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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(01:26:24) Fezzdog: I sleep from 7am-3pm now
(01:26:31) Tempest: ...
(01:26:47) Fezzdog: I blame you
(01:26:50) *** Fezzdog points fingers ***
(01:26:50) Tempest: It is really late for you isn't it.
(01:26:53) Tempest: WHy me>
(01:27:04) Fezzdog: cuz I love you
(01:27:05) Tempest: AM I that charismatic :3
(01:27:06) Fezzdog: pls marry me
(01:27:13) *** Tempest gets the rings ***
(01:27:14) Kyoyo: WHAT NO
(01:27:15) *** Fezzdog gets down on one knee ***
(01:27:17) Kyoyo: BACK OFF MY MAN
(01:27:20) Kyoyo: NOO
(01:27:26) Gesmon: NUUUUU E_E
(01:27:29) *** Kyoyo pushs Fezz ***
(01:27:32) Tempest: So now I'm being fought over...
(01:27:34) Fezzdog: XD
(01:27:39) Tempest: By two guys...
(01:27:46) Tempest: And I'm straight...
(01:27:47) Fezzdog: gg
(01:27:48) Tempest: ...
(01:27:49) Kyoyo: LOL

Temp gets all the guys. :D

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20:15:07) *** Lissandra shit bazaro ***
(20:15:08) Lissandra: .
(20:15:10) Bazaro: ...
(20:15:11) +Mashew: EWWW
(20:15:12) +Mashew: EWWWWWWWW
(20:15:13) Bazaro: pls no
(20:15:13) *** Lissandra SHOT bazaro ***
(20:15:13) Dojipoo: I thought
(20:15:15) [Ghost]Requieon: wao
(20:15:17) Fezzdog: wtf
(20:15:20) Lissandra: omfg

go home silver.

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(16:29:04) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: And the first thing I see when I scroll up, is KyoxTemp.
(16:29:10) Tempest: Topgear do.
(16:29:13) Bazaro: I only remember her having Ralts, Pignite, and Makuhita (I didn't get very far tbh)
(16:29:20) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: It's been one of those days.
(16:29:25) Tempest: Beiber shush
(16:29:25) D-claw: oh yeah
(16:29:28) D-claw: forgot
(16:29:28) Kyoyo: Shhhhhhh
(16:29:30) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: :(
(16:29:36) D-claw: i confused makuhita with it :I
(16:29:40) Bazaro: ...
(16:29:53) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Call me Beiber one more time and Imma go gusta.
(16:29:58) Bazaro: do eet
(16:30:01) Wendel: kk Bibs
(16:30:06) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: ...
(16:30:07) Tempest: Damn I love Topgear
(16:30:10) D-claw: kk Bibaboo
(16:30:11) Tempest: Okay Beiber
(16:30:21) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: .............................................
(16:30:24) Jacze: ...
(16:30:27) Wendel: ,,,
(16:30:29) Jacze: KyoxTemp?
(16:30:29) D-claw: i think he is Beiliber :3
(16:30:30) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: rzgrdzuhftrdrtdierhfdtgeeosshg
(16:30:33) Tempest: I'm done
(16:30:37) ~~~ [COOKIE]God Bibarel was hit by a train ~~~
(16:30:37) [COOKIE]God Bibarel left the channel.

(16:30:39) Bazaro: #rage
(16:30:46) [COOKIE]God Bibarel joined the channel.

(16:30:57) Tempest: Ragequite Bibarel?
(16:31:01) D-claw: wait
(16:31:03) Jacze: >quite
(16:31:08) Tempest: >>ragequite
(16:31:09) Tempest: FUCK
(16:31:19) Jacze: time to quotebook that
(16:31:23) D-claw: is the reason why my primape wasn't obeying me cuz he was over level 20 ;w; ?
(16:31:32) Wendel: Lol
(16:31:33) Tempest: I'll delete it.
(16:31:34) Wendel: Yea
(16:31:37) Jacze: do you have a badge, D-claw?
(16:31:41) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Um.
(16:31:42) guest33175 joined the channel.

(16:31:44) D-claw: and i had one
(16:31:46) Bazaro: doesn't mankey evolve at... 28?
(16:31:48) Bazaro: o_O
(16:31:49) D-claw: but i restarded the game
(16:31:54) GRU joined the channel.

(16:31:54) Jacze: you what?
(16:32:01) Tempest: I swear I'm not stupid and I know how to spell.
(16:32:02) Bazaro: restarted*
(16:32:05) D-claw: restarted*
(16:32:05) GRU left the channel.

(16:32:09) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: > restarded
(16:32:12) [sky] Naruto joined the channel.

(16:32:23) [sky] Naruto left the channel.

