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Just a topic to discuss Smite and stuffs

For anyone who doesn't know, Smite is a MOBA. It differs from other MOBAs in that it's set in the third person instead of a top-down angle, and uses gods from different mythologies as its characters. Also, almost everything is a skillshot, even AAs owo

The original post from before I converted this into a general Smite topic:

AKA the story nobody wants to hear but Ima tell anyways because I'm like super happy and will explode if I don't

SolikeyesterdayI- *Breaths deeply* Okay, sorry, erm...

So, like, yesterday I picked up Smite (or was that Friday? ...Or Thursday) and I've been playing it a bunch and honestly I'm really bad. So I've just kinda been repeatedly throwing myself at the game in hopes of improving. Mostly I've been having success with Ryze Kukulkan, who's basically a safe laner with an insanely strong late game due to his high burst and mobility. So I queued up, called mid, and locked in my good ol' Cuckookan (and actually got mid of course, I'm not an insta-locking douchebag)

Game started off like most of my others. The enemy team had a messy team comp (I.E. Two mid) I died to my starter camp because we didn't have a JG (okay, that was actually unusual, dying, not the lack of JG) Eventually the guy who was supposed to be our jungler reconnected, and came and helped me duo mid (AKA he fed the enemy Ra to high heaven) So some stuff happened, and basically all but one of my team members ended up with really shitty scores. The enemy ADC was fed and so was Ra. All did not look well, but we managed to defend well and got some good picks and teamfights. And then our "JG" left, leaving us 4v5

So there was a bunch of back and forth and we're 4v5. Eventually, the enemy team started pushing our midlane in. They managed to take out three of our members, and the last sat around splitpushing while they took our middle phoenix (one of them died to it) and ran into our Titan. Then one of them tried to kill our AFK member in fountain and died. I respawned just as their ADC and Ra ran in, followed closely by their tank. By some miracle that I still don't understand, I managed to kill both of them and survive with a sliver of HP. I ran back to the fountain, healed up as fast as I could, and charged back out at the tank. Said tank was at 1/3rd health, and our Titan was about four of his AAs away from death. With yet another miracle, I managed to death (death? kill...) the tank and the minions around him (luckily, Cuckoo has good AoE)

So we're down a phoenix and our Titan's nearly dead. But I've got pro waveclear because Cuckookan OP, so I manage to hold the base until my teammate respawned. Then we made a risky move and rushed Fire Giant. We had it almost dead when Ra showed up. I managed to keep him from stealing it thanks to my ulti, but he took out most of my HP. So turned tail and ran like a Gyarados facing a Zekrom. Meanwhile, the rest of my team chases him and ends up in a 3v5 fight without their main AoE burst mage and die, losing their Fire Giant buffs. But i still had mine, so I sat in base and waited, waiting for the enemy team to kill the phoenix again and for me to have to perform another miracle. But they took a while, so by the time they got there, one of my teammates (the one with a good score, in fact) was already back up. So he managed to take out their ADC (whom I had weakened in a poke fight right before he respawned owo) whilst I got an easy quadra off the other four members, no miracles required

So then we pushed up as fast as we could, it was now 3v4 as one of our members (luckily not our ADC--in fact our weakest, splitpush guy) decided to leave, and so did one of the enemy's weaker members. There was a bit of back and forth as their superior numbers beat against our superior waveclear, but eventually we took out two of their phoenixes, mid and left for those few who might care. But it was not over yet. Nay, for the enemy team managed to kill all of my team, including me. All hope seemed lost, except for the fact that they had shitty waveclear and took the entirety of our death timers clawing down the middle lane. The was some poke fighting with as lot of damage being dealt but nobody dying. Then the one guy who wasn't me the ADC, or either of the AFKs (let's just call him Hades, as that's the champ he was playing) noticed something. Their Titan was just one AA away from health. the enemy team had pushed midlane, and neglected to clear out the left lane. The enemy tank did manage to clear it when their phoenix respawned, but not before these astounding winions managed to kill said phoenix again (phoenixes have really low health right after respwaning)

It was now match point, there was only one thing to be done. And as the most mobile of our team, it was my duty to do it. I spammed my 2 (speed steroid) as much as I could, rushing down that left lane like a madwoman (maddragon? mad-flying-serpent-god?) To the cry of "xPeke it!" from Hades. The winions were there and I dropped some AoE to help clear them as I rushed passed. But it was not needed, I shot in, hit it with my 1 (a basic line skillshot, nothing fancy, but more damage than a basic attack), and it died, securing us the victory

All in all, those were the best 54 minutes of my day ^w^

TL;DR Cuckookan OP

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Jesus christ that was wild from start to finish. Smite is definitely a wild game, and it's more satisfying (in my opinion) backdooring in that game.

