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1...2...3.....721 [Completionist Run]


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I recently put up a poll as to which sort of run Reborn preferred me to play through. Completionist won, so here I am. The goal is to obtain all 721 Pokemon (when available) throughout the course of the game.


1. No usage of the Reborn trading service can be made to fill in a new Pokedex entry. This includes all 721, including starters and "choice" Pokemon as they will all be made available at some point or another.

2. In the spirit of the game, when possible, I will use somewhat weaker Pokemon instead of the strongest available. Example: Mismagius would be used over Gengar on my team.

3. Cheat Engine may be used at times, but ONLY to accelerate grinding (both for XP and for coins via Voltorb Flip) and NOT to edit or alter Pokemon or other values such as money.

4. The level cap will be obeyed. If a Pokemon goes past the level cap, they must have a Common Candy used on them or face the box.

5. All event Pokemon must be captured regardless how annoying or bothersome their event may be or how the said Pokemon may be obtainable later in the game. coughcoughDucklettegginthePark

6. At the end of the game, all 721 Pokemon MUST be obtained or I lose (that is to say if I get lazy in the end and decide to not hunt for legends or other rare pokes, I still lose).

7.Reborn Community events are entirely legal, so for example, the RCBA prize Cloyster can be used.

8. I will add rules here as needed or pointed out to me.

Current team after a short play-session which consisted of mostly soft resetting for specific abilities, IVs, and genders:

Rachel (lvl 10)

I have heard many good things about Turtwig, so I decided to check it out. It is living up to expectations so far. I should also note here I have never ever used a Turtwig before in my life. It is named Rachel to give her a bit more personality instead of something like "TREEBACKLOL."

Sacrifice (lvl 8)

...I want Litleo.

Marta (lvl 6)

I was going to continually SR to get an Own Tempo, but... I got a shiny one... and it looked way too cute... sorry.

Nikola (lvl 15)

I don't plan on using this thing too much. Still, I made certain it had Lightning Rod for when facing Aster/Eclipse as it is always useful against Electrivire/Magmortar. As my personal Reborn tradition dictates, I caught it in my first Premier Ball.

James (lvl 5)

James is my irl little brother, so I decided to name the big, whiny baby after him. Very mature, right? Anyway, he'll become useful someday and become just as loud and annoying as he today... I'm kidding of course... kinda...

In The Box (ITB):








Hello? Yes, who is this and why the hell are you calling me? ...So you're apparently doing some sort of lame "completionist run" of a Pokemon? Why would you even do that? You do realize that every trainer attempts to complete the Pokedex, right? And yet you're dedicating an entire thread to the "completion" of the game? You're a special kind of stupid, ain't ya? Whatever... it looks like you're not going to leave me alone until I rate the damn thing, so pass it here... Are you f*ckin' kidding me. You'v only caught eight Pokemon, but you have the nerve to call me up and rain down accolades upon you? Do I look like Professor Motherf*cking Oak to you? That's it, I'm hanging up. I know you're gonna call back at some point, but you better have more by the time you do.

Edited by AuthorReborn
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Since this is a completionist run, add this:

- Have all the Mega Stones by the end of the aftergame

- Have 1 of every item used in competitive battling

Also, since you're going to catch every single pokemon catchable, an interesting thing you could do, is always train a group of 5 pokes before the next gym (If you have the spare time for it, of course).That way, you'll catch things, evolve them, and make them useful :]

Well, good luck doing what i do normally xD

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Report I: Energized and Ready to Sweep

In this past few days, I have been mostly occupied with irl concerns, so I haven't made as much progress as I had originally hoped. Still though, the run seems to be going smoothly (so far).

There isn't much to report, really. I flew through the first Fern encounter, the first factory, and Julia's gym. The leveling has been smooth so far. Most of the time I have been playing is SRing to get Hidden Abilities on a few select monsters and favorable stats on others. I have only caught a couple of mons outside my main team at the moment, although I'll likely have quite a few more entered into the Dex on my next check in.

Oh, well one interesting development that seriously frustrated me when I discovered it was the fact that I had been playing on an older version of Reborn which, for some reason, did not allow HAs to generate on pokemon, which greatly increased the time I spent SRing for Hidden Abilities until I finally figured this out. So yes, half my play session wasted on me being an idiot. I won't put it past myself to do something like it again, but I can hope it doesn't happen again.

Current team-

James (M) (lvl 15)

His lovely Soundproof has been proven to be quite useful in the early game with the abundance of Supersonics and Growls being tossed around. Not to mention Echoed Voice > Uproar once you get it going for a couple of turns.

Symphony (F) (lvl 14)


I grabbed this music bug a tad earlier than I normally do this time around simply to fill up another party slot and not have to worry about spending time to grind one up specifically for Florina. So far, she has been about as useful as James and I alternate between them depending on who is about to be murdered.

Marta (F) (lvl 15)

I always enjoy the company of Espurr/Meowstic until I have access to better, stronger Special Attackers such as Gardevoir or Alakazam. It is a boss early game which can support nicely and deal fair damage.

Rachel (F) (lvl 15)

Turtwig is really starting to grow on me (Grass pun unintended) by being bulkier than I had imagined for a little starter which is literally just a baby turtle with a twig on its head. Rachel also just learned Razor Leaf, which is a decent strength STAB move which hits both opponents in doubles. Razor Leaf will probably stay in Rachel's arsenal until eventually she evolves into Torterra and can learn Wood Hammer.

Braveheart (F) (lvl 15)


I finally grinded up Sacrifice and traded him off so I could have a lovely replacement. I have yet to actually use Braveheart in combat, though. Her day will come.

Nikola (F) (lvl 16)

This is the lovely little hound I bring out when something dares to stay alive. It is a lovely revenge killer to help out some of the slightly weaker mons on my team.

New Box Additions:

Ittsy Bitsy

Cleffa (Not nicknamed yet)

World Champ

Budew (NNY)



Pokedex Progress:




You have a long way to go. Wait, are you still trying to be a completionist about this? You do know you've only caught a little over twice as many as you caught last time, right? Wow, you're a serious slacker and a f*ckin idiot. Get out there and catch at least another 20 before you even ask me to rate you again.

