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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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Classic Bibs shenanigans

[19:05] Nice Dorcas: ey guize

[19:05] Spineblade: Hey bibs

[19:05] Meteor Admin Ama: I'm pretty sure some of them have been made as requests by other members, so if you look around the art section you might find someone who does them

[19:05] Nice Dorcas: wouldnt it be nice if any alt was this nice

[19:05] Hycrocodile: it would

[19:05] Anstane: I looked at the people who made them, but I don't know if they're still active or not.

[19:05] Nice Bibs: I agree

[19:06] Nice Dorcas: wat

[19:06] Kappa Maid Lost: ...Bibs is multiplying, too :>

[19:06] Nice Pineapple: True

[19:06] Hycrocodile: Remember the Dorcas outbreak?~

[19:06] Nice Bibarel: Of course

[19:06] Meteor Admin Ama: Well I mean, I've seen this chat do worse

[19:06] Mr. Mojo Roo: Trust no one.

[19:06] Nice Dorcas: who is messing with me

[19:06] Anstane: ...eh heh..how can we forget?

[19:06] Nice Morshu: Messing? Huh?

[19:06] Nice Dorcas: WHO IS DOING THIS

[19:07] Meteor Admin Ama: http://i.imgur.com/xYlxdg2.png

[19:07] Kappa Maid Lost: Half tempted to become Kappa Maid Bibs again

[19:07] topaz white: >nice bibs

[19:07] Anstane: ...what.

[19:07] Hycrocodile: http://prnt.sc/crqu9z

[19:07] topaz white: this chat actually makes me want to kick myself in the mouth

[19:07] Kappa Maid Lost: Arkhipocalypse

[19:07] topaz white: what are these alts

[19:07] Nice Dorcas: guys wtf I just want to come online with a meme alt

[19:07] topaz white: /on a different alt

[19:07] Nice Dorcas: I didnt do anything wrong

[19:08] Kappa Maid ZEL: Yes you have

[19:08] Nice Pineapple: You did

[19:08] motomiya: its me

[19:08] Nice Pineapple: Shame

[19:08] Kappa Maid Lost: you did everything wrong

[19:08] Kappa Maid Mom - Ⓐⓝⓘⓜⓔ: Bibs pls

[19:08] Kappa Maid Lost: The Mos?

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: :[[[[[

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: oh god get the mos outta here

[19:08] Meteor Admin Ama: Nobody stopping you from kicking yourself anywhere

OU battle started between Nick Crash and entreflores.

[19:08] motomiya: HEY

[19:08] Nice Bibs: Hey who stole Nice Pineapple

[19:08] motomiya: BACK UP

[19:08] Nice Pineapple: Brian

[19:08] Nice Bibs: That wasn't me that time

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: uh

[19:08] +FraRPetO: bibs.

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: what

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: frar.

[19:08] +FraRPetO: Sup

[19:08] Nice Pineapple: It was brian

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: ey

[19:08] Kappa Maid Lost: Mos doesn't deserve this treatment, Bibs

[19:08] Kappa Maid Lost: :c

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: okay thats hycrox

[19:08] Nice Dorcas: but who is the other one

[19:09] Nice Pineapple: No it's brian

[19:09] Nice Brian: Idk

[19:09] Meteor Admin Ama sighs

meteoradminama left

[19:09] Nice Dorcas: god fucking

[19:09] Kappa Maid Mom - Ⓐⓝⓘⓜⓔ: >Nice Brian

[19:09] Kappa Maid Mom - Ⓐⓝⓘⓜⓔ: Ayyy

[19:09] Kappa Maid Lost: ...Bye Ama :c

[19:09] Nice OP: :]

[19:09] Nice Wendel: Ayyy

[19:09] Nice Dorcas: I

[19:09] Nice Pineapple: I'm the real brian

[19:09] Nice Dorcas: what have I done

[19:09] Nice Pineapple: lol no

[19:09] Nice Bips: Hue

[19:09] Kappa Maid Lost: something questionable

[19:09] Pineapple the Blue: nope enone

[19:09] Nice enone: You were saying?

