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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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Abbey Street: Nope, doesn't look like they have any genuine steak...
+Kaito: ;~;
Ebony: Then why are they called Steak N Shake
Ebony: ????????????
+Kaito: ^
+Kaito: I agree.
+Kaito: That's false advertising.
*** Abbey Street watches Kaito die a little inside ***
+Kaito: Steak-widthholding bastards...
Ebony: They don't know what's at steak by doing that...
Ebony: HA
Ebony: HA
+Kaito: ...
Abbey Street: I lol'd
+Kaito: ... Yeah, I chuckled a little. ^^; I love wordplay.
Ebony: That joke was well done.
Abbey Street: oh my.
+Kaito: Quite rare to see you make a pun.
Ebony: I admit, it's still a l-
Ebony: I hate you.
+Kaito: Aww c'mon, that was a good one.

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(21:47:05) Kyoyo: (21:45:41) Islanzadí: I'll insert something, but it ain't no line.
(21:47:12) Kyoyo: What happened to being sub
(21:47:52) Bluewolf: The other.......grrrrr must resist.
(21:48:11) Bluewolf: He had a change in heart
(21:48:34) Kyoyo: I kinda wanna know what you were gonna say now.
(21:49:12) Bluewolf: New Years finally came and the other ball dropped.


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(15:36:37) B. Guardian: ... I forgot what I was gonna ask you
(15:36:40) B. Guardian: gg
(15:36:41) ~~~ B. Guardian lived long enough to see themselves become the villain. ~~~
(15:36:41) B. Guardian left the channel.
(15:36:45) B. Guardian joined the channel.

(15:36:46) Kyra: Nice bra
(15:36:47) Kyoyo: there were like 10 seconds
(15:36:52) Kyoyo: >Bra
(15:36:59) Kyoyo: Danny, you have a bra?
(15:37:04) B. Guardian: uhm
(15:37:05) B. Guardian: no?
(15:37:07) Kyra: LOL
(15:37:12) Kyoyo: Are you asking me or telling me?
(15:37:14) Kyra: He had to think about it
(15:37:16) Kyoyo: ^

And not much later, like two minutes in fact...

(15:39:35) B. Guardian: though now that I think more on it
(15:39:42) Kyoyo: Kyra, you just QB everything. No one is safe anymore.
(15:39:44) B. Guardian: I did get mail from victoria's secret once
(15:39:48) Kyoyo: Wut
(15:39:56) B. Guardian: for a free pair of panties or something
(15:39:59) Zetaark: lol
(15:40:01) Kyoyo: Wut
(15:40:02) B. Guardian: sent to a "Danielle"
(15:40:08) Kyoyo: WUT
(15:40:09) Zetaark: gg