It definitely was more satisfying. Also easier imo. Smite in general is easier for one person to turn the tide of a game

...I might go play Smite, just so i can understand what's happening in this story.

I'll rate it 8/8 anyway.

Lol. Well, if you do let me know so we can play together owo

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Smite in general is easier for one person to turn the tide of a game

I haven't played League at all, but comparing Smite to DOTA 2, I can definitely agree with this statement. For me, Smite's just easier in general.

But I have to say, that's pretty impressive, getting a quadra after just picking up the game. I suppose some League knowledge must carry over. You honestly probably know more about conquest gameplay than I do because of that, and I've been playing Smite since the beta. Not to say I can't handle myself in a conquest, but it's not my go-to game mode.

Anyway, you should add me. Name's Fluxator on Smite.

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Ironically enough, I've only ever gotten one quadra in League. Anc yeah, Doto is hard AF. I think League is easier than Smite purely because of the angle, though Arena is easier than anything League has since no objectives. I'll add you when I get home ^^

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^^^There's no Smite or "gaming stories" threads anywhere, and since I didn't realyl see either of those threads getting very many posts I decided to just make this. TBH, I'm surprised this even got any replies at all, it was just me telling a silly/fun/awesome story

Though, if enough people show interest, I can turn this into a generic Smite thread owo

And Claydoll, what's your IGN? Alternatively, you can search for me, I'm KosherKitten on Smite

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I'll add you, funny thing is that i may need to make a smurf at some point.

Why would you ever need to make a smurf? That's just r00d to the newbs.


You went all in with Kuku, didn't you? Avi and all. :D

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I'll accept that the next time I'm on. I probably won't be on much over the next week or so though, with exams and graduation coming up. I'll catch you when I can.

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Some other points about the game for whoever might be interested:

-The game is developed by Hi-Rez studios, which also created Tribes: Ascend (free to play FPS) and Global Agenda (MMO shooter).

-The game features gods and mythological beings of multiple pantheons, the currently available pantheons being: Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Mayan, Chinese, Hindu.

-It uses a system similar to League of Legends to acquire playable gods: some gods are available to every account while others switch on a weekly rotation and are available for purchase with both ingame and premium currency. The main differences are that gods that aren't currently owned can be rented for periods of time with ingame currency for a fraction of the full price, the rate at which ingame currency is obtained is (in my opinion) considerably faster, and that the game has the option of buying all current AND future gods for a set price (30 USD).

-The game features several game modes with different maps and objectives:

-Conquest: The usual 5v5, 3 lanes plus jungle, map with multiple objectives and buffs.

-Arena: A 5v5 team deathmatch with no side objectives besides buffs, it uses a ticket system where each team looks to reduce their opponent's ticket count by obtaining player kills and defeating enemy minions.

-Assault: Basically ARAM, a 5v5 match with randomly selected gods in a single lane with jungle and no access to the item shop besides dying.

-Siege: A 4v4 match with 2 lanes and a jungle inbetween with a central objective.

-Joust: A 3v3 variant of Conquest with a single lane and jungles to each side.

-The "Special Event": A custom match that uses any of the 5 available maps with an specific set of rules, it can be based on a theme or just be chaotic with alterations like 80% cooldown reduction and no mana costs among others, this game mode is available once per week.

-Conquest and Joust are the only game modes that support ranked matches, with Joust switching to a 1v1 format instead of the normal 3v3.

-The game has its own eSports scene and pro league, it also celebrated its first world championship in january 2015 with a 2.4 million dollar as it's overall prize pool.

-The game will also be available on Xbox One, it is currently in alpha stage for the console.

Edited by Claydoll
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currently waiting for rats update.

i'm gonna play so much rat when he gets reworked, but hopefully the update doesn't turn him back to release date rat so hi rez gets to nerf him to the ground again >>

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