Slay Belle Eclipse: actually i have a solid 69% in english


Happy Elf Requieon: Use the online list
Darkcandy Aeon: Yo weweon
Santa Steak Fush: poop
Happy Elf Requieon: to assing the numbers in order
Happy Elf Requieon: typos
Darkcandy Aeon: hihh he mah leeth
Sarcus: to assing the numbers in order
Sarcus: lel
Festive Dominator: Lol
Slay Belle Eclipse: assing
Abbey Street: lol

Magikarpkiller's fetish

[sarcus: Admit which member of Pokemon Reborn you would like to spend a steamy night with. Detail is encouraged.

[Dogtanian]Rochefort: Ame. Make out, sex hentai style (I'm the squid), and then we watch FLCL then sleep

Hori's scared

棉毛球的厲害: .
棉毛球的厲害: █░█ ███ █░░ █░█ ░ █▀▀ █░█ █▀▀ █░█
棉毛球的厲害: █▀█ █░█ █░░ ▀█▀ ░ █▀░ █░█ █░░ █▀▄
棉毛球的厲害: ▀░▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ░▀░ ░ ▀░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀░▀

Slay Belle Eclipse: OH GOD
Slay Belle Eclipse: .
Santa Steak Fush: GODAMNIT HORI
Santa Steak Fush: AEKJFNEJN
Slay Belle Eclipse: hori psl
Darkcandy Aeon: Hori no
棉毛球的厲害: im scared doe

Luka the Master

Happy Elf Requieon: Luka what must they do?
Abbey Street: Give Snow Princess Luka some time
Snow Princess Luka: 1 has always wanted to try anal, but had never found anyone they felt right with. 11 has always lusted for that ass, while 13 has been 1's crush for three years, and 1 feels that this is the right time. When they get around to it, 13 gets into the action, and in the darkness, ends up in the wrong hole. 11's.
Santa Steak Fush: ...
Candy Cane Pocky: GLORY
Santa Steak Fush: LUKA
Candy Cane Pocky: FUCKING
Candy Cane Pocky: US
Candy Cane Pocky: LUKA

Mistletoe Kuro: why the fuck did i have to be 11
Mistletoe Kuro: fml

Aether Wing Zetaark: I come into that

Shut the fuck up!

Slay Belle Eclipse: can we seriously fucking not distract from what's at hand with so much fucking banter that everythng is washed away
Abbey Street: He's looking at you, Pocky.
Winter Tempest: Nthing but the game
Happy Elf Requieon: I understood what was going on
Snow Princess Luka: FOCUS
Candy Cane Pocky: What?
Abbey Street: Silver's telling you to shut up, Pocky.
Darkcandy Aeon: Aww
Santa Steak Fush: oh

棉毛球的厲害: .
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░███
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░███
棉毛球的厲害: ███░░░░░██████░██████░██░░██░███
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░██████░██████░██░░██░███
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░░░██░░░██░░░░░██░░██░███
棉毛球的厲害: ░░░░███░░░██░░░█████░░██░░██░░░░
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░░░██░░░██░░░░░██████░███
棉毛球的厲害: ███████░░░██░░░██░░░░░██████░███


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(23:03:49) 悪霊 Aeon: I always thought Garbardor was not badly designed
(23:04:07) Summer: i didn't know you liked garbage
(23:04:10) Summer: /shot
(23:04:14) 悪霊 Aeon: So
(23:04:17) 悪霊 Aeon: That means
(23:04:20) 悪霊 Aeon: I like you?
(23:04:27) Summer: AHHH
(23:04:30) Summer: AHHH
(23:04:33) Summer: AHHHH
(23:04:38) Summer: COUNTERED
(23:04:45) Summer: CALL THE POLICE
(23:04:50) Summer: SOMEBODY
(23:04:55) Summer: I NEED BACKUP

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So this isn't from PO or anything but it's totally needed.

[12:41:42 AM] EDGE-KUN: Silver plz
[12:41:47 AM] Princess Eclipse: ?
[12:41:52 AM] Princess Eclipse: am laying down
[12:41:53 AM] EDGE-KUN: http://prntscr.com/2dkero
[12:42:07 AM] Princess Eclipse: hav-
[12:42:07 AM] Princess Eclipse: lol
[12:42:08 AM] Princess Eclipse: whaty
[12:42:13 AM] EDGE-KUN: idk
[12:42:19 AM] Princess Eclipse: i dont even
[12:42:25 AM] Princess Eclipse: .
[12:42:25 AM] Princess Eclipse: alex has my pho-
[12:42:28 AM] Princess Eclipse: ..................
[12:42:30 AM] EDGE-KUN: LOL
[12:42:32 AM] EDGE-KUN: OMG
[12:42:33 AM] EDGE-KUN: XD
[12:42:35 AM] Princess Eclipse: i'll be back in a second.
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