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Why can't the AMA die now!?

But the main point.

1. How did it go when it was your first day on the forum.

2. How did you found your nickname for whimsicott?

3. Your favourite character in Oregairu?

4. Your favourite main protags in the main game?

5. Do you like potato :3

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  On 4/30/2015 at 3:38 PM, ShingSt said:

Why can't the AMA die now!?

But the main point.

1. How did it go when it was your first day on the forum.

2. How did you found your nickname for whimsicott?

3. Your favourite character in Oregairu?

4. Your favourite main protags in the main game?

5. Do you like potato :3

1: I don't remember. I think I was a lurker at first though. I was late on Both of my Intros

2: Mkk, anyone who follows the Ymora RP knows this. I play a character called Claude and one of his pokemon is, indeed, a Cottonee. He was Claudes starter. Why? I wanted a not so common 'mon. Anyway, I wasn't about to give him some random ass name, it had to mean something and, seeing as Claude s from Lumiose, a french motif seemed appropriate. So, what single french word embodies a soft little puffball? Doux. Doux means soft in french. Also, ELFUUUUUUUN

3: Don't do this to me man. If I had tot pick, Hiki. It takes an odd courage and pride to be abe to take the consequences of his actions as he does. He's a character I can respect, even if he can be depressing as fuck.

4: Main game Protags? Tough choice, I find it hard to like a character with no personality intended. That said, I suppose Red, simply because he has become so infamous that his stoic silence, first seen as a way for a player to project themselves onto him, has beome his own characteristic.

5: I'm partial to mashed and Roasted potatoes as well as chips. Can't stand jacket potatoe though.

  On 4/30/2015 at 3:40 PM, BBD said:

Why did you do an AMA now?

How did you find this forum?

Do you like chocolate?

also nice Slanderman avi.

1: The consistant streams of AMAs were so consistent that the influence of the minority won over.

2: Like most people, I found Reborn through Shofu. I stuck around for a while in the Reborn City part of the forums then transitioned into the RP section.

3: I like Milk and white chocalate but not Dark chocolate.

4: Not Slenderman yo.

  On 4/30/2015 at 3:48 PM, EluriaMendes said:

1. Why is Junpei your avatar, is he your favorite?

2. Do you have any exciting stories?

3. Favorite band, or favorite song? Both?

1: This guy has it right. Junpei is one of my favourite side-characters of all time. He's just very real in how he is jealous of you, the player, because of his insecurities and also how he was that good of a bro to even acknowledge and apologise for being a Dick, to go on to be one of the best friends you could have. His relationship with Chidori was also done very well and it was evident how much he had deveoped throughout the story. What distinguishes him from the other P3 side-characters is how he didn't develop as you took an express interest in him, like all the other Social links. He grows on his own (Not counting the female protag in Portable), it reminds you that you are not the complete centre of that world, which makes the setting much more realistic and enjoyable for me.

2: I have many, many, many stories that are both fictional and real. Assuming you mean real, most of them involve my own embarrassment. One such time was during my Drama eam. We had been given a script from the play Blood Brothers and I landed the role of reading the part of the extract which has my character yelling:

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In front of a predominantly female class.

Got the fucking A too.

3: Ohhhh, this is hard. I'm going to judge this by simple feels as to whenever I hear the song, and that has to be Simple and Clean- By Utada Hikaru

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Kingdom hearts is one of my very favourite games because of how I played it during a time when I was really beginning to form my identity as a person. Without the constant good messages throughout that game of Friendship and bonds, as cheesy as it can be, I think I would have become a much worse person than I am today. So, that's my fave feels song.

Fave fun song is this :)

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  On 4/30/2015 at 3:51 PM, Solace said:

Why do you like Dobby?

Favorite Harry Potter book and why?

Do you have a football team you like?

1: I like Dobby the character because he really is a very innocent character despite the alluded abuse he takes in the books. He was a character saved and is not shy about showing his gratitude. He even appreciates how the Malfoys did end up housing him, he only meant to maim or seriously injure, not kill after all..

2: Order of the Phoenix. That's when I felt the story began developing into something genuinely interesting for me outside of just "Magic!". Then again, book 7 did the emotional segments quite well so I'll nod to that.

3: I don't follow Football in the UK or American football, so that answer is a no. I don't have the best relationship with sports. mainly because my coordination is shit when competing like that.

