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Fix My Team

Ulrike M

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My current team is

Torterra (Adamant/Shell Armor) level 45



Leech Seed

Razor Leaf

Onix (Adamant/Rock Head) level 38

Sand Tomb

Rock Slide

Rock Tomb

Stealth Rock

Venomoth (Modest/Shield Dust) level 38



Sleep Powder

Signal Beam

Hariyama (Naughty/Sheer Force) level 40

Knock Off

Wake-up Slap

Vital Throw

Belly Drum

Vulpix (Docile/Drought) level 40



Confuse Ray


and I'm getting destroyed by Kiki. Need you help, people. Give me some advice.

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1st try to evolve Vulpix. You can find fire stones by mining the flashing boulders. I'm not sure if you have access to move relearner but Venomoth with quiver dance and gust can sweep all her team easily! Try to replace onix for this gym with something that can take hits like Donphan. Also physical Whiscash with field-boosted zen-headbutt is really good for this gym!!! I heard fairy types can be very useful but never had any fairy in my playthroughs. And by far the best pokemon against Kiki is Simple Woobat with Calm Mind!

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It's understandable to keep Onix on your team to get the hazards up, but outside of that, Onix is terrible for this gym. It's super-high defences mean next to nothing when every one of her Pokemon have the raw force to tear through it like paper. Stealth Rock won't have much of an impact on this gym, as Kiki doesn't switch between Pokemon (often) and taking 1/16 of the damage isn't worth sacrificing a Pokemon slot for it. Consider replacing Onix.

You've got a couple options when it comes to Kiki and the Pokemon you've got access to in the game right now. Her team consists of fighting types, and if you haven't learned already, she's got type coverage to handle just about every weakness coming their way. As mentioned before, setting up with Calm Mind on a Swoobat could benefit your team. Anything that can broaden your type coverage for the dual-fighting types you'll encounter.

Your team, as of right now, is slow. An electric type to get paralysis up on fast pokemon, such as Lucario, Gallade, and Medicham, would help. Having W-O-W on Vulpix, while good, isn't going to be of much benefit when the base defense of the pokemon is low. You'll want to consider evolving it to a Ninetales.

Lastly, I recommend a decent Water-type or Poison-type to soften Kiki's onslaught. Strong neutral Pokemon can withstand punishment while putting in decent work. She's difficult, but managable.

Here's a list of Pokemon that could help you, that you do currently have access to, and shouldn't be too much of a pain to catch. Grinding them to a decent level, however, will take time:

- Dragalge

- Swoobat

- Noibat

- Manectric

- Confagrigus

- Amoongus

Hopefully this has been of some benefit to you. Based on your current team composition, some shuffling is going to be required for you to handle the gym.

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Simple Swoobat is definitely good.. Even give Lilligant a shot.. It is quite useful.. I am not sure if you get a sun stone by this time though.. You may need to check up on that.. With quiver dance and petal dance/own tempo it can wreck the team.. You will need to level it to 46 and then bring it down using common candies.. Another awesome thing is with Own Tempo anything lilligant uses becomes a never miss move.. op pls nerf

Plus level up the rest of you team.. With the cap at 45 except Torterra everyone else is at least 5 levels below.. Also add a 6th member and replace Onyx with Swoobat..

She has the following mons..







I'll check out good counters and edit this once I have time..


Torterra would be best against Lucario.. An earthquake should really mess with it..

An Emolga would also be a good friend for you.. Nuzzle + Acrobatics = Death..

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Here's a list of Pokemon that could help you, that you do currently have access to, and shouldn't be too much of a pain to catch. Grinding them to a decent level, however, will take time:

- Dragalge

- Swoobat

- Noibat

- Manectric

- Confagrigus

- Amoongus

just to point these out:

dragalge is actually not available yet for this person, since it currently requires a good rod to fish one up (and is unavailable to someone only at kiki).

noibat isn't much help unless you want to lower everyone's accuracy, and since noibat is still a first-stage evo at this point in the game, it's really outclassed stat-wise.

amoongus is also not available; you can't travel to azurine island until after defeating kiki.

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just to point these out:

dragalge is actually not available yet for this person, since it currently requires a good rod to fish one up (and is unavailable to someone only at kiki).

noibat isn't much help unless you want to lower everyone's accuracy, and since noibat is still a first-stage evo at this point in the game, it's really outclassed stat-wise.

amoongus is also not available; you can't travel to azurine island until after defeating kiki.

Ugh, it's been a while. I could've sworn you could fish up a Skrelp with an Old Rod. My apologies.

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thanks everyone. I appreciate your help.

I know I need to evolve my vulpix asap but the thing is I dont really know where to get a fire stone at this point of the game. I know I could get one mining but it could take forever. and I forgot you need to side with aqua gang to get a fire stone/fire pokemon in the aqua/magma gang quest and ended up sinding with magma.

actually I think I just need one more pokemon, no need to remove onix. I know its pretty much useless for this battle but I can handle kiki with five pokemon. just need to figure out which one is going to be my next time. I have Amoongus and Noivern in another save, so I would like to try something new. I would pick Dragalge but yeah, its not avaiable yet (where do I fish for it anyway?). I'm thinking about Ghotitelle (where do I find Gothita?) or Confragius then idk. maybe a water pokemon would be really better but I dont know which decent water pokemon are avaiable right now.