[19:09] Kappa Maid Lost: don't think that will stop them

[19:09] Nice OP: OP

[19:10] Nice Bips: Nice Bips op

[19:10] bibs2k16: Aww no hashtag in usernames

[19:10] FlyingGoomy: Fck

[19:10] Pineapple the pen: Like the memes here

[19:10] FlyingGoomy: I'm stuck

[19:10] Nice Ame: E16 tomorrow y/y

[19:10] Kappa Maid Lost: n

[19:10] bibs2k16: #bibe2k16

[19:10] FlyingGoomy: Demmet I dunno where to go

[19:10] Kappa Maid Lost: delayed another year

[19:10] Pineapple the pen: PLOT TWIST

[19:10] motomiya: bibe

[19:10] bibs2k16: #bibs2k16

[19:10] bibs2k16: Woopsie

[19:10] Pineapple the pen: Ame will never be nice

[19:10] Blame Bibs: #BlameBibs

[19:10] FlyingGoomy: Episode 16 is delayed, like, forever

[19:10] Kappa Maid Lost: #Bibe2k16

[19:10] bibs2k16: :o

[19:10] motomiya: i just came in here

[19:11] FlyingGoomy: Until we die

[19:11] motomiya: so i could see what was poppin

[19:11] motomiya: and i saw something i didnt like

[19:11] +Captain Breakfast: 91% hype. :)

[19:11] motomiya: but its incredibly hard to talk shit and get away with it

[19:11] Pineapple the pen: #Bibe2k16

[19:11] motomiya: so im leaving

[19:11] Pineapple the Bibs: I am the Bibsapple

[19:11] motomiya: bibs

[19:11] motomiya: you're really really gay

[19:11] FlyingGoomy: Eyy, Bibs

[19:11] motomiya: just thought you shoudl know

[19:11] FlyingGoomy: Did you played Pokemon Full Moon?

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: im actually 100% straight

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: thank you

[19:12] motomiya: i disagree

[19:12] bibs2k16: bibs isn't gay, he is a savage

[19:12] motomiya: but thats your opinion

[19:12] Inno: You're very happy, though, right, Bibs?

[19:12] Kappa Maid Lost: ...n o?

[19:12] Kappa Maid Lost: that's not an opinion at all

[19:12] FlyingGoomy: ....

[19:12] Blame Bibs: Bibs x Dorcas has been confirmed factual though

[19:12] motomiya: LOL

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: why.

[19:12] Pineapple the pen: STATUS BAR

[19:12] motomiya: jk ily bibs

[19:12] FlyingGoomy: Bibs ignored me D:

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: [20:11:48] FlyingGoomy: Did you played Pokemon Full Moon?

[19:12] motomiya: only in this one moment

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: no

[19:12] motomiya: when i come back

[19:12] motomiya: we will be enemies

[19:12] FlyingGoomy: Oww ok

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: [20:12:11] Inno: You're very happy, though, right, Bibs?

[19:12] Pineapple the Blue: yes

[19:12] Inno: Nice to hear.

[19:12] motomiya: and i will exact my revenge

[19:12] Inno smiles.

[19:13] bibs2k16: We need to build the wall to keep out bibs haters

[19:13] Sad Bibs: Lies

[19:13] motomiya: remember that

[19:13] FlyingGoomy: How about you, Inno?

[19:13] Pineapple Dorcas: yess

[19:13] Inno: I don't play fan games.

[19:13] Inno: Or hacks.

motomiya left

[19:13] Inno: I'm lazy as heck.

[19:13] bibs2k16: Pokemon games are lame

[19:13] bibs2k16: Except when bibs nuzlockes them

[19:13] bibs 2337: Bibs games are lame

[19:14] Spineblade: Who even is the real bibs at this point

[19:14] bibe2k16: Bibs's dams are lame

[19:14] Kappa Maid Lost: will the real Bibs please stand up

[19:14] bibe2k16 stands up

[19:14] Blame Bibs stands up

[19:14] Mr. Mojo Roo stands up

[19:15] Kappa Maid Lost: that's about what I expected tbh

[19:15] Bibsie 1337 stands up

[19:15] bibs2k16: I'm not the real bibs. I'm a bibs supporter

[19:15] %King Murdoc: i think kana inherited ryona's borkedness

[19:15] bibe2k16: you never said that we couldn't stand up

[19:15] bibe2k16: I'm a bibe supporter now

[19:15] Clarbibs: ship me

[19:15] Blame Bibs: I support Bibs by blaming him

[19:15] Pineapple the Blue: what the actual fuck am I looking at

[19:15] bibe2k16: And also

[19:15] Kappa Maid Lost: touch the machinery

OU battle started between entreflores and Nick Crash.