(16:32:23) Bazaro: plz
(16:32:28) Jacze: pls
(16:32:28) Wendel: I can sum up Dippy yhe Zigzagoon in just 4 words
(16:32:33) Wendel: HEADBUTT FUCK YEAH
(16:32:38) Wendel: *6 words
(16:32:39) Bazaro: only 3 words
(16:32:40) Jacze: ...that's 3
(16:32:43) Wendel: PICK UP FUCK YEA
(16:32:47) Wendel: *7 words
(16:32:51) Wendel: I can't count :I
(16:32:51) Jacze: ...
(16:32:54) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Sweeping with Frustration Pidgey in CC.
(16:33:03) Bazaro: Wendel needs to go back do basic addition and counting
(16:33:04) Bazaro: okay

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I'm in this one, so I'm not certain I should really be posting it (feels like cheating or something >_<), but Chuckles' reaction is just priceless XD

(19:42:44) Chuckles: one day i will find a pretty girl with a lot of love for super smash brothers
(19:42:47) +Nyrias: I suck at SSBB
(19:42:48) +Nyrias: but sure
(19:42:51) Chuckles: and it will be awesome
(19:42:55) Kyra: Hi Chuckles
(19:42:57) Bazaro joined the channel.

(19:42:59) +Mashew: ill teach you sweetie
(19:42:59) Kyra: c:
(19:42:59) Chuckles: hi kyra
(19:43:06) Chuckles: :o
(19:43:10) Kyra: XD

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(20:13:04) creep: pokemo
creep has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!
(20:13:07) Zetaark: lol
(20:13:17) Kyoyo: Breloom is pissed tonight
(20:13:21) Bluewolf: I love how his last word was "pokemo"
(20:13:26) Bluewolf: Couldnt even spell it right
(20:13:28) Abbey Street: Breloom had so little mercy that it cut him off in the middle of his word.
(20:13:37) Kyoyo: Lol

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(16:29:04) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: And the first thing I see when I scroll up, is KyoxTemp.

(16:29:10) Tempest: Topgear do.

(16:29:13) Bazaro: I only remember her having Ralts, Pignite, and Makuhita (I didn't get very far tbh)

(16:29:20) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: It's been one of those days.

(16:29:25) Tempest: Beiber shush

(16:29:25) D-claw: oh yeah

(16:29:28) D-claw: forgot

(16:29:28) Kyoyo: Shhhhhhh

(16:29:30) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: :(

(16:29:36) D-claw: i confused makuhita with it :I

(16:29:40) Bazaro: ...

(16:29:53) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Call me Beiber one more time and Imma go gusta.

(16:29:58) Bazaro: do eet

(16:30:01) Wendel: kk Bibs

(16:30:06) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: ...

(16:30:07) Tempest: Damn I love Topgear

(16:30:10) D-claw: kk Bibaboo

(16:30:11) Tempest: Okay Beiber

(16:30:21) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: .............................................

(16:30:24) Jacze: ...

(16:30:27) Wendel: ,,,

(16:30:29) Jacze: KyoxTemp?

(16:30:29) D-claw: i think he is Beiliber :3

(16:30:30) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: rzgrdzuhftrdrtdierhfdtgeeosshg

(16:30:33) Tempest: I'm done

(16:30:37) ~~~ [COOKIE]God Bibarel was hit by a train ~~~

(16:30:37) [COOKIE]God Bibarel left the channel.

(16:30:39) Bazaro: #rage

(16:30:46) [COOKIE]God Bibarel joined the channel.

(16:30:57) Tempest: Ragequite Bibarel?

(16:31:01) D-claw: wait

(16:31:03) Jacze: >quite

(16:31:08) Tempest: >>ragequite

(16:31:09) Tempest: FUCK

(16:31:19) Jacze: time to quotebook that

(16:31:23) D-claw: is the reason why my primape wasn't obeying me cuz he was over level 20 ;w; ?

(16:31:32) Wendel: Lol

(16:31:33) Tempest: I'll delete it.

(16:31:34) Wendel: Yea

(16:31:37) Jacze: do you have a badge, D-claw?


(16:31:41) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Um.

(16:31:42) guest33175 joined the channel.

(16:31:44) D-claw: and i had one

(16:31:46) Bazaro: doesn't mankey evolve at... 28?

(16:31:48) Bazaro: o_O

(16:31:49) D-claw: but i restarded the game

(16:31:54) GRU joined the channel.

(16:31:54) Jacze: you what?

(16:32:01) Tempest: I swear I'm not stupid and I know how to spell.

(16:32:02) Bazaro: restarted*

(16:32:05) D-claw: restarted*

(16:32:05) GRU left the channel.

(16:32:09) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: > restarded

(16:32:12) [sky] Naruto joined the channel.

(16:32:23) [sky] Naruto left the channel.

(16:32:23) Bazaro: plz

(16:32:28) Jacze: pls

(16:32:28) Wendel: I can sum up Dippy yhe Zigzagoon in just 4 words

(16:32:33) Wendel: HEADBUTT FUCK YEAH

(16:32:38) Wendel: *6 words

(16:32:39) Bazaro: only 3 words

(16:32:40) Jacze: ...that's 3

(16:32:43) Wendel: PICK UP FUCK YEA

(16:32:47) Wendel: *7 words

(16:32:51) Wendel: I can't count :I

(16:32:51) Jacze: ...

(16:32:54) [COOKIE]God Bibarel: Sweeping with Frustration Pidgey in CC.

(16:33:03) Bazaro: Wendel needs to go back do basic addition and counting

(16:33:04) Bazaro: okay

I'm so good at counting :3

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