Edited by Ulrike M
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Fairy types that are available at this point you are: clefairy, jigglypuff, azumaril, granbull, mr. mime, aromatisse and slurpuff
From these azumarill, granbull, mr. mime and aromatisse are the best choises. Slurpuff is also good with it's cotton guard but you need to grind above the lvl cap to learn it play rough at 49 to deal some damage. Azumarill with huge power is a boss in reborn throughout the whole game, but I personally find it cheap to use it (thank god it will be axed). Intimidate granbull is you best bet against kiki, since most of her pokes are physical attackers. Mr. mime can set up reflect (and light screen) and hit hard and fast with psychic. Aromatisse can set up calm minds and sweep with moonblast/draining kiss and can change the field completely with misty terrain (also it can learn psychic at 48, but it is a pain to gind it at that lvl).

If you are going for a fairy type watch out for her toxicroak since it's also a poison type and for any other poison/steel moves her pokemon may have

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I need your help again. I just beat Noel and finally evolved my Onix. the thing is I dont know how to run my Steelix. it's a rocky head and adamant Steelix. I'm thinking about try to make it sheer force (for some reason the ability capsule always make it sturdy, never sheer force) with curse, gyro ball, stone edge, stealth rocks. what do you guys think?

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I need your help again. I just beat Noel and finally evolved my Onix. the thing is I dont know how to run my Steelix. it's a rocky head and adamant Steelix. I'm thinking about try to make it sheer force (for some reason the ability capsule always make it sturdy, never sheer force) with curse, gyro ball, stone edge, stealth rocks. what do you guys think?

Ability Capsules doesn't change the ability random anymore, but it cycles through all the pokemon's abilities. You will need 2 ability capsules to make steelix's ability sheer force!

Also, stone edge doesn't get boosted by sheer force but rock slide does and becomes almost as powerful as stone edge (99,75 actually) with better accuracy.

If you want to use curselix then you have to remove stealth rocks since you will be walled by other steel types and many dual type combinations with only steel and rock coverage. Dig is the best option probably since it gets STAB and makes a nice all-around coverage with rock slide (change it to buldoze after terra since it gets the SF boost). But you can use any of the elemental fangs or crunch if you want to cover different things (crunch for the upcoming radomus will be nice) + they all get the sheer force boost.

In the case you want to still use stealth rocks, go with the sturdy ability! Steelix is so slow and can be easily knocked out from special attacks, so you need sturdy to ensure that you will get stealth rocks up.

Personally I used a sheer force steelix with iron tail, dig (buldoze now), rock slide and thunder fang. But for battles that I needed stealth rocks I was swaping thunder fang.

Edited by pyrromanis
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I agree with the aforementioned with Liligant, although since you already have Drought Vulpix on your team, I would also recommend having Chlorophyll, as it will give you the instant speed boost in the sun.

I wouldn't recommend this since it destroys the entire set for lilligant.. It is based on the fact that it can petal dance without confusion.. Plus I think you can get a metronome.. Or maybe a little later but you get it and it becomes very useful with petal dance.. So I definitely wouldn't give it chlorophyll..

As for steelix, the sheer force recommendation by pyrromanis seems like a good one.. Personally I haven't used it so cannot comment..

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I don't have any advice for Noel since I'm not there yet, but I will post my Kiki team in case anyone comes to this post looking for help with Kiki:

I beat Kiki with:

Banette: Will-o-Wisp Machamp and then pound on him to get Kiki to use up her potions early. After it dies, switch in:

Emolga: Acrobatics is amazing! Takes care of Machamp, Gallade, and Toxicroak! It will be killed by Medicham or Lucario though and Hitmonlee is tough . . . :(

Luxray: Intimidate is essential to keeping Medicham under control. Try to inflict paralysis, but if you can't quite kill it:

Ampharos: Thunder Wave + Static will work. Confuse Ray doesn't work due to the field effect. Ampharos should be able to take care of Medicham.

Gothitelle: Takes care of Hitmonlee, but will die to Lucario, so . . .

Scraggy: Switching in after Gothitelle will ensure that Scraggy gets hit with Dark Pulse, which it will resist, so you can get a solid Brick Break in. One more and/or any damage from Gothitelle should help you win . . .

I equipped everyone except Emolga (Need Acrobatics!) with Metronomes. That really helped.

I beat Kiki several times with this team. I was trying to find a 100% way to win, but I couldn't . . . :(

This team's win rate is about 75-80%.

I did it without using items, and there are two major ways it can go wrong:

1. Machamp crits Banette more than one time, killing it and forcing Emolga out early and leaving potions for Gallade and/or Toxicroak. Gallade then has a solid chance to use Rock Slide. If it crits, Emolga dies, forcing me to rely on Scraggy and Gothitelle for Gallade and Toxicroak. Gothitelle gets poisoned and dies before being able to take care Hitmonlee. I lose.

2. Medicham spams Meditate, undoing Intimidate. This forces a switch to get Intimidate to go off again, wasting HP to his hits. I often lose.

Edited by ReddestDream
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