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Name my Pokemon


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I need help thinking of names for my pokemon reborn team, the only ones I have given names to are my Typlosion, Raticate, and Meowstic Which I named Cyndakill ( a youtuber i watch called his Cyndaquil plushy that so thats where i got that name) Scooter ( again got the name from a youtuber which he would always name his raticate that after his now dead pet rat RIP scooter) and Terra which i named my female meowstic that after Terra from final fantasy 6 the only one i played. Anyway I am looking for some suggestions for a Primeape, Lumineon, Exploud, Kricketune, Noibat (soon to be Noivern), and a Donphan. Thanks in advance

.noibat female

exploud male

lumineon male

kricketune female

Primeape male

and donphan male

Edited by gamerzerek
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I named mine after my favorite contestants from Rupaul's Drag Race:

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Amongst others but this is my most used team.

There's been like 80 Drag Racers up till now in 7 seasons, so plenty to choose from.

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I always liked the name Molotov for Typhlosion. The back of the neck catches fire when it's about to attack, similar to a certain cocktail. But I digress.

I normally like naming Pokemon after either their species origin, Pokedex entry, or simply their typing.

Donphan - Kandula (the legendary royal war elephant of Sri Lanka. The name is unisex)

Noibat - Caduceus (Staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology. Depicted as a serpent, often with wings).

Lumenion - Chae (Monster is based on a Butterfly fish. The family of the species is Chaetodontidae.)

Kricketune - Viola (Seems to be based on composition? Viola's a string instrument, and the name if effeminate)

Primeape - Thoth (Egyptian deity. Depicted as a man with the head of a baboon)

You're on your own for Loudred. That thing's ridiculous.

Edited by Antilegend
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