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Making the new fields crystal clear!

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  On 5/2/2015 at 6:16 AM, Nova said:

In X and Y, you can sometimes get special items by using certain moves while fighting at certain places. Do we get Shards if we use Earthquake or a similar move in this Field Effect? (just a random idea that popped up)

I like this idea.. Though I think it should be Rock Smash or Dig.. It could actually be something that can be applied to other fields also..

  On 5/2/2015 at 5:51 AM, HopeMagical said:

i just want garchomp/dragonite/hydreigon by the next episode. I really want that dragonite

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  On 5/2/2015 at 3:44 AM, Amethyst said:

It is. "Rock attacks gain Y type" implies two types.

Thank you for explaining that! As Ikaru said, I thought the different wording implied a different result. Sorry for the pestering, my bad.

  On 5/2/2015 at 5:03 AM, Ikaru said:

I'd assumed it was mixed-type as well, but to be fair, you usually word it as "deal/apply additional ____ type damage." (or very similar)

Maybe reword that?

And thanks to you as well, you nailed exactly what made me misunderstand. I was used on seing that additional everywhere.

It turns out that the new field with some lucky rolls can rek Bennett in Iolia. We lose the certain 4x rock damage on his flying bugs, but we have 50% chances on hitting the 4x against his Venomoth and Dustox, hitting the additional Psychic or Fire. There are enough natural Sunny Day users at this point of the game.

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Bennet is so getting destoyed in this field.

What are the changes to the cave field effect? The description still reads that EQ collapses the field fainting every pokemon on the field.
Do pokemon with Sturdy (or ground types) survive?

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  • Administrators

* Cave

  • * Cave ceilings now require two uses of the move to collapse.
  • * Cave collapses now happen at the end of the turn rather than before damage calculation.
  • * Pokemon using Endure, or having Sturdy may survive the collapse with 1 HP from full health.
  • * Pokemon with Battle Armor and Shell armor take 50% damage from the collapse.
  • * Pokemon with Solid Rock take 33% damage from the collapse.
  • * Pokemon behind protect moves including Wide Guard, or having Bulletproof, Rock Head or Wonderguard are immune to the collapse damage.
  • * Now transformed into Crystal Cavern by Power Gem or Diamond Storm
  • * Only non-contact Flying-type moves are now reduced in power.
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