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~The Reborn Quotebook~


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+Avatar of Grima: -_-
+RBRN Felix: they were the perpetrators, along with washa nd lezii
Mr. Mojo Roo: the games side of UWP is pretty great
+RBRN Felix: lexii*
Mr. Mojo Roo: the operating side otoh...
Inno: Lezii.
Nagisa Hideyoshi: They are the upper echelons of Cacturne Cult
Inno: I'm gonna call her that.
Inno: Next time I see her.


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[04:34:40] MC Kappa: feed him the spicy sausage?

[04:35:42] IntSys: lost, you're trying too hard

[04:35:45] • IntSys pats lost

[04:35:47] IntSys: it's time to stop

[04:35:58] IntSys: here's a glass of milk for your losses

%Njab left

[04:36:54] MC Kappa: ...are you sure you want to give me that? :>

[04:37:06] IntSys: ...

This should explain itself I believe

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12 hours ago, Felix- said:
+Avatar of Grima: -_-
+RBRN Felix: they were the perpetrators, along with washa nd lezii
Mr. Mojo Roo: the games side of UWP is pretty great
+RBRN Felix: lexii*
Mr. Mojo Roo: the operating side otoh...
Inno: Lezii.
Nagisa Hideyoshi: They are the upper echelons of Cacturne Cult
Inno: I'm gonna call her that.
Inno: Next time I see her.


Tbh I don't even mind. That actually would be new to me and I'm not a lez so...


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[12:49] Kitеrugumа: nice I just corrupted my sister hard enough for her to be singing 'we are number one' at the dinner table just now
[12:49] Kitеrugumа: and my mom got angry with me
[12:50] Kitеrugumа: im not sure whether accomplishment or not
[12:50] Mr. Mojo Roo: did you know game grumps did bee movie?
[12:50] Mr. Mojo Roo: also did you know chia updated some time ago
[12:50] Kitеrugumа: aye
[12:50] Kitеrugumа: I checked in at the right time
[12:51] Mr. Mojo Roo: spoiler: oh hi ghosts of the past
[12:52] Kitеrugumа: chiakiro never disappoints
[12:52] +Quіnn🌵: bibs the meme is dead
[12:52] +Quіnn🌵: its in the corner with deez nuts
[12:52] +Quіnn🌵: so lets spam them more
[12:52] Mr. Mojo Roo: spoiler: im guessing next part is going to be a Feels trip
[12:53] Kitеrugumа: [18:52:21] +Quіnn🌵: bibs the meme is dead
[12:53] Kitеrugumа: which meme is dead
[12:53] Epic C: But Dead memes are totally funny amrite Quinn :^)
[12:53] Mr. Mojo Roo: THE...
[12:53] Mr. Mojo Roo: MEME IS DEAD...
[12:53] Mr. Mojo Roo: AND I'M SO FUCKING BORED
[12:53] Kitеrugumа: if youre gonna say 'we are number one' I will be calling bullshit
[12:54] Number GladiONE: We Are Number One
[12:54] +Quіnn🌵: they are epic c
[12:54] Number GladiONE: is great
[12:54] Kitеrugumа: because there are still a good deal of vids being uploaded of it
[12:54] +Quіnn🌵: just like your dead hamster that "ran away"
[12:54] Kitеrugumа: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICUzvVPnGio wow
[12:54] +Bazаr🌀: [12:50] Kitеrugumа: im not sure whether accomplishment or not
[12:54] +Bazаr🌀: DEFINITELY an accomplishment
[12:54] +Bazаr🌀: well done
[12:54] Kitеrugumа: thanks
[12:54] +Quіnn🌵: people still rick roll others
[12:54] +Quіnn🌵: and tha tmeme is dead
[12:55] +Quіnn🌵: whats your point
[12:55] +Bazаr🌀: true memes never die
+Viridescent 2.0 joined
[12:55] Kitеrugumа: rick rolling isnt NEARLY as active as we are number one tho
[12:55] Number GladiONE: that baz
[12:55] Kitеrugumа: who are you to claim we are number one is dead
[12:55] Kitеrugumа: ey viri
[12:55] Number GladiONE: ey viri
[12:55] +Bazаr🌀: yes ive seen that
[12:55] Mr. Mojo Roo: my ya hee
[12:55] +Bazаr🌀: waddup
[12:55] Mr. Mojo Roo: my ya hoo
[12:55] Mr. Mojo Roo: my ya haa
[12:56] +Viridescent 2.0: Hi
[12:56] Mr. Mojo Roo: my ya ha ha
[12:56] Mr. Mojo Roo: hello
[12:56] Mr. Mojo Roo: salute
[12:56] Mr. Mojo Roo: ek yem so hynut (butchering this but fuck it)
[12:56] Mr. Mojo Roo: ech chei yo
[12:57] Mr. Mojo Roo: yuuna be a man
[12:57] Mr. Mojo Roo: feta cheese
[12:57] +Viridescent 2.0: Kitеrugumа: nice I just corrupted my sister hard enough for her to be singing 'we are number one' at the dinner table just now
[12:57] +Viridescent 2.0: Stop infecting innocents
[12:57] +Bazаr🌀: No
[12:57] Mr. Mojo Roo: alo, alo
[12:57] +Bazаr🌀: Innocence is a lie
[12:57] Kitеrugumа: but infecting innocents is my job
[12:57] +Viridescent 2.0: No it is not
[12:57] Number GladiONE: That was excellent
[12:57] Mr. Mojo Roo: piccaso sound of beep
[12:57] Epic C: Stop corrupting our innocent youth Kiteru
[12:57] +Viridescent 2.0: You have no job
[12:57] +Viridescent 2.0: None at all
[12:57] Mr. Mojo Roo: *beep beep*
[12:57] +Bazаr🌀: He is curing the disease that is innocence
[12:57] +Bazаr🌀: One patient at a time
[12:58] Epic C: We don't need people randomly and publicly singing We Number One and It's Mine
[12:58] Kitеrugumа: [18:57:34] Epic C: Stop corrupting our innocent youth Kiteru
[12:58] Kitеrugumа: im not corrupting them
[12:58] +Viridescent 2.0: Meh whatever. I had a fleeting stab of pity for Bibs's sister but
[12:58] Kitеrugumа: im teaching them how to be a villain number one
[12:58] Kitеrugumа: nice and sensible
[12:58] +Bazаr🌀: Pity for the sister?
[12:58] +Viridescent 2.0: I remembered it is after all a member of Bibs's household
[12:58] +Bazаr🌀: Feel pity for the parents if anything
[12:58] Number GladiONE: [17:58:19] Kitеrugumа: im not corrupting them
[12:58] Number GladiONE: [17:58:29] Kitеrugumа: nice and sensible
[12:58] +Viridescent 2.0: Nah I shouldn't be bothered
[12:58] Number GladiONE: phrasing
[12:58] Kitеrugumа: zzzzz
[12:59] +Bazаr🌀: personally I find their disturbed reactions humorous
[12:59] Kitеrugumа: same
[12:59] +Bazаr🌀: how old is she
[12:59] Mr. Mojo Roo: so they started singing Disturbed?
[12:59] Kitеrugumа: 16
[12:59] +Viridescent 2.0: .
[12:59] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Kitеrugumа: nice I just corrupted my sister hard enough for her to be singing 'we are number one' at the dinner table just now
[12:59] +Bazаr🌀: oh
[12:59] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Good Job
[12:59] +Viridescent 2.0: I expected a young kid or something
[12:59] +Bazаr🌀: that works too I guess
[13:00] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Mold her into a memelord Bibs
[13:00] Kitеrugumа: ...and my sister got my mom to move with the lyrics of we are number one
[13:00] +Viridescent 2.0: +Bazаr🌀: how old is she
[13:00] +Viridescent 2.0: Kitеrugumа: 16
[13:00] Epic C: Kiteru
[13:00] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Bibs get your dad in on the action
[13:00] Epic C: Stop letting the corruption spread
[13:00] Kitеrugumа: hes not home
[13:00] Kitеrugumа: :[
[13:00] Epic C: This needs to stop
[13:00] Dee Wuu - 🌵: rip
[13:00] +Bazаr🌀: Not all contagious things are bad
[13:00] Kitеrugumа: [19:00:40] Epic C: This needs to stop
[13:00] Kitеrugumа: ill corrupt you
[13:01] +Viridescent 2.0: +Bazаr🌀: that works too I guess
[13:01] Kitеrugumа: how about that
[13:01] +Viridescent 2.0: I mean
[13:01] +Bazаr🌀: laughter and memes are good contagions
[13:01] Epic C: How can you corrupt someone who is already corrupted :^)
[13:01] Kitеrugumа: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br517ctCUCE have an actual good remix
[13:01] Epic C: I've been corrupted
[13:01] +Viridescent 2.0: That can be construed in ways that are not okay
[13:01] Epic C: since middle school
[13:01] Epic C: :D
[13:01] Kitеrugumа: viri
[13:01] Dee Wuu - 🌵: You corrupt them worse
[13:01] Kitеrugumа: goddammti
[13:01] Kitеrugumа: goddammit
[13:01] +Viridescent 2.0: Hue
[13:01] Dee Wuu - 🌵: I mean
[13:01] Dee Wuu - 🌵: 16 is legal in Michigan
[13:02] Kitеrugumа: lets not have this discussion
[13:02] +Viridescent 2.0: I regret nothing
[13:02] +Bazаr🌀: wynaut
[13:02] Epic C: 13 is legal in japan
[13:02] +Bazаr🌀: your discomfort feeds meh
[13:02] +Viridescent 2.0: And it entertains me
[13:02] Kitеrugumа: [19:02:13] +Bazаr🌀: your discomfort feeds meh
[13:02] +Viridescent 2.0: So we both stand to gain really
[13:02] Kitеrugumа: its not so much discomfort because talking about legal ages
[13:02] Number GladiONE: 1 is legal in the animal kingdom
[13:03] Kitеrugumа: as it is talking about people saying my sister is legal
[13:03] Kitеrugumа: tfw
[13:03] Kitеrugumа: [19:02:13] Epic C: 13 is legal in japan
[13:03] Kitеrugumа: thats fucked up
[13:03] +Viridescent 2.0: Wh
[13:03] Dee Wuu - 🌵: I mean,that is only if she goes to those places
[13:03] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Yee Japan is weird at times
[13:03] Kitеrugumа: haha 16 is legal in belgium too
[13:03] +Bazаr🌀: People always taking things personally, yeesh...
[13:03] Number GladiONE: [18:03:43] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Yee > triggered
[13:03] Dee Wuu - 🌵: neat
[13:04] Kitеrugumа: im attempting not to :[
[13:04] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Yee on me Hycrox
[13:04] Dee Wuu - 🌵: Watch the quality meme
[13:04] Number GladiONE: am scared
[13:04] +Bazаr🌀: queue joker meme: Hit on 16yo and nobody bats an eye
[13:04] +Bazаr🌀: Hit on someone's sister and all hell breaks lose
[13:05] Kitеrugumа: I mean yes
[13:05] Kitеrugumа: you can hit on 16 year olds all you want
[13:05] Number GladiONE: What if someone's 16?
[13:05] Kitеrugumа: but dont get within a 2km radius of my sister
[13:05] Kitеrugumа: ty
[13:05] Number GladiONE: *someone here
[13:05] +Viridescent 2.0: Careful, Baz
[13:05] +Bazаr🌀: !dt careful
Careful nature: +10% Special Defense, -10% Special Attack.
[13:05] +Viridescent 2.0: Bibarel gets Simple SD and Aqua Jet now
[13:05] Kitеrugumа: fkin
[13:05] +Bazаr🌀: I was Unaware of those changes, thanks for telling me
[13:06] Number GladiONE: One should Bewear when Bibs is Moody
[13:06] Kitеrugumа: god
[13:06] Kitеrugumа: damn
[13:06] Kitеrugumа: fucking
[13:06] Epic C: Puns
[13:06] Number GladiONE: [18:06:27] Kitеrugumа: god
[13:06] Number GladiONE: [18:06:28] Kitеrugumа: damn
[13:06] Number GladiONE: [18:06:29] Kitеrugumа: fucking
[13:06] +Viridescent 2.0: Oh my
[13:06] Number GladiONE: zz
[13:06] +Bazаr🌀: [13:01] +Viridescent 2.0: That can be construed in ways that are not okay
[13:07] Kitеrugumа: id ask 'why do you do this to me'
[13:07] Kitеrugumа: but im doing this to myself
[13:07] Kitеrugumа: huh
[13:07] +Bazаr🌀: !
[13:07] +Viridescent 2.0: Is this a quote now
[13:07] Number GladiONE: [18:07:02] Kitеrugumа: id ask 'why do you do this to me'
[13:07] Number GladiONE: [18:07:06] Kitеrugumа: but im doing this to myself
[13:07] +Bazаr🌀: It has self awareness!
[13:07] +Viridescent 2.0: That's .Lost, not .Viri
[13:07] Number GladiONE: please bibs, stop
[13:07] +Bazаr🌀: Probably have Kuro to blame tbh
[13:07] Number GladiONE: I'm gonna fall off my chair
Number GladiONE left
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: its okay I gotta brb either way
Number GladiONE joined
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: and he fell off his chair
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: rip hycrox
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: never forgetti
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: rest
[13:08] Kitеrugumа: in
[13:08] Kitеrugumа was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated Moderation: Flooding)
[13:08] +Bazаr🌀: rest in mute
[13:08] Number GladiONE: ~~it worked
[13:08] Epic C: rip Kiteru
[13:08] +Bazаr🌀: RIM
[13:08] +Viridescent 2.0: Ah, the scrubbiness of the incomplete mutespam
[13:08] Number GladiONE: lol no rip bibs