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Report II: Numel OP

This is kinda a big update from my last check in. I ran around and caught quite a few new Pokemon, although I'm not sure how much usage they'll see. I have conquered the first two PULSE Tangrowths as well as Florina. It was actually fairly easy to do so. On the first Tangrowth, I used my Lotad (Felix) to activate the mist field to prevent Tangrowth from killing everything and then I sent in my Espurr (Marta) to set up a Light Screen and then spam Psybeam until she died. Then I simply sent in Braveheart the trusty Litleo to Nobel Roar and Work Up, then proceed to sweep.

The Onyx Trainer's Svhool was a breeze with the only person before Fern/Florina that could slow me down being one annoying Youngster named Jojo who happened to get a flinch on every single Bite he used. And he exclusively used Bite. After surmounting that trial, I decided to go up against Fern and grind up a Pokemon or two, so I got my Grotle (Rachel) a few extra levels, brought my Numel (Reya) into the fold of trained up pokemon and moved onto Florina. Florina went down in an easy combo of Rachel, Reya, and Symphony the Kricketune.

Another simple gym battle under my belt, I proceeded onto the second Tangrowth.

Now, let me tell you something about Numel and the Forest Field.

Lava Plume, already a Fire type equivalent of Scald, is learned by Numel at level twenty-two. Lava Plume also destroys the Forest field. This creates a burning field, which boosts Lava Plume by x1.5. This means 80BP x 1.5STAB x 1.5Field= 180 attack power at level twenty-two. Combine this with the fact that Numel starts in Reborn with Focus Energy and you have a serious sweeper on your hands. I also inserted my Numel's IVs into a Hidden Power calculator for curiosity and it turns out Reya would have HP Grass, giving awesome type coverage to destroy Water, Ground, and Rock types which would otherwise seek to destroy her.

So yeah, Taka was easy.

Currently, I am grinding up a few new members of my potential team against the Taka/ZEL double battle. I'll link a list of new/updated team members and box buddies below.

New/Updated Memebers-

Bee-utiful (lvl 19)

Caught for completion's sake.

Messiah (lvl 21)


Messiah is one of the Pokemon I tried to put some time into training, if only to clear away Corey's field and then to be offered up to the Helix Cult as sacrifice.

Oddish (lvl 16)

Caught for completion's sake.

Natalie (lvl 17)

I kinda like Venomoth, but only kinda. It's an interesting Pokemon though.

Bellsprout (lvl 16)

Caught for completion's sake.

Onix (lvl 15)

Obtained to have a Stealth Rocker.

Inner Beauty (lvl 10)

Mareep is a neat mon and I'll definitely train it up soon enough to replace or perhaps even augment Electrike.

HoppinHips (lvl 10)

I'm going to be honest: I don't really intend to ever use Jumpluff. It doesn't really suit my style.

Felix (lvl 23)

Felix won't be evolving until he gets Giga Drain at level 30. But hey, until then, he'll just be an adorable little duck lily pad. He does have Swift Swim, so if I end up making a Rain Team (which I probably will at some point) I'll throw him on there.

Jesus (lvl 10)

Walks and water and all that. More so just to complete the Pokedex.

Makuhita (lvl 12)

This little blob of chub is going to be one of the Pokemon I focus on training up soon enough because of the handy ability Guts and for having decent bulk and a fairly versatile move pool.

Skit-Kat (lvl 15)

I decided to run through the Coral Ward quickly and grab (almost) every event Pokemon there so the Skitty is.

Reya (lvl 27)

My little OP Camel!

HappyHour (lvl 10)

It's never a bad idea to have spare tanks in your box just in case you need to wall something. Yeah, we don't have Eviolite yet, but Blissey is still quite bulky and tanky on its own.

Useless (lvl 5)

Why use Pansear when you could use Numel or Litleo?

Powerful Staraptor Pidove (lvl 10)

Another generic bird. I'll stick with Bird Jesus for now, though.

Swwaddle (lvl 17)

I decided to go an catch a few bugs to bolster my pokedex. Shoot me.

Scatterbug (lvl 21)

I seriously need to evolve these little bugs...

Swirlix (lvl 17)

I couldn't think of any clever nickname for Swirlix that wasn't stupidly obvious. I did get it as Adamant with Unburden without a single Soft Reset though, which is relief since otherwise I would have needed to do then entire puzzle again.

Badges- 2/18

Pokedex Progress:




Well great, this fool's back. Oh look, you actually caught a few more Pokemon. good for you, I bet you feel proud. But you shouldn't. You really shouldn't. You've actually only obtained about 5% of the Pokemon. Maybe at least try getting to 50 before you bother me again? On the bright side, you did actually make it to 37 before this report, so good for you. For anyone else, that's a abysmal, but since you've got about the intelligence of a garden slug, this is good for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Previous post so I don't double:

I can neither confirm nor deny that I may or may not have possibly accidentally called Blake instead of Prof. Oak to rate my Pokedex...

Report III: Damn, I am really bad at doing these reports.

I'm gonna be really honest here: I've been dreading writing this post. I really have been. Partially because I'm a lazy sack of potatoes and mostly because Lords Arceus, Goomy, and Helix, I caught a lot of Pokemon and holy hell is there a lot I need to cover here. Well let's start where I left off. Always a good place to begin a chapter.

Previously on Avatar, I left you as I was grinding up a Makuita to take down the vile third PULSE Tangrowth and the Meteor goons who accompanied it! Once Makuita was nice and trained up all the way until he was later a Hariyama, I easily destroyed the Taka/ZEL tag team with a combo of Numel's Lava Plume and Hariyama's Guts allowing me to take full advantage of the fact that Lava Plume provides a 30% chance to burn. If I really wanted too, I could have easily have gone and grinded up a ton of coins in the casino to get the TM for Facade. Now THAT would do some serious damage to anything. Anyway, I swept through Taka/ZEL, leaving Heather vs. ??? Meteor, who, with the help of the local police force, was unmasked like a Scooby Doo villian to be Corey, Poison Gym Leader, and the no good scumbag I just literally HM 01 through TWO PULSE TANGROWTHS AND TWO ENCOUNTERS WITH CHATOT. Only to have a loser who runs from me. Come on man, be more dignified than this please. The battle with Corey was also a let down. Remember way back in the first post when I said I wouldn't rely on Manectric too much? I appear to have lied. I led with Messiah to Gust away the special field and once he went down, I brought in Nikola and Charge Beamed up to +4 easily. Then began the Discharge spam. I have to say, while I absolutely adore Manectric, it definitely needs to be moved later into the game. Or at least take away Charge Beam. Make it weaker for the first 20 levels or so. Maybe give out Shock Wave as the TM for Julia? That'd work. It'd also be helpful for Serra, now that I think of it. But seriously, in the words of the Glitch Field, too op pls nerf. Move it later on. Give us a Pichu there instead. Something, anything. But this is just too strong for this point in the game.