[19:15] Kappa Maid Lost: I don't know, Bibs

[19:15] Blame Bibs: #BlameBibs

[19:15] Kappa Maid Lost: I just don't know

[19:15] bibe2k16: Goodbye for today people

[19:16] the machinery is touched

[19:16] bibs2k16: #blamebibs

[19:16] Kappa Maid Lost: ...

[19:16] Blame Bibs: :]

Edited by Spineblade
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[15:25] Chemia-chan: Wat is bibs w/out memes

[15:25] Lord Mangozone: Zero minus zero is still

[15:25] Lord Mangozone: Zero

Fnihhhvgv left

[15:25] Chemia-chan: Ayy

[15:25] Chimpnology: http://i.imgur.com/oPInecV.jpg

[15:26] Chimpnology: wtf if anything im normally below zero and memes help me to reach zero

[15:26] Chimpnology: smh

[15:26] Chemia-chan: Anything multiplied by zero is zero

[15:26] Lord Mangozone: Bibarel doesn't have water veil.

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  • Veterans
Wendalf Garadex: "Quick - top five games! (Please don't say Fappy Bird...)

Wendalf Garadex: "

Wendalf Garadex: Oh god

+RBRN Azery: I kinda wanna s-

+RBRN Azery: .

Zeтaark: .

Meteor Admin ZEL: Malamar's a nice one, too

Zeтaark: friend

+Captain Breakfast: ...

Zeтaark: is there something you want to tell us

Meteor Admin ZEL: Wendel, why

Spineblade: Wendel, why

Wendalf Garadex: http://prntscr.com/cu8196 I don't fucking know

+RBRN Azery: well

+RBRN Azery: that's getting quotebooked

Zeтaark: yep

espeon860: well on to cal victoria and kiki

Wendalf Garadex: Blame Crush Crush tbh

+Captain Breakfast: I should keep a list of all the weird messages that wound up pinging me.

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  • Developers

[11:34:24] Marcello: Is on the regular a saying?
[11:34:45] Babydoll.EXE: ..well, at the very least it definitely is in my head.
[11:34:54] Babydoll.EXE: but now you have me questioning everything i know
[11:34:55] Babydoll.EXE: so
[11:35:03] Marcello: It sounds like it means regularly but
[11:35:08] Babydoll.EXE: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=on%20the%20regular
[11:35:10] Babydoll.EXE: yes
[11:35:14] Babydoll.EXE: i am not crazy
[11:35:16] Babydoll.EXE: for once
[11:35:17] Babydoll.EXE: woohoo
[11:35:24] Marcello: This is the first time I have heard it
[11:35:35] Marcello: Probably never made it acrosd the pond
[11:35:41] Babydoll.EXE: might be our american street slang comin' through ye
[11:35:45] Babydoll.EXE: gotta understand
[11:35:53] Babydoll.EXE: the boys i ride with
[11:35:59] Babydoll.EXE: they hard-ass mothafuckers
[11:36:26] Marcello: Don't you wear cat ear headphones? Like a lot?
[11:36:36] Babydoll.EXE: ......daily. yes.
[11:36:39] Babydoll.EXE: what's your point.
[11:36:52] Babydoll.EXE: i can't ride with hard-ass motherfuckers and wear cat ear headphones?
[11:36:55] Babydoll.EXE: the clients dig 'em
[11:37:21] Babydoll.EXE: not even tryna play you rn
[11:38:26] Marcello: I mean you're probably right. Cat ear headphones are cool
[11:39:11] Marcello: Uh

I mean it was on Skype but it's still Reborn people so... Totally goes here.

Edit: Babydoll.EXE is Ame for those that aren't aware

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It is dangerous to look inside my semiconscious mind. Especially for myself.