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So this happened... (Send for help)
IntSys: tartar help
IncSys: ey Tartar
IntSyss: Become one of us
IntSees: hey tartar
MintSys: Ice
YntSis: ey tartar
MintSys: Join us
IntSyss: Hi Tartar
Intbis: one of us
MintSys: ONE OF US
IntSys: H E L P
IntList: one of us
IntSon: What happened to my mother? She was IntSi-
IntSon left
 IntSon disappears due to time paradox
Ghost_Tartar: Hello.
Prasiolite: Nor do I plan to join for im too cool
IncSys: LOL
IntSyss: Lame
MintSys: Not as cool as
Ghost_Tartar: What happened, did IntSys create a cloning machine or something?
IntSees: too lame!
YntSis: is that a pun
IntBro: IntBro
IntSyss: He's Ice, ofc it's a pun
IntSys: tartar I didn't ask for this
IntSyss: this is what i live with
IntSyss: every day
YntSis: mfw
IncSys: IntBro x IntSys tbh
TarSys: Conversion complete.
YntSis: LOL
IntBro: That would indeed be Incest
IntBro: LOl
IntList: no one ever asks for this
IntList: but it happens anyway
TarSys: Assimilation into the IntSys Hivemind achieved.
YntSis: yup
IntSys: not you too
IntBro: Invest happens every day?
IncSys: You know what I'm implying
Prasiolite: me making a pun is unheard of
YntSis: welcome to my life intsys
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+Quіnn🌵: enjoying this sotd freedom while it lasts
+Quіnn🌵: no telling when ark will start taxing the people again
%Arkhi: What would the tax even be
+Quіnn🌵: DEEZ NUTS
%Arkhi: I guess we can change EXP values, but that'd be
+Quіnn🌵: DAMN SON
%Arkhi: ..
%Arkhi: fuck's sake
+Bazаr🌀: nice
%Arkhi: I'm retiring
+Quіnn🌵: GOTTEEM
%Arkhi: Gonna go live in a cottage by the woods
%Arkhi: Maybe I'll be eaten by a bear


I still got it.

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[2:41:38 PM] Arkhi: SHSL Princess and Supreme Ruler would be a neat theme thing
[2:42:11 PM] Tacos: I can get it in terms of their talents but from what i’ve seen their personalities would clash horribly
[2:42:15 PM] Arkhi: yikes
[2:42:21 PM] Arkhi: At least they would both have the chance to
[2:42:29 PM] Arkhi: (I'm about to say it)
[2:42:39 PM] Arkhi: work together once this is over
[2:42:50 PM] Tacos: my sweet summer child

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[16:32:32] +Viridescent Z.O: Bibs...I'm waiting
[16:32:34] This Net: Ohhhhhhhh Maaaaagnezone
[16:32:35] This Net: Thou art the one
[16:32:35] This Net: Oh Magnezone
[16:32:56] This Net: Thou standeth alone
[16:32:57] This Net: Magnezone, thou floateth
[16:33:12] This Net: Magnezone, thou gloateth
[16:33:12] This Net: As thine foes are trapped
[16:33:13] This Net: And with thunder, are zapped
[16:33:21] This Net: I hate life
And the second part...
[16:37:23] +Viridescent Z.O: Bibs, I actually said Magneton seven times now so...
[16:37:35] This Net: Ohhhhhhhh Maaaaagnezone
[16:37:36] This Net: Thou art the one
[16:37:36] This Net: Oh Magnezone
[16:37:43] IntSys: oh, again
[16:37:44] +Viridescent Z.O: You're a man of your word
[16:37:49] This Net: (this is going to get old really quickly)
[16:38:06] This Net: Thou standeth alone
[16:38:07] This Net: Magnezone, thou floateth
[16:38:07] +Viridescent Z.O: Yes...
[16:38:17] This Net: Magnezone, thou gloateth
[16:38:17] This Net: As thine foes are trapped
[16:38:18] This Net: And with thunder, are zapped
[16:38:37] Comyandere: Why do you think I did two weeks for you and a year for me?
[16:38:43] +Viridescent Z.O: Let's hit a compromise. The first time each day, when I say the word, you sing the whole thing. Subsequent occasions, just say "Praise Magnets" loudly
[16:38:57] +Viridescent Z.O: It'll get too tiring otherwise
[16:39:09] This Net: yes
[16:39:12] Comyandere: Fair enough
[16:39:13] This Net: yes it will
[16:39:16] +Viridescent Z.O: For example, now that I say, "Magneton"
[16:39:19] +Viridescent Z.O: What do you do?
[16:39:34] This Net: praise magnets
[16:39:47] +Viridescent Z.O: No, no, it must be in caps with an exclamation mark
[16:39:49] Comyandere: Bibs is so going to get back at me for this
[16:40:02] +Viridescent Z.O: Go on, take two: "Magneton"
[16:40:10] This Net: I never use exclamation marks wtf
[16:40:17] This Net: PRAISE MAGNETS
[16:40:21] +Viridescent Z.O: That'll do
[16:40:25] This Net: thats all youre getting
[16:40:28] This Net: >:[
Edited by IntSys
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[19:29:41] #Jеriсhо: Anyone who says bad things in the presence of Mira is getting banned.
[19:29:43] @Noble Kakyoin: I am the captain now
[19:29:52] +Quіnn: look at this net pyrrhon
[19:29:55] @Noble Kakyoin: baz wtf cobalt is about to fight
[19:30:00] @Noble Kakyoin: smfh
[19:30:00] Specral DW: [19:29:42] #Jеriсhо: Anyone who says bad things in the presence of Mira is getting banned.>>bad things
[19:30:05] Specral DW: :3
[19:30:06] #Bazаr🌀: aw I wanted to play
[19:30:07] +Quіnn: rip DW
[19:30:13] @Noble Kakyoin: you had your chance
[19:30:14] +Quіnn: yeah
[19:30:14] @RBRN Azery🌵: mira's getting into people's minds
[19:30:16] %RLDR Mira: But I wanna play!
[19:30:18] @Noble Kakyoin: you fought nick didn't you?
[19:30:18] +Quіnn: wanted to play with de-
[19:30:19] +Quіnn: ahem
[19:30:19] @RBRN Azery🌵: first baz
[19:30:28] @RBRN Azery🌵: then mike
[19:30:29] Specral DW was banned from The Redemption League by Jеriсhо. (Hide 3 lines from specraldw)
Specral DW left
[19:30:31] @RBRN Azery🌵: who's next
[19:30:32] +Quіnn: LOL
[19:30:34] IntSys: RIP
[19:30:36] +Quіnn: HAHAHAHA
[19:30:36] @Noble Kakyoin: holy fuckles
[19:30:38] YinYang9705: alas poor dw
[19:30:38] Cyanna Cyril: LOL
[19:30:39] @Noble Kakyoin: it's knuckles
[19:30:41] MonoComplex: lol
[19:30:42] specraldw was unbanned from The Redemption League by Jеriсhо.
[19:30:50] +Quіnn: the absolute madman
[19:30:52] +Jmanultrax: looooooooooooooool
Specral DW joined

[19:30:56] +Jmanultrax: he actually did it

[19:30:57] @Noble Kakyoin: cursed soul

[19:30:59] @Noble Kakyoin: :[

[19:31:05] @RBRN Azery🌵: gottem boiz

[19:31:08] #Jеriсhо: I will defend this little girl with my life

[19:31:15] @Melodice: We actually aren't kidding though

[19:31:16] • YinYang9705 stabs jeri

[19:31:16] +Jmanultrax: jeri the big brother

[19:31:19] %RLDR Mira: ?!?

[19:31:26] @Noble Kakyoin: jeri the lolicon

[19:31:28] @Noble Kakyoin: -

[19:31:29] #Jеriсhо: I am actually Redemption Team Mom

[19:31:31] @Melodice: You will get removed if you don't stop messing with her in that way

