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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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(15:37:08) CJBlazer: The person who made bread was...

(15:37:14) CJBlazer: The Egytians

(15:37:25) CJBlazer: *egyptians

(15:37:27) [sU]Twitch: ...

(15:37:34) [sU]Twitch: Egyptians are not a person.

(15:37:43) CJBlazer: yeah they were,

(15:37:46) [sU]Twitch: ...

(15:37:49) [sU]Twitch: No...

(15:37:59) [sTK]Wolf: i want a pyramid to call my own!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

(19:44:16) +Hark: Hello I am Amethyst yes that is me yes

(19:44:17) +Hark: >>

(19:44:17) +Hark: <<

(19:44:42) Io: HARK

(19:44:48) Jennifer: hi ame

(19:44:52) +Hark: who

(19:44:54) +Hark: hi Jennifer

(19:44:59) *** Io gives hark a cuddly Flareon ***

(19:45:07) +Hark: B'AWHHH

(19:45:09) *** Hark cuddles ***

(19:45:12) +Hark: ... CURSES!

(19:45:17) +Hark: my identity ahs been revealed

(19:45:18) Io: Gotcha!

(19:45:18) +Hark: >:c

(19:45:19) Io: ;3

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(16:53:16) [Ninja] Erick: >>

(16:53:17) [Ninja] Erick: <<

(16:53:18) [Ninja] Erick: >>

(16:53:19) [Ninja] Erick: <<

(16:53:19) [Ninja] Erick: ??

(16:53:22) [Ninja] Erick: Dx

(16:53:23) [Ninja] Erick: FUCK

(16:53:24) ~~~ [Ninja] Erick has commited suicide. ~~~

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(18:25:52) Elasticity: does winter still come on?

(18:25:52) Bazaro: <<"

(18:25:59) +Allan: almost never

(18:26:06) Adept changed teams.

(18:26:06) *** Bazaro flees with the cookies! ***

(18:26:06) Elasticity: :[

(18:26:08) Battle between Adept and [DPR]Trainer Apollo started.

(18:26:12) Elasticity left the channel.

(18:26:16) +Allan: Helurkstheforumsthough

(18:26:19) {MI}Pablo joined the channel.

(18:26:24) Battle between ykcoP and CombatPastor started.

(18:26:26) Io: He lurks

(18:26:30) Io: Like a Golurk

(18:26:34) Io: >>

(18:26:34) Io: <<

(18:26:37) AisuKiba: helurksheresometimestoo

(18:26:41) [TTD]Conor forfeited against Weiss.

(18:26:42) *** Allan shoots Owen ***

(18:26:46) *** AisuKiba reloads ***

(18:26:48) Io: :D

(18:26:49) +Allan: what

(18:26:52) Weiss: gg conor

(18:26:52) dark master joined the channel.

(18:26:53) *** Bazaro shoots Allan ***

(18:27:01) +Allan: Reloading my gu- *shot*

(18:27:11) *** [DPR]Swift is a kung fu master and catches the bullet ***

(18:27:17) *** Bazaro shoots Swift ***

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When I fail, I fail hard.

(00:04:06) +[sTK]Wolf: >>

(00:04:08) Lister: WOLF

(00:04:11) Lister: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(00:04:15) Lister: EL LOBO!


(00:04:21) +[sTK]Wolf: sup

(00:04:27) *** [sTK]Wolf shoots edge ***

(00:04:34) +[sTK]Wolf: actually

(00:04:34) *** Lister reloads ***


(00:04:50) Lister: ...

(00:04:56) +[sTK]Wolf: duran duran sang hungry like the wolf...

(00:04:57) *** Lister grabs a shotgum ***

(00:04:58) Lister: ...

(00:05:00) +[sTK]Wolf: my last name is duran

(00:05:01) +Eternal Edge: ESPECIALLY AN ETERNAL ONE

(00:05:05) *** [sTK]Wolf shoots edge again ***

(00:05:06) Lister: *Shptgun

(00:05:07) +Eternal Edge: OH MY GOD WOLF

(00:05:07) Lister: WAT

(00:05:12) +Eternal Edge: IT WAS DESTINED TO BE

(00:05:17) +[sTK]Wolf: oh god

(00:05:24) +Eternal Edge: also

(00:05:27) +Eternal Edge: Shptgun best gun

(00:05:34) Lister: get out

(00:05:35) Lister: .-.