Anyway, we're going to move on because it's getting late and my supply of Root Beer is dwindling so I don't honestly know how much longer I can keep this up. update: there goes the last of the Root Beer. After taking all six of Corey's mons and mopping his toxic floor with them, I took a stroll out to the bridge, witnessed a potentially mentally scarring occurrence, and then listened as an absolute jerk-weed haha grass humor came on up and laughed about his death. And then came the big ol' boom that ending up finally allowing me to enter the Lapis Ward. Not much to say here. I join a gang. I grab a Ponyta that I'll only use to turn into a Rapidash at some point. I meet up with Shelly, the Bug Gym Leader, and our good pal Victoria, who I simply must compliment on the spectacular nature of her name. We go investigate the explosion, I rescue a ViD Victoria in Distress and grab a Mining Kit and Rock Smash TM while I'm down there. I'm pretty sure I got a Pokemon or two down here, but I don't remember exactly so that will simply be in the list below. Back to the actual progress, we go comfort Shelly, decimate Victoria, burn down the Forest Field after setting up stealth rocks with my Onix, who I will mention now and probably never use again. From there, we got hunt down our buddy Cain after a little skirmish with Fern (he doesn't pose enough of a threat to be anything higher) and encounter Heather, Corey's daughter and a strong trainer insinuated to be a member of the Elite 4, again and track her down. She runs away from us twice and ends up getting kidnapped. Way to go. Like seriously, would it kill you to unleash your Salamence on The Good Doctor there and just destroy any hope of his salvation? I think not. We break into the orphanage where Doctor Sigmund Connal is keeping Heather and several other powerful trainers including, but not limited to, Noel, the Normal Leader of Reborn and the Hax God, Charolette, Fire Leader of Reborn and the youngest of a trio of trainer sisters, and finally the intriguing Anna, master of seeing beyond the physical realm and a strong trainer insinuated at being the Psychic Elite Four member. Anyway, Cain and Shelly help us break into the orphanage and bust Heather out. It was a cake walk, so I take the opportunity to level up Braveheart, the Litleo I got from a trade and easily catch it up with the rest of my team. We steamroll over The Good Doctor and escape with our newfound friends in tow. We follow them to an abandoned train track and then we become the official errand boy and turn on the power by beating Shade in single combat. How to beat Shade, you may wonder? It's really simple. Meowstic-F gets Shadow Ball via level up and also Light Screen which can help in the department of defense. Numel can take a hit fairly well and then can set-up and sweep. And finally, as before, Manectric. Manectric can seriously abuse the field here and solo Shade. Just saying...

Anyways, we turn the back on, but then all our friends bar Cain are captured by the Metoers and so then we team with Victoria and Cain to get them back by getting the HM/TMX for Strength and also the Badge to use it. Cain runs off, I run into Amaria, digressing from the original goal ensures. I single handedly help shut down the PULSE Muk poisoning the lake with Amaria and then I decide enough shenanigans and use Amaria's boat to go on over to Apophyll to get the HM for Strength from a woman named Kiki, Victoria's mentor, Fighting Type Leader, and the Sensai of the Apophyll Academy. She tells me to take a hike- literally, mind you. She tells me to climb the mountain next to her school and meet her newest student, a respectable guy named Cal, former Fire Leader and a little brother to Blake, but we'll speak more on Blake later. I defeat him in a battle and go back to Kiki for my actual gym battle, where Victoria tries to stop us again. Like seriously, you just tried this and it didn't work. Why would it now? More to the point, I win and move onto Kiki. I nearly beat her first try much to my surprise with my slow as heck team. Currently, I am just running around obtaining random Pokemon as needed to make my dex a tad more complete.

Now comes the part I was dreading- the Pokedex Update. Why? Well that's very simple. The last time I updated this my total of pokemon I had caught was exactly 38. What is it now, you may ask? Well it's risen just a little bit to 84. That may not seem like much and, to be entirely honest, it isn't. But with the format I've been doing, that would require me to download the sprites of 46 Pokemon and compile them all in this post, not counting evolutions, which take a bonus sprite per stage. And frankly, I had to force myself just to make this post because this task was quickly becoming more and more monumental. Therefore I'll do the spirte thing with my main team, but everyone else will simply have their name mentioned from now on.

New/Updated Members-

Good Old Felix is dependable. He had to stay a Lotad for what seemly like an eternity until he eventually learned Giga Drain. Unfortunately, he's now in the same predicament again. He get's to stay a Lombre until he finally learns Hydro Pump because until Surf, it's Hydro Pump or Bubble Beam.

Hariyama is bulky. Hariyama has priority. Hariyama can destroy most things with a solid attack stat and bulk to match. Nuff said.

Marta, the Meowstic Female. She's always dependable. She is currently setting up Light Screens when needed and also can kill most any Poison, Ghost, Psychic, or Fighting type with easy. Dependable.

Nikola has honestly become a crutch to learn on when I am weak. Team under leveled and you can't beat the leader? Charge Beam+Discharge. That's all.

If you try and dent a Torterra, it won't work out so well. Yes, I am becoming progressively lazier and more tired as I get down this list. Keen observations. It can take a hit and hit back.

Reya, Reya, Reya. What can I say? Reya complete destroys most Pokemon I come across, even more so when I later get Hidden Power Grass for Reya.

There's the main team bit. I'll attach the list of all the pokemon I've caught up to now in a list sometime withing the next 24 hours, but I am about to fall asleep, so I'd rather just put this post up and be done with it for now.

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Report III: Damn, I am really bad at doing these reports.

I think they're great \^o^/

I might actually do something similar to this when episode 15 is rolling. Gotta catch 'em all dude. Catch 'em all.

