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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(20:30:43) Kyra: She does, she said she'd be wating two weeks
(20:30:52) *** Kyra proceeds to faint ***
(20:30:53) ~~~ Kyra didn't have the Strength to go on... ~~~
Disconnected from Server! If the disconnect is due to an internet problem, try to reconnect once the issue is solved.
(20:31:41) Connected to Server!
(20:31:44) Kyra joined the channel.
(20:31:44) Bazaro: it had good intentional use but it got waaaaaay out of hand
(20:31:45) Tempest: ...
(20:31:47) Kyra: OMG
(20:31:49) Kyra: that /d
(20:31:52) Tempest: Back
(20:32:00) Ruby Alice: That ws too perfect
(20:32:01) *** Kyra needs to quotebook it ;n; ***
(20:32:02) Tempest: Kyra. You weakling
(20:32:03) Bazaro: so I just avoid it all
(20:32:09) Tempest: Do that muscles
(20:32:10) GameMaster: tempest huh
(20:32:14) allstar619 joined the channel.
(20:32:16) Tempest: Yes?
(20:32:16) *** Kyra proceeds to save it to notepad and disappear again ***
(20:32:17) The Taste Of Blood joined the channel.
(20:32:18) Ruby Alice: I thought you cheated and typed it out owo
(20:32:23) Mr.Mitchell left the channel.
(20:32:25) Kyra: Nope
(20:32:30) Kyra: that was random
(20:32:31) GameMaster: lets see wanna battle?
(20:32:37) Tempest: I don't battle
(20:32:40) allstar619: lets battle
(20:32:40) Kyra: Alright, bye for realsies
(20:32:42) ~~~ Kyra didn't have the Strength to go on... ~~~

The first /d was perfect. But then getting the same one again two minutes later, that was true perfection

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[5:40] Princess Eclipse: TEETO

[5:40] Shiny Pumpkaboo: JOHN MADDEN

[5:40] Princess Eclipse: is the blood lord

[5:40] Shiny Pumpkaboo: JOHN MADDEN

[5:40] Scarlet Eyes: teemo loves those guys

[5:40] Shiny Pumpkaboo: FOOTBALL

[5:40] Princess Eclipse: rin gave her blood to teeto

[5:41] GuyWhoFry: Now Teeto comes with a thirst

[5:41] Scarlet Eyes: teemo likes vagina blood?

[5:41] GuyWhoFry: Better play Vlad

[5:41] Shiny Pumpkaboo: yeah

[5:41] Shiny Pumpkaboo: becuase

[5:41] Shiny Pumpkaboo: hes a cunt

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(20:41:01) Tempest changed names and is now known as Anarchy.

(20:41:04) Anarchy: ANARCHY

(20:41:08) Anarchy: DOWN WITH THE MODS

(20:41:11) Anarchy: DOWN WITH THE RULES

(20:41:13) Sarcus: parting shot worth running?

(20:41:14) Psychic lover 333: anyone wanna battle me

(20:41:16) Anarchy: DOWN WITH THE GOVERMENT

(20:41:20) Fezzdog: I don't think so on a TR team

(20:41:22) Anarchy: UP WITH THE ANARCHY

(20:41:22) Sarcus: tempest, go to bed, you are drunk

(20:41:22) +Kairi: DOWN WITH ROOST

(20:41:22) Major Payne: Down with you.

(20:41:25) Bluewolf: Yes

(20:41:27) You have been muted.

(20:41:28) Bluewolf: Down with the roost

(20:41:31) +Nyrias: guys do you

(20:41:33) *** Bluewolf readies shot gun ***

(20:41:34) +Nyrias: hear something

(20:41:36) You have been unmuted.


(15:49:46) The Secret: Only one who knows wqho I am that is on at the moment is Kamina

(15:50:03) Kamina: i dont know u

(15:50:07) The Secret: LIAR

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(17:45:00) Fezzdog: why am I here
(17:45:07) Fezzdog: what do you want with me
(17:45:09) Tempest: Cause
(17:45:16) Skeleton: Back.
(17:45:22) Tempest: Fezz
(17:45:23) Kyra: WB
(17:45:24) Fezzdog: where do I leave my clothes

Nobody got the Boner incident >:c


(20:48:35) john5139: can I spam
(20:48:35) guest40747 left the channel.

(20:48:49) Shadow Garchomp joined the channel.

(20:48:55) Kyra: Yes, and Clarice will Focus Punch you
(20:49:00) Kyra: But be my guest
(20:49:07) NPC left the channel.

(20:49:10) Shadow Garchomp left the channel.