(00:05:37) +[sTK]Wolf: ^

(00:05:42) +Eternal Edge: Can't

(00:05:44) +Eternal Edge: laughing too hard

(00:06:04) +[sTK]Wolf: well

(00:06:09) Lister: I think a snotfun is too little for this job

(00:06:10) Lister: ...

(00:06:13) +[sTK]Wolf: now playing portal 2 for the first time ever...

(00:06:16) Lister: ...................................................................................................................

(00:06:18) +Eternal Edge: >snotfun

(00:06:22) +Eternal Edge: Oh god

(00:06:24) +Eternal Edge: I'm crying

(00:06:24) Lister: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(00:06:26) *** [sTK]Wolf starts eating spoonfuls of sacrasm ***

(00:06:29) +[sTK]Wolf: EDG

(00:06:31) Lister: I hate

(00:06:32) +[sTK]Wolf: DON'T CRY

(00:06:34) Lister: my keyboard

(00:06:42) Lister: .-.

(00:06:47) +Eternal Edge: Yes Wolf?

(00:06:55) +Eternal Edge: BUT WOLF

(00:06:59) +[sTK]Wolf: ?


(00:07:21) Lister: Get

(00:07:23) Lister: out

(00:07:26) Lister: **NOW*

(00:07:28) Lister: ...

(00:07:32) Lister: ...

(00:07:33) +Eternal Edge: YOU MAD BRO?

(00:07:34) +Eternal Edge: YOU MAD?

(00:07:35) Lister: =.=

(00:07:40) Lister: a;sghbosfdjofdhjmdtjmsytulkydsxmuj,liy

(00:07:48) Lister: uktfyrjtdhngbvsfjxycukvdrygtxudicdjhybgtrxfuxjhtnrzyfgtdurthtzgdt

(00:07:51) Lister: jhtbezgrsudztxjyyhnjfdsgzdhxjdrthnfg

(00:07:51) +Eternal Edge: Oh goodness

(00:07:53) +[sTK]Wolf: >Dual wielding shotguns?

(00:07:56) +[sTK]Wolf: sounds boss

(00:08:00) +Eternal Edge: You've made my day.

(00:08:02) +Eternal Edge: Thank you.

(00:08:07) +Eternal Edge: Not shutguns, Wolf.

(00:08:12) +Eternal Edge: shptgun and snotfun

(00:08:15) Lister: Get

(00:08:17) Lister: out

(00:08:24) Lister: rite now

(00:08:26) Lister: .-.

(00:08:30) +Eternal Edge: I should get that tattooed onto my arms

(00:08:34) +Eternal Edge: This one is snotfun

(00:08:41) +Eternal Edge: and this one is shptgun

(00:08:46) Lister: Wait a sec

(00:08:51) +[sTK]Wolf: so

(00:08:55) Lister: IT"SNOT FUNNY

(00:08:59) Lister: .-.

(00:09:12) *** Lister shoots himself ***

(00:09:21) +[sTK]Wolf: the game is trying to convince me that i might have a very minor case of serious brain damage

(00:09:22) +Eternal Edge: If only Mikey were here to see this.

(00:09:28) Lister: ...

(00:09:30) Lister: If you dare

(00:09:37) +Eternal Edge: Yes Wolf, but only a minor one.

(00:09:41) Lister: I will go to your house

(00:09:59) Lister: And make sure you never sleep for 15 nights

(00:10:23) +Eternal Edge: Some at me bro.

(00:10:31) Lister: Nice fail

(00:10:32) +[sTK]Wolf: now it is trying to convince me to talk... but when i press the talk button... i jump... and the robot looks at me like i am retarded... and is like... its ok... thats cool, i guess

(00:10:39) +Eternal Edge: Nope.

(00:10:41) +Eternal Edge: Some at me.