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(20:48:06) +Amethyst: repair process #53248 run, i'm going the fuck to sleep
(20:48:12) +Tempest.rawr: I heard using Rock Smash gives you more
(20:48:12) +Amethyst: but someone call me if the site crashes again
(20:48:17) Arkhidon: Take an afternoon nap
(20:48:17) Kyoyo: It's been so long since I last played Diamond, but I get the joke now.
(20:48:21) +Amethyst: like literally call me or have ikaru do it or something
(20:48:22) Arkhidon: Even if it isn't the afternoon
(20:48:23) Telos.docx: Good night, ame.
(20:48:27) +Ikaru: ._.
(20:48:27) +Tempest.rawr: Amethyst
(20:48:30) Kyoyo: Nigh, Ame.
(20:48:33) Bazaro.idgaf: >Have Ikaru do it
(20:48:34) +Amethyst: you dont have to talk to me ik
(20:48:35) Bazaro.idgaf: LOL
(20:48:40) Telos.docx: ...Ouch.
(20:48:41) +Amethyst: just call me to wake me up and ill know what to do
(20:48:41) Kyoyo: Lol, Ika.
(20:48:43) +Tempest.rawr: I don't think Ikary knows h-
(20:48:48) Kyoyo: Cause we all know he'll be here to do it.
(20:49:04) +Tempest.rawr: Hmm
(20:49:05) +Inumuta: I guess I could text you...
(20:49:06) +Tempest.rawr: I like that
(20:49:06) Kyoyo: Ika does know how to do it.
(20:49:11) +Inumuta: Although I'd feel bad doing so. ^^;
(20:49:12) Kyoyo: Don't you, Ika?
(20:49:12) +Amethyst: texts dont make a sound so that wont work
(20:49:16) +Ikaru: repair the site? no
(20:49:17) +Tempest.rawr: Ikaru, I'm calling you Ikary now
(20:49:23) Kyoyo: ._.
(20:49:28) +Ikaru: I can't
(20:49:30) +Amethyst: although i did manage to text in my sleep earlier
(20:49:35) +Tempest.rawr: Yeah. Only Amethyst and Nyu now how to fix it.
(20:49:35) Kyoyo: ...
(20:49:35) Bazaro.idgaf: lolwut
(20:49:36) Kyoyo: Wut
(20:49:38) +Amethyst: and i was able to start lucid dreaming by doing it
(20:49:42) +Tempest.rawr: ...
(20:49:43) +TheScarletSword: lol what
(20:49:43) +Inumuta: ... Good job.
(20:49:43) Bazaro.idgaf: Ame = Jesus confirmed
(20:49:45) +Tempest.rawr: Ame
(20:49:45) +Amethyst: so i might try that again
(20:49:48) +Tempest.rawr: You need more sleep
(20:49:54) +Swimming95: ^
(20:49:58) +Amethyst: yes
(20:49:59) +Amethyst: yes i do
(20:50:00) Kyoyo: I long for the day when I can sleep text.
(20:50:06) Telos.docx: ^
(20:50:13) +Tempest.rawr: Can I get sleep homework?
(20:50:15) Kyoyo: Even though I never text, but it'd be nice to know I can do it.
(20:50:16) Kyoyo: No.
(20:50:20) +Tempest.rawr: Then I'd actually get shit done
(20:50:20) Kyoyo: You can only get sleep.
(20:50:24) Bazaro.idgaf: What was the text?
(20:50:25) +Amethyst: like 3/4 of the texts i sent were gibberish but one of them was me telling someone to not be afraid of thunder because "its just the sky purring"

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(19:03:49) Kyoyo: Bye, Swims.
(19:03:50) +TheScarletSword: later swims
(19:03:53) Kyoyo: ...
(19:03:54) Kyoyo: Ass
(19:04:08) Arkhidon: Simmer down, sheriff
(19:04:24) *** Kyoyo steams up and shoots his pistols everywhere ***

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(15:36:37) B. Guardian: ... I forgot what I was gonna ask you

(15:36:40) B. Guardian: gg

(15:36:41) ~~~ B. Guardian lived long enough to see themselves become the villain. ~~~

(15:36:41) B. Guardian left the channel.

(15:36:45) B. Guardian joined the channel.

(15:36:46) Kyra: Nice bra

(15:36:47) Kyoyo: there were like 10 seconds

(15:36:52) Kyoyo: >Bra

(15:36:59) Kyoyo: Danny, you have a bra?

(15:37:04) B. Guardian: uhm

(15:37:05) B. Guardian: no?

(15:37:07) Kyra: LOL

(15:37:12) Kyoyo: Are you asking me or telling me?

(15:37:14) Kyra: He had to think about it

(15:37:16) Kyoyo: ^

And not much later, like two minutes in fact...

(15:39:35) B. Guardian: though now that I think more on it

(15:39:42) Kyoyo: Kyra, you just QB everything. No one is safe anymore.

(15:39:44) B. Guardian: I did get mail from victoria's secret once

(15:39:48) Kyoyo: Wut

(15:39:56) B. Guardian: for a free pair of panties or something

(15:39:59) Zetaark: lol

(15:40:01) Kyoyo: Wut

(15:40:02) B. Guardian: sent to a "Danielle"

(15:40:08) Kyoyo: WUT

(15:40:09) Zetaark: gg

The truth has once been reviled to Dan, he is really a she~

And now we all know~

.....that or he was that desperate to get girl under-ware.....so he signed up under a female name....and.....DAN...you perv, you~

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(13:35:04) Kyra.idgaf: Is there even a way to kill them?
(13:35:30) Kyra.idgaf: I haven't faced one since I was back at just having a Sword and Slingshot
(13:35:38) Kyoyo: Hmmmm
(13:35:45) Kyoyo: The Sun song freezes them
(13:35:51) Kyoyo: You could probably take them down then
(13:36:01) Kyoyo: anything outside of that is likely suicide
(13:36:08) Kyra.idgaf: Also, why can't adult Link use the Boomerang? It's not like it's too small
(13:36:13) Kyra.idgaf: Mhmm
(13:36:24) Kyra.idgaf: I wonder in I could flash them with my nuts and freeze them
(13:36:31) Kyra.idgaf: Erm
(13:36:33) Kyra.idgaf: That
(13:36:39) Kyra.idgaf: Was unintentional
(13:36:41) +Rainbow Dash: ...