(20:49:12) Ruby Alice: Oh yeah...I need to finish that fanfic
(20:49:21) john5139: ######
(20:49:24) guest25409 left the channel.

(20:49:25) john5139: ######
(20:49:28) john5139: #######
(20:49:31) john5139: ########
(20:49:35) john5139: #######
(20:49:39) Kyra: Faster
(20:49:39) 6G OverUsed battle between Ethic and D. Skitty started.

(20:49:40) Slick: d tv e f ft u gr8 etc then th
(20:49:42) john5139: ######
(20:49:45) john5139: ######
(20:49:48) john5139: ######
(20:49:51) john5139: #######
(20:49:54) john5139: #######
(20:49:56) john5139: ,#######
(20:50:00) john5139: ########
john5139 has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!

Mwahaha, my plan worked!

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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(02:36:55) Fruitdealer: fezz i have somethign important to tell u
(02:36:55) Ruby Alice: Yes?~

(02:36:59) +Maelstrom: Why you steal the sunfire cape from LoL?
(02:37:09) Ruby Alice: Because I felt like it >:c
(02:37:10) Fezzdog: yes I will marry you kamina
(02:37:16) B. Guardian: ^
(02:37:17) Fruitdealer: it is not that
(02:37:17) B. Guardian: I
(02:37:19) Fruitdealer: but
(02:37:19) Fezzdog: or was there something else
(02:37:20) B. Guardian: Ship this
(02:37:22) Fruitdealer: it was
(02:37:22) ~~~ Fruitdealer passed through a numbered door without verifying ~~~

The two things that happen here... <3

Time for a Kamina and Fezzdog fanfic too~

Edited by RubyHeart
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Nobody got the Boner incident >:c


mmm, you'd think that but actually...

(19:31:25) Skeleton: AMETHYST HELP.

(19:31:30) Munching Orange: playing maybe

(19:31:31) Skeleton: PEOPLE ARE CALLING ME BONER.

(19:31:32) Tempest: He supposedly know Munching Orange

(19:31:35) B. Guardian: Rin

(19:31:35) B. Guardian: what

(19:31:39) leonneon251: skeleton needs help everyone

(19:31:41) Erak Starfollower: Lolwat Rin

(19:31:48) Tempest: And was going to get him to Play the Reborn game

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:12) Skeleton: Wait

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:14) Skeleton: my name

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:17) Skeleton: is skeleton

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:24) Skeleton: people could actually call me boner and it would be a legit nickname

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:31) Kyra: XD

(19:31:49) Kyra: (19:26:35) Kyra: I'm doing that now

(19:31:53) Greed_Demon joined the channel.

(19:31:56) Mega King: ur not orange

(19:31:57) B. Guardian: LOL

(19:31:59) RainbowDash: Well now.


(19:32:13) Kyoyo: KYRA WHAT EVEN XD


(19:32:19) leonneon251: sure ribbon

(19:32:25) B. Guardian: But you said it yourself!

(19:32:26) Tempest: Skeleton is boner naugh

(19:32:29) [DHK]Sky_ Legendo_O won against quemtop.

(19:32:34) Kyra: You said it yo- Yeah

(19:32:36) B. Guardian: > Skeleton: people could actually call me boner and it would be a legit nickname

(19:32:36) Tempest: Boner, how's your BF?


(19:32:44) Munching Orange joined the channel.

(19:32:44) leonneon251: skeleton don't listen to them

(19:32:55) Skeleton: It's hard and nobody understands.

(19:32:56) Kyra: At the very least I'm calling you Bones

(19:32:58) Munching Orange: hi again

(19:33:00) Mega King: if ur orange do u play pokemon minecraft

(19:33:04) Kyra: (19:32:57) Skeleton: It's hard and nobody understands.

(19:33:05) Kyoyo: Bones

(19:33:07) Kyra: >Hard

(19:33:07) Skeleton: Fine call me Bones. ;c

(19:33:08) Ribbon the Sylveon: Transforms

(19:33:14) Skeleton: THAT WAS NOT INTENDED OKAY.

pls rin no haterino

there was also this that I almost wasn't going to post but since I'm putting that ^

in here then I may as well add this to it too..