(00:11:21) Lister: You know what

(00:11:32) Lister: Im not going to let you have the glory of posting this

(00:11:45) *** Eternal Edge points at facebook ***

(00:11:50) Lister: ...


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(00:55:53) +[sU]Kaito: Any bets on tonight's death?

(00:56:01) Brave: I'm betting Pokedeath

(00:56:03) [sU]Poe: Knowing you, boss?

(00:56:04) [sU]Xiphera: I have a feeling

(00:56:07) [sU]Poe: Broken Heart

(00:56:07) +[sU]Kaito: Nah, Idon't use Pokedie.

(00:56:14) [sU]Poe: Xiph has a feeling

(00:56:18) Brave: Damn

(00:56:19) [sU]Poe: That tonight's gonna be a good night

(00:56:23) [sU]Xiphera: ^

(00:56:27) [sU]Xiphera: Dammit Poe!

(00:56:27) [sU]Poe: That tonight's gonna be a good night

(00:56:30) [sU]Poe: That tonight's gonna be a good good night

(00:56:31) [sU]Xiphera: Lol

(00:56:36) Brave: Poe and Xiph

(00:56:39) Brave: same wavelength

(00:56:40) [sU]Xiphera: Anyway

(00:56:41) Brave: same person

(00:56:45) [sU]Xiphera: I bet

(00:56:50) [sU]Poe: We're not the same person

(00:56:50) +[sU]Kaito: You know. I don't use that to troll/show how depressed ALL the time. Sometimes it DOES come up randomly. xD

(00:56:51) [sU]Xiphera: Pancake

(00:56:53) +[sU]Kaito: But yes. Bets?

(00:56:56) +[sU]Kaito: Alright.

(00:57:02) Brave: I bet on the pancake as well

(00:57:05) [sU]Poe: Fine

(00:57:08) [sU]Poe: I bet harsh winter

(00:57:16) +[sU]Kaito: So we've got one harsh winter, and two sad pancakes.

(00:57:18) +[sU]Kaito: Let's see!

(00:57:20) ~~~ [sU]Kaito took an arrow in the knee. ~~~

(00:57:28) Brave: SON OF A BITCH!

(00:57:31) [sU]Xiphera: ^

(00:57:32) [sU]Poe: Kaito used to have interesting deaths

(00:57:34) +[sU]Kaito: .......

(00:57:37) +[sU]Kaito: No.I

(00:57:38) [TG] Ryner: Lol

(00:57:40) [sU]Poe: Until he took an arrow to the knee

(00:57:40) Brave: But then he took an arrow in the knee.

(00:57:40) [sU]Xiphera: GOD DAMN YOU ARROW!

(00:57:45) +[sU]Kaito: I'm not leaving with THAT of all things.

(00:57:49) [sU]Poe: lol

(00:57:49) +[sU]Kaito: Wanna bet again? x3

(00:57:49) [sU]Xiphera: Yay

(00:57:52) [sU]Xiphera: YES

(00:57:54) [sU]Xiphera: I bet

(00:57:56) Brave: Whited out.

(00:57:59) [sU]Poe: I say strayed off the path

(00:58:00) [sU]Xiphera: Sad pancake

(00:58:07) [sU]Xiphera: NEVER DOUBT THE PANCAKE

(00:58:14) +[sU]Kaito: 1 Whited out, one strayed off the path, one sad pancake.

(00:58:16) +[sU]Kaito: Let's see!

(00:58:17) ~~~ [sU]Kaito entered the Fireswamp. ~~~

(00:58:22) Brave: SON OF A BITCH!


(00:58:24) [TG] Ryner: lol


(00:58:40) [sU]Poe: You're just going to keep coming back, aren't you?

(00:58:41) [sU]Xiphera: WHY YOU COME BACK?!

(00:58:43) +[sU]Kaito: Now see. Part of me doesn't want to leave.

(00:58:53) +[sU]Kaito: Part of me doesn't know what the hell the fireswamp is.

(00:59:01) [sU]Poe: The fireswamp is a swamp

(00:59:02) +[sU]Kaito: And part of me finds dying fun.