Keep up the nice work Mr.Author \o/ Will look forward for more Blake-esque comments

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Report IV: Whaaaaa? Two Reports within ~12 hours? What is this?

Basically with the whole fact I didn't update this for about 20 days or so, I figured I need to take my nose and shove it into a grindstone until I had such a small nose that Pinocchio would be jealous for all time until I got caught up to the current release. And so I did. Within a very short time period today, I got around to defeating Kiki, Aster/Eclipse, Taka, (I lost to Solarius because he continually crit EVERY SINGE TURN MY LORDS ABOVE), and even Aya. I'm going to write my impressions of said battles below.

Kiki- Honestly, she needs to have one move on her team to truly make her a threat: Psych Up. It seems stupid at first, but then you realize the easiest way to destroy her is to set up on the first few turns and the sweep away the dust. Psych Up, particularly on her Medicham, would allow her to copy the +6 Attack/Defense I got on my Torterra and let me tell you, that would have absolutely destroyed everything I brought. Anyway, she was a slice of cake.

Aster/Eciplse- I'd really like to see a boss battle utilize the swamp field. Like that'd be really neato. It's already there and so are Aster and Eclipse so may a few edits to the field effects would let you encounter them right outside the building and have an epic insert Shrek joke here swamp battle. As it stands, they're pretty easy.

Taka- I said it last night. And I will say it again. Manectric needs to be moved. I killed Klefki turn 1 with Reya, then I killed everything else with Nikola. I remember he had a Floatzel because I had to switch out Reya, but after then, I think I saw a Chatot before it was electrocuted. Maybe a Cradily? Idk, it went too fast thanks to being able to set up to +6 Special Attack, then constantly switch fields with Discharge. too op, pls nerf.

Aya- Aya has been considerably buffed by the Wasteland field. IT used to be that Donphan/Mamo could completely wreck her, but now she has a few answers for those pesky Ground type moves. Well. I mean. Mostly. Some of them are a 1/4 strength. Some of them are buffed and do extra poison damage, so Aya doesn't need to worry about those anymore, right? Well, surprisingly one extremely powerful Ground type move was overlooked by the nerf treatments. Which one, you wonder? Well it happens to be Earth Power, the move my Camerupt, Reya, already had on her moveset. With an Earth Plate equipped. Yeah. Once again, I was able to pair up Hariyamyams and Reya and simple spam a combo of Knock Off and Reya's STAB moves. Force Palm also allowed for some key Paralysis afflictions. Marta did a little bit too and so did Nikola, but it was mostly the every handy haha puns Hariyama and Reya who won me the battle with considerable easy. No second attempt or soft resets required.

I may do some extra work on the save today and if I do, I'll edit and add it here. But for now, I'm going to actually update my list of Pokemon obtained since it's been 3000 years about 20 days since I have. I'll throw it in a spoiler so you don't have to look at if you don't want to. I know I sure wouldn't want to.

List Obtained by Dex Number:

Grand Total Obtained: 86

Badges: 5 should be six/seven jus sayin

Pokedex Progress:




Well look what the cat dragged in. Did you enjoy your little vaction? Did you maybe enjoy sipping Piña Coladas in the sunshine, working on your tan? Oh what's that? You didn't go on vacation? You just kinda ditched your run in favor of running around doing things in "real life?" What is this sh*t? So you've been keeping me waiting for like what, nearly three weeks because you were lazy? Oh man oh man, you are getting no mercy on this verdict now.

You only have 86 Pokemon in your dex now? That's pathetic. That really is just pathetic. I mean, what the hell, man? You have tons of pokemon you could be evolving right now instead of imagining a little voice in your head to write these verdicts in! You could easily have at least 100 pokemon in your dex if you did that!!! Even a wimp like you can catch 100, that's not even hard!!! You claim to be doing a "completionist run," but in the time span of twenty days, you obtained maybe an extra 10-20 pokemon. I know people who have caught all the pokemon from 1 to 719 in less time! Get your damn act together so I can berate you legitimately. Until then, just go prance about in a field in "real life." That's obviously what you enjoy doing more than BECOMING THE VERY BEST LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS. Well. Even if you tried you couldn't claim that title, but you aren't even trying at this point.

That's all for now, folks!

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Ooh, this is back! I wonder what you'll do for E15, though. There are quite a few new Pokemon replacing the old...

Yeah I'm in a bit of a pickle in that regard. I'm trying to figure out which ones should be prioritized and which can be shelved. I'm also trying to discern exactly which mons replace which, so that'll give me a little something to do.

I think they're great \^o^/

I might actually do something similar to this when episode 15 is rolling. Gotta catch 'em all dude. Catch 'em all.

Keep up the nice work Mr.Author \o/ Will look forward for more Blake-esque comments

Well thank you very much :) I'm glad some enjoys them because otherwise it's just kinda me ranting about which Pokemon need to be nerfed/moved.

So you're going to do this too? You're going to copy me coping you? Okay then ;)

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So you're going to do this too? You're going to copy me coping you? Okay then ;)

okay now listen here you little shit



EDIT: Oh shit this might be off topic wat do...


Edited by Vinny
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Report V: This Link

So I made yet more progress! Yay for finally temporarily overcoming procrastination! Hip hip... hurrah! More to the point, I'm now at Serra. Obviously, this leaves me in a bit of a pickle since I obviously want to trash her when she's at full strength. But fear not, loyal followers! I have a solution that will still allow me to progress and take advantage of my momentary burst of energy like a Tyrantrum using Bide while still destroying Serra even at her full strength! The solution is simple: I make a copy of my save and then I progress through Serra for now. When Episode 15 comes out officially, I will load on up my save at Serra and fight her there. Bing bang boom. Easy peasy. Now we can actually do something.

At last report, I had just defeated Aya and was left wanting. Here I was hoping the next boss battle would let me feel fulfilled in some way. No such luck. Because of my crippling conscience, I can't just leave an innocent behind without literally being wracked by guilt for many hours irl. So I was forced to save Heather. Honestly, Doctor Shocker was not that hard, but that may be due to the fact that I brought two ground types with me. Also I set up +6 Attack/+4 Defense on Torterra because Luxray used Swagger on me after many curses. Electrivire's Ice Punch was then able to do roughly 20% per punch and no Electric attack was going to kill it so that was practically a guaranteed win. Especially since I have Synthesis on Torterra. Anyway, we rescued the kids, grabbed a Corrupted Poke Ball to restore when I stop by the Poke Ball shop next time, and crashed at the house of the Leader Sister Trio. Simple enough. We went into the town to get some meds for a sick Anna and then we run into El, one of my least favorite characters and the somewhat creepy Bennett, along with his mother, Serra, former model and Ice Gym Leader. I'll face her next time around.

