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Does Fern Redeem Himself? Possible Spoilers


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He kinda lock the main protags(you), but still Blake did more worse imo.

Don't you need Cut to get there in the first place? Really, all things considered, we should've been able to get out of there on our own XD But Taka needed his moment, I guess, and that's fair.

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Well, Fern tried to leave us to starve in that cage. Blake locked a 10 or younger old girl in a freezing shed on top of a freezing mountain and tried to starve the villagers. But I still hate Fern more just because he's such a bastard. He even claims to be on the 'winning team' even if you've gone the whole game without losing. Or the fact that you've handed him his own butt on multiple occasions.

Edited by Cyclonegale
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I'm still rooting for Fern-voodoo-doll merchandise, so that should answer your question.
Sirius, on the other hand,

makes me think about raising a chandelure to let loose on him. If someone hasn't got any redeemable qualities, it's him.

Dr. Connal is actually a morally grey-dark grey character. Try to find one of the topics with his interview, that should help you. Or, if you're lucky, you can see it still on TV in-game...

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Considering that he didn't even have the empathy to feel bad for a guy who just commited suicide just in front of him as early as the third gym battle and hadn't had a redeeming moment since then, I think it's safe to say he crossed the point of no return and he will be either dead or in jail by the end of the game.

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Fern displays consistent and sharp symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In order for any person to match the criteria needed for a diagnosis of such a disorder, they need to match at least five of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations)
  • Is exploitative of others (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends)
  • Lacks empathy
  • Is often envious of others (or believes that others are envious of him or her)
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Pokemon Reborn is certainly a game where real issues that inflict people every day impact characters in game. I found it interesting how our favourite rival fits into a very real mental disorder almost completely.

I don't dislike the man, I pity him. He's pathetic.

As far as Blake is concerned, as mentioned before, he's worse. Dangerous, even. Through the brief dialouge and correspondence we've had with him in the game, he shows symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder, but it's difficult to say whether he fits more symptoms of sociopathy or psychopathy.

Edited by Antilegend
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fern is like roman reigns

no matter how many times he's pushed onto us, no one likes him

Now... let me ask this

Who, and i'll repeat who


No one. That's the correct answer.

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I'm still rooting for Fern-voodoo-doll merchandise, so that should answer your question.

Sirius, on the other hand,

makes me think about raising a chandelure to let loose on him. If someone hasn't got any redeemable qualities, it's him.

Dr. Connal is actually a morally grey-dark grey character. Try to find one of the topics with his interview, that should help you. Or, if you're lucky, you can see it still on TV in-game...

aaa aaa aaa ACHOOOO http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=5327

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the only way fern could ever redeem himself is in death: a horrible death. if this game had option like fallout rest assured he would had been red shirted along time ago.

blake: a fiery death.

yes. i am a very dark human being and i do enjoy it too much.

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Fern displays consistent and sharp symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In order for any person to match the criteria needed for a diagnosis of such a disorder, they need to match at least five of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations)
  • Is exploitative of others (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends)
  • Lacks empathy
  • Is often envious of others (or believes that others are envious of him or her)
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Pokemon Reborn is certainly a game where real issues that inflict people every day impact characters in game. I found it interesting how our favourite rival fits into a very real mental disorder almost completely.

I don't dislike the man, I pity him. He's pathetic.

As far as Blake is concerned, as mentioned before, he's worse. Dangerous, even. Through the brief dialouge and correspondence we've had with him in the game, he shows symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder, but it's difficult to say whether he fits more symptoms of sociopathy or psychopathy.

You just described my cousin right there with fern. 80% of everything he says is him bragging about himself and how successful he is. And he deserves to brag because no matter what he does he becomes a master at it. I Dont know how he does it though! I guess thats why Ferns behavior does not bother me that much because im used to to it.