@Noble Kakyoin left

[19:31:33] Specral DW: I'm QBing that tbh

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[16:36] +Quіnn: DEEZ NUTS
[16:36] Kitеrugumа: .
[16:36] #Bazаr🌀: thats only one nut
[16:36] #Bazаr🌀: so its DIS NUT
[16:36] +Quіnn: i got the other removed to pay ren
[16:36] +Quіnn: t
[16:36] YinYang9705: why
[16:36] +Quіnn: sold it on the black market
[16:36] #Bazаr🌀: I'd apologize but youre a butt
[16:36] TheMoltenGuy: kidneys are worth more
[16:36] +Quіnn: so is your face baz
[16:36] Kitеrugumа: is this the high quality entertainment I signed up for
[16:37] +Quіnn: its why you stink so bad
[16:37] #Bazаr🌀: Then kiss my ass
[16:37] #Bazаr🌀: ;)
[16:37] +Quіnn: i don't make out with nerds
[16:37] Kitеrugumа: shits are being fired today
[16:37] TheMoltenGuy: fancy shits
[16:37] +Quіnn: question
[16:37] #Bazаr🌀: answer
[16:37] +Quіnn: if azery's face is a butt
[16:37] +Quіnn: when he burps
[16:37] TheMoltenGuy: yes
[16:37] +Quіnn: is it a burp
[16:37] +Quіnn: or a fart?
[16:37] @RBRN Azery🌵: suck my ass
[16:37] #Bazаr🌀: yes
[16:37] @RBRN Azery🌵: and find out
[16:37] Kitеrugumа: ._.
[16:38] pyrromanis: it's a furp
[16:38] +Quіnn: holy shit
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: .______.
[16:38] +Quіnn: i typed azery
[16:38] TheMoltenGuy: Does Azery have two butts?
[16:38] +Quіnn: but meant baz
[16:38] +Quіnn: LOL
[16:38] #Bazаr🌀: LOL
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: LOL
[16:38] +Quіnn: i roast azery so much
[16:38] TheMoltenGuy: Kappa
[16:38] pyrromanis: hahahaha
[16:38] YinYang9705: alas
[16:38] #Bazаr🌀: should I QB this
[16:38] +Quіnn: my mind is programmed to type his name
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: yes
[16:38] #Bazаr🌀: or Ace QB
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: you really should
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: uh
[16:38] TheMoltenGuy: QB?
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: borderline r7
[16:38] +Quіnn: im sorry azery
[16:38] Kitеrugumа: eh it can pass I think
[16:38] +Quіnn: :(
[16:38] pyrromanis: don't be, he deserves it :P
[16:38] @RBRN Azery🌵: </3
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[22:01:58] +Mаrcello: I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED
[22:02:08] Kitеrugumа: im about to kick your ass back where you came from
[22:02:12] +RBRN Azery🌵: we have all 5 cards of marcello in our hand
[22:02:16] +RBRN Azery🌵: we win
[22:02:17] Kitеrugumа: dont
[22:02:17] +Mаrcello: Thanks Ojama
[22:02:22] Kitеrugumа: S2G
[22:02:28] 2tousent: http://puu.sh/tSSOr/78f9fab1b9.png
[22:02:28] +Jmanultrax: Thanks Ojama
[22:02:30] Kitеrugumа: wait
[22:02:30] +RBRN Azery🌵: gottem.jpg
[22:02:31] 2tousent: what a great moveset
[22:02:33] Kitеrugumа: I just got an idea I
[22:02:36] %Njab: ojama bibs
[22:02:37] Kitеrugumа: oh no
[22:03:15] +Jmanultrax: dear god that image would be horrifying
[22:03:15] %Njab: but blue one is the best one
[22:03:41] YinYang9705: best ojama is a dead ojama
[22:03:54] 2tousent: :,)
[22:04:02] 2tousent: giga drain ran out of pp
[22:04:08] 2tousent: so i need to leech seed stall
[22:04:09] +RBRN Azery🌵: chazz straight up
[22:04:09] Ojamа Brоwn: mfw
[22:04:11] Ojamа Brоwn: still no brown
[22:04:11] +RBRN Azery🌵: reminded me of blue as a kid
[22:04:27] +RBRN Azery🌵: hairstyle+clothing and attitude
[22:04:40] +Jmanultrax: he reminds me of certain person
[22:04:56] Ojаma Bibs: not exactly what I was looking for but
[22:04:58] Ojаma Bibs: I guess it works
[22:04:58] +Shing'n Streets: I miss Mikzal :(
[22:05:03] Ojаma Bibs: rip mik :[
[22:05:08] +Mаrcello: Also tfw Zumi reminding me I only so narrowly lost to you guys pretty much purely because I ran into a snag with a part of Z-Moves muttered grumblings
[22:05:08] +Shing'n Streets: Funny enough
[22:05:12] +Shing'n Streets: I have met him irl
[22:05:14] +Shing'n Streets: he's cool
[22:05:29] Ojаma Bibs: huh
[22:05:30] Ojаma Bibs: you have?
[22:05:33] +RBRN Azery🌵: worth it tho
[22:05:34] YinYang9705: who?
[22:05:38] +Shing'n Streets: Yeah actually
[22:05:45] +RBRN Azery🌵: bring the B L O O M D O O M Fern
[22:05:50] +RBRN Azery🌵: @Marcello
[22:05:54] +Shing'n Streets: In may
[22:05:58] +RBRN Azery🌵: nice
[22:06:15] +Shing'n Streets: He was at my town for party and such
[22:06:18] &Zuмi: [23:04:56] +Mаrcello: Also tfw Zumi reminding me I only so narrowly lost to you guys pretty much purely because I ran into a snag with a part of Z-Moves muttered grumblings >> :^)))))
[22:06:26] &Zuмi: :^)))))))))))))))))
[22:06:27] Mahogany board: >Ojama Bibs
[22:06:28] +Shing'n Streets: He's awesome man
[22:06:36] Mahogany board: Thanks Ojama
[22:06:48] Ojаma Bibs: marcello this is your fault
[22:06:53] Ojаma Bibs: actually its mine but its still your fault
[22:07:02] +Jmanultrax: dear god he did it
[22:07:12] Mahogany board: no bibs
[22:07:26] Mahogany board: you're a walking shitty joke dispenser
[22:07:27] +Mаrcello: That's it Zumi, I've changed my mind
[22:07:35] +Mаrcello: Every fangame dev can use my Z-Move system
[22:07:38] +Mаrcello: except you
[22:07:39] Mahogany board: you brought this fate upon you
[22:07:40] &Zuмi: what
[22:07:41] &Zuмi: the fuck
[22:07:42] +Mаrcello: because you suck
[22:08:07] &Zuмi: this is like that petty artist dispute where that one artist bought all the rights to use the darkest black color for himself and nobody else to use
[22:08:09] +Jmanultrax: damn
[22:08:09] Ojаma Bibs: implement a no-zumi clause in your scripting
[22:08:17] +Jmanultrax: hes bringing the hatred towards zumi
[22:08:22] +Mаrcello: Wait did that seriously happen?
[22:08:24] &Zuмi: yes
[22:08:24] Mahogany board: a no-weenie clause is enough
[22:08:24] &Zuмi: LOL
[22:08:26] &Zuмi: hold on
[22:08:26] Ojаma Bibs: LOL
[22:08:41] +Jmanultrax: we got a weenie fight in hear!!!!!!
[22:08:57] +Jmanultrax: (dun dun dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun, dun)
[22:09:25] &Zuмi: this
[22:09:50] Ojаma Bibs: holy SHIT he owns the pink
[22:10:02] +RBRN Azery🌵: wait
[22:10:08] +RBRN Azery🌵: beartic gets play rough??????
[22:10:18] YinYang9705: it does
[22:10:20] &Zuмi: no so anish kapoor bought all of the rights to use vantablack, so no one else can use it
[22:10:21] +RBRN Azery🌵: my god
[22:10:29] +Avatar of Grima: ...that sucks
[22:10:34] +RBRN Azery🌵: yeah blake's beartic(hopefully it works too well on that field)
[22:10:38] +RBRN Azery🌵: is gunna be a massive ass
[22:10:47] &Zuмi: in return, another artist retaliated by creating a pink pigment that is available to everyone EXCEPT anish kapoor
[22:11:06] +RBRN Azery🌵: 436 outspeeds literally everything available at that point
[22:11:10] Ojаma Bibs: why would you even be enough of an asshat to buy all the rights for a goddamn color
[22:11:19] +RBRN Azery🌵: why a colour tbh
[22:11:22] &Zuмi: later on someone apparently gave the pink pigment to anish which resulted in anish posting a photo on instagram where he dips his middle finger in the pink pigment
[22:11:25] +Shing'n Streets: PINE
[22:11:29] YinYang9705: because it's fun bibs
[22:11:30] +Shing'n Streets: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AVATAR
[22:11:34] Ojаma Bibs: ojama
[22:11:38] &Zuмi: then people found out who the people were who gave him the pigment
[22:11:39] Kappa Lore: play rough with beartic ;)
[22:11:40] &Zuмi: and then there's like
[22:11:42] +RBRN Alex: that beartic guarding smoochum will be more of a pain
[22:11:43] Ojаma Bibs: lostwhy
[22:11:49] &Zuмi: this petty ass letter that the artist made in response
[22:11:50] &Zuмi: HOLD ON
[22:11:55] +RBRN Azery🌵: tbh if crabominable got slush rush
[22:11:57] +RBRN Azery🌵: good lord
[22:11:59] Kappa Lore: because I'm me, Bibs
[22:12:00] +RBRN Azery🌵: the wall blake
[22:12:02] +Shing'n Streets: wHYYY
[22:12:08] Ojаma Bibs: because im bibs
[22:12:15] +Shing'n Streets: It's decent art I'll give credit for
[22:12:16] Ojаma Bibs: havent you come to expect this from me by now
[22:12:16] Kappa Lore: who's Bibs?
[22:12:18] YinYang9705: be less you
[22:12:20] Ojаma Bibs: shing
[22:12:24] +Shing'n Streets: I mean you aren't wrong
[22:12:24] Ojаma Bibs: its the official ojama art
[22:12:25] Ojаma Bibs: from ygo
[22:12:25] +Shing'n Streets: but still
[22:12:26] Ojаma Bibs: LOL
[22:12:29] +RBRN Azery🌵: >says haven't you come to expect this from me
[22:12:42] +RBRN Azery🌵: >>asks wtf this is everytime he comes back to chat
[22:12:43] +Shing'n Streets: Oh it's yu gi oh
[22:12:43] +Jmanultrax: zumi is getting riled up
[22:12:43] +RBRN Azery🌵: smh bibs
[22:12:48] Ojаma Bibs: shing
[22:12:48] &Zuмi: NO IT'S SO FUNNY
[22:12:49] +Jmanultrax: you did it now Marcello lol
[22:13:17] %Njab: It's said that he butts in by any means necessary.
[22:13:19] +Shing'n Streets: Ik
[22:13:22] +Shing'n Streets: I googled it
[22:13:27] Kappa Lore: did Bibs do what I think he did
[22:13:30] Mahogany board: anish kapoor = ojama confirmed?
[22:13:43] Ojаma Bibs: what do you think I did
[22:13:43] &Zuмi: okay i cant find the pdf of it but
[22:13:44] Ojаma Bibs: lost
[22:13:46] Kappa Lore: HE DID
[22:13:47] +Mаrcello: Ngl Zumi this sounds like such a hilarious and surreal story
[22:13:47] &Zuмi: wait no it's a google docs document
[22:13:49] &Zuмi: ONE MOMENT
[22:13:49] Kappa Lore: that avatar
[22:13:52] Ojаma Bibs: LOL
[22:14:11] %Njab: best one yet
[22:14:14] +Mаrcello: Bibs does like butting in, if you catch my drift
[22:14:20] Ojаma Bibs: shut
[22:14:21] Ojаma Bibs: the fuck
sharkzilla1 joined
[22:14:21] Ojаma Bibs: up
[22:14:32] Ojаma Bibs: >:[
[22:14:39] +Mаrcello: Don't worry, Brown
[22:14:40] +Mаrcello: The fuck
[22:14:43] +Mаrcello: is securely
[22:14:44] +Mаrcello: shut
[22:14:50] YinYang9705: no it's not
[22:14:55] Ojаma Bibs: why
[22:15:14] Kappa Lore: open the fuck
[22:15:22] &Zuмi: okay i can't find it
[22:15:24] &Zuмi: but
[22:15:24] +Avatar of Grima: nooo
[22:15:31] Ojama Butt: Trust me I'm the real Bibs
[22:15:31] &Zuмi: after the pink fell into anish's hands
[22:15:36] Ojаma Bibs: im summoning
[22:15:58] &Zuмi: what happened next is that anish kapoor got banned from using the world's glittering glitter
[22:16:04] &Zuмi: and im dying
[22:16:06] Ojаma Bibs: ojama yellow, ojama black and ojama green
[22:16:13] 2tousent: wait
[22:16:13] Ojаma Bibs: to use
[22:16:17] 2tousent: oh
[22:16:17] Ojаma Bibs: OJAMA DELTA HURRICANE
[22:16:18] &Zuмi: this whole artist drama is so petty and its so funny
[22:16:20] Ojаma Bibs: !!
[22:16:21] 2tousent: za warudo
[22:16:25] +Jmanultrax uses black hole to destroy all ojamas
[22:16:35] YinYang9705 kicks bibs in the face
[22:16:36] Comyandere: I'm uhhh...at that side of Reborn again, aren't I?
[22:16:47] Ojаma Bibs: this is my fault
[22:16:50] Kappa Lore: that side of Reborn is every side of Reborn
[22:16:59] Mahogany board: you're at the ojama side of Reborn Commander
[22:17:01] +RBRN Azery🌵: tbh
[22:17:03] +RBRN Azery🌵: ice body should
[22:17:06] +Mаrcello: Artists are a good source of drama, huh
[22:17:07] Mahogany board: Also
[22:17:07] +RBRN Azery🌵: make a mon heal from ice moves
[22:17:08] +RBRN Azery🌵: tbh js
[22:17:13] +Mаrcello: Commander, just repeat after me:
[22:17:16] +Mаrcello: 'Thanks, Ojama.'
[22:17:23] Ojаma Bibs: do not
[22:17:26] +Mаrcello: do it.
[22:17:31] +RBRN Alex: b
[22:17:31] Inno: Thanks, Ojama.
[22:17:32] Ojаma Bibs: do not
[22:17:38] Ojаma Bibs: tu quoque inno
[22:17:46] Inno: Bibs, I failed French.
[22:17:48] +RBRN Alex: Thanks, obibsa.
[22:17:50] YinYang9705 throws a card at inno
[22:17:51] Mahogany board: Thanks, Ojama
[22:17:55] Inno: Well, actually I passed it.
[22:17:58] &Zuмi: blocked. blocked. blocked. you're all blocked
[22:17:59] +Mаrcello: Don't worry, Bibs won't tell you no. Just say it.
[22:18:01] &Zuмi: none of you are free of sine
[22:18:01] YinYang9705 and hycrox
[22:18:02] &Zuмi: sin*
[22:18:05] Comyandere: Marcello I have a message for you
[22:18:09] Inno: I'm pretty free of sine, Zumi.
[22:18:10] +Mаrcello: [22:18:07] &Zuмi: none of you are free of sine
[22:18:13] +Mаrcello: It is true
[22:18:15] Inno: I prefer tangent.
[22:18:15] +Mаrcello: The woes
[22:18:15] &Zuмi: NONE OF YOU ARE FREE OF SIN
[22:18:18] +Mаrcello: Of a maths degree
[22:18:18] Comyandere: Spoiler: Never in this lifetime
[22:18:20] +Avatar of Grima: Nothing is true
[22:18:25] YinYang9705: you're the biggest sinner of us all zumi
[22:18:25] +Avatar of Grima: Everything is permitted
[22:18:26] Inno: I'm pretty free of sin, Zumi.
[22:18:30] YinYang9705: I should know
[22:18:34] &Zuмi: i never said i'm not a sinner
[22:18:35] YinYang9705: inno
[22:18:36] Inno: I'm like
[22:18:38] Ojаma Bibs: when was the last time I didnt sin
[22:18:41] Ojаma Bibs: I cant remembe r
[22:18:42] Ojаma Bibs: r
[22:18:42] Inno: The most innocentest of anyone ever.
[22:18:42] &Zuмi: inno you're like the opposite of innocent
[22:18:46] YinYang9705: you're the secound biggest sinner of us all
[22:18:50] Inno: I'm less opposite than you!
[22:18:52] Ojаma Bibs: whos the biggest sinner
[22:18:55] Inno: Zumi.
[22:19:00] &Zuмi: i never denied that i'm not innocent
[22:19:01] YinYang9705: and wendel
[22:19:11] Inno: You suck.
[22:19:13] &Zuмi: i know
[22:19:18] +Jmanultrax: rip
[22:19:23] Inno: Gosh dang it, I can't make my usual jokes at you.
[22:19:24] +Jmanultrax: were all not innocent
[22:19:25] YinYang9705: they're tied for 1st
[22:19:27] Ojаma Bibs: when did the chat spiral into self-depreciation
[22:19:27] +Mаrcello: Zumi is a weenie and weenies are part of some very non-innocent things.
[22:19:29] Ojаma Bibs: tf is this
[22:19:29] Comyandere: Would that mean Inno blows