Pokedex Updates?:

This was a relatively small update post mostly just to alert you guys as to the state of the Serra situation. Other than that, I caught a few pokemon but only a few.

Pokemon Seen: 373

Pokemon Obtained: 90

The four obtained are...




and, last but certainly not least.....

LUDICOLO!!! That's right, Felix finally learned Hydro Pump at level 44 and then I immediately used my Water Stone from the Aqua/Magma Gang conflict to instantly have a serious powerhouse. Man, once we get Ice Beam, he's going to destroy all sorts of things. Until then, I threw on Zen Headbutt for dealing with some Poison types. Really might as well.

Slight Edit: I just ran his IVs through a HP Calculator and it came out as Psychic, so post-Noel I'll likely slab that on in the place of ZH.

I'm not doing a verdict for such a small jump. Sorry, I'll save it for another time when my Pokemon total goes up more than 4.


Are you kidding me? Is this legitimately a f*cking joke to you? You call me every once in a Blue Moon so I can rant about how much you suck, and yet this time you don't even try? I don't have even have attempt to down play this. You legitimately did next to nothing this time. All you really did was go on out and get some strange duck that wears a sombrero and shoots water from its bill! I'm actually about to puke because of you. I'm leaving.

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hey hey hey hold up i just noticed this

Rachel (lvl 10)


It is named Rachel to give her a bit more personality instead of something like "TREEBACKLOL."

are you making fun of my Torterra's nickname wat I'll remove that tree from it's back and hit you until you change your mind tf

Nah Rachel is better than "movingtreething"

I'm not doing a verdict for such a small jump. Sorry, I'll save it for another time when my Pokemon total goes up more than 4.

Too bad. I really wanted to know what Blake the mysterious person you call would think about such a small jump. The amount of insults would be too damn high.

freaking vote limit...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Report VI: Things Don't Go According to Plan, So I Have To Get Some Skrelp

Yes, I had to make that pun. You'll understand why in a few moments once you read some of the text below this.

Okay, so remember in the last report how I said that I was going to face Serra in both episodes just for the extra challenge? If not just look above and read it... Well, um, yeah. About that. Basically my game didn't want to let me even find Serra in Episode 15, so I asked our friendly tech support folks/devs/bug catchers what was up and I was told there wasn't really a way to make it work where i could face Serra in Episode 15 without things "looking weird." So that's all fine and well I suppose. I only went through all the trouble of breeding a Machamp with Ice/Thunder/Dynamic Punch, Knock Off, 31 Attack IVs, and No Guard to completely blindside The Hax Queen (the Machamp is named "Rel" btw, short for "Reliable" because well, Rel will never, ever miss an attack). Oh well. Onward to other things I suppose. While I was waiting for the community release so I could actually make an update to this post, I progressed a bit outside of the story, caught a few mons, did a couple events, redid some older ones, and then worked on real life stuff for a while.

Notably, the Pokemon that I obtained/trained up a bit more that I will probably use at some point are

Lachesis the Nidorina (FE4 Reference because why not)

Drapion (TB Nicknamed, taking suggestions)

Aron (See Drapion)

Julius the Dragalge (reference to Julius Robert Oppenheimer, who said the famous quote "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.")

Rel the Machamp (See above paragraph)

Faith the Gardevoir (because yeah it survived... and it believed in it's trainer... yes, I know it's not very creative, but sue me)

Anyway, I made a ton of progress since I last reported in. Like, I now have another two gym badges. As expected, my Hariyama, Machamp, and Camerupt tore EP14 Serra to shreds. Nikola the Manectric helped too. I then saved in the Belrose Manse and returned to EP15.

Now, I must admit, I did something stupid.

I know what you're thinking: What is is this time? but just bear with me. I had forgotten that the first time that you try to fight Noel, the battle is interrupted. And so I saw the levels of my pokemon, figured Noel's would be about 50-54, and so I grinded up my Pokemon to about 50-51 each. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Then I got to go and get more leveling for my pokemon. I am so smart, Anyway, my team was a bit overleveled and so they tore through the meteors quickly. I got teleported around and took down the Steelix, then went up to take down the Abra. Normally, Abra is an absolute Pain, but this time around, I simply lured a Hyper Beam, delivered a Dynamic Punch, then killed it with Reya the Camerupt. I met Lin and ran away as only the bravest protagonists do. From there, I remebered what a pain Noel was to fight. Most of his team is easy-peasy. The only problem was Cinccino. So after getting destroyed by Cinccino a time or two, I decided to try something never had before.

Now, there are a lot of troll-y gimmicks we Reborn users love to abuse. But I just tried out one of the most brutally efficient ones that I have ever witnessed. Dragalge has excellent typing for most things, especially when paired with strong STAB moves and Adaptability. But Dragalge also gets another few moves besides its designated STABs. In this case, Double Team and Toxic. It is a gorgeous combo. You simply Toxic turn 1, then as your foe dies, Double Team to make them eternally miss. On the field where you fight Noel, there's also free recovery so getting hit isn't too bit of a problem if you can take a hit. Gym leaders will waste their potions simply trying to have their precious mons survive the toxic. But there is no relief. You cannot kill what you cannot hit and if you do hit Dragalge, all Dragalge must do is fire back a powerful STAB attack and wreck you. I really love the Double Team/Toxic combo. It's quite beautiful. Normally, I don't go for cheesy, underhanded strats. But for Pete's sake, Noel has a King's Rock Skill Link Cincinno. I think he owes me some hax.

Just to give you an idea of my progress though:

Badges: Seven (up to Standard Badge)

Pokedex Progress:

Pokemon Seen-422 (up from 373)

Pokemon Obtained-126 (up from 90. Yes, you read that right. I actually caught/evolved into 36 species of Pokemon since the last report)

Pokedex Progress: ~17.48%


Oh, it's you. I wasn't expecting to see you again for another month or two. I thought you needed to go work on your tan in "real life" again or something.