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That awkward moment when you have exactly 5 of those

People don't redeem themselves when they die. That's just some sellout BS Hollywood is trying to say. Just because someone commits suicide or has a single moment of altruism, it doesn't mean that his personality fits this trait and all of it was just hidden from us. Their actions, and here crimes, reflect who they really were. The same can occur of course.

People tend to believe that someone is "forgiven" or "changes" or is "redeemed" when they die, and this is a social phenomenon that I think I've explained well enough. The number of people knowing the person before he (let's call it a he) died can vary. Knowing someone does not necessarily mean that they are close to someone. They might have just heard about this person's accomplishments (because let's face it, he has to have done something to be known) or seen them, or even having been close enough to participate in them, directly or indirectly. Usually the image people have about this person is the one projected by the media covering them with interviews and articles, or in our case, the way the author presents him to us. They may want us to love him or hate him. This changes, not based on their character - as this remains the same - but from their actions.

Here's where the two major examples come. Let us take Saphira as a first. She is cool, intimidating, hot, and has a strong sense of protecting her loved ones. Saphira probably had an unpleasant upbringing, having to deal with Dr. Connal and also take her siblings away from him, and thus formed a hard-to-approach personality. Having an incident by the lake, Saphira decides to go all out and kill everyone in her path, justifying her actions by saying that all she does is in order to protect her family. The way I see it, is that she -likes- destroying and killing things (probably a trait she received from the doctor), as it is clear that her way was not the only one to acheive her goal. She could fortify the house and buy enough time to fly the others to a safe distance. On the contrary she kills any Meteor on the lake. Let's mention that the Meteors there were defenseless. They were swimming to get across. The premise was clear, the actions even clearer and the whole thing passed on as something "Meteors deserve because they are the bad guys". I wonder what Charlotte would say in this situation.

Then we have our other premium example, my dear grasshole, Sir Fern. Now as you may have noticed, Fern doesn't really like anyone and is an opportunist. He lacks empathy, holds himself to high regard (sometimes too high, on his already high horse), and tries to downgrade other people's acheivements. If they are against him, he simply finds an excuse. But does that really make him a bad guy? The reason we hate him is that he pops up at the worst moments and acts like the douchebag he is. Examples include our being trapped in a jungle and him asking from us to tell him that he's the best, throwing a natural selection comment in front of someone's demise, and appearing after a tense scene along with the "bad guys". You can't love him after those. Oh and he made Aya cry, but... she deserved it because she whines all the time. Anyway, that was off topic. The point is that Fern hasn't really -done- anything that's considered a crime or an outrage. He is just a constipated jock that loves making fun of others in order to feel better about himself being mediocre. You will not like him, you will not be friends with him, but as far as crimes go, your friends have done worse things.

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Now... let me ask this

Who, and i'll repeat who


No one. That's the correct answer.



Nick is more or less correct but it still doesn't change the fact that Fern irritates me (and many other people) so much it doesn't really matter if he did something bad/criminal i just want him dead (painfully if possible) and on the fact of him doing nothing "criminal" that is actually not entirely true as he joined a terrorist organisation that (correct me if i'm wrong) IS against the law.

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I don't see Fern as being completely beyond redemption. However, I do think that Fern has a serious problem that needs to be taken care of before he can actually reform.

Fern is not an idiot in the least (or else, he wouldn't have been the top dog at the Onix School), but he does have a very unfortunate problem in that he consistently refuses to learn from his mistakes or own up to his failings. In his mind, whenever he loses, it's because his opponent was lucky or cheated, therefore he doesn't see any reason to try and better himself, or work on addressing his problems. He's too arrogant to believe he has anything to learn from anyone, and he needs to be humbled enough that he actually has to face his own problems instead of just shrugging them off, before he can become a better person.

This is my two cents at least.

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You just described my cousin right there with fern. 80% of everything he says is him bragging about himself and how successful he is. And he deserves to brag because no matter what he does he becomes a master at it. I Dont know how he does it though! I guess thats why Ferns behavior does not bother me that much because im used to to it.