(00:59:03) [sU]Poe: That's on fire

(00:59:08) [sU]Xiphera: part of him likes the death guessing game

(00:59:15) +[sU]Kaito: That too. xD

(00:59:18) Brave: Exactly what it says on the tin

(00:59:22) [sU]Poe: And part of him just wants one of us to be right

(00:59:27) [sU]Xiphera: I'm sticking with sad pancake

(00:59:36) ~~~ [sU]Kaito brought Julia decaf and was never seen again. ~~~

(00:59:41) [sU]Xiphera: DAMMIT

(00:59:47) Brave: MOTHERFUUUU

(00:59:49) [sU]Poe: Now Xiph is a sad pancake

(00:59:54) ~~~ [sU]Xiphera resigned themselves to failure... ~~~

(01:00:03) [sU]Poe: ...lawl

(01:00:11) [sU]Xiphera: That my friends

(01:00:14) [sU]Xiphera: Was irony

(01:00:19) [sU]Poe: Hence the

(01:00:21) [sU]Poe: ...lawl

(01:00:35) Brave: can someone quotebook that?

And so I did.

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(21:03:41) [TTD]Summer: (20:42:49) Liz: Yeah I'm a jerk, one that enjoyed coughing up tons of blood this morning, got back from the hospital around an hour ago, and actually loved this place enough to come on.

(21:03:41) [TTD]Summer: (20:42:55) Halo: Wanna battler summer?

(21:03:49) [TTD]Summer: ...Oh crap.

(21:03:50) Eldorix joined the channel.

(21:03:50) [TG] Ryner: ah thanks summer

(21:03:55) Swimming95: ?

(21:03:59) Liz: Thanks Summer, saves me the typing.

(21:04:01) [TG] Ryner: and ah i see Liz.

(21:04:08) [TTD]Summer: Yes indeed

(21:04:18) [TTD]Summer: Liz admitted she's a jerk

(21:04:20) DarkTrainer joined the channel.

(21:04:27) Liz: ..-facepalm-

(21:04:29) *** [TTD]Summer laughs out loud ***

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This is what happens when we play the Pokepun game at 5AM EST

Moriarty: I put a Shellder on my tail sometimes, singin' AAAAAYOOOOO now I'm Slowbro!


Moriarty: Oh, it's my turn? Okay, I piiiick... Drapion.

Huggy: (immediately afterwards) I'MMA DRAPE YA ON (Drapion) THE TABLE.

I died laughing. Best part? Skeleton was in the room xD

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(21:19:35) +Kaito: I'mma go for a bit.

(21:20:10) Liz: ...what

(21:20:26) Liz: and uh..Lithi got herself locked out

(21:20:37) Liz: but Xice may we help you ``

(21:20:51) Xice: >> silly

(21:20:56) Liz: hmm?

(21:21:22) Xice: take note of my color any my way of trying to make you and Mashew chill earlier silly

(21:22:43) +Kiozo: xICE

(21:22:45) Xice: or rather dont make me use this tooth brush

(21:24:49) Liz: :<

(21:24:50) *** Liz hid ***

(21:25:13) Mczipo: >_>

(21:25:21) *** Mczipo punts Liz out into the open ***

(21:25:35) *** [sU]Brave catches Arfarf and throws her into the ground ***

(21:25:38) [sU]Brave: TOUCHDOWN!

(21:25:47) [sU]Brave: AND THE REBORNS WIN THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!

(21:26:01) *** [sU]Brave dumps gatorade cooler on Mczipo ***

(21:26:50) Mczipo: YEAAAAHHHHH

(21:26:56) *** Mczipo makes the crowd go wild ***

(21:27:41) *** The Crowd goes wilds ***

(21:27:58) [sU]Brave: ZIP!


(21:28:11) Mczipo: YES

(21:28:11) [sU]Brave: SO MANY APOSTROPHES!

(21:28:13) Mczipo: HELL YES

(21:28:18) Liz: wait

(21:28:20) Liz: wait

(21:28:24) Liz: ...what the..

(21:28:28) [sU]Brave: Exactly.