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: Also, I had a strange dream, for those who care. It seemed as if I was forty years into the future, and the world was ruled by a single oligarchic cartel of breakfast cereal makers, who had cemented themselves as the corporate overlords of the planet.

[10:01] Wendalf Garadex: Sounds crunchy

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: A scary thought, I say. There was a huge underbelly of illegal cereal trade and corruption everywhere

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: People became cereal killers!

[10:01] Wendalf Garadex: Meanwhile I had a dream which you can't discuss in main

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: .

[10:02] Wendalf Garadex: So kinda more like a nightmare than a dream

[10:03] Mr. Mojo Roo: btw this sounds so much like a silly xcom idea i had

[10:03] Mr. Mojo Roo: where instead of funding countries you had fast food sponsorships

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I should've said 'ingrained' instead of 'cemented'

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: And made a grain pun

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I'm losing my grip

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I blame bibs

[10:05] Wendalf Garadex: Always

[10:05] ScrubW: #BlameBibs

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It is dangerous to look inside my semiconscious mind. Especially for myself.

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: Also, I had a strange dream, for those who care. It seemed as if I was forty years into the future, and the world was ruled by a single oligarchic cartel of breakfast cereal makers, who had cemented themselves as the corporate overlords of the planet.

[10:01] Wendalf Garadex: Sounds crunchy

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: A scary thought, I say. There was a huge underbelly of illegal cereal trade and corruption everywhere

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: People became cereal killers!

[10:01] Wendalf Garadex: Meanwhile I had a dream which you can't discuss in main

[10:01] +Viridescent 2.0: .

[10:02] Wendalf Garadex: So kinda more like a nightmare than a dream

[10:03] Mr. Mojo Roo: btw this sounds so much like a silly xcom idea i had

[10:03] Mr. Mojo Roo: where instead of funding countries you had fast food sponsorships

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I should've said 'ingrained' instead of 'cemented'

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: And made a grain pun

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I'm losing my grip

[10:04] +Viridescent 2.0: I blame bibs

[10:05] Wendalf Garadex: Always

[10:05] ScrubW: #BlameBibs

what the actual fuck you cant blame me while im not even there

this is illegal you know

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Gaurdian of Dorcas joined

YinYang9705: oh look

Gaurdian of Dorcas: MEMES

YinYang9705: it bibs

YinYang9705 stabs bibs in the organs

+FraRPetO: bibs.

Gaurdian of Dorcas: no

Gaurdian of Dorcas: frar.

+FraRPetO: Sup :D

+Lost Lore: Hi Bibs

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ey

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ey losr

+Lost Lore: ...

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ...lost

@Oikawа: hi bibs

Gaurdian of Dorcas: IN MY DEFENSE

Gaurdian of Dorcas: IM ON PHONE

YinYang9705: that's not a defense

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ey zumi

+Lost Lore: after all of the lsot typos I can't give you any mercy on this tbh

Gaurdian of Dorcas: PHONE

Gaurdian of Dorcas: HELLI

Gaurdian of Dorcas: FUCK

+Lost Lore: helli

Cyanna Cyril joined

@Oikawа: l m a o

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ey cyanna

YinYang9705: not helping your case bibs

2tousent: Wendalf Garadex: >Peace treaty between me and Dido has ended

@Oikawа: yo bibs i finished all my schoolwork today

2tousent: guess what i misread

@Oikawа: \o/

Cyanna Cyril: hiya Dorcas

Gaurdian of Dorcas: my phone is being a dick ok

Gaurdian of Dorcas: nice one zul

Cyanna Cyril: don't put it in your mouth :P

Gaurdian of Dorcas: im giving up

@Oikawа: zul.

+Lost Lore: ...

+Lost Lore: how did you even

Gaurdian of Dorcas: P H O N E

Gaurdian of Dorcas: m is next to m

Gaurdian of Dorcas: ..

@Oikawа: LOL

+Lost Lore: ...

@Oikawа: SDLJGK

+Lost Lore: m is next to m

Gaurdian of Dorcas: fucking

YinYang9705: gj bibs

YinYang9705: somebody QB this

Gaurdian of Dorcas: pls dont

Edited by YinYang9705
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I just had to. I'm not sorry.

[00:10] +Viridescent 2.0: Hey, Azery

[00:10] +Viridescent 2.0: What do you get if a Magnezone fused all the lake trio into one body?

