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What Type Would You Use if You Were a Gym Leader?


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^The above topic, obv. Feel Free to lists teams.

If there's already a topic on this and I missed it, could someone request this be deleted and refer me to said topic?

I would either use Bug or Poison types. I'd prolly throw in a Flygon because he's so buggy like.

Bug Team

  1. Scolipede
  2. Yanmega
  3. Masquerain
  4. Heracross
  5. Volcarona
  6. Flygon

Poison Team

  1. Scolipede
  2. Dragalge
  3. Nidoqueen
  4. Skuntank
  5. Toxicroak
  6. Venusaur
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Ghost types.

Reason: Ghost types is so mysterious, and so scary. I'm not into horror stuff in general, but if pokemon. I'm into ghost.


  1. Dusknoir
  2. Misdevious
  3. Chandlure
  4. Salbleye
  5. Froslass
  6. Gourgeist

As for non gym battle extra: Banette, Rotom and Cubone/Marowak(sadness and pokedex entries of course).

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easy choice for me







Gyarados(mega) (im allowed lance had one)

and Im kinda offended at you poison and ghost gym leaders no gengar ........ wow ........

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Eluria, I'd just like to say, I respect another Bug and Poison user. o7 And yes, I also use both Bug and Poison types, so here're my two teams. :D

Bug Team:







Poison Team:







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I'm all about that dark, bout that dark, so edgy...

Umbreon- Tanky, and I just love Umbreon so it needs to be there

Honchkrow- Fighting/Bug counter

Mega Sableye- Tanky, plus I can make use of Prankster before I Mega it

Bisharp- Fairy Counter

Hydreigon- I don't think this needs justification for being here

Greninja- Protean OP plz nerf

Edited by Lord_Ludo
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Either steel or dark

My steel team would be:

Metagross (Mega)






And the poison one:


Venusaur (mega)





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Ice baby, ice. Cuz Vinny's no bark, i'm all frostbite.

Weavile @ Focus Sash

Mamoswine @ Life Orb

Abomasnow @ Abomasite

Glaceon @ Choice Specs

Frosslass @ Icy Rock

Walrien @ Leftovers

In the spirit of Pokemon Rejuvenation, I'd give away a TM containing an exclusive move that i use:

TM ??? Icy Force: +1 Priority, Base Power 70, Accuracy 95%. May Flinch the target. Hits Water-Types for super effective damage.

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There is a thread on if you were a Gym Leader, what would your Gym be like and all that jazz, but that one's kinda old, so let's stick here.

I'll use one of my favorite Gym Leader ideas. Since there's already a Dark, Ghost, and Ice type team up there, how about this?


Mawile (Mega)





This Fairy team is for a young girl who is very... well, girlish. I chose the cutest Fairy type Pokemon I could think of, but still made sure they were powerful enough. (I've used Dedenne before in NU, and it was really good, although very situational.)

She's actually meant to be the last Elite 4 member in my plans...

Edited by Chubb the Pig
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Rock ftw.

Archeops @ Focus Sash

Tyranitar @ Assault Vest

Cradily @ Leftovers

Carbink @ Leftovers

Aerodactyl @ Aerodactylite

Rhyperior @ Life Orb

A team that relies on the combos between specific members to overcome the many weaknesses that usually plague this type. The combos in question are:

1) Trick Room+Explosion Carbink - Bulky attacker Rhyperior. Rock seems a rather weak type untill you find yourself staring down a Rhyperior with full health, Life Orb and 4 attacks with 3 turns of Trick Room left...

2) AV Tyranitar - Physically defensive Cradily. Ttar can take Ice attacks aimed at Cradily, and Cradily drains water attacks aimed at Ttar. In sand, Cradily becomes insanely bulky on both sides of the spectrum, and can trap enemy walls (and in general enemy Pokemon that lack U-turn/Volt Switch/Baton Pass) with Infestation and then proceed to Toxic stall them. It is the closest thing to a defensive core this team has, and while Fighting-type Pokemon can generally obliterate it, most Fighting-type Pokemon out there cannot really beat Carbink, so they will be perfect bait for the Trick Room combo.

Once Rhyperior has softened up enemy walls and punched holes in their ranks (helped by Cradily's wear down strategy), I simply let Trick Room expire and keep attacking with Rhyperior untill it goes down (it will take a couple hits, because Solid Rock makes it very very bulky). At this point Aerodactyl can come in, Mega Evolve, and clean house. Archeops acts as a suicidal lead that sets up rocks, taunts enemy defoggers to keep the rocks up, and cripples enemies with Endeavor once Focus Sash has activated.

Steel is the bane of this team but ehi, I think being able to address all other weaknesses of the Rock type is already good enough, considering how many there are...

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I'd probably go with flying type and blow everything away lol.




Pinsir (Mega)





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My gym would be like blue's gym (HG/SS multytype leader) double battles

Aegislash Lv 83/ life orb

Gardivoir Lv 92/ Gardivorite

Rhyperior Lv 86/ Sitrus berry

Frotom (frost rotom) Lv 79 / C-scarf

and finally...

Bidoof Lv 100/ Eviolite


I suck at team building

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Fighting! so I can have a gym full of Battle Girls I'm usually fighting-dark as you can see by my card, but I'll keep it simple

Pangoro! (my favorite gen six don't judge me)





Mega Mewtwo X/Pirouette meloetta/Mega Lopunny Mega-Blaziken

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I personally favour bulky Pokemon. Ground types have always supported me through my gameplays and I like a whole lot of them.

Ground Gym

Steelix - Pure badassery.

Donphan - Apparently I'm a Phanpy in most Pokemon Dungeons. I also had a Phanpy plushy some time ago.

Swampert - Best starter ever. Hoenn is the region where I have the most memorable Pokemon times.

Camerupt - Always loved the design. Used to think it was a cow.

Flygon - Ground Dragon of choice. I prefer it over the overrated Garchomp. Always thought it had red sunglasses.

Excadrill - Another badass Pokemon that's basically screaming raw power.

7th Pokemon? Landorus-T. LOVE the design and Lando is one of the most dependable Pokemon ever. One of the few Legendary Pokemon which I really like.

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well I mainly would go with Dark at all times but the types that follow vary in general mood (basically if I couldn't be Dark gym leader the choice of type varies) after so here goes:


Umbreon - lead of the team, starts out by tanking hits, recovering and general toxic stall

Drapion - would likely set up some toxic spikes with it then follow up with agrressive attacks like Earthquake, Cross Poison and Crunch maybe?

Weavile - Team glass cannon, nuff said.

Spiritomb - gonna be one annoying poke to deal with lets just put it that way

Mandibuzz - this bird will give you hateful thoughts

Bisharp - one of my favourite pokemon

also I would be willing to try out this gym leader team vs someone elses gym eader team, just message me a lvl cap, and if nessecary a time with the timezone you are referring to.

Edited by Lord Drakyle
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Deffinitely Psychic Gym and as my picture suggests:

Mega Gardevoir (Luna, also Prince's Queen :D)

Gallade (Prince,also Luna's boyfriend)

Starmie (Misty)

Exeggutor (Coco)

Jynx (Kiss)

Delphox (Fex -if male- Foxie -if female-)

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