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New to the game, by new I mean I have no skill in competitive battling at all.

I like poison and bug types, my favorite pokemon is Scolipede, with Flygon right behind.

Uh, I also do sprites and stuff, but not currently taking requests. And roleplay, too.

Uh I really dunno what to put here I'm sorry. Uh, I like puns?

You can can me Elly, El, Beth, or Be, don't really care to be frank.

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Well met Elly!

Welcome to Reb--

  On 4/28/2015 at 12:27 PM, EluriaMendes said:

Uh I really dunno what to put here I'm sorry. Uh, I like puns?

Someone needs bring Ame here, please.

*clears throat* Welcome to Reborn!

Hmm... no skill in competitve battling ehh? You're not the only one, lady... *points at self* Yeah...

If you'd like to learn though, look up to Reignited'Light (a.k.a Skitty). She knows her deal.

Anyway, i hope you enjoy your stay! After all... it's PERMANENT. :]

See you around \^o^/

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Thank you for the equally warm greeting, Vinny.

Ame? Do you mean the person who made the game? : O

That'd be so cool, haha.

I'll take up your suggestion of learning from another player, seems like the best route.

I hope all of Reborn is this friendly~

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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:27 PM, EluriaMendes said:

Uh, I also do sprites and stuff

Careful with these words... Ame will have you work in slavery, creating custom shiny sprites for all gen 5 mons.

Anyways, welcome to the forums!

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  On 4/28/2015 at 1:29 PM, Nova said:

Careful with these words... Ame will have you work in slavery, creating custom shiny sprites for all gen 5 mons.

Anyways, welcome to the forums!

Ame suddenly sounds less appealing and definitely more scary.

; n ; Be kind to me, Ame-Senpai.

But, I don't mind offering my services if it means helping out the community, and recolors are easy enough to deal with on short notice, so if Ame is looking, I might help. (Not to mention I've actually already inserted my own character into the game~)

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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:27 PM, EluriaMendes said:

New to the game, by new I mean I have no skill in competitive battling at all.

I like poison and bug types, my favorite pokemon is Scolipede, with Flygon right behind.

Uh, I also do sprites and stuff, but not currently taking requests. And roleplay, too.

Uh I really dunno what to put here I'm sorry. Uh, I like puns?

You can can me Elly, El, Beth, or Be, don't really care to be frank.

Hey there Elly! Not big on the bug myself, but Flygon is my favorite mon. (Give it the Mega it deserves gamefreak!)

If you're interested in learning competitive battling (or if you just wanna talk with us ridiculous folk come check out the Reborn Showdown server! There's a ling to the top left)

I'd love to see the sprite stuff you've already done if you don't mind.

If you like roleplaying talk to either or and they'll be happy to get you situated with some of the Reborn ones that may be upcoming. There are always numerous RP's going on around here at the same time.

That's punderful! (Puns ain't my strong suit, but Ame loves them)

Speaking of Ame, she ain't so bad. She's actually really nice, and contrary to popular belief she is NOT a sadist. Something tells me she'll find her way here somehow at some point.

If you have any questions you can ask me or any of the other moderators! Heck most people around here are super helpful. Enjoy your stay. :)


P.S. If you want Ame to like you, just say you hate Budew and Spiders (even if you don't)

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  On 4/28/2015 at 12:27 PM, EluriaMendes said:

New to the game, by new I mean I have no skill in competitive battling at all.

I like poison and bug types, my favorite pokemon is Scolipede, with Flygon right behind.

Uh, I also do sprites and stuff, but not currently taking requests. And roleplay, too.

Uh I really dunno what to put here I'm sorry. Uh, I like puns?

You can can me Elly, El, Beth, or Be, don't really care to be frank.

Hello and welcome! Don't worry, I'm quite the competitive noob as well, but boy would I like to someday stalk you for a sprite :3

-lurks around- one day....

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welcome i am 15 time world heavyweight champion john cena

i have been to 10 wrestlemanias

i am the current holder of the united states championship

i am the face that runs the place

i am the leader of the cenation

the former dr of thuganomics

word life

enjoy your stay remember you can always leave if you lose to me in an i quit match :]

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