[00:10] +RBRN Azery: ...don't you dare

[00:10] +Viridescent 2.0: aZELf

[00:10] +Viridescent 2.0: Huehuehue

[00:10] +RBRN Azery: oh for fucks sake

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[3:15:58 PM] Ikaru: ...is there an existing form of food that is basically a mashed potato taco??
[3:16:19 PM] Tacos: like putting mashed potatoes in a taco shell?
[3:16:43 PM] Arkhi: Good heavens, that's more revolutionary than wars against the British empire
[3:17:01 PM] Ikaru: s t a r c h b o y s
[3:18:15 PM] Tacos: f o r m t h e p o t a t o

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[17:33] +DashingStorm: Yay

[17:33] +DashingStorm: I broke the game again

[17:33] +DashingStorm: I'm a fucking genius

[17:33] Wendalf Garadex: gj

[17:33] +DashingStorm: http://prntscr.com/d3yobq

[17:33] +RBRN Azery: Dash breaking the game

[17:33] +RBRN Azery: what a god damn surprise

[17:33] entreflores: the Dashtructor

[17:33] +DashingStorm: Look at that image

[17:34] +DashingStorm: You tell me what's wrong there

[17:34] +DashingStorm: LOL

[17:34] entreflores: LOL

[17:34] +RBRN Azery: Why are you fighting two blackbelts named ryan

[17:34] entreflores: cloned

[17:34] +DashingStorm: HAAAAAAAAAAA

[17:34] +Bazaro - : Obviously

[17:34] pyrromanis: meh, no one would have noticed...

[17:34] Wendalf Garadex: >Black Belt Ryan and Black Belt Ryan

[17:34] +RBRN Azery: What are the chances of meeting two of them at the same time

[17:34] Wendalf Garadex: Who would name their twins the same name

[17:34] +DashingStorm: If you're me

[17:34] +Bazaro - : The mistake is making Jesus female

[17:34] +DashingStorm: High

[17:35] Wendalf Garadex: That's terribly inconvenient

[17:35] +Bazaro - : Being historically male

[17:35] +DashingStorm: I don't even know how I did this

[17:35] +DashingStorm: Seriously

[17:35] +DashingStorm: LOL

[17:35] +DashingStorm: I somehow triggered a double battle

[17:35] +DashingStorm: with 1 trainer

[17:35] +DashingStorm: ?????????????

[17:35] +DashingStorm: Said trainer cloned himself and his mons

[17:35] pyrromanis: 10/10 creative nicknames though!

[17:35] +DashingStorm: Bibs would be proud

[17:35] +DashingStorm: Barkus serves me well

[17:35] +Bazaro - : probably just an event overlap

[17:36] +DashingStorm: I don't think so

[17:36] +Bazaro - : where it made him see you 2 times at once

[17:36] +DashingStorm: I was the one to talk to him though

[17:36] +Bazaro - : idk, only things I can think of

[17:36] +DashingStorm: only thing I can think of, is me outright beating frame-perfect text skips

[17:36] +Bazaro - : maybe you talked to him and at the same time it triggered the "looking at /pn/" condition?

[17:36] +DashingStorm: ..and talking to him twice too fast

[17:36] +DashingStorm: maybe idk

[17:37] +DashingStorm: Wonder if I can trigger it again

[17:37] +DashingStorm: LOL

IntSys joined

[17:37] +DashingStorm: I think

[17:37] +Bazaro - : maybe he turned to look in a random direction at the same time you talked to him?

[17:37] +DashingStorm: I know what happened...

[17:37] +DashingStorm: There's a female trainer right above you

[17:37] +Bazaro - : or maybe there's just spaghetti code in there

[17:37] +DashingStorm: I found a glitch in the system gg

[17:37] +Bazaro - : is the trainer set to also be BB ryan?

[17:37] +DashingStorm: nah I sequence-broke the double battle

[17:37] +DashingStorm: LOL

[17:38] +DashingStorm: :D

[17:38] +Bazaro - : man, now we have to do a Dorcas version of Reborn

[17:38] +Bazaro - : where everyone is Black Belt Ryan

[17:38] +DashingStorm: You're supposed to battle BB Ryan and a different trainer in a double battle

[17:38] Black Belt Ryan: YES

[17:38] pyrromanis: did you talk to that trainer?