[22:19:31] Mahogany board: I chose to be free of weenieness than to be free of sin
[22:19:32] &Zuмi: .
[22:19:33] Inno: Where's Scarlet?
[22:19:34] Ojаma Bibs: commander why
[22:19:42] Inno: I need to punch him in the face.
[22:19:55] +Jmanultrax: so who here is a weeb
[22:20:04] Comyandere points to Inno
[22:20:11] Inno: I'm not a weeb.
[22:20:18] +Jmanultrax: their more like a weeaboo
[22:20:26] Inno: I'm like.
[22:20:28] Inno: The most.
[22:20:29] Inno: Flipping.
[22:20:31] Inno: Americanest.
[22:20:33] Inno: Person ever.
[22:20:52] Ojаma Bibs: insert wall comment here
[22:20:58] Mahogany board: bibs is a weeb
[22:21:01] Ojаma Bibs: no
[22:21:02] Ojаma Bibs: stfu
[22:21:05] Mahogany board: yes
[22:21:12] Mahogany board: you have many waifus
[22:21:15] Mahogany board: too
[22:21:18] Ojаma Bibs: I do not
[22:21:21] +Mаrcello: why did the zumi cross the road
[22:21:27] Mahogany board: like Ojama and Bewear
[22:21:29] Ojаma Bibs: to reach the other side
[22:21:30] YinYang9705: to be hit by a car?
[22:21:35] +Mаrcello: because she's a weenie
[22:21:36] Ojаma Bibs: > ojama as a waifu
[22:21:37] Ojаma Bibs: WHY
[22:21:40] Mahogany board: idk, weenieness?
[22:21:42] Ojаma Bibs: NO
[22:21:45] Kappa Lore: >Amaricanest
[22:21:48] +Mаrcello: thanks ojama
[22:21:51] Ojаma Bibs: STOP RIGHT THERE
[22:21:52] YinYang9705: you did this to yourself bibs
[22:21:52] Kappa Lore: ...Americanest* nice typo
[22:21:55] Ojаma Bibs: I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS
[22:22:01] %Njab: what is going onž
[22:22:01] YinYang9705: yes you will
[22:22:04] Ojаma Bibs: making fun of me is one thing
[22:22:09] &Zuмi: what the fuck
[22:22:11] +Avatar of Grima: Njab, my thought exactly
[22:22:13] Ojаma Bibs: but calling an ojama a waifu is FIVE BRIDGES TOO FAR
[22:22:14] Kappa Lore: also
[22:22:15] Mahogany board: I bet there's an Ojama body pillow in Bibs's house
[22:22:15] Kappa Lore: [17:21:36] Ojаma Bibs: > ojama as a waifu
[22:22:17] Kappa Lore: w h y
[22:22:26] YinYang9705 burns down the brigdes
[22:22:26] +Mаrcello: Yeah bibs
[22:22:28] +Mаrcello: w h y
[22:22:31] Ojаma Bibs: stop
[22:22:34] Ojаma Bibs: this isnt my fault
[22:22:38] +Mаrcello: I don't wanna kinkshame or anything but
[22:22:40] Ojаma Bibs: I have meddled with forces I cannot control
[22:22:40] YinYang9705: now it's the right amount of distenst
[22:22:40] &Zuмi: </3
[22:22:41] Ojаma Bibs: I MUST GO
Ojаma Bibs left
[22:22:42] Ojаma Bibs was [REDACTED]
[22:22:44] +Mаrcello: Keep it to yourself, we don't wanan know
[22:22:52] Mahogany board: t h i s i s a l l y o u r f a u l t b i b s
[22:22:56] Kappa Lore: his people needed him
+Jmanultrax left
[22:23:04] +Mаrcello: The Ojama people, one assumes
rupe joined
[22:23:19] Kappa Lore: when you put it like that... what did they need him for?
[22:23:30] +Mаrcello: idk memes and shit
[22:23:34] YinYang9705: fresh meat
[22:23:35] rupe: yo birxhes
[22:23:41] Mahogany board: his ojama body pillows. to be more accurate
[22:23:45] Kappa Lore: ...birxhes?
[22:23:46] YinYang9705: what's a birxhes?
[22:23:46] Mahogany board: oi rupee
[22:23:50] Mahogany board: also
[22:24:02] Mahogany board: quotebook
[22:24:13] Kappa Lore: he's not going to be happy about that QB post
[22:24:17] Kappa Lore: do it anyway
[22:24:28] rupe: the result of using a slightly different keyboard and being a shit guy
[22:24:49] Mahogany board: ayyyy
[22:25:37] Comyandere: I swear to god I look away for five minutes to do a quiz and this happens
[22:25:51] YinYang9705: alas
[22:26:06] +Mаrcello: Y'know who you should blame, Commander?
[22:26:30] +Mаrcello: Ojama
[22:26:37] +Mаrcello: Thanks Ojama
[22:26:44] Inno: Blame Commander.
[22:27:06] Mahogany board: Thanks Ojama
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[18:20:11] Miss Kittу: I broke Marcello :c
[18:20:15] Miss Kittу: someone halp
[18:20:45] %Arkhi: How do you fix someone who fixes things?
[18:20:57] Miss Kittу: idk, that's why I came to ya'll.
[18:21:19] +Mаrcello: catmedian
[18:21:26] Miss Kittу: I said, "I like being a funny cat, but I'm a horrible catmedian"
[18:21:31] Miss Kittу: And now Marcello broke.
[18:21:39] +Mаrcello: catmedian
[18:21:47] %Arkhi: Is this her average behavior?
[18:21:52] +Mаrcello: Dude
[18:21:56] +Mаrcello: That's exactly what I was thinking
[18:22:03] %Arkhi: Aw sweet, up top
[18:22:08] +Mаrcello: I was thinking of a cat doing statistical analysis
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coo1name joined
[18:30:16] coo1name: For some reason each time I try to conect to ps official server it wiont connect to it.
[18:30:43] coo1name: it just says that it cant connect
[18:30:55] coo1name: does someone know what to do?
[18:32:09] coo1name: hey
[18:32:12] coo1name: pls
[18:32:20] Witch of Creation: refresh the page again
[18:32:26] coo1name: -_-
[18:32:53] C͏uti͠cl̛es̨: BreloomBot Zuмi Captain Kyoyo dark desire FraRPetO Jmanultrax Kurotsune marcelllo RBRN Alex RBRN Azery RBRN Fеlix i need your help
[18:33:03] +RBRN Fеlix: you get none
[18:33:08] +FraRPetO: ..
[18:33:24] C͏uti͠cl̛es̨: okay goodnight then -_-
[18:33:26] +Kurotsune: And I need a million dollars
C͏uti͠cl̛es̨ left
[18:33:30] +RBRN Fеlix: night
[18:33:38] +Jmanultrax: what was that about
[18:33:42] +Mаrcello: tfw my name was spelt wrong so I didn't even get hit by the mass ping
[18:33:43] +Jmanultrax: i randomly got pinged
[18:33:43] +Kurotsune: He thought we were mods
[18:33:54] +FraRPetO: + isn't mod lol
[18:34:03] +RBRN Fеlix: it isnt?
[18:34:04] +RBRN Alex: imagine if i was a mod
coo1name left
[18:34:09] Dr Llama Farmer - Ⓐⓦⓐⓚⓔⓝⓘⓝⓖ: Marcelllo
[18:34:09] +RBRN Fеlix: fukn, i was lied to
[18:34:10] +Jmanultrax: im honored that he thought i was a mod lol
[18:34:13] +Jmanultrax: but im not lol
[18:34:14] +Mаrcello: My name wasn't even capitailised. wtf why am I not special
[18:34:16] @dark desire: imagine if i was a mod,,
[18:34:24] +RBRN Alex: nothing would change
[18:34:27] Dr Llama Farmer - Ⓐⓦⓐⓚⓔⓝⓘⓝⓖ: You're very special Willy
[18:34:29] +RBRN Azery: you arent
[18:34:34] Dr Llama Farmer - Ⓐⓦⓐⓚⓔⓝⓘⓝⓖ: A very special willy indeed
[18:34:38] +Jmanultrax: apparently were the lower mods lol
[18:34:43] +RBRN Alex: marcelllo
[18:34:44] +Mаrcello: My fragile ego has been bruised beyond repair
[18:34:46] +RBRN Azery: news to me
[18:34:51] +RBRN Alex: anyway i gotta go shower
[18:34:57] +RBRN Fеlix punches marcelllos egg
[18:35:01] +RBRN Alex: dont miss me too much boys <3
[18:35:02] Witch of Creation: what is shower? is it a food?
[18:35:17] +Jmanultrax: its water dripping down ur body
[18:35:20] +Jmanultrax: to get clean
[18:35:36] Dr Llama Farmer - Ⓐⓦⓐⓚⓔⓝⓘⓝⓖ: Sounds hot
[18:35:40] +Mаrcello: but why does ur body make the water clean?
[18:35:57] +Jmanultrax: the water cleans u
[18:36:09] +Mаrcello: oh
[18:36:10] Witch of Creation: I thought the water makes your body clean, not cleaning hearts though
[18:36:14] +Mаrcello: but what if i wanna clean the water
[18:36:14] +Jmanultrax: Marcello come on now. ur a mod
[18:36:16] +RBRN Fеlix: i ama cleansing spirit
[18:36:19] +RBRN Fеlix: the spirit of bbleach
[18:36:20] +Jmanultrax: u should know this lol
[18:36:27] +Mаrcello: I am a lowly +.
[18:36:40] Witch of Creation: I don't even have +
[18:36:48] +Jmanultrax: voiced is somewhat of a mod lol
[18:36:58] Witch of Creation: + indicates ace member, isn't it?
coo1name joined
[18:37:07] +Jmanultrax: no? im not sure
[18:37:11] Inno: It does.
[18:37:14] +Jmanultrax: oh
[18:37:18] +RBRN Fеlix: i mean marc is actually like a step up cuz coding nerd
[18:37:19] +Mаrcello: Voiced is for Ace
[18:37:19] +Mаrcello: And me
coo1name left
[18:37:35] Inno: When do I get Ace?
[18:37:38] +Jmanultrax: guess that guy doesn't know the rules then
[18:37:44] +Jmanultrax: NO ONE TELL THEM!
[18:37:55] +Jmanultrax: i wanna see how far it goes lol
[18:38:09] +RBRN Azery: never @Inno
[18:38:16] Inno: Sad times.
[18:38:22] +Mаrcello: I mean, I AM staff. Just one of the very few staff that are not mods or similar
[18:38:31] +Jmanultrax: poor marcello
[18:38:43] +Mаrcello: It cool. I get perks but minus responsibilities
[18:38:55] +Jmanultrax: amazing
[18:39:05] +RBRN Fеlix: ill take those perks of your hands, those terrible perks
[18:39:08] +Mаrcello: tfw the only perk I actually get is automatic ace
[18:39:15] +Jmanultrax: anyways lets continue
[18:39:17] +RBRN Azery: only responsibility he has is to make sure everyone gets alolan exeggutor
[18:39:28] Mahogany board: and to thank ojama
[18:39:31] +RBRN Azery: also, don't you have mod stuff
[18:39:34] +Mаrcello: given that i still do not have enough posts for that shit
[18:39:38] +Jmanultrax: the water cleans ur body cuz ur body is dirty lol
[18:39:38] Witch of Creation: I wish my coding skills were good but its not
[18:39:40] +RBRN Azery: in the reborn game section of the forums
[18:40:01] +Jmanultrax: my are amateur at best. (decent - ok)
[18:40:09] +Jmanultrax: im not Marcello proffesional
[18:40:26] +Mаrcello: Not as far as I know, Azery. I had them in the Devblog on the old forums, but not anymore, now the devblog is not an actual forum. Although I DO have the power to post memes in the devblog
[18:40:35] +Mаrcello: [18:40:16] +Jmanultrax: im not Marcello proffesional
[18:40:40] +Mаrcello: >Marcello
[18:40:42] +RBRN Azery: speaking of which
[18:40:44] +Mаrcello: >Proffesional
[18:40:48] +RBRN Azery: where's the weekly meme
[18:41:03] +Mаrcello: I think Kuro can attest to me being very far from that
[18:41:25] +Jmanultrax: take the compliment at least lol
[18:41:29] +Mаrcello: Thanks Ojama is your weekly meme
[18:41:41] Witch of Creation: Don't ping Ojama
[18:42:46] +Jmanultrax: thx Ojama
[18:42:46] Mahogany board: Bibs ojama meme
[18:43:01] +Jmanultrax: here ur weekly meme scrubs lol http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/020/463/9fd.jpg
[18:44:19] +Mаrcello: [18:41:32] +Jmanultrax: take the compliment at least lol
[18:44:22] +Jmanultrax: ok too long of a link rip
[18:44:26] +Mаrcello: nono you misunderstand
[18:45:06] +Mаrcello: I say I am not, then I call out kuro and then they agree, at which point I act all offended because they werem eant to say I'm great, and then lots of jokes are made at my expense
[18:45:13] +Mаrcello: It is all very poorly scripted
[18:45:21] +Mаrcello: Much like everything I say
[18:45:26] +RBRN Fеlix: and the game
[18:45:33] +Mаrcello: I am, in fact, just a very sophisticated bot
[18:45:35] +Mаrcello: I-
[18:45:40] +Mаrcello: [18:45:33] +RBRN Fеlix: and the game
[18:45:44] +Mаrcello: fuck you sock boy
[18:45:54] +RBRN Fеlix: calm down willy wanker
[18:46:20] Mahogany board: sock boy = SUCC boy?
[18:46:40] +RBRN Fеlix: donw joke about that, my suction capability si strong enough to ruin steel constructs
[18:46:48] +RBRN Fеlix: this has been established before, not even kidding
[18:47:04] +Mаrcello: felix fuel can melt steel beams
[18:47:13] +Jmanultrax: so u suck really well?
[18:47:30] +Jmanultrax: tell me someone is putting this in the quotebook lol
[18:47:37] +RBRN Fеlix: i wouldn't say that deforming anything that goes between my lips is sucking well
[18:47:46] Witch of Creation: .... I thought I heard a green joke
[18:48:15] +Mаrcello: [18:47:44] +RBRN Fеlix: i wouldn't say that deforming anything that goes between my lips is sucking well
[18:48:24] +Jmanultrax: i have a meme and its a gif http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/939/367/d4b.gif
[18:48:29] +Mаrcello: Well, it's a good thing it's you so there's no chance that's going to hurt any people or anything
[18:48:52] Mahogany board: [18:47:30] +Jmanultrax: tell me someone is putting this in the quotebook lol > best quoter at your service
[18:49:10] +RBRN Fеlix: i mean we had that incident where i hospitalised your mum last year marc, sorry again about that
[18:49:30] +Mаrcello: I
[18:49:32] +Mаrcello: dammit
[18:49:33] +RBRN Fеlix: unnless your mum isnt considered a person
[18:50:37] +Mаrcello: I finally understand how bibs feels when he underistimates the memes and its power becomes too great for him to control
[18:50:53] +Jmanultrax: mahogany board put that entire succ conversation in.
[18:51:19] +Jmanultrax: well Marcello you got an F...
[18:51:22] +Jmanultrax: for FANTASTIC
[18:51:44] +RBRN Fеlix: more like fuck up
[18:51:52] +RBRN Azery: thank ojama.png
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Classic Pyrrhon
Torkoal gets rocks?
That's crazy
... yep
no recovery tho
It's always something with weather setters though
The only one that actually has any great form of recovery is bazaro
K hold up
My brain died
brb qb
I saw "Bazaro is typing" and typed Bazaro and not pelipper
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[23:44:34] +Kurotsune: Well Mike, thanks to you by tomorrow I'll have a duplicate of everyone's usern-
[23:44:48] Thiѕ Net: YES.
[23:44:53] This Net: no.
[23:44:55] Thiѕ Net: yes.
[23:44:58] Thiѕ Net: YES.
[23:44:58] Thiѕ Net was muted by BreloomBot for 1 hour. (Automated Moderation: Spam)
[23:45:01] This Net: LOL
[23:45:03] Meteor Admin ZEL: lmao
[23:45:04] This Net: GOTTEM
[23:45:05] +RBRN Azery: BODIED LMFAO
[23:45:11] +FraRPetO: bibs is op confirmed
[23:45:11] This Net: SOMEONE QB THIS
[23:45:12] GaZELle Ojama: LOL
[23:45:14] This Net: PLEASE
  • Upvote 1
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[22:46:46] Mahоgany bоard: we have doubled
[22:46:56] Mahogany board: owo what's this?
[22:47:17] Meteor Admin ZEL: was that enough of did you need more of the log, bibsie
[22:47:31] Mahоgany bоard: Also
[22:48:14] Mahоgany bоard: wait is that actually QB'd, I need to see this