Talent doesn't necessarily pave the way for anyone to be arrogant about everything they've accomplished in their life; it cheapens the value of their accomplishment. It sounds as though your cousin needs a lesson in humility.

I'm actually surprised at the amount of folks wishing a painful death onto Fern, or anyone of his ilk. Fern is an ass, sure, but to die? To date, he's done nothing to warrant his demise. If being an asshole was criminal enough to result in death, we'd be living on a very empty planet.

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

Edited by Antilegend
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I'm actually surprised at the amount of folks wishing a painful death onto Fern, or anyone of his ilk. Fern is an ass, sure, but to die? To date, he's done nothing to warrant his demise. If being an asshole was criminal enough to result in death, we'd be living on a very empty planet.

To err is human; to forgive, divine.

And again it seems that someone thinks joining a Terrorist Group is ok. In response to you: we're talking about a videogame here not real life. If i counted all the people i "killed" in my games it would probably amount to several millions (if not more) and i'll be a mass murderer (together with 95% of the gamers).
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Fern displays consistent and sharp symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In order for any person to match the criteria needed for a diagnosis of such a disorder, they need to match at least five of the following symptoms:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement (unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations)
  • Is exploitative of others (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends)
  • Lacks empathy
  • Is often envious of others (or believes that others are envious of him or her)
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Pokemon Reborn is certainly a game where real issues that inflict people every day impact characters in game. I found it interesting how our favourite rival fits into a very real mental disorder almost completely.

I don't dislike the man, I pity him. He's pathetic.

As far as Blake is concerned, as mentioned before, he's worse. Dangerous, even. Through the brief dialouge and correspondence we've had with him in the game, he shows symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder, but it's difficult to say whether he fits more symptoms of sociopathy or psychopathy.

I like your line of thinking. Especially considering that Fern is right now together with a certain Doctor Connall and his Electivire. That would be an awesome plot twist.

Anyway. Fern is a well-done annoying character, Blake is an awesomely-done sonova character, and the Doctor is a beyond awesome good intentions/horrible results character. I can't see redemption for the sake of redemption.

Also, a little Blake sidequestion. Was my brain asleep at Ametrine, was I hurrying up too much, or is Blake pushing down Cal in only a certain storyline which I didn't choose?

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I like your line of thinking. Especially considering that Fern is right now together with a certain Doctor Connall and his Electivire. That would be an awesome plot twist.

Anyway. Fern is a well-done annoying character, Blake is an awesomely-done sonova character, and the Doctor is a beyond awesome good intentions/horrible results character. I can't see redemption for the sake of redemption.

Also, a little Blake sidequestion. Was my brain asleep at Ametrine, was I hurrying up too much, or is Blake pushing down Cal in only a certain storyline which I didn't choose?

There were branching story paths, such as if you acquiesced to him to get Waterfall or some such like that. It all had varying results.

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And again it seems that someone thinks joining a Terrorist Group is ok. In response to you: we're talking about a videogame here not real life. If i counted all the people i "killed" in my games it would probably amount to several millions (if not more) and i'll be a mass murderer (together with 95% of the gamers).

I should mention here that the player has joined a street gang, and is still considered a good character. You may try to rebut this by saying that we are part of the gang only in name, and our actions were mostly independent. On the same context the same can be said about Fern and his joining team Meteor.

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I should mention here that the player has joined a street gang, and is still considered a good character. You may try to rebut this by saying that we are part of the gang only in name, and our actions were mostly independent. On the same context the same can be said about Fern and his joining team Meteor.

But where exactly does it mention that the player is "good"? I for one see the whole "fight against Team Meteor" thing as helping my friends, get to the next badge or sometimes even coincidence (as we can see with the Pulse Clawitzer) and (like i said) i want Fern dead because he irritates me not because he's a terrorist (still that doesn't really help to improve people opinion on him), if he was good to everyone (but me) i still would hate him but that's not really the case.
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