Get it Kyra.

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B. Guardian kicked Swag Jockey Fern!

Lamest kick message evah. Evah.

Pranking Aaron because he hates ponies;

(20:26:55) *** Derpy Hooves simply clips dashy's wings. ***

(20:26:58) Derpy Hooves: ...
(20:27:01) +Rainbow Dash: HAHAHAHA
(20:27:01) Derpy Hooves: oh you son of a bitch
I dunno what to name this;
(10:11:59) +Amethyst: stick a cupcake in your eye?
(10:12:54) Fluttershy: Cupcake..?
(10:12:55) Fluttershy: I want one.
(10:13:04) Fluttershy: Better yet.
(10:13:07) Fluttershy: Eye want one.
(10:13:14) +B. Guardian: I think you're wearing the wrong nametag there, friend
(10:13:32) +Amethyst: Just make sure there's lots of eyecing on it.
(10:13:46) Fezzdog: I want to pun-ch both of you
Poor Kaito :c ;
(23:10:00) RainbowDash: ^
(23:10:00) L: If you kick me
(23:10:01) +Kaito: Oh.
(23:10:02) +Kaito: Kay. ^^
(23:10:04) L: Ikaru will kick you
(23:10:05) +Kaito: ... Hey!
(23:10:07) +Kaito: I'm not fat...
(23:10:13) L: Debatable
(23:10:13) +Nyrias: unidle fatty
(23:10:14) +Nyrias: >:I
(23:10:14) Blaze Eagle joined the channel.
(23:10:17) RainbowDash: Big-boned*
(23:10:19) Kaito is active and ready for battles.
(23:10:24) Mixed X/Y battle between L and Kaito started.
(23:10:31) L: HAH
(23:10:31) +Nyrias: wow
(23:10:31) +Nyrias: wowowow
(23:10:33) RainbowDash: Hahaha
Nyrias sentenced L to eternal damnation by Chinese water torture.
(23:10:34) L forfeited against Kaito.
(23:10:34) L left the channel.
(23:10:36) RainbowDash: LOL
(23:10:38) PerfectMafia joined the channel.
(23:10:46) L joined the channel.
(23:10:50) RainbowDash: rekt
(23:10:50) L: worth
Ikaru confirmed I'm best pony. ilu<3 ;
(10:29:56) RainbowDash: /rename Ikaru: Squidkaru
(10:30:03) +Ikaru: better idea
(10:30:06) Soft Taco Bear: only I'm allowed to call him Ikachu XD
(10:30:08) RainbowDash: Ohgod
(10:30:10) Wendel: Uhoh
(10:30:14) RainbowDash changed names and is now known as 2698.
(10:30:14) 2698 changed names and is now known as Fluttershy.
(10:30:18) Fluttershy: WOW
(10:30:19) Wendel: lol
(10:30:19) Fluttershy: NO
(10:30:30) Fluttershy: I mean..
(10:30:35) Fluttershy: No..
(10:30:39) +Ikaru: fluttershy wouldn't- that's better.
(10:30:53) Fluttershy: ..eep~
(10:30:56) Fluttershy: ):
(10:31:01) Wendel: lel
(10:31:35) Wendel: "When standing on a crack you'll break your mother's back
(10:31:39) Wendel: WHERE IS THAT CRACK
(10:31:53) Fluttershy: If I keep this name, I insist Ame gets renamed to Nightmare Moon when she gets on. >:l
(10:31:58) +Ikaru: play Reborn there's cracks everywhere
(10:32:02) +Ikaru: and ok will do
(10:32:05) Fluttershy: ..
(10:32:11) +Ikaru: but also
(10:32:12) Fluttershy: Yay~
(10:32:18) Wendel: But are you able to stand on them?
(10:32:20) +Ikaru: ...I didn't hear that
(10:32:23) +Ikaru: louder!
(10:32:31) Fluttershy: ..
(10:32:37) Fluttershy: Yay..~
(10:32:43) +Ikaru: louder!
(10:32:53) Moli won against 旋律.
(10:32:57) +Ikaru: (only when ame forgets to make it not possible, wendel)
(10:33:05) Wendel: (mk)
(10:33:06) Fluttershy: Uhm. Yay...~!
(10:33:15) +Ikaru: louder!!!
(10:33:22) Wendel: Flutty just don't do it
(10:33:31) Fluttershy: Yay.~
(10:33:45) +Ikaru: okay you can be best pony again
(10:33:50) Fluttershy changed names and is now known as 2698.
(10:33:50) 2698 changed names and is now known as RainbowDash.
And renaming/kick message shenanigans..
Amethyst banned Ikaru!
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(19:25:50) FieryJoey: so i just got my first ever shiny pokemon in this reborn game
(19:26:03) Fezzdog: oh grats joey
(19:26:11) Pineapple: Which one?
(19:26:11) Astrid: wuuuut D:
(19:26:12) Fezzdog: what is it? :o
(19:26:18) FieryJoey: rattata
(19:26:19) Astrid: inb4 shiny ratatta
(19:26:22) Astrid: LOL
(19:26:24) Fezzdog: wow
(19:26:25) Pineapple: LOL.
(19:26:25) Astrid: I FUCKING KNEW IT
(19:26:29) Pineapple: LOOOOL.
(19:26:29) Mew: God.
(19:26:31) Fezzdog: gg
(19:26:33) FieryJoey: you did, indeed
(19:26:36) FieryJoey: lo
(19:26:40) Fezzdog: omg and he's called joey
(19:26:47) Pineapple: GFUCKING WFUCKINGP.
(19:26:48) Fezzdog: XD
(19:26:49) FieryJoey: hahaha