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+milkandoreon joined
[22:16:36] Comyandere: For the past 25 years you could do it, but not now?
[22:16:37] +milkandoreon hugs bibs
[22:16:39] +Quіnn: thanks obama
+milkandoreon left
[22:16:42] +RBRN Azery: guess they got tired of seeing dick names :^)
[22:16:51] +RBRN Azery: it's weird
[22:16:52] +Quіnn: dick is a legit name tho
[22:16:55] +Quіnn: :(
[22:17:04] +RBRN Azery: you tell me
[22:17:05] Meteor Admin ZEL: I don't understand why Richard gets shortened to Dick
[22:17:06] This Net: chubb
[22:17:07] This Net: wut
[22:17:08] +RBRN Azery: one of my teacher's first name is
[22:17:09] +RBRN Azery: dick
[22:17:09] +RBRN Azery: LOL
[22:17:14] +Quіnn: slick dick prick
[22:17:17] +Quіnn: the 3rd
[22:17:20] YinYang9705: rip that poor teacher
[22:17:25] Mahogany board: so dick is teaching you Azery?
[22:17:38] Comyandere: "It's my man, Dick"
[22:18:12] +RBRN Azery: nah
[22:18:15] +RBRN Azery: he'd get sacked
[22:18:22] +Quіnn: would he perhaps be
[22:18:24] +Quіnn: hard on you
[22:18:55] +RBRN Azery: all I know
[22:19:04] +RBRN Azery: is that I'm turning voice acting to japanese
[22:19:06] +RBRN Azery: whatever way i can
[22:19:11] +Shing'n Streets: NOOOO
[22:19:21] +FraRPetO: pokken has local multiplayer and can be set up for lan
[22:19:23] +RBRN Azery: dubbed voice acting is ass more often than not
[22:19:42] YinYang9705: keep it dubbed
[22:19:49] YinYang9705: as that is a dirty rumor
[22:19:55] MC Kappa: so much dick up there
[22:19:56] MC Kappa: :>
[22:20:01] YinYang9705: god
[22:20:02] YinYang9705: damn
[22:20:03] YinYang9705: it
[22:20:04] YinYang9705: lost
[22:20:08] Comyandere: I prefer understanding what the people are saying in my games
+Etesian joined; +Shing'n Streets left
[22:20:19] This Net: FUCK
[22:20:25] Comyandere: But in Anime, I can do either
[22:20:37] This Net: I forgot to mention captain d in my intervies
[22:20:42] This Net: interview
[22:20:45] MC Kappa: how could I possibly resist the urge
[22:20:47] MC Kappa: that's way too hard
[22:20:53] Meteor Admin ZEL: .
[22:21:04] YinYang9705 throws lost into the sun
[22:21:13] MC Kappa: I don't have any dicks though
[22:21:30] +RBRN Azery: Comyandere: I prefer understanding what the people are saying in my games
[22:21:45] +RBRN Azery: To be fair 80% of the time I'll just be doing random ass shit
[22:22:05] +RBRN Azery: no 1 priority is to hunt down one of those hellspawn chicken
[22:22:59] Meteor Admin ZEL: I feel like we had this exact convo before
[22:23:13] YinYang9705: there is a difference between animation and live action
[22:23:36] Meteor Admin ZEL: I also still don't see the problem with that scenario
[22:24:13] Meteor Admin ZEL: Well you don't have to like it, but it's a thing and there's enough people who do watch it that way
[22:24:41] MC Kappa: don't fight them, let them be
[22:24:43] Meteor Admin ZEL: [shrugs] My mom can't focus on subtitles
[22:24:57] Meteor Admin ZEL: she prefers dubbed because that way she can actualy enjoy the content
[22:25:52] Meteor Admin ZEL: not by her, she's disabled
[22:25:59] YinYang9705: I punched an old woman before
[22:26:11] YinYang9705: that universe was never seen again
[22:26:56] Meteor Admin ZEL: Us Germans dub everything tbh
[22:27:22] +Quіnn: people like dubbed because it's easier
[22:27:56] YinYang9705: I like focusing on what's happening on the screen
[22:28:14] +Quіnn: i read pretty fast so i can enjoy subbed easily
[22:28:28] +Quіnn: and dub kinda makes me cringe
[22:28:41] +Quіnn: but hey preferences
[22:29:24] Meteor Admin ZEL: I guess i just don't understand why it#s something to get elitist about, like, to each their own
[22:29:28] MC Kappa: I'll make do with either-or, though I usually lean towards subs lately
[22:29:56] MC Kappa: sometimes I'll watch the dub of an episode later because reasons though
[22:30:38] MC Kappa: I'm going to resist the urge to quote the thing this time I promise
[22:31:11] Comyandere: I love how the guy who made Nier Automata basically gave the people complaining about certain parts of the game and wanting them censored a big middle finger
[22:31:27] YinYang9705: well yeah
[22:31:48] YinYang9705: he made drakenguard
[22:32:59] +RBRN Azery: Comyandere: I love how the guy who made Nier Automata basically gave the people complaining about certain parts of the game and wanting them censored a big middle finger
[22:33:02] +RBRN Azery: what?
%Arkhi joined
[22:36:14] +Etesian: Ark o/
[22:36:16] %Arkhi: \o
[22:36:30] %Arkhi: These Cat Chat blogs are thebomb.com
[22:36:42] YinYang9705: the worst rythm minigame in history, right?
[22:36:57] Mahogany board: ey ark
[22:37:08] %Arkhi: Hello
DeeEmZee joined
[22:37:44] Comyandere: And if you screw up once you have to start it all over again
[22:37:56] Comyandere: oh that's Drakenguard 3
[22:38:49] YinYang9705: a soundtrack made to be chaotic as possible
[22:39:15] YinYang9705: as a friggen rhythm minigame
Cyanna Cyril joined; DeeEmZee left
[22:49:28] Meteor Admin ZEL: shhh let clarice sleep
[22:49:31] Cyanna Cyril: make it longer?
Caradius joined; Miss Kittу left
[22:50:17] +Etesian: hey car
[22:50:17] Meteor Admin ZEL: Hi Colin \o
[22:50:23] Caradius: hihi ete n ama o/
[22:50:35] Mahogany board: ey colin
[22:50:38] Caradius: hihi hycrox
[22:50:45] Caradius: have to go to uni soon so wint be on long XD
[22:51:08] Caradius: brb
[22:52:01] This Net: ey colin
‽Cylvana joined
[22:54:23] YinYang9705: the ending that leads into nier
‽Cylvana left
[22:56:38] sardines93: dafuq
[22:56:42] MC Kappa: doesn't clarice not warn for caps anymore
[22:56:59] YinYang9705: nope
[22:56:59] sardines93: dem walls
[22:57:30] Meteor Admin ZEL: she hasn't been warning for caps in ages
[22:57:41] %Arkhi: Bibs
[22:57:43] +Etesian: bibs, test if flooding gets you muted
[22:57:47] Meteor Admin ZEL: flooding does
[22:57:48] %Arkhi: wait no
[22:57:49] MC Kappa: don't worry she'll still punch you out if you flood
[22:57:56] +Etesian: naaah its fine, jsut try it
[22:58:03] %Arkhi: Bibs, your RM was legit
[22:58:11] YinYang9705: rm?
[22:58:13] This Net: I cant spam fast enough on mobile
[22:58:16] %Arkhi: Reborn Mention
[22:58:23] YinYang9705: ah
[22:58:23] This Net: im legit as fuck
[22:58:25] YinYang9705: right
[22:58:25] %Arkhi: the Cat Chat Blobs Kitty does
[22:58:26] This Net: next stop
[22:58:27] Meteor Admin ZEL: just get yourself hourmuted through spam, like kuro :)
[22:58:28] %Arkhi: .Blogs*
[22:58:33] Cyanna Cyril: you just tap a key and press enter repeatedly
[22:58:36] This Net: - arkhi
[22:58:40] Cyanna Cyril: like with 2 thumbs
[22:58:43] This Net: y/y
[22:58:53] This Net: ark 4 next mention
[22:59:14] %Arkhi: I'm curious about Felix/
[22:59:30] %Arkhi: I've had only one deep discussion with him and it was very interesting, so I'd like to know more.
narga21 joined
[22:59:43] %Arkhi: My interview would be "hey, you like scarves?"
[22:59:45] %Arkhi: "hell yeah dude"
[22:59:51] This Net: wobbs is very interesting person as well
[22:59:53] This Net: ark
Autistic mewtwo joined; Autistic mewtwo left
[23:00:09] This Net: if a decent interview came out of me
[23:00:24] This Net: im pretty sure you could have one too
[23:00:26] This Net: tbh
[23:00:32] +Quіnn: nah ark is boring
[23:00:54] Cyanna Cyril: bibz is famous?
[23:01:04] This Net: whos bibs
[23:01:10] Cyanna Cyril: my favorite
[23:01:12] +Quіnn: he's a movie star
[23:01:13] Cyanna Cyril: Alolamola
[23:01:23] This Net: swear to god cyanna
[23:01:33] %Arkhi: A Renzo interview would also be legit
[23:01:43] %Arkhi: ty for great timing, I'm gonna nominate.
[23:01:50] +RBRN Azery: it'd be 25% deez nuts jokes
[23:01:51] +RBRN Azery: tbh
[23:02:04] +RBRN Azery: in all seriousness renzo's cool so i'd like to see an interview from him
[23:02:27] This Net: I dont
[23:02:32] This Net: :[
[23:03:32] This Net: wait
[23:03:52] This Net: when did it become midnight
[23:03:53] This Net: wtf
[23:04:13] Meteor Admin ZEL: gotosleepbibs
[23:04:32] This Net: ...ark
[23:04:37] %Arkhi: Yes
[23:04:46] This Net: you nominated the wrong person
[23:04:50] Mahogany board: bibs is an alomomola
[23:04:54] Caradius: hoi bibs ark n cyril o/
+Mаrcello joined
[23:05:00] %Arkhi: fFFFFFFFF
[23:05:02] Cyanna Cyril: hoi!!
[23:05:04] YinYang9705: ALAS
[23:05:04] This Net: LOL
[23:05:05] Caradius: anyway off to uni i go so boi o/
[23:05:06] Mahogany board: http://prnt.sc/ee5vpe here's proof
Caradius left
[23:05:10] Cyanna Cyril: *Alolamola @ Hycrox
[23:05:21] This Net: why are you all like this
[23:05:25] Mahogany board: ah sorry cyanna
[23:05:41] Cyanna Cyril: that is proof beyond a doub thto
+Apophyll Sparky left
[23:06:01] Cyanna Cyril: did you do that, or was it an engine?
[23:06:03] This Net: one day ill fight you all
[23:06:11] This Net: and emerge victorious
[23:06:28] +Quіnn: you can't beat me bibs
[23:06:34] Cyanna Cyril: it's that toxic wish stall that makes alolamola is scary
[23:06:41] MC Kappa: you won't win Bibs
[23:06:43] MC Kappa: :>
[23:06:52] +Quіnn: we have the high ground
[23:06:57] This Net: oh yeah
[23:06:59] YinYang9705: and weapons
[23:07:03] This Net: well I have
[23:07:07] Cyanna Cyril: Bibz hasn't seen star wars iirc
[23:07:07] This Net: DEEZ NUTS
[23:07:08] +Quіnn: deez nuts
[23:07:09] Mahogany board: we have the meme ground
[23:07:09] +Quіnn: .
[23:07:09] This Net: HA
[23:07:10] %Arkhi: gottem
[23:07:11] This Net: GOTTEM
[23:07:20] +Quіnn: not bad
[23:07:23] +Quіnn: but
[23:07:29] +Quіnn: you have succumb
[23:07:33] +Quіnn: i win
[23:07:37] MC Kappa: weaponized nuts?
[23:07:41] This Net: dont even care
[23:07:43] This Net: worth
[23:07:52] %Arkhi: succ
[23:07:52] +Quіnn: azery i did it
[23:07:53] %Arkhi: umb
[23:08:03] +Quіnn: bibs finally made the thing
[23:08:30] +Quіnn: when can we change the forum name to DEEZ NUTS Evolved?
[23:08:49] YinYang9705: never
[23:08:49] %Arkhi: Why would
[23:08:51] %Arkhi: why
[23:08:52] MC Kappa: hopefully never
[23:08:55] +RBRN Azery: nice
[23:10:08] +Quіnn: >autistic mewtwo
IntSys joined
[23:11:01] %Arkhi: Bibs, check it
[23:11:10] %Arkhi: >Have you ever been in love
[23:11:16] %Arkhi: This site is great
Scyl left
[23:11:35] IntSys: .
[23:11:36] Mahogany board: What position do you usually sleep in?
+Noble Kakyoin joined
[23:11:40] Mahogany board: ...
[23:11:43] Mahogany board: also ey int
[23:11:49] This Net: 'are you doing anything fun this weekend'
[23:11:49] IntSys: "Would you rather age from the neck up only or the neck down only?"
[23:11:57] IntSys: Help
[23:11:59] This Net: I got a boring one
[23:12:10] YinYang9705: Would you rather have a grapefruit sized head or a head the size of a watermelon?
[23:12:31] YinYang9705: I don't even know what that means
[23:12:33] Mahogany board: What are some things that you shouldn't say at a funeral?
Alolan Banette joined
[23:12:35] Meteor Admin ZEL: "What is something that you've never done but would like to try?"
[23:12:35] Meteor Admin ZEL: Sounds like an invitation ;3
[23:12:41] IntSys: I'm gonna use this the next time I see someone making an AMA thread
[23:12:42] Specral DW: .
[23:12:42] YinYang9705: god damn it ama
Alolan Banette left
[23:12:44] MC Kappa: What position do you sleep in with others?
[23:12:46] IntSys: also ama pls
+FraRPetO left
[23:12:59] This Net: 'What are three websites that you visit every day?'
[23:13:06] This Net: uh
[23:13:22] +RBRN Azery: reborn, showdown and google
[23:13:23] +RBRN Azery: done
[23:13:24] +RBRN Azery: -
[23:13:32] Specral DW: and not pornhub,Az?
[23:13:35] IntSys: for me it's reborn, youtube and google
[23:13:38] This Net: 'Would you want to know when you'll die?'
[23:13:42] +RBRN Azery: Pornhub's saturdays only DW
[23:13:43] MC Kappa: ...uh
[23:13:45] +RBRN Azery: get your facts right
[23:13:45] +RBRN Azery: :(
[23:13:46] IntSys: .
[23:13:47] This Net: wHO STARTS A CONVERSATION
[23:13:52] This Net: LIKE THIS
+milkandoreon joined
[23:13:53] Specral DW: well now I know
[23:13:58] Meteor Admin ZEL: "What would you be doing if you were not here right now?"
[23:13:59] Meteor Admin ZEL: That sounds like one of those teenage boy texts
+milkandoreon left
[23:14:01] MC Kappa: what not fridays too?
[23:14:01] IntSys: "What is the longest that you've gone without doing laundry?"
[23:14:04] This Net: chubb what
[23:14:05] IntSys: Alright guys
[23:14:10] Mahogany board: go to sleep chubb
+milkandoreon joined
[23:14:15] +RBRN Azery: fucking gottem
[23:14:17] MC Kappa: Chubb what are you doing
[23:14:20] +milkandoreon whispers "die for me" in bibs' ear
+milkandoreon left
[23:14:24] IntSys: .
[23:14:26] MC Kappa: ...w h a t
You can't send the same message again so soon.
[23:14:27] +RBRN Azery: i swear chubb is
[23:14:29] +RBRN Azery: smfh
[23:14:34] +RBRN Azery: incarnate
[23:14:37] Mahogany board: go. to sleep chubb
[23:14:39] This Net: chubb
[23:14:42] YinYang9705: I think chubb went mad
[23:14:42] This Net: im afraid.
[23:14:47] This Net: quite frankly.
+milkandoreon joined
[23:14:53] MC Kappa: also I don't get any aggressive hugs? :c
[23:14:54] +milkandoreon: HEHEFKJS
[23:15:00] Meteor Admin ZEL: Chibbs lives
[23:15:00] Mahogany board: ...what's the best thing about your gender?
[23:15:01] +milkandoreon AGGRESSIVELY HUGS LOSTY
[23:15:01] This Net: YOU MAKE ME AFRAID CHUBB
[23:15:01] Specral DW: Chubbs has gone yandere for Bibs now?
[23:15:06] Meteor Admin ZEL aggressively hugs Lost
[23:15:08] +Quіnn: .
[23:15:10] Mahogany board: chubb go to sleep
[23:15:11] MC Kappa: thank
[23:15:22] This Net: WH
[23:15:23] Specral DW: you could argue that he has for Lucy too
[23:15:25] YinYang9705 sets the group hug on fire
[23:15:32] This Net hugs bibs
[23:15:33] +milkandoreon stabs himself and bibs with the same dagger
[23:15:34] Meteor Admin ZEL: <3
[23:15:42] This Net: CHUBB WHAT
[23:15:51] MC Kappa: ...that's a long dagger
+milkandoreon left
[23:15:52] +milkandoreon we'll be together in the afterlife my dear bibarel
[23:15:54] MC Kappa: ... ;)
[23:15:57] Meteor Admin ZEL: thats what she said
[23:15:58] This Net: ama help im being abuse-
[23:16:01] This Net: LOST.
[23:16:01] YinYang9705: lost please
[23:16:10] Specral DW: mfw Chubbs hasn't licked the blood off the knife
+milkandoreon joined
[23:16:12] +milkandoreon: uwu
[23:16:17] +milkandoreon: i do have a long one
[23:16:17] +RBRN Azery: honestly the cries of losts arent even necessary anymore
[23:16:18] Specral DW: not edgy enough/10
[23:16:26] MC Kappa: you can't tell me you didn't see that coming
[23:16:26] +RBRN Azery: lost is a self fulfilling prophecy tbh
[23:16:30] +milkandoreon hugs bibs as he dies
[23:16:35] IntSys: this chat is horrible
+milkandoreon left
[23:16:37] +milkandoreon ;]]]]]]
[23:16:38] +RBRN Azery: yes
[23:16:39] This Net: why
[23:16:40] +RBRN Azery: and you love it
[23:16:49] This Net: why does he do this
[23:16:53] IntSys: I don't know
[23:16:54] MC Kappa: I think you mean wonderful
[23:16:58] IntSys: I think something got into him
[23:16:58] Meteor Admin ZEL: This is why chat feels weird when Lost isn't around. I always miss this stuff.
[23:17:02] Specral DW: because he wants you
[23:17:04] Mahogany board: is chubb gone now?
+milkandoreon joined
[23:17:10] Mahogany board: NO
[23:17:11] +milkandoreon: hi everyone o/
[23:17:14] IntSys: hycrox pls
[23:17:14] Mahogany board: CHUBB
