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I've just recently looked at this, and it seems pretty cool. Not sure what differences there are Metagame-wise yet, but I'm sure I'll figure it out as time goes on.

So, I guess I'll give my introduction:

I tend to like games that focus more on think-and-act policies, such as Pokemon, Super Smash Bros., and Legend of Zelda, my three most loved franchises. I also think logically, but have a sort of philosophical side to me that comes out every so often, and I like to write down my ideas and make new ones.

So, I hope this game is pretty good, as it seems it would be, and I hope I can make new friends here.

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Differences? Dear, dear. Reborn is a challenging game. Gym Leaders with 6 competitive Pokemon and unique Fields for their advantage, the best of Pokemon only at the end of the game, level caps to disencourage grinding, poor money distribution, DEATH, and more! You'll be in for a rough time if you think this is your average Pokemon game. But that's what makes it so much fun! If you beat Reborn, well, play it again or play Rejuvenation, another challenging fanmade game located here in the Forums. Anyways...

"We hope to see you again!"

Important thing to note. Reborn is currently on Episode 14/19. It isn't finished, but E15 will be coming out soon!

Darn. Ark isn't here with his great taste of music right now. He'll be here eventually.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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Well met... Genesect?

Meh, i'd prefer to call you Strider but if Genesect is the way...

I'll let you know that here in Reborn, there's no talk. We only bite.

Metagaming wise? Hmm. If you're talking about competitve battling, i don't think there is any differences. I remember that when reborn was in PO instead of Showdown, we had our own "Reborn tiers". I honestly don't remember if that still stands. My guess is that it doesn't.

Hmm... you like SSB? Pfft, the amount of people that like Smash in Reborn is too damn high. And this time, it includes me :]

I think you'll fit well in the place place.

I hope you brought your stuff with you. This is a permanent stay, after all.

See you around \^o^/

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Hello, Strider, and welcome.

There are indeed a lot of us that do some Sm4shing around here. We might even have to organize and do something about it in the near future...

But not right away, I'm still on vacation and this hotel's wifi doesn't agree with my 3ds.

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Hey Strider I'm not calling you genesect, cuz weird bug thingy!

Your sanity should be deposited outside the door.. Go Munchlax, eat it quick.. Yes, my old snorlax had a baby..


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