[17:39] BIack Belt Ryan: lol

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: Jejejeje

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: here's what happened

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: the black belt you're supposed to battle

[17:39] BIack Belt Ryan: join us randoms

[17:39] BIack Belt Ryan: join the Ryaning

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: has a trainer standing north of him

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: that's supposed to partner with him

[17:39] IntSys: ...

[17:39] IntSys: What is this

[17:39] Black Belt Ryan: but if you walk up from a certain spot and trigger a single battle instead

[17:40] Black Belt Ryan: before the other trainer spots you

[17:40] Black Belt Ryan: it overrides the other trainer

[17:40] Black Belt Ryan: and replaces the other with another ryan

[17:40] Black Belt Ryan: ???

rupe left

[17:40] BIack Belt Ryan: Ryan is everyone

[17:40] Black Вelt Ryan: hi

[17:40] BIack Belt Ryan: and everyone is Ryan

[17:40] lack Βelt Ryan: ryanception

[17:40] BIack Belt Ryan: welcome, brother

[17:40] IntSys: >lack Belt

[17:40] Wendalf Garadex: Imma do my final night shit and then go sleep and now there are 3 Ryans

[17:40] +Noble Kakyoin: oh

[17:41] lack Βelt Ryan: damn i definately but a Β there

[17:41] Mr. Mojo Roo: Banon is that you?

[17:41] Black Вelt Ryan: the Ryaning is happening

[17:41] IntSys: Is Purple Ryan ody

[17:42] Blаck Bеlt Ryаn: uwu

[17:42] lack Βelt Ryan: fu showdown!

[17:42] Black Вelt Ryan: lack Βelt Ryan is definately lacking

[17:42] BIack Belt Ryan: I just replaced the L in Black with capital i

[17:42] BIack Belt Ryan: instead of bothering with fake letters

[17:43] BIack Belt Ryan: someone could do the same thing with the L in Belt

[17:43] BIack Belt Ryan: or both

[17:43] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: I was trying greek letters

[17:43] Mr. Mojo Roo: is there still a Lost here?

[17:43] BIack Belt Ryan: Ryan's here, whats up

[17:43] IntSys: why this

[17:43] Mr. Mojo Roo: guess not

[17:43] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: but apparently showdown doesn't like greek Β

[17:44] IntSys: At this rate we're gonna have a whole rainbow

[17:44] BIack Belt Ryan: DW guys, I'll QB this

[17:44] BIack BeIt Ryan: oh hey Ryan, I'm doing great, how about you

[17:44] BIack Belt Ryan: Ryan's day is fabulous, how has Ryan been?

[17:44] IntSys: You cannot just refer to yourself in third person, that's blasphemy!

[17:44] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: anyone up for a glitchy double battle?

[17:44] BIack BeIt Ryan: I am

[17:45] BIack Belt Ryan: Would you prefer us to use plural singular pronouns?

[17:45] Black Belt Ryan: We are Ryan

[17:45] BIack Belt Ryan: We are Ryan

[17:45] +FraRPetO: Who's ryan?

[17:45] BIack Belt Ryan: Us

[17:45] +IDobbyI: who the fuck is ryan aside from the one reborn ryan i know

[17:45] Black Belt Ryan: Black Belt Ryan.

[17:45] BIack Belt Ryan: scrolly scroll

[17:45] BIack BeIt Ryan: We are Ryan

[17:45] Black Belt Ryan: We are one

[17:45] +IDobbyI: Legion

[17:45] BIack Belt Ryan: We are legion

[17:45] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: we are one but different at the same time

[17:45] Blаck Bеlt Ryаn: We do not forgive

[17:45] +FraRPetO: Oh

[17:45] +IDobbyI: /ninja

[17:45] Blаck Bеlt Ryаn: We do not forget

[17:45] Champion V.Jaern: It's the Legion of Black Belt Ryans!!!!