[23:17:16] Specral DW: wb Chubbs
[23:17:19] Mahogany board: GO TO SLEEP
[23:17:21] MC Kappa: I don't even dump all of my innuendo in chat tbh
[23:17:24] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: but i still have homework
[23:17:24] Mahogany board: or wait
[23:17:31] This Net: lost u gotta be around more ama is lonely without u
[23:17:32] Specral DW: >it's 6:14 pm for him rn
[23:17:33] This Net: ://
[23:17:35] Mahogany board: screw homework
[23:17:37] Meteor Admin ZEL: .bibs pls
[23:17:37] YinYang9705: where do you dump the rest of it?
[23:17:38] IntSys: lost, your sheer presence is enough to trigger the chat
[23:17:42] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: i'd sleep at 6 tbh
[23:17:50] Mahogany board: ayy
[23:17:51] MC Kappa: I'm usually here though I just needed a breather
[23:17:52] This Net: go to sleep chubb
[23:17:56] Specral DW: same tbh
[23:17:57] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: go to sleep bibs
[23:18:02] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: with me ;]
[23:18:03] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: who said that
[23:18:05] Mahogany board: go to sleep hycrox
[23:18:05] MC Kappa: I dump the rest of it when I do commentary
[23:18:14] This Net: TERRIFIED
[23:18:14] YinYang9705: neat
[23:18:16] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: that was scary
[23:18:16] Specral DW: tfw
[23:18:22] IntSys: nightmare fuel
[23:18:23] MC Kappa: And sometimes when I write nsfw stuff
[23:18:35] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: :]
[23:18:37] Meteor Admin ZEL: tfw you'll never get to read it
[23:18:42] +RBRN Azery: chubb
[23:18:46] IntSys: damnit lost that's something we don't need to know about
[23:18:49] MC Kappa: no one wants to read it
[23:18:51] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: azery
[23:18:52] Meteor Admin ZEL: speak for yourself int
[23:18:53] +RBRN Azery: pls post thoughts on this topic in here
[23:19:01] +RBRN Azery: i need it for science
[23:19:06] IntSys: what do you mean by "speak for yourself"
[23:19:09] Mahogany board: "science"
[23:19:10] MC Kappa: I already radiate thirst for Kappa you don't want to see it in action
[23:19:12] Specral DW: Chubbs is Swampy 2.0 and Bibs is Tempest Prototype 69
[23:19:19] +RBRN Azery spittakes
[23:19:20] Specral DW: tbh js
[23:19:20] IntSys: I'll have you know that I'm an upstanding person
[23:19:20] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: what if u dont have thoughts tho
[23:19:20] This Net: no
[23:19:24] +RBRN Azery: do it anyways
[23:19:25] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: :333
[23:19:28] Meteor Admin ZEL: why does everyone underestimate what I can "put up" with
[23:19:29] Mahogany board: DW
[23:19:30] +RBRN Azery: else you get banned from league
[23:19:31] +RBRN Azery: >:(
[23:19:33] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: ok soonTM
[23:19:35] +RBRN Azery: i can do this
[23:19:36] IntSys: well at least an upstanding memer
[23:19:40] +milkandoreon - ⓗⓞⓜⓔⓦⓞⓡⓚ: after i finish hw like a good boi
[23:19:42] Mahogany board: bibs is this: http://prnt.sc/ee5vpe
[23:19:47] Specral DW: :]
[23:19:48] Meteor Admin ZEL: chubb go do your homework
[23:19:48] This Net: did someone say
[23:19:50] This Net: MEMES
[23:19:51] +RBRN Azery: you too bibs
[23:19:53] IntSys: hycrox
[23:19:53] This Net: MEMER
[23:19:55] IntSys: that was
[23:19:55] YinYang9705: MC Kappa: I already radiate thirst for Kappa you don't want to see it in action
[23:19:56] MC Kappa: ...which reminds me I should consider that thing about the motel
[23:19:56] IntSys: disgusting
[23:19:56] Specral DW: [18:16:37] +RBRN Azery: else you get banned from league
[23:19:57] This Net: MEME
[23:19:57] Specral DW: [18:16:38] +RBRN Azery: >:(
[23:19:59] This Net: MR MEME
[23:19:59] YinYang9705: sure I do
[23:20:01] Specral DW: ban me anyways <3
[23:20:05] +RBRN Azery: nah
[23:20:06] MC Kappa: no you don't
[23:20:08] +RBRN Azery: I'll just force you
[23:20:10] +RBRN Azery: to do sparky's work
[23:20:12] +RBRN Azery: :3
[23:20:25] +RBRN Azery: aka make all the tc's because he's
[23:20:27] +RBRN Azery: been slacking
[23:20:32] Specral DW: sighs
[23:20:47] +RBRN Azery: jk
[23:20:52] Mahogany board: [23:20:10] +RBRN Azery: to do sparky's work > still better than what you're working on Az
3 Legged Pirate joined
[23:20:55] Specral DW: Sparky is Gallade, but with trainer cards instead of the news tbh
[23:21:01] Specral DW: rn
[23:21:01] 3 Legged Pirate: hey scrubs o/
[23:21:04] +milkandoreon - ⓛⓞⓥⓘⓝⓖⓑⓘⓑⓢ: o/
[23:21:06] Mahogany board: ey noob
[23:21:06] Specral DW: ey pyrro
[23:21:07] IntSys: Isn't it like
[23:21:08] +RBRN Azery: nah what I'm working on is top secret
[23:21:10] MC Kappa: wait has the time come
[23:21:10] IntSys: midnight over there in europe
[23:21:11] Meteor Admin ZEL: Hi pyrro!
[23:21:14] +RBRN Azery: it's
[23:21:18] MC Kappa: can I finally nag Chubb about doing homework again
[23:21:20] +RBRN Azery: 23:21 in this fair land
[23:21:22] Mahogany board: DEEZ NUTS
[23:21:22] YinYang9705: it has
[23:21:22] IntSys: I s2g you people need to go to sleep
[23:21:24] +milkandoreon - ⓛⓞⓥⓘⓝⓖⓑⓘⓑⓢ: im reading
[23:21:25] +RBRN Azery: of england
[23:21:25] Meteor Admin ZEL: 00:21 here
[23:21:30] 3 Legged Pirate: it's 1:20 am here intsys :P
[23:21:30] +milkandoreon - ⓛⓞⓥⓘⓝⓖⓑⓘⓑⓢ: >:[[[[
[23:21:40] MC Kappa: it's 6:21pm
[23:21:40] Mahogany board: [23:21:08] +RBRN Azery: nah what I'm working on is top secret > I know what it is
[23:21:43] IntSys: stop being
[23:21:46] MC Kappa: but sure I'll go sleep if you insist
[23:21:47] IntSys: sleep-deprived
[23:21:59] 3 Legged Pirate: i just came from a stream where i won a raffle :D
[23:22:03] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: nice
[23:22:04] IntSys: well lost that didn't include you but I wouldn't mind if you go to sleep early
[23:22:09] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: what did you win?
[23:22:14] This Net: why did I read insist as intsys
[23:22:15] Meteor Admin ZEL: Int telling lost to go to sleep, because she always obeys that command so willingly
[23:22:27] 3 Legged Pirate: a pack and a card for pokemon tcg online
[23:22:35] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: neat
[23:22:36] IntSys: Ama
[23:22:40] MC Kappa: but I'll go to sleep if he IntSys, that sounds like a good pun
[23:22:40] Meteor Admin ZEL: what
[23:22:46] IntSys: .
[23:22:48] This Net: ama go to sleep
[23:22:53] Meteor Admin ZEL: shut up bibs
[23:23:01] This Net: its midnight for you
[23:23:06] This Net: you need sleep
[23:23:07] Meteor Admin ZEL: YOU FILTHY HYPOCRITE
[23:23:08] MC Kappa: Ama if it's past midnight it's bedtime for you go sleep
[23:23:08] IntSys: it's also midnight for you, too
[23:23:14] This Net: lISTEN
[23:23:17] Mahogany board: bibs
[23:23:19] MC Kappa: you too, Bibs
[23:23:21] IntSys: both of you need to go to sleep
[23:23:22] Mahogany board: go to sleep
[23:23:22] IntSys: there
[23:23:23] This Net: I JUST WANT TO HELP YOU
[23:23:34] MC Kappa: go partake of Chubb's dagger
[23:23:35] Meteor Admin ZEL: real talk my day was really shitty and if I sleep now I can expect bad dreams. I'd rather stay up and chat with y'all, you put me in a good mood.
[23:23:36] IntSys: we live in a fair and equal society
[23:23:37] Mahogany board: or I'll make Octilerrydoof
[23:23:39] This Net: U KNOW
[23:23:43] This Net: oh
[23:23:45] IntSys: oh
[23:23:47] Mahogany board: *Octillerydoof
[23:23:52] +RBRN Azery: but
[23:23:54] +RBRN Azery: what if you made
[23:23:59] +RBRN Azery: Alomotillery?
[23:24:02] +RBRN Azery: :thinking:
[23:24:08] Mahogany board: oooooOOOOOOOOOOooooooo
[23:24:08] This Net: sighE
[23:24:09] MC Kappa: Well in that case I... can't really insist you go to bed OTL
[23:24:13] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: it would probably be really meh
[23:24:19] +RBRN Azery: not if you're good
[23:24:23] +RBRN Azery: @Zumi
[23:24:27] &Zuмi: what
[23:24:34] Meteor Admin ZEL: I'll go to sleep in due time, but I'd really like to not have bad thoughts on my mind is all
+milkandoreon - ⓛⓞⓥⓘⓝⓖⓑⓘⓑⓢ left
[23:24:35] +milkandoreon - ⓛⓞⓥⓘⓝⓖⓑⓘⓑⓢ ily bibs mwah
[23:24:39] IntSys: aye
[23:24:40] +RBRN Azery: pls make an alomomola/octillery fusion sprite
[23:24:44] +RBRN Azery: to torture bibs
[23:24:44] &Zuмi: oh
[23:24:44] +RBRN Azery: pls
[23:24:46] IntSys: SOOOOOOO
[23:24:51] MC Kappa: Alomomola with tentacles
[23:24:54] This Net: zumi help
[23:24:57] MC Kappa: this sounds like a delight
~AmethystBlack joined
[23:25:02] This Net: chubb harrasses me
[23:25:03] Meteor Admin ZEL: no one can help you now, bibs
[23:25:04] +RBRN Azery: hi ame
[23:25:06] MC Kappa: Hi Ame
[23:25:06] IntSys: hi ame
[23:25:07] Mahogany board: ey ame
+milkandoreon joined
[23:25:12] +milkandoreon: hi ame bye ame
[23:25:13] This Net: IM BEING HARRASSEE
+milkandoreon left
[23:25:14] This Net: D
[23:25:18] Meteor Admin ZEL: CHUBB DO YOUR HOMEWORK
[23:25:19] 3 Legged Pirate: hey ame-senpai!
[23:25:19] Smits: ...I swear to god
[23:25:21] IntSys: "Who was the last person you had a good conversation with?"
[23:25:23] IntSys: go
[23:25:24] Smits: that stopped pinging me
[23:25:25] This Net: me
[23:25:25] Mahogany board: chubb go to sleep
[23:25:26] MC Kappa: ...
[23:25:29] ~AmethystBlack: hi, hi, hi, hey, hi, bye, hey
[23:25:35] This Net: ey ame
[23:25:37] MC Kappa: Jacze I thought you took tentacles off ping forever ago
[23:25:41] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: greetings ame
Siragon joined
[23:25:56] Smits: ...So did I
[23:26:02] Meteor Admin ZEL: ohey Jacze \o
Mr. Mojo Roo left
[23:26:06] MC Kappa: they didn't want to leave
Mr. Mojo Roo joined
[23:26:09] MC Kappa: let them love you
[23:26:10] MC Kappa: ;)
[23:26:18] Smits: please
[23:26:21] Smits: hi ama
@Godojira joined
[23:26:27] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: damnit lost
[23:26:31] This Net: its ok jac
[23:26:37] This Net: we dont kinkshame
[23:26:45] IntSys: actually
[23:26:45] Meteor Admin ZEL: we could
[23:26:45] IntSys: we do
[23:26:49] IntSys: at least, I do
[23:26:49] MC Kappa: I'm not allowed to kinkshame
[23:26:51] This Net: shut up
[23:26:56] MC Kappa: unless I get kinkshamed in return
[23:27:00] Meteor Admin ZEL: Int tries to shame us all
[23:27:04] This Net: says the incest system
[23:27:05] This Net: smh
[23:27:07] Meteor Admin ZEL: .
[23:27:09] IntSys: .
[23:27:12] Meteor Admin ZEL: why did I know this would happen
[23:27:20] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: bibs why
[23:27:22] IntSys: I don't even
[23:27:23] Mahogany board: because it's IntCest
[23:27:24] This Net: iM SORRY INTSYS
[23:27:29] MC Kappa: I still don't kinkshame, though I joke about it sometimes
[23:27:32] IntSys: have a sibling
[23:27:36] Mahogany board: you're not bibs
[23:27:37] This Net: its the first and last time I said this
[23:27:40] IntSys: BETTER BE
[23:27:41] This Net: pls forgive
ignacio1111 joined
[23:27:54] Meteor Admin ZEL: beg him n your kn-
[23:27:57] MC Kappa: .
Meteor Admin ZEL left
[23:27:58] Meteor Admin ZEL was forcibly removed
[23:28:00] This Net: can you forgive m-
[23:28:00] IntSys: i'll forgive you when you decide to go to sleep in time
ignacio1111 left
[23:28:02] IntSys: .
[23:28:02] This Net: AMA
Meteor Admin ZEL joined
[23:28:14] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ stabs ama
[23:28:18] IntSys kicks ama
[23:28:18] Meteor Admin ZEL: thanks
[23:28:20] MC Kappa: get on your knees in a cage and beg
[23:28:25] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ stabs lost
[23:28:28] Meteor Admin ZEL: nah only for fern
[23:28:35] +Mаrcello: Ewww look at all the admins
[23:28:39] +Mаrcello: no wonder this place stinks
[23:28:40] This Net: **flashbacks to grasshole*&
[23:28:42] This Net: FUCK
[23:28:51] IntSys: ...
[23:28:52] Mahogany board: >grasshole
[23:28:53] IntSys: "Grasshole"
[23:29:01] This Net: uh
[23:29:02] This Net: yeah
[23:29:09] MC Kappa: does not help that he followed that up with "FUCK"
[23:29:09] Meteor Admin ZEL: have you never heard that nickname
[23:29:24] 3 Legged Pirate: >shofu uploaded new game playthrough!
[23:29:25] This Net: im honestly surprised that isnt ferns trainer class by now
[23:29:28] This Net: tbh
+milkandoreon joined
[23:29:35] MC Kappa: Grasshole Fern would like to battle!
[23:29:36] 3 Legged Pirate - ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔ: bye scrubs 'o
[23:29:38] +milkandoreon: ill be a grasshole
[23:29:39] +milkandoreon: uwu
[23:29:39] This Net: chubb no
+milkandoreon and Siragon left
[23:29:45] IntSys: chubb
[23:29:47] IntSys: you filthy lurker
[23:29:50] IntSys: >:(
+milkandoreon joined
[23:29:59] MC Kappa: chubb
[23:30:02] MC Kappa: do your homework
[23:30:02] +milkandoreon: ok this is really the last of me
[23:30:05] Meteor Admin ZEL: someone needs to bring back the tradition of locking him til hw is done
+milkandoreon left
[23:30:08] +milkandoreon commit seppuku in hw
[23:30:16] IntSys: we better quote that
ignacio1111 joined; ignacio1111 and Cyanna Cyril left
[23:30:44] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: that was a tradition?
[23:30:49] This Net: yes
[23:30:51] MC Kappa: yes it was
[23:30:51] Meteor Admin ZEL: it happened
[23:30:54] This Net: it was
[23:31:00] This Net: long long time ago
[23:31:01] Meteor Admin ZEL: I have at least one instance saved too
[23:31:04] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: how long ago was it?
[23:31:33] IntSys: An accurate picture of Bibs.
[23:31:44] IntSys: c. 2017
[23:31:46] This Net: when people still used black-and-white tvs, dinosaurs roamed earth and I hosted hunger games
[23:31:50] This Net: that long ago
[23:31:59] +RBRN Azery: so
[23:32:01] MC Kappa: actually
[23:32:01] +RBRN Azery: last year?
[23:32:02] +RBRN Azery: kappa
[23:32:04] +RBRN Azery: :^I
[23:32:09] MC Kappa: when are you going to host hunger games again? :)
[23:32:13] +Mаrcello: Bibs is that an actual picture of you with a bibarel on it, or is that just a random pic
[23:32:16] This Net: IM ON PHONE
[23:32:16] MC Kappa: also hi ping
[23:32:17] This Net: PLS
[23:32:23] MC Kappa: excuses
[23:32:26] This Net: also that is actually me marcello
[23:32:29] &Zuмi: OHY MHNGO
[23:32:30] &Zuмi: OKAY SO
[23:32:32] 3 Legged Pirate - ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔ: i love this game already! http://prntscr.com/ee79b6
[23:32:33] This Net: are you ok
[23:32:37] Meteor Admin ZEL: http://i.imgur.com/IYSHXpm.png hah
[23:32:39] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: what's a mhngo?
[23:32:51] IntSys: .
[23:32:52] Meteor Admin ZEL: LMAO
[23:32:58] Comyandere: Wow zumi...wow
[23:32:58] This Net: ZUMI.
[23:33:03] IntSys: YOU'RE MAD
[23:33:07] &Zuмi: http://i.imgur.com/x8lRGx3.png HERE YOU GO
[23:33:14] YinYang9705 - ⓢⓣⓤⓓⓔⓝⓣⓗⓔⓛ: WOW
[23:33:18] +Mаrcello: zum
[23:33:21] +Mаrcello: ZUM
[23:33:26] TheMoltenGuy: Pyrro
[23:33:26] This Net: DONE WITH YOUR SHIT ZUMI
[23:33:26] +RBRN Azery: LOL
[23:33:27] +Mаrcello: WHAT ARE YOU DOING ZUM
[23:33:27] Mahogany board: thank you zumi
[23:33:27] TheMoltenGuy: What game
[23:33:34] 3 Legged Pirate - ⓨⓞⓤⓣⓤⓑⓔ: pokemon clover
[23:33:34] This Net: DONE WITH IT
[23:33:35] +RBRN Azery: LMFAO
[23:33:35] Mahogany board: this was excellent
[23:33:36] +RBRN Azery: GOTTEM


