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Suggestion for ps3


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For RPGs on the PS3, I Highly suggest Shin megami Tensei Digital Devil saga. You can get it on the shop, it comes from the same parent company as Persona, Atlas, and is on par with Persona in story. It lacks all the side quests persona has but makes up for it with the bigger focus on battle gameplay. It has a very rewarding character progression system and grinding is legit fun in this because you can just destroy the enemies as you play. Most of the dungeons are cool too.

Just note, there are two games in the series and the fist ends n a massive cliffhanger. Also the 2nd game has a very limited carry on feature, so don't expect to take all the end game gear from the first game with you.

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Shadow of the Colossus + Ico bundle - If you haven't played it yet, you have to, especially for SotC. It's still my favorite game of all time for a reason.

Devil May Cry collection - If you're in to action games, DMC is a must-have, especially DMC3. Not to be confused with DmC: Devil May Cry.

Portal/Portal 2 - EXTREMELY fun 1st person shooter puzzle games. Plus GLaDOS.

Dragon's Dogma - An RPG with customizable characters, so it's right up your alley. You can also customize your pawn, or your main ally who always fights with you. You can then recruit other pawns from the towns, up to a party of four. The game is open-world and extremely fun. It's like a more action-oriented Dark Souls with better character customization. The story starts pretty generic but blows your mind towards the end.

There's also Tales of Graces F and Tales of Xillia if you're into JRPGs. I haven't played these myself, but I've seen people play them. I've also played older Tales games, so I can attest to the integrity of the series.

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