(21:28:31) *** Liz goes flying before gets squished. ***

(21:28:38) Liz: (late)

(21:28:44) Mczipo: DISNEY LAND

Amethyst banned creeper jr!

(21:28:55) Liz: x.x

(21:29:26) [sU]Brave: Quotebook

(21:29:44) *** The Crowd goes wild ***

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Part 2!

(21:30:20) Liz: QQ

(21:30:29) Mczipo: YEAH

(21:30:31) Liz: NOU

(21:30:32) Liz: :<

(21:30:32) Xice: <<

(21:30:34) *** Mczipo punts Liz ***

(21:30:38) *** Liz goes flying ***

(21:30:39) Liz: WHEEEEE

(21:30:39) [sU]Brave: Zip, calm down!

(21:30:44) *** Liz hits a wall ***

(21:30:44) [sU]Brave: The game's over; we won xD

(21:30:48) Mczipo: Oh sorry

(21:30:50) [sU]Brave: Owies o.o

(21:30:51) Liz: he still enjoys punting me anyways

(21:30:55) [sU]Brave: Sadistic

(21:31:00) Mczipo: >_>

(21:31:01) Mczipo: <_<

Mczipo used his trusty reaper chop, Liz exploded.

(21:31:10) Liz: ZIP

(21:31:18) Mczipo: I hadn't done it in a while


(21:31:19) Xice: HEY

(21:31:20) Liz: QQ

(21:31:20) Mczipo: Sorry :I

(21:31:22) Xice: no

(21:31:28) *** Xice explodes. ***

(21:31:28) Liz: now I can't do it ;;

(21:31:32) [sU]Brave: I CAN! :D

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Ikaru, what Brave posted..welcome to my channel. They tend to keep the sanity away every day, you should join us when you get your computer back >>; Edge does, I think that's why our sanity never existed(I kid, Edge is cool). Also..I forgot to put in here my channel singing Journey - Don't Stop Believing. Priceless.

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(20:21:56) Propaganda: Ame

(20:22:06) Propaganda: Can you bring me a cup of water

(20:22:12) Propaganda: without burning it?

(20:23:50) *** Amethyst gets a cup of water ***

(20:23:59) ~~~ Amethyst set it on fire and drowned in it at the same time ~~~

(20:23:59) Amethyst left the channel.

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(21:25:17) Io: You know who we need?

(21:25:20) Io: Ikaru

(21:25:21) Chase: im allergic to water

(21:25:22) +[sTK]Wolf: NO

(21:25:25) +Amethyst: ^ @ Io

(21:25:25) Io: So we can hug spam him

(21:25:27) Chase: and smooth jazz

(21:25:29) [DPR]Swift: im allergic to me being dead

(21:25:32) +[sTK]Wolf: no tenctacles are needed

(21:25:39) Chase: im allergic to allergies

(21:25:40) Io: TENTACLES

(21:25:43) Summer: lolno

(21:25:44) Io: KALAMARI

(21:25:45) Io: BEST

(21:25:46) Io: SHIT

(21:25:48) Io: EVER

(21:25:51) Io: PERIOD

(21:25:56) Io: inb4automod

(21:25:56) Propaganda: >>

(21:25:56) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(21:25:57) Chase: I LOVE FRIED CALAMARI

(21:25:57) Propaganda: <<

(21:25:59) Rival Toby: Hey Summer.

(21:25:59) Chase: !!!!!!!!!!!!

(21:26:03) +[sTK]Wolf: ya... i was wondering about that

(21:26:05) Rival Toby: What's your favourite season.

(21:26:05) Chase: BEST FOOD EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(21:26:08) Summer: Hey Toby

(21:26:11) Propaganda: Bring it in boys

(21:26:14) Summer: I love myself best

(21:26:18) *** [sTK]Wolf watches the breloom sleep in the corner ***

(21:26:30) *** Propaganda watches as a dump truck of chlorine tablets are dropped on Ame. ***

(21:26:42) ~~~ Chase fell into Darkrai's Dark Void. ~~~

(21:26:46) Rival Toby: Wait a second.