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im not mean what?

+Mаrcello: Last week of class before easter holidays is the last week of march
+RBRN Fеlix: tbh i have like a months worth of term time left cuz my courses end eastetr
+RBRN Fеlix: mmmmm
+Mаrcello: So you probably have like one more week than me?
+RBRN Fеlix: i almost threw up thinking about how im almost done with my first year of uni
Mr. Mojo Roo: Tifa just made a wyvern explode
+RBRN Fеlix: U FUC
MonoComplex: time passes faster as you get older
+RBRN Fеlix: and maybe a week more idk
+Mаrcello: Felix, how many exams you got in summer, if any?
+RBRN Fеlix: technically none
+Mаrcello: Oh
+Mаrcello: I see
+Mаrcello: eat a dick
+RBRN Fеlix: one kinda sorta takeaway test
+Mаrcello: A takeaway test?
MonoComplex: like elementary-middle school felt forever as a kid
+Mаrcello: eat another dick
+Mаrcello: Unless you're into eating dick
+Mаrcello: Then don't
+RBRN Fеlix: we get various exam esque questions to answer, go do em, hand in
+Mаrcello: Do something you're not into >:[
sardines93 left
+RBRN Fеlix: im into everything under the sun
+RBRN Fеlix: except you
+RBRN Fеlix: which brings a conundrum to light
MonoComplex: but then high school felt shorter and after that years start to pass you by
+Mаrcello: Well then it looks like you're fucking the sun because I have standards
+EternalEdge left
+RBRN Fеlix: idk your coding doesnt show any of these so called standards
+Mаrcello: Do you even know what a computer is
+RBRN Fеlix: bless you yin
+RBRN Fеlix: actually im communicating mentally, interfacing with the internet through my mind
+RBRN Fеlix: because your tech is too primitive for me
+Mаrcello: House elf magic?
2tousent: aww yeah basied lion with 3 stuns in a row
+RBRN Fеlix: now, if you dont have an appropriate comeback ill be quote booking this and moving on
+RBRN Fеlix: cmon marc, try harder
+Mаrcello: dick joke here
MonoComplex: hey coolgirl?
+RBRN Fеlix: no need to announce yourself marc