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After shenanigans earlier today.. This happened.


AmeBagel casually kills Aaron <3
(23:33:47) Aaron left the channel.
(23:33:57) Aaron: you ignorant slut
(23:34:30) +AmeBagel: ami an ignorant slut
Maelstrom punched Aaron in their ugly face.
(23:34:30) Aaron left the channel.
(23:35:54) +AmeBagel: now look
(23:36:00) +AmeBagel: yall is getting pretty immature
(23:36:05) +AmeBagel: so we're gonna have to remove the problem here
(23:36:05) ~~~ AmeBagel overdosed on hashtags. ~~~
(23:36:06) AmeBagel left the channel.
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(00:10:22) Kyoyo: I can ship us if you want~
(00:10:27) Lord Shen: Ok
(00:10:47) Kyoyo: Wait, shit. Did Temp wanna ship us? >>
(00:10:51) Kyoyo: Idk.
(00:10:54) Kyoyo: Well, shit.
(00:11:08) Kyoyo: Eeeeeeh. Nbd. I'll ship him with someone.
(00:11:10) #TeamMoo: Temp did.
(00:11:11) #TeamMoo: >>;
(00:11:19) Kyoyo: Dammit.
(00:11:24) Kyoyo: This creates dilemnas.
(00:11:27) #TeamMoo: My ships have been long forgotten or they moved on to something else. >>;
(00:11:45) Lord Shen: DD
(00:11:54) [LPO]Yame: In other words, Cow. Your ships have... sailed
(00:11:59) Kyoyo: XD
(00:12:01) #TeamMoo: ...
(00:12:01) Lord Shen: :o
(00:12:02) #TeamMoo: I...
(00:12:04) Kyoyo: 10/10
(00:12:06) #TeamMoo: Yeah.
(00:12:07) #TeamMoo: 10/10
(00:12:09) Kyoyo: Well played Yame.
(00:12:15) Lord Shen: 1000/10

...Yeah, I can't argue with that.

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(11:41:13) Wendel: Are you calling me dear...?
(11:41:16) Arkhidon: uh..
(11:41:18) Arkhidon: No
(11:41:18) Kyoyo: ._.
(11:41:22) Wendel: Yes you did...

(11:41:22) Kyra.idgaf: Oh dear...
(11:41:23) Arkhidon: Kyo's my dear
(11:41:37) Kyoyo: >>
(11:41:37) Kyra.idgaf: Well, he certainly has a nice Xerneass

I had to

Xerneass deserves to be used in bad punz

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