I gotta say, you really improved yourself, you absolute scrub, you. Now you're probably as good as I was when I first entered this hellhole of a world. But hey, it could be worse. You could be forced to look in the mirror.

More to the point, you somehow obtained an extra 36 pokemon. Eh. It's not bad. It is still pretty pathetic, but given you took a vacation in the middle of your play-through, my expectations are pretty low. I guess I should give you a golden star or something to help your self esteem or something. But- oops! It would seem I already gave out all my gold stars to people who were actually successful. I'd wish you luck on your next attempt, but we all know that won't be happening.

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Report VII: I Make Some Minor Progress, Catch Some Pokemon, and Screw Around

Where I left it off last time, I described how I simply killed Noel slowly as he deserved for that damn Cinccinno. Following that, I checked on Saphira, she gave me the keys literally the keys to the city, I thoroughly destroyed Fern and made my way down to the Nature Center just to check in. I then ran up the castle and visited my favorite character who isn't Cal: Radomus although honestly it's kinda a tie between the two with Cain trailing close behind and all of them for different reasons. A lot of people don't get Radomus. I do. Radomus is my kinda guy. Radomus is exactly how I act irl. I don't think you understand. I wear all sorts of goofy things and no one can convince me not to. I wore a cape to a school dance and pulled it off perfectly (style wise, that is. The cape stayed on). Anyway, I met Radomus who should be one of the next leaders to get a team re-haul jus sayin and got some exposition about Luna. Then Cain showed up and we had a short "fight" where I simply swept his team. Radomus and Luna were so caught up in my magnificent battling strategies that no one realized the spectacular Gossip Gardevoir was kidnapped! Stay tuned to find out more! ~XOXO We met the most interesting non-binary character in the game so far. I mean, xe's the only one at this point besides the PC if you're Ari/Decibel, but even so, Adrienn is sooooo much more interesting than any of the Player Characters simply because of the whole "displaced in time" thing. Personally, I think the little truth puzzles leading up to the Arceus fight are pretty neat. I kinda hope for more of the same sort of puzzle at some point later on since they're rather straightforward yet confusing if you overthink it. More to the point: Arceus. I obviously sided with Radomus. How could I not, after I just explained to you guys how much I adore his character?A level 75 Arceus is quite a potent threat, generally speaking. But it's okay. I have the perfect counter: Machamp. How? I used a Focus Sash because I didn't feel like waiting for Quick Claw to give me the Priority with Dynamic Punch. El simply used Full heals every turn after Turn 1, allowing Rel to kill an Arceus while on 1 HP. Our little group recovered G.G, captured El, and set Adrienn free from xyr time imprisonment. Adrienn freaked out when xe realized how much the city changed and Radomus calmed him down. What a nice guy. Cain and Radomus then offered to walk with me back to the castle, but I decided to actually catch some pokemon and progress in the actual completionist spirit of this run.

From there, I've pretty much just been running around trying to grab things I missed. I went back and grabbed Misdreavus from her new event along with the Black Sludge right outside. I grabbed Squirtle through a little date manipulation because I'm impatient. I finally tracked down the last Zorua event and caught her. I did a bit of fossil restoration (I do mean a bit. I restored a Cranidos and then I left my Armor Fossil there) while I ran around Spinel Town returning furniture to get the EXP Share and after that, I headbutted trees in the woods until I found a decent Chatot and an OK Taillow. Then I caught a few miscellaneous pokemon in the general vicinity of the above areas. After soft resetting for a while, I finally obtained a female Eevee to breed with. The reason I want it to be female is because I plan on SRing Ditto until I can get one with multiple 31s, so I won't have it for a decent while... fun fun fun. Seviper, Flabebe, Solrock, Lunatone, and Tyrogue also had their respective events completed. Before my next report, I do plan to breed a Mareep to have Agility so it can become a serious threat.

In other news that is Pokemon related but not related to the Pocket Monsters themselves, I went mining. A lot. I got multiple plates (most notably a Zap Plate and a Toxic Plate) and an Armor Fossil, while I went to have restored.

Below I'll leave a list of all pokemon obtained. If you don't care about the specifics, that's fine. It'll be in a:


Overall Progress:

Badge Count: 7

Pokedex Progress:

Pokemon Seen-449

Pokemon Obtained-156

Percent Complete: ~21.64%


I suppose you came here looking for a pat on the back for obtaining roughly 21% of the pokemon. Well you won't find it here. Why? Because 21% is terrible. Would you use a move which only hit 21% of the time? Well, you might, but someone with a shred of intelligence wouldn't. But maybe, just maybe, if you really try, you could get up to accuracy of Sheer Cold.

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That difference between pokémons seen and obtained though. Aah Reborn and pretty much any other pokémon game.

ayy Nicely done Author! i still have to get to my completionist, but i'm currently on the "didn't play episode 15 yet" train. I'll wish you luck on the future! Because 21% is terrible. Still better than mine... 0% \o/

btw, Will we get a reveal of who is the mysterious Blake person that gives the Veredicts in the end? I'll look forward to.

And I have no names for Drapion, but you can name Aron "AnotherBrick", since Aggron is a... wall.

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  • 3 months later...

Report VIII: Rebirth, Compacted Updates, and Actual Progress

Do you know what day it is?

Because I do. It's in the bottom right hand corner of my screen. As I write this, the day is the 25th of September. The last time this was updated? The 13th of June. Now, look. There's a lot to cover in this update so I'm not going to give you the whole giant sob story of why it hasn't been updated. Instead, I'll give you the basics: RCBA, work, social obligations IRL, family obligations, and, more recently, school. Bam. Now that we've got that covered, we can go over the massive portions of this update. I've divided it up into neat little spoilers so your screen isn't flooded with info and you can't scroll to the bottom. You're welcome.

Part I-Radomus

If you recall (which, no offense to you, but I doubt since it was several months ago) or scroll up, you'd remember that I left off right before Radomus.

The basics of my team on Radomus were the following the backup save system is nice because I can jog my memory on this:

Fate the Spiritomb

Mr. Magius the Mismagius

Zoroark (Forgot to Nickname)

Scrafty (FtN)

Nikola the Manectric

Reya the Camerupt

You'll notice that the battle was not quite in Radomus's favor with my team make-up. That's tough. He's the Psychic leader and a world class chess master, he can handle a little type disadvantage.