(02:18:47) B. Guardian: mael

(02:18:51) B. Guardian: you're so right

(02:18:52) Fezzdog: smells

(02:18:53) Fezzdog: damn

(02:18:57) Kyoyo: Fail

(02:18:57) B. Guardian: >denied

(02:18:58) Sarcus: so close

(02:18:59) Sarcus: but so far

(02:19:04) Zetaark: one second

(02:19:08) +Maelstrom: fezzdog

(02:19:09) Zetaark: means death

(02:19:09) Zetaark: gg

(02:19:10) Fezzdog: shh

(02:19:13) Fezzdog: I ain't slept

(02:19:17) B. Guardian: (02:19:08) +Maelstrom: fezzdog

(02:19:17) B. Guardian: (02:19:09) Zetaark: means death

(02:19:19) B. Guardian: D:

(02:19:23) Sarcus: lol

(02:19:26) Sarcus: zetaark

(02:19:26) EThan 1234 left the channel.

(02:19:30) B. Guardian: now I'm scared

(02:19:30) +Maelstrom: i noticed that too

(02:19:31) Sarcus: you dun fucked up

(02:19:32) Zetaark: welp

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(18:06:57) Mikzal changed names and is now known as [Cookie]Mikzal.

(18:06:57) B. Guardian: so that's coool
(18:06:57) Fezzdog: gg
(18:06:58) Fezzdog: rekt
(18:07:00) [COOKIE]Tempest: And Bibs and Wendel welcomed me
(18:07:02) [COOKIE]Tempest: :3
(18:07:03) Fezzdog: wooooooooooooow
(18:07:09) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: interesting stuff would happen to me if someone wanted to make interesting stuff happen
(18:07:13) Ruby Alice: I was going to but then I was like...the popo will be after me
(18:07:21) [Cookie]Mikzal changed names and is now known as [COKIE]Mikzal.

(18:07:25) [COOKIE]Reeveelution: popo.?
(18:07:27) Fezzdog: lmfao
(18:07:29) SuperSaiyan5Clifton won against padog.

(18:07:29) [COKIE]Mikzal: -.-
(18:07:29) B. Guardian: >cokie
(18:07:29) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: (tldr: challenge me plox)
(18:07:34) [COKIE]Mikzal: ............................................................
(18:07:38) Fezzdog: wp mikzal
(18:07:38) [COOKIE]Tempest: You can't spell Cookie
(18:07:39) Fezzdog: wp
(18:07:41) [COOKIE]Reeveelution: ...
(18:07:44) B. Guardian: n1
(18:07:47) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: ahahaha
(18:07:49) [COOKIE]Tempest: You don't deserve to bear it's name
(18:07:49) [COKIE]Mikzal changed names and is now known as [COCKIE]Mikzal.

(18:07:50) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: im sorry
(18:07:54) [COCKIE]Mikzal: better?

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(18:06:57) Mikzal changed names and is now known as [Cookie]Mikzal.

(18:06:57) B. Guardian: so that's coool

(18:06:57) Fezzdog: gg

(18:06:58) Fezzdog: rekt

(18:07:00) [COOKIE]Tempest: And Bibs and Wendel welcomed me

(18:07:02) [COOKIE]Tempest: :3

(18:07:03) Fezzdog: wooooooooooooow

(18:07:09) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: interesting stuff would happen to me if someone wanted to make interesting stuff happen

(18:07:13) Ruby Alice: I was going to but then I was like...the popo will be after me

(18:07:21) [Cookie]Mikzal changed names and is now known as [COKIE]Mikzal.

(18:07:25) [COOKIE]Reeveelution: popo.?

(18:07:27) Fezzdog: lmfao

(18:07:29) SuperSaiyan5Clifton won against padog.

(18:07:29) [COKIE]Mikzal: -.-

(18:07:29) B. Guardian: >cokie

(18:07:29) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: (tldr: challenge me plox)

(18:07:34) [COKIE]Mikzal: ............................................................

(18:07:38) Fezzdog: wp mikzal

(18:07:38) [COOKIE]Tempest: You can't spell Cookie

(18:07:39) Fezzdog: wp

(18:07:41) [COOKIE]Reeveelution: ...

(18:07:44) B. Guardian: n1

(18:07:47) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: ahahaha

(18:07:49) [COOKIE]Tempest: You don't deserve to bear it's name

(18:07:49) [COKIE]Mikzal changed names and is now known as [COCKIE]Mikzal.

(18:07:50) [Tryouts] Rooreeloo: im sorry

(18:07:54) [COCKIE]Mikzal: better?


You had to put this here?

Well, this is what you get for staying up till 1am before a Monday.