[17:46] Blаck Bеlt Ryаn: Get in

[17:46] +IDobbyI: reminds me of the legion of arks

[17:46] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: it's like you battle one of us, but battle many ryans

Mr. Mojo Roo left

Mr. Mojo Roo joined

[17:46] BIack Belt Ryan: it started with this

[17:46] +FraRPetO: Ryan, your l is a little shorter

[17:46] Black Belt Brian: haha

[17:46] Black Belt Brian: o wait

[17:46] +FraRPetO: Meaning it's an I

[17:46] Black Belt Brian: wrong party

+IDobbyI joined; blackbeltbrian left

[17:47] BIack Belt Ryan: can we have a tour

[17:47] BIack Belt Ryan: To see who is the best Ryan?

[17:47] goatwith1000udders: k

[17:47] BIack BeIt Ryan: yes please

[17:47] +FraRPetO: Biack belt ryan, black beit ryan, and black belt ryan

[17:48] +RBRN Azery: too many ryan's

[17:48] Black Вelt Ryan: black bait ryan

[17:48] IntSys: .

[17:48] IntSys: just no

[17:48] BIack Belt Ryan: Not enough Ryans

[17:48] BIack BeIt Ryan: needs more Ryan

[17:48] Black Вelt Ryan: where's Ryan?

[17:48] Black Belt Ryan: Right here.

[17:48] @Captain Kyoyo: ..........

[17:48] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: he is in a battle with ryan

[17:48] Black Вelt Ryan: where's that?

[17:48] @Captain Kyoyo: What the actual fuck have I walked back in on

[17:48] BIack BeIt Ryan: Ryans

[17:49] goatwith1000udders: kyoyo

[17:49] Champion V.Jaern: The Legion of Black Belt Ryan's, that's what.

[17:49] goatwith1000udders: tell 2tousent that nemelex choice is HoWz

[17:49] BIack Belt Ryan: We are Legion for we are many

[17:49] Swampellow: oh

[17:49] Swampellow: ryan

[17:49] Swampellow: k

[17:49] @Captain Kyoyo: You're probably all wannabe black belts too

[17:49] uraku berutu ryan: pffft

[17:49] +FraRPetO: Only one of them is black belt

[17:49] uraku berutu ryan: fuck

[17:49] uraku berutu ryan: i missed a b

[17:49] +FraRPetO: Js

[17:49] Swampellow: well

[17:49] buraku berutu ryan: fixed

[17:49] Swampellow: Im not Ryan

%Arkhi joined

[17:50] Swampellow: but I am a black belt

[17:50] %Arkhi: wh

[17:50] buraku berutu ryan: man you know what sucks

[17:50] buraku berutu ryan: when you go to play dcss

[17:50] buraku berutu ryan: but they removed experimentals

[17:50] buraku berutu ryan: so no wudzu for me

[17:50] +FraRPetO: I'm a golden belt with platinum carvings

%Arkhi and +Red_Chaos_PR left

[17:51] @Captain Kyoyo: which of you is a REAL black belt

[17:51] IntSys: will the real Black Belt please stand up

[17:51] IntSys: I repeat, will the real Black Belt please stand up

[17:51] • Black Вelt Ryan stands up

[17:51] BIack Belt Ryan: I am the real Ryan

[17:51] Wendalf Garadex: Me

[17:51] • BIack BeIt Ryan stands up

[17:51] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: here i am

[17:51] Wendalf Garadex: They didn't ask for Ryan they asked for black belt c:

[17:51] buraku berutu ryan: i'm the real ryan

[17:51] • BIack Belt Ryan stands up

[17:51] • @Captain Kyoyo karate chops all the ryans for they are frauds

[17:51] BIack ΒeIt Ryan: I AM RYAN!

[17:51] Wendalf Garadex: >The account Black Belt is disabled

[17:51] Wendalf Garadex: Okay

[17:51] @Captain Kyoyo: lmao

[17:51] BIack BeIt Ryan: I am as well~

[17:51] @Captain Kyoyo: rip

[19:01] Blаck Belt Ryan: Congrats Ryan

[19:01] Black Вelt Ryan: congrats me

[19:01] BIack Belt Ryan: Well played Ryan

[19:01] Blаck Веlt Ryаn: Welp.