And surprisingly, he did.

Now I know what you're thinking: Is this the same Radomus that we fought? and I didn't realize you were that bad, Author. Maybe it had something to do with my sincere hoping that Radomus would be something of a roadblock that he did become one despite the disadvantage. Anyway, the battle was pretty crazy. Shadow Balls were flying, Plots were getting Nasty, one crazy guy was Dancing like a Dragon. It was all quite spectacular and I came out of the fight feeling rather fulfilled. Before I fought, Radomus, of course, I did a bit of Dex progress and obtained most of the new party members I used for Radomus.

So, post-Radomus, my numbers were as follows:

Overall Progress:

Badge Count: 8

Pokedex Progress:

Seen- 483


Percent Complete: ~23.43%

Part II: 7th Street

El turns out to be not quite as brainwashed as it seemed and decides to turn out all the lights so we shall trip on chess pieces and break our necks on the way out. Truly a dastardly plot. It's mostly OK though, because Radomus makes it out fine with his entire hat collection despite Luna and Cain getting captured. Speaking of which, yet another damsel in distress. First Victoria, then Heather, then G.G., and now Luna. Who's next? spoilers: I know who's next. but it's probably all okay because I've got friends in low places who help me track down the foul villains to foil their nefarious plans. The Aqua Gang, Radomus, and I start cracking down on Lucky 7th Street and begin to rule the underworld. At least that's where I hope that's going. I'm sure the Aqua Gang is at least doing that with the Magma Gang out of the way. Speaking of which, we wiped out the dreams of the Magma thugs and stole their TM to create a brighter tomorrow.

Before too long, we tracked down Serra's runaway Bug child, Bennett who happens to have been assisting in kidnapping Luna because then she'll realize her true feelings for him. Ya know what, Bennett, relying on Stockholm Syndrome to pick up chicks may not be the best of plans. Not that I any experience with it, I just figure if it were that easy, everyone would do it instead of actually dating. Of course, Bennett doesn't listen to our heart-to-heart and decides to continue on his skewed path and throw us in the dungeon and throw the key... apparently into our prison buddy's room, who, I must say, if the most chill guy in the entirety of Reborn. Get kidnapped by an evil cult looking to destroy all of Reborn? No problem. Sit back, relax, laugh at the ridiculous scripture, and enjoy the free living quarters. But maybe the chill friend with the keys to freedom was just there to balance out the stealth game from hell around the corner. Don't have perfect timing? Back to your cell! Keyboard dies? Back to your cell! Accidentally press forward where you shouldn't have? BACK TO YOUR CELL! Needless to say, this bit took me a little while. But once I got out, boy oh boy would those cultists be sorry that they ever even considered putting me, Author, into a prison cell. My next post will be written in their blood.

Moving on~

The Cultists and their scripture puzzles were pretty easy this time through because I remembered to hit up the religion room this time and learn about their crazy religious ideals. A couple of short battles and a grandiose display by my pal, the ever fabulous Radomus, latter and we were hanging out with the newly freed Luna and Cain, laughing about El and kinda despairing about the state of the sad, twisted boy Bennett had become. Or maybe that was just me. Probably just me. Radomus departs with the Amethyst Pendant and Gardevoir in tow. Cain goes up to the gates of Agate has a nice ring to it and Luna goes off to Iolia Valley to await our challenge.

Part III: Luna

After a fair amount of confusion, I was able to deftly maneuver through the crystalline valley to the place where Luna accepts challenges. It's never that simple, of course, so confused Bug Child comes up to us once again, demanding that he and Luna should be together. Now, I sympathize for Bennett. I honestly do. It's not easy to fall head-over-heels for someone only to be turned down. Does that excuse trying to "cleanse" her to make her more malleable and attempting to control her? Hell no. Bennett isn't a bad guy by any means, but he certainly took the wrong fork in the road of love. So because Bennett could not be made to see reason, I was forced to whip out my team of elites and squash his dreams of being with Luna like the bugs he trains.

Going into Luna, the team was as follows:

Hera the Heracross

the Dragalge

Rachel the Torterra

Rel the Machamp

Nikola the Manectric

Reya the Camerupt

Hera is the only interesting addition and she's new because, come on, she has two reliable attacking types with STAB bonuses that are x2 effective on Dark. Nikola killed the Honchkrow and the remainder fell to a combo of Close Combat and Moxie, STAB, Silver Powder Megahorn. Piece of cake.

So the numbers post-Luna are:

Overall Progress:

Badge Count: 9

Pokedex Progress:

Seen- 519


Percent Complete: ~29.26%

Part IV: Agate Circus/Route 2/Samson

In between Luna and going to meet up with Cain after getting my Dark Gym badge, I went on a bit of a little grinding fest. I got a lot of evolutions taken care of and I expanded my Pokedex before going through the gates of destiny towards a sleepy little town called Agate City and a rainbow woman with a giant hammer. After being nearly killed by the 1337 walking innuendo Terra, I met up with Aya, Hardy, and Cain momentarily before we were all smacked over a mountain and split up. Why does this always happen to me? Anyway, I make sure to check in with the Ringmaster, meet the local strongman, Samson, who happens to be Kiki's replacement as fighting leader, catch a Hawlucha his name is Leo to destroy Samson's team later. Sorry Sammy, but when my Unburden+SD Hawlucha comes on the field, you might as well forfeit. More on topic, Aya and Cain are fine and starting to reconcile over the whole abandonment issue even though when Cain obtains his Oshawott he says he's meeting his sister so they were clearly in touch.... Hardy, on the other hand, was blasted clear across Route 2. And since there clearly isn't someone who has flying Pokemon that could help us out here, we'll just have to- oh what's that? There's also a flying type leader named Ciel? And she couldn't grab him while on break because...? We're the protagonist? Seems legit. Fortunately, I do actually remember the majority of the Crustle puzzle by heart and so it didn't take long at all. So one long Jumping/Strength puzzle later,

I arrived at the Fiore Mansion and found a recuperating Amaria from the last time she faced off against a Garchomp, along with Titania, the Steel leader and Amaria's lover. We locate Hardy here, who also happens to be Titania's brother. Everyone is just so connected, aren't they? After finding the esteemed Rock leader, Amy, Titania, and I got to talking and figured out that they held the HM I needed, Surf. Since I could only use it when I had Samson's badge, they also gave me the silly slip of paper needed to fight him. So with a spring in my feet and a pass in my hands, I hopped back over the precarious Crustle formations all the way back to the circus to where I could challenge Samson.