(21:26:51) *** Summer presses DAT RED BUTTON on breloom ***

(21:26:56) Chase: man those dark voids are tricky

(21:26:59) Summer: /heavymod

(21:27:04) +[sTK]Wolf: nah

(21:27:06) Io: AUTOMOD

(21:27:07) ZaneSCloud: choice scarf primeape

(21:27:07) Rival Toby: Are the tablets being dropped on him or the entire truck.

(21:27:08) Io: IS

(21:27:09) Io: BETTER

(21:27:11) Io: THAN

(21:27:14) Io: FUCKING

(21:27:16) Io: BRELOMM

(21:27:21) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(21:27:22) +[sTK]Wolf: how

(21:27:22) Io: THAT

(21:27:24) Io: IS

(21:27:24) Io: A

(21:27:26) Io: FRAUD

(21:27:29) Summer: lolwut

(21:27:30) ~~~ Phoenix went to bed cause he is tired ~~~

(21:27:30) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(21:27:32) +[sTK]Wolf: how

(21:27:32) +Amethyst: ...

(21:27:36) Io: AndImbetterthanautomod

(21:27:38) +[sTK]Wolf: mind blown

(21:27:39) +Amethyst: Is it on vacation?

(21:27:39) Io: :3 :3

(21:27:39) *** Summer activates Io ***

(21:27:39) Rival Toby: So it's better than Brelomm.

(21:27:46) Rival Toby: But is it better than Breloom.

(21:27:52) Propaganda: Automod > Breloombot


(21:28:02) Io: BECAUSE I HAZ

(21:28:02) You have been muted.

Io has angered BreloomBot and was put to sleep!

(21:28:03) Summer: Me > Autumn

(21:28:05) Summer: LOL

(21:28:06) +Amethyst: there we go.

(21:28:10) Summer: Breloom says no

(21:28:11) You have been unmuted.

(21:28:14) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(21:28:17) *** Chase listens as mc hammer faintly plays in the backround ***

(21:28:19) +[sTK]Wolf: da fuck... seriously

(21:28:25) Io: YOU GOT ME THIS TIME

(21:28:29) Io: BUT NEXT TIME

(21:28:31) Io: I WILL


(21:28:42) *** Rival Toby makes a mental note not to bother Breloombot. ***


I had a lot more fun than I should have

Edited by Owen V. Seattle
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(22:27:20) Io: AUTOMOD

(22:27:21) ZaneSCloud: choice scarf primeape

(22:27:21) Rival Toby: Are the tablets being dropped on him or the entire truck.

(22:27:22) Io: IS

(22:27:23) Io: BETTER

(22:27:25) Io: THAN

Amethyst has set the BreloomBot to heavy

(22:27:28) Io: FUCKING

(22:27:30) Io: BRELOMM

(22:27:35) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(22:27:36) +[sTK]Wolf: how

(22:27:36) Io: THAT

(22:27:38) Io: IS

(22:27:39) Io: A

(22:27:40) Io: FRAUD

(22:27:41) [sU]Oliver joined the channel.

(22:27:43) Summer: lolwut

(22:27:44) ~~~ Phoenix went to bed cause he is tired ~~~

(22:27:44) Phoenix left the channel.

(22:27:44) +[sTK]Wolf: ...

(22:27:45) ZoZ joined the channel.

(22:27:46) +[sTK]Wolf: how

(22:27:46) +Amethyst: ...

(22:27:50) Io: AndImbetterthanautomod

(22:27:52) +[sTK]Wolf: mind blown

(22:27:53) +Amethyst: Is it on vacation?

(22:27:53) Io: :3 :3

seriously... how?

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(21:25:59) Rival Toby: Hey Summer.

(21:25:59) Chase: !!!!!!!!!!!!

(21:26:03) +[sTK]Wolf: ya... i was wondering about that

(21:26:05) Rival Toby: What's your favourite season.

(21:26:05) Chase: BEST FOOD EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(21:26:08) Summer: Hey Toby

(21:26:11) Propaganda: Bring it in boys

(21:26:14) Summer: I love myself best


Edited by Summer
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