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(19:37:16) Kyra: How about speaking before someone says smells be an achievement?
(19:37:21) Kyra: Tempest?
(19:37:37) Bluewolf: That sounds like a good one.
(19:37:40) Kyra: Wow
(19:37:43) Kyra: Really?
(19:37:47) Bluewolf: ....
(19:37:47) Kyra: Bad example >_>
(19:37:50) Tempest: What?
(19:37:52) *** Bluewolf runs away in shame ***
(19:37:55) Bluewolf: ;~;
(19:37:59) Kyra: No, Bluewolf, you're fine
(19:38:00) B. Guardian: Kyra
(19:38:03) Tempest: smells
(19:38:04) B. Guardian: that dude's name was Tnre
(19:38:09) B. Guardian: baka
(19:38:11) Kyra: Tnre, okay
(19:38:11) Tempest: BOOM

I am forever in shame with Bluewolf

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Mascheto: I want to say something
Telos is watching the battle.
[Reborn]Amaria: Mhm?
Mascheto: if this works, im sorry, it's such a cheap strategy

Start of turn 1
[Reborn]Amaria called Nimbus back!
[Reborn]Amaria sent out Riley! (Azumarill)

Mascheto's La Chair used Quiver Dance!
Mascheto's La Chair's Sp. Att. rose!
Mascheto's La Chair's Sp. Def. rose!
Mascheto's La Chair's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall.
R.Destiny: Oh boy

Start of turn 2
Mascheto's La Chair used Quiver Dance!
Mascheto's La Chair's Sp. Att. rose!
Mascheto's La Chair's Sp. Def. rose!
Mascheto's La Chair's Speed rose!

[Reborn]Amaria's Riley used Ice Punch!
It's super effective!
Mascheto's La Chair lost 71% of its health!

Rain continues to fall.
Telos: .. dont, don't apologize.

Start of turn 3
Mascheto's La Chair used Petal Dance!
[Reborn]Amaria's Riley's Sap Sipper raised its attack!

[Reborn]Amaria's Riley used Ice Punch!
It's super effective!
Mascheto's La Chair lost 28% of its health!
Mascheto's La Chair fainted!

Bluewolf: ...
Rain continues to fall.
Bluewolf: XD
R.Destiny: XD
[Reborn]Amaria: That didn't seem cheap to me!
Telos: *epic fail*
Mascheto: i wasn't prepared for that
Bluewolf: *z snaps*

Amaria don't play that.

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(22:34:26) Tempest: Lexi it's okay
(22:34:26) Bluewolf: oh
(22:34:26) Kyoyo: I was making a pun actually
(22:34:30) Tempest: You want a hug?
(22:34:32) Kyoyo: I like your puns, Lexi.
(22:34:36) +Kairi: She isn't the master.
(22:34:36) Bluewolf: Not you
(22:34:39) *** Chuckles hugs Tempest really hard ***
(22:34:43) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:43) Blaze star: oo Master ive been bad
(22:34:43) Kyoyo: ...
(22:34:44) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:44) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:45) Chuckles: too hard
(22:34:46) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:46) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:47) Epic C: yush
(22:34:47) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:47) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:47) Tempest: Ew
(22:34:48) Vinny: Kinky
(22:34:48) Epic C: im ready
(22:34:50) *** Kyoyo stabs Chuckles ***
(22:34:50) Tempest: EwHelp
(22:34:51) +Kairi: She's just one of the master pun makers.
(22:34:52) Kyoyo: DON'T
(22:34:53) Tempest: Help
(22:34:53) Blaze star: homo
(22:34:54) Kyoyo: TOUCH
(22:34:55) Tempest: Help
(22:34:55) Kyoyo: MY
(22:34:55) +Kairi: Me and Wolf are the others.
(22:34:56) Kyoyo: MAN
(22:34:59) Tempest: He's tpuching me
(22:35:01) Poppy Bros III left the channel.

(22:35:02) Tempest: Lexi get him
(22:35:04) Tempest: Off me
(22:35:05) 6G OverUsed battle between [Reborn]Anna and Epic C started.

(22:35:06) Tempest: HELP
(22:35:07) +Kairi: Meow.
(22:35:09) *** Chuckles picks Tempest up and twirls him around ***
(22:35:10) +Kairi: :D
(22:35:12) Tempest: AH
(22:35:14) Tempest: HELP
(22:35:15) Tempest: ME
(22:35:17) Tempest: HELP
(22:35:18) Tempest: ME
(22:35:19) Tempest: AH
(22:35:20) *** Kyoyo punches Chuckles in the throat ***
(22:35:22) *** Chuckles pets the Kairi Kitty ***
(22:35:24) +Kairi: Help you right meow?
(22:35:26) Bluewolf: Get ready for the awkwrad kinkyness >:)
(22:35:27) kirito_SAO: lel
(22:35:29) Tempest: Yes
(22:35:30) +Kairi: You've got to be kitten me.
(22:35:34) Kyoyo: LOL
(22:35:35) Tempest: He won't stop touching me
Tempest has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!

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