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't always post here, but when I do, bibs suffers for it:


[13:23] MC Kappa: What, is having that name fit into puns a bad thing? :>

[13:24] +Irоnbound: Nothing that is a pun is bad

[13:24] +Irоnbound: The best one thus far is an Alomomola I had that I named BEEBZ NETS

[13:28] The Cаvemаn: viri

[13:28] The Cаvemаn: fuké off

[13:29] +Irоnbound: Bibs, at least that one's less awful than the wailord I named after you and Moby Dick...

[13:30] +Irоnbound: You can guess what it would end up as

[13:30] The Cаvemаn: ,

[13:30] +Irоnbound: thar she blows, Mo-Bibs Dick

[13:30] The Cаvemаn: vIRI

[13:31] +Irоnbound: Yes?

[13:31] The Cаvemаn: delet this

[13:31] +Irоnbound: On the contrary, I think I shall QB this

13:32] MC Kappa: >Mo-Bibs Dick

[13:32] MC Kappa: good name/10

[13:33] The Cаvemаn: lOST NO

[13:33] MC Kappa: Lost yes

[13:34] +RBRN Azery: >bout to go on bus

[13:34] +RBRN Azery: >>checks showdown

[13:34] +RBRN Azery: >>>mo-bibs dick

[13:34] +RBRN Azery: Sighe

[13:34] The Cаvemаn: sTOP

[13:35] +Irоnbound: This is better than Beaver Cream

[13:35] The Cаvemаn: why

[13:36] +Ironbound: Because wy-friggin-naut

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It's been a while

[12:42:04] +Bazаr🌀: ikaru wai :,(
[12:42:31] ~IkaruKazuna: i cannot control it
[12:42:52] ~IkaruKazuna: even if it was a server thing which isn't 100% i don't have access to that
[12:43:29] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Ikaru
[12:43:32] +Tachibana Sylphyn: You can control it
[12:43:35] +Tachibana Sylphyn: You just have to believe
[12:44:35] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Alternatively we can sacrifice memes to the godz of teh interwebz in the hope that they will spare us
[12:44:36] YinYang9705: or ask ame for control
[12:44:44] The Cаvemаn: that pinged me
[12:44:46] YinYang9705 sets bibs on fire
[12:44:47] The Cаvemаn: do not sacrifice memes
[12:44:47] +Tachibana Sylphyn: >implying ame has control of anything
[12:44:49] The Cаvemаn: I want to live
[12:44:56] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Bibs
[12:45:07] +Tachibana Sylphyn: You shall serve as our semi-human sacrifice
[12:45:12] The Cаvemаn: b-but
[12:45:17] +Tachibana Sylphyn: It's for a good cause
[12:45:46] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Otherwise we may face the return of one of Reborn's greatest enemies
[12:45:49] Mr. Mojo Roo: so 2tousent heres how i use consumables generally
[12:45:54] YinYang9705: a semi decent cause, at any rate
[12:45:56] +Tachibana Sylphyn: The god of faulty connections and site outages
[12:46:03] YinYang9705: host gator?
[12:46:06] +Tachibana Sylphyn: I dare not even speak his name
[12:46:08] +Tachibana Sylphyn: ...fuck
[12:46:09] Mr. Mojo Roo: if i hit 60% hitpoints and its clear i am losing the battle
[12:46:11] Mr. Mojo Roo: tele
[12:46:15] +Tachibana Sylphyn runs for the hills
[12:46:17] YinYang9705: I believe he's in one of my dungeons
[12:46:24] Eviora: WHat were those gods doing before we'd invented electricity?
[12:46:27] Mr. Mojo Roo: at 50%, also blink
[12:46:30] YinYang9705: nothing
[12:46:30] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Katsup will protect us
[12:46:33] Eviora: That sounds like an awfully dull existence
[12:46:49] Mr. Mojo Roo: Haste: earlier rather than later
St3ffo joined
[12:47:05] YinYang9705: no
[12:47:12] +Tachibana Sylphyn: ...holy cow that link is long
[12:47:15] Mr. Mojo Roo: finally
[12:47:27] The Cаvemаn: [17:45:59] +Tachibana Sylphyn: The god of faulty connections and site outages
[12:47:29] Mr. Mojo Roo: if I have to use a Heal Wounds, that usually means I have to run
[12:47:29] YinYang9705: they literally didn't exist before the thing they controled
[12:47:32] The Cаvemаn: WHAT HAVE THOU DONE
[12:47:40] +Tachibana Sylphyn: I have done nothing
[12:47:40] YinYang9705: lexi
[12:47:46] Mr. Mojo Roo: let this be a good guideline on how to use general consumables
[12:47:46] +Tachibana Sylphyn: You have doomed us by not beuing sacrificed
[12:47:47] YinYang9705: the hell is that
[12:47:49] The Cаvemаn: ONCE AGAIN HE IS RETURNING
[12:47:50] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Is your life worth this?
[12:48:01] The Cаvemаn: are you lifeshaming me
[12:48:03] The Cаvemаn: :[
[12:48:04] +Tachibana Sylphyn: YES
[12:48:05] YinYang9705: she is
[12:48:06] +Tachibana Sylphyn: YES I AM
[12:48:09] YinYang9705: be life shamed
[12:48:10] The Cаvemаn: ok fine
The Cаvemаn left
[12:48:12] The Cаvemаn dies
[12:48:20] +Tachibana Sylphyn: ...
[12:48:24] +Tachibana Sylphyn: But
[12:48:26] +Tachibana Sylphyn: We needed you
[12:48:28] +Tachibana Sylphyn: For the ritual
Zombibs joined
[12:48:45] +Tachibana Sylphyn: Now you're dead and we're doomed

And I definitely did not fail at italics or anything, nope

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