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IMHO, the Grass starters are generally not that good in Reborn, but Turwig is pretty good and Bulbasaur has helpful typing for the early game . . .

Edit: My Bad. I didn't realize that you were talking about Rejuvenation and not Reborn . . .

Ironically, it seems like the same holds true . . .

Edited by ReddestDream
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  On 4/27/2015 at 3:35 PM, alaneapen said:

Since I would be able to obatin a froakie and a fire type such as litwick or houndor, would it make the most sense to choose a grass type such as bulkasaur for a stater?

If you mean Bulbasaur then,no!
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Bulbasaur is pro for the first gym though. All the other grass starters get f* by the field.

Still, a struggle on the start is not enough to justify usefulness imo. Pick whatever.

After all, we all know that the best grass type at the start is Paras, no doubt.

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I picked Snivy both in reborn and rejuvenation and I'm perfectly content. Sure, it kinda sucks in the beginning of the game, but after a while (especially after it learned leaf storm) it's incredibly fast, hard to kill and can, if nothing else at least use leech seed.

Speed-Boost-Bulk-Up-Blaziken seems to be awesome as well I'd admit. But I don't like it anyways :D.

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  On 4/28/2015 at 8:21 PM, ShingSt said:

Bublasaur would be most sense, the second would be turtwig, and the third would be chespin.

Ya can't get Chespin at the beginning of Rejuvenation, but you CAN get one.

I'd choose Turtwig over any of the starters, cause of EQ. It also has Leech Seed, for recovery, Crunch, for coverage, and Curse, for a tank that can hit pretty hard.

Sadly, it only gets Seed Bomb by breeding, so Razor Leaf is going to be your best physical Grass type move...

But then again, you can get one later on. I think.

EDIT: Chimchar's a nice choice. It gets Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Mach Punch, and Acrobatics. Plus a few other good moves by tutor/breeding like Thunder Punch, but Jan probably wouldn't give us good Move Tutors like Ame wouldn't.

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/27/2015 at 5:03 PM, alaneapen said:

Should have specified this was for rejuvenation not reborn. would bulbasuar still be bad as there are pokemon obtainable that would fill the roles of the other starters.

LMAO, swept venam with my grotle on hard mode :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Like it's been said here, getting a Blaziken would probably be the best choice in terms of starter, since you get an ability capsule VERY early on.

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Speed boost Blaziken is arguably one of the most useful Pokemon in the game so far apart from Ampharos and, in my opinion, Toxicroak.

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  On 5/19/2015 at 5:28 PM, berlyda said:

When you get your starter it has a chance of having its Hidden Ability anyway, so you don't even need an Ability Capsule.

Damn if I had known this I would've saved before picking my starter up :(

edit: Also unrelated buy any idea why the Oshawott follows you around? It's really cute but doesn't make me want to pick it at all :P

Edited by vsx2000goton
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  On 5/19/2015 at 6:05 PM, vsx2000goton said:

Damn if I had known this I would've saved before picking my starter up :(

edit: Also unrelated buy any idea why the Oshawott follows you around? It's really cute but doesn't make me want to pick it at all :P

It's probably a reference to the Oshawott in Reborn that follows Cain and guilts him into taking it, even though he uses Poison-types.

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