Going into Samson, my team consisted of the following:

Leo the Hawlucha

Roberta the Dragalge

Rachel the Torterra

Rel the Machamp

Nikola the Manectric

Felix the Ludicolo

Going into this fight, I fully expected to simply sweep with Leo. But then I somehow ended up with Rachel on the field with five Curses up. 5/6 of Samson's team fell to Rachel without a fight. The last was a Hawlucha of his own, which mine out-sped and out-classed. So, once again, the leader falls to two simple Pokemon.

After taking out the second Fighting leader, the numbers sat at:

Overall Progress:

Badge Count: 10

Pokedex Progress:

Seen- 557


Percent Complete: ~35.09%

That's not all I've completed so far I'm actually right before Ciel atm, but it is as far as I'm going to detail tonight given I have been at this for awhile and it's been a long week. Episodes 13-15 will be added in a similar format sometime soon and the verdict quote will be added after I get my posts caught up to where I actually am.

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  • 2 months later...

Report IX: Progress? Um, yeah..... About that.... And An End in Sight!

The following is a previous post I made just copy-pasted here so I didn't double since I had an update on the situation and also because otherwise no one would see the update since it would be buried under a month of Team Showcases:

Right, so I had beaten Ciel with a Air Balloon Magnezone and AB Manectric Combo and I had gone on to do all sorts of insane catches and complete tons of events and grabbed a few fossils. I even got my Budew to FINALLY evolve into Roselia so I don't have to deal with that. I did the totem pole events last night and then I had to run to the grocery store with my mom because there were heavy things that she couldn't manage. So I turned off Reborn and went off to the store. The PC says it needs to update anyway, so I decide, well that's perfect timing. When I return, I put away the groceries and go back to Reborn, only to discover that my computer stopped working. I can turn it on, but all it does is flash between black and blue screens.

BUT, all is not lost, as I had sent my save to Kuro to add in Cloyster for the Sapphire Division prize of RCBA. Xe never got back to me because of all the irl stuff happening to xyr, although, frankly I can't fault Kuro over that. Stuff happens and we roll with it. That's life. Anyway, I had resolved to just add in Cloyster myself since it's not a terrible skill to have to be able to generate Pokémon and I do want to learn. So the point of the matter is that I do have a copy of my save still. I believe it is from post-Ciel, but I can't check atm. Soooooo. Updates will come eventually, but not for a little bit.

Sorry 'bout that.

Now for the new bits:

With today being Cyber Monday, I was able to purchase a replacement computer on Amazon. And, because I spent a ton of money today, I qualified for free two-day shipping. So, by Wednesday, I will have a computer, so I should be able to resume Reborn by the weekend at the latest. To compensate for the lost time, I will be going back and editing my last few posts and try to fill in as many missing links and details as I can recall, as well as filling in the Verdict Quotes for every step of the way (cause I know that's what you folks really read this play through for). So expect many new things coming to this play through over the course of the next week!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Report X: Aaaaaaaand we're back, folks

I did promise this a little while ago, although in my defense, it's a terrible time of year which merges finals with the need to go spend time with family not that I have anything against them or anything . Furthermore, I've been holding off on this update for a fair amount of time waiting on two things, one of which was easier than the other. Firstly, I was waiting on getting the perfect Ditto. This was mainly because a- Episode 16 is going to have a crazy long development time, so I'd like to take advantage of this time by breeding out all sorts of interesting mons, b- I'm going to have to breed out certain mons like Sunkern anyway, and c- because I'm a stubborn son of a gun who decided he would soft reset until his fingers fell off if need be. Well. Maybe not quite that extreme, but you get the point. Anyway, the second reason was that I wanted to learn how to do something very useful: how to add Pokemon to your save file. I'm obviously not just going to add every Pokemon into my save file and end the completion run right now and I will hold myself to a somewhat quaint code of honor. The entire reason I learned how to do this was to be able to add in my prize for becoming the champion of the Sapphire Division: Cloyster. I had originally sent my save to Kuro a while again, but xe had to go take care of real life concerns, which I certainly cannot fault xyr for especially with my track record. So why not learn how to do it myself? And so I may have stayed up for a while and simply learned how to use some of the basics of RPG MakerXP with Pokemon Essentials. Fun! Anyways, That's all I have to say about real life progress besides the fact that I actually have a computer now, so no sense lollygagging around here. It's time for progress!

The changes above will be visable when this gets all caught up, which is also when the verdicts will resume given that I am doing this entirely off of memory.

When we left off last time, we had just defeated Samson and were on our way to Ameritine City... or not, seeing as there happened to be a massive glacier blocking our path. Hardy, Cain, Aya, and I instead decided to take a detour to Calcenon City, where our fiery friend Charlotte, and her equally-fiery-but-not-a-fire-pun sister, Sahpira, were defending the city from Team Meteor. And, of course, this being a video game, their fighting began to obstruct our path. However, as it turned out, this was positive, as Aya and I ended up waltzing straight into a Meteor base, which we promptly trashed. Nikola decimated foes with factory field abuse in a battle against Aster and Eclipse and Felix was able to remove Rhyperior, the main object blocking our path, and set up rain, both boosting his own speed and allowing Nikola to safely Charge Beam and then Thunder (which I kept simply because Felix had rain access). We were able to take down the dynamic duo, and Eclipse surrenders to us. She deactivates the PULSE attacking the city and quits Team Meteor, only to have Sirius walk in on her surrender and sear her soul away in front of the gaping faces of Aya, Aster, and myself. Sirius then proceeds to kidnap Aya honestly what is it with Reborn and damsels in distress? and Aster is left in a bit of a state of dismay with his partner having her soul removed from existence right in front of him, and, frankly, who can blame him? Alone and dreading to face the two men who both deeply cared for Aya who entrusted her to my care, I trudged away from the scene of the crime and resumed my climb up the mountain.

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