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  On 4/30/2015 at 4:23 PM, DobbyTheElf said:

1: I don't remember. I think I was a lurker at first though. I was late on Both of my Intros

2: Mkk, anyone who follows the Ymora RP knows this. I play a character called Claude and one of his pokemon is, indeed, a Cottonee. He was Claudes starter. Why? I wanted a not so common 'mon. Anyway, I wasn't about to give him some random ass name, it had to mean something and, seeing as Claude s from Lumiose, a french motif seemed appropriate. So, what single french word embodies a soft little puffball? Doux. Doux means soft in french. Also, ELFUUUUUUUN

3: Don't do this to me man. If I had tot pick, Hiki. It takes an odd courage and pride to be abe to take the consequences of his actions as he does. He's a character I can respect, even if he can be depressing as fuck.

4: Main game Protags? Tough choice, I find it hard to like a character with no personality intended. That said, I suppose Red, simply because he has become so infamous that his stoic silence, first seen as a way for a player to project themselves onto him, has beome his own characteristic.

5: I'm partial to mashed and Roasted potatoes as well as chips. Can't stand jacket potatoe though.

1. That was just for the Arkidon's music lol.

2. The name is funny i'll say.

3. I had to man, my curiousity was killing me. Yup. Hikki can be a "sacrifice" sometimes. He does hurt himself what he does.

But it interesting me so much. Waiting for episodes everyday.

5. Mashed and roasted potatos is great man. Chips is pretty much one of the best food ever have been created.

Edited by ShingSt
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  On 4/30/2015 at 5:49 PM, EluriaMendes said:

1. Favorite Viral Video?

2. Have you ever broken anything in a fit of rage?

3. Proudest moment?

1: Muthafuckin' Nyan cat. Paise be to Poptart god

2: Yes, when I was a kid. (I was not well adjusted). I was pissed at my step-brother jokingly taking the piss outta me and so for some reason I decided to break a bow I got from the woods Robin hood supposedly resided. I regret that, that bow was cool, even if it was only meant to fire plunger arrows.

3: This is a difficult question because I tend to take pride in small things in my life, so there are a lot of memories.

I suppose one of them, because of how high I was graded, was the prior story about my Drama Exam.

Wait, no, personal pride it occured to me as I was writing. It's between beating Kingdom Hearts 1 final mix on proud, beating that ne fucking trial room ful of the Demon, angel and shadow ball heartless. You have o play fucking flawlessly in that part I swear to god. The other is another Kingdom hearts moment where I beat the final boss for Ventuses story with the finisher for one of his second command styles on Critical difficulty, I think it was wingblade. For those who don't know, it's fucking hard to land enough consecutive hits on the boss, let alone the right ones to proc the command style, without taking a hell of a lot of hits which ht very hard. That said, not only achieving that but literally finishing him off was so fucking satisfying.

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  On 4/30/2015 at 8:49 PM, Azeria said:

If you had to pick a pokemon you'd be if you were one,what would it be?

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  On 5/1/2015 at 10:45 PM, Maelstrom said:

Can you list all the kinds of elves you know of and put them in order of least to most liked? Wood elves and keebler elves, for examples. =P

Elves are such a staple in folk-lore and fantasy that I've only got three types that cover all.

-Houselves. Look at my name, take a guess

-Pretty Elves. The ones that every first time RPer wants to play when starting with a fantasy, the ones that always somehow come to be fucking beautiful and wise for weird unexplained biological reasons. I've always hated these kinds of elves because so few books are real in how stuck up they really would be. What, their life-span makes them wiser, their society? How? Hell, those factors would just serve to make them think they're superior. Get out of here with that perfection shit. You know how many Elves you get in stories that are wise at the age of seventy? Compare that to GoT where anyone lucky enough to reach seventy had to fuck and get fucked by so many people that they just turned into callous dicks. Looking at you Frey.

-Santa Elves. These bois make my presents. Gotta love 'em.

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  On 5/2/2015 at 9:02 PM, HakuTaku said:

1. Do you trust anyone with your life?

2. What is your perfect pizza?

1: No. One of my downfalls is that I'm really not a trusting person. Literally no one has ever seen everything that makes me who I am, everyone's only ever seen a part of who I am. If I can't be myself, how can I trust my life to anyone?

2: I can't answer this. I know not every combination of toppings nor have I tasted the top quality of ingredients that would allow me to judge the true pinnacle of Pizzas.

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