[19:01] Blаck Bеlt Ryаn: great work Ryan

[19:01] BIack BeIt Ryan: gj Ryan

[19:01] BIack Belt Ryan: That was a beautiful wall of text, Ryan

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[13:31:13] Bobs the Boldore: no.
[13:31:21] +Kurotsune: Oooh yeah dude
[13:31:35] Bobs the Boldore: no, I am not doing that.
[13:31:43] Bobs the Boldore: never in my fuckin life
[13:32:04] YinYang9705: who said it was willing?
[13:32:16] +Kurotsune: 100% you aren't going to?
[13:32:19] Bobs the Boldore: changed in five seconds time
[13:32:23] Bobs the Boldore: more or less
[13:32:25] Bobs the Boldore: 100%
[13:32:37] +Kurotsune: Alright fine then. If you're not going to do it, I'm not forcing you.
[13:32:46] Bobs the Boldore: oh
[13:32:49] Bobs the Boldore: oh okay
[13:33:22] +Kurotsune: I told you I don't mess with people if they aren't okay with it.
[13:33:39] Bobs the Boldore: alright then
[13:34:04] Bobs the Boldore: also for now
Bobs the Boldore left
[13:34:12] • Bobs the Boldore squadela I am off
[13:34:44] +Kurotsune: I changed it like
[13:34:46] +Kurotsune: five minutes ago
[13:34:53] +Kurotsune: http://prntscr.com/d5zj87


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This is a really old log I found, don't know why it's not here yet...

Kаnеki: .arbys

Kаnеki: come on dan :(

~Blιnd gυardιan: ?

~Blιnd gυardιan: .... get out.

Kаnеki: reborn needs the arbys command

~Blιnd gυardιan: no it does not.

Kаnеki: ;-;

~Blιnd gυardιan: leave or be ushered out.

Kаnеki: but arbys

~Blιnd gυardιan: ugh

~Blιnd gυardιan: maybe later.

Kаnеki: do you not like arbys

Alicirno: .rawr

~Blιnd gυardιan: rawr.

@Jerichо: .rawrrrrr

Alicirno: :3

~Blιnd gυardιan: I don't know I've never eaten arbys

+RBRN Commander: Is it going to be like the Red Robbin command?

@Jerichо: I want to try arbys tbh

&Godojira: its okay.

~Blιnd gυardιan: but either way goodbye

Kаnеki was banned by Blιnd gυardιan.

Hide 6 revealed messages (knki)

‽Kаnеki left

+FraRPetO: lol messed up so bad with mario

Bazaro33: ...?

%King Murdoc: wut

@Jerichо: ....

~Blιnd gυardιan: that was Aaron.

Clairvoyant X joined

~Blιnd gυardιan: Aaron is a banned user.

KingKlay1: Did we just ban a kid for spamming about arbys?

~Blιnd gυardιan: nothing to see here, carry on.


~Blιnd gυardιan: ???

Clairvoyant X left

@Jerichо: That's Renzo

~Blιnd gυardιan: no

~Blιnd gυardιan: no it isn't.

~Blιnd gυardιan: this is the banned one.

@Jerichо: Dan

@Jerichо: I just cross checked the IP

@Jerichо: That. Is. Renzo

~Blιnd gυardιan: sigh

Bazaro33: rofl

Kаnеki was unbanned by Blιnd gυardιan.

KingKlay1: HAH

Alicirno: I don't think it makes a difference.

~Blιnd gυardιan: my mistake then.

Shadow Roxas: gg dan

Alicirno: keep banned

Alicirno: :D

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[19:54:10] +Viridescent 2.0: Wendel

Maѕhew left

[19:54:16] +Viridescent 2.0: Heads or tails?

[19:54:18] Wendalf Garadex: Viri

[19:54:20] Wendalf Garadex: Heads

[19:54:30] ~IkaruKazuna: wtf mashew

[19:54:30] ~IkaruKazuna: rude

[19:54:33] +Viridescent 2.0: Heads I sleep, tails I stay awake

[19:54:41] +Viridescent 2.0: !pick heads, tails

We randomly picked: heads

[19:54:44] Wendalf Garadex: HA

[19:54:46] +DashingStorm: rekt

[19:54:46] Wendalf Garadex: NAILED IT

+Viridescent 2.0 left

[19:54:46] +Viridescent 2.0 zzzzz

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