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Pokemon Apotheosis Discussion, Ideas, You name it!

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Remember when I said I was planning something? Something I'd post here soon? Well why wait for soon to come, when I can just introduce it now?!? Please welcome to the stage:

~Pokemon Apotheosis~

Which by the way still needs a picture. Why haven't I made one? I suck at drawing K >>. Anyway, this is a game that I have been planning out recently and I've been getting into RPG Maker as of recent so I thought, wynaut make this dream a reality! Only real problem is... Well we'll get to that after this:

Quick Intro:

Welcome to the newly discovered region of Reveran where everything is bright and sunny and all of your dreams will come true... If only that were the case. The newly inhabited region still has many secrets and mysteries to be unveiled.

Plenty of species of pokemon live on the island and are studied daily, seeing if the region has had any adverse affects on them.

New travelers come to the region daily by the boatload hoping to make a new life. Some are good, some are bad.

Natives of the island have switched over to the city life, but their old colonies still remain set in stone causing conflict between certain territories and more.

An organization is forming in the hopes of finding the secret to the region. They're building an army and using all means necessary to figure out the secrets of the whole planet that may be hidden in this long forgotten region.

It's up to you to decide the fate of the region. The impact of your choices have never been greater.


18 Gym Leaders, E4, etc.

721 pokemon

Original Region and Characters

Various towns, cities, territories and colonies to explore.

Custom Megas

Demon and Divine Pokemon

Characters so far

Ernest: Blonde, Age 17, White, Male, Blue eyes. The son to a rich family who has just moved to the region of Reveran, hoping to start a new life as they run from a dark past.

Kara: Dark Hair, Age 17, White, Female, Green Eyes. The daughter to a rich family who has just moved to the region of Reveran, hoping to start a new life as they run from a dark past. Basically the other gender :V

Cam: Dark Hair, Age 17, White, Male, Green Eyes. Short for Cameron, Cam is the son of a gambler who won it all and moved to the region of Reveran hoping to start a new life and hoping to strike it rich. Prefers the luck over skill kind of style and gambles big much like his father.

Lizzy: Dark Hair, Age 15, Black, Female, Brown eyes. Daughter of the Queen/Champion and King/Gym Leader. Despises the high society and royalty life and is taking on the league challenge in hopes of finding out who she really is.

Pyrr (You fooking know it bb, need to be in the game somehow XD): Red Hair, 22, White, Male, Red eyes. The fire leader of Reveran. Can be a little hot-headed and quick tempered. Believes all life was born from the flames and made one by the light it created. Says he follows the flames that guide him on his journey to enlightenment and success and was lead to become a gym leader.

Michael: Dark hair, 36, Black, Male, Brown Eyes. Father of Lizzy, King of the region, Royal Knight and high ranking gym leader. Leads the people of his region in hopes of stopping the turmoil between colonies. Will do whatever it takes to protect his region, his kingdom, his home and most importantly, his family.

Gerald: Blonde, Age 27, White, Male, Green eyes. The head scientist of the region. Runs the main lab located in Colony 1 and is trying to study the land of Reveran, but may be digging a little too deep...

Sal: Green hair, Age 19, Tan, Female, Blue Eyes. A native of the region before the masses moved in. Lived with her old tribe who have since moved on towards the city life, but still squabble over territory. Knows the region like the back of her hand and can tell you about anything from the places, to the landmarks, to the history.

Now the evil team... So far of course.

Kindle: Purple hair, Age 28, Pale white, Female, Purple eyes. A straight up diva and major bitch too :P. Believes the region may hold the secret to eternal life and beauty. Leads Division C+

William: Grey hair, Age 53, White, Male, Grey eyes. An old general serving and leading the army of resurrection in the hopes of finding a way to bring back his fallen war partners and his wife. Leads Division B

Visor: White hair, Age 36, White, Male, White eyes. High Priest of the team. Very religious and is never seen without his visor, hence his name. Rumored to have psychic powers capable of felling millions. Joined in the hopes of finding out the secrets to life after death. A very skilled battler as well. Leads Division A-
Divisions by rank low to high: D, C-, C, C+, B-, B, B+, A-, A, A+, S, SS, X

???: ?, ?, ?, ?, ? A strange person indeed.... I'm sure that they will have nothing to do with the plot though :D

Finally our five colonies:
Theran: The biggest of the colonies and most modern of them.
Solemn: A religious colony that has stuck to its roots
Draknid: A colony slowly making its way to modernization. Home to various amounts of mythical pokemon.
Vyrn: A singular island nation with very little of note...
Lark: Another singular island with little to note... Except for the fact that it is the home of the Elite 4 and Champion.

Alright now that that's all done, you may be wondering why I haven't released this game or anything. Well bringing the problem back up from early, I don't really know how to work RPG Maker. I need a bit of tutoring to be honest and need to learn more...

Also some artwork would be very appreciated as I really stink with art and spriting atm.

Without further ado, Spread your wings and fly my children. Show me what you have to offer!... Also please help with RPG maker k thx :x

Edited by Pyrrhon
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Sounds cool. Hope you have the determination to complete such a project. The name, Team Resurrection sounds somewhat weird though, IMO. Probably because it's a quite a long name that isn't as easily pronounced as Team Rocket...

Will this story have Fakemon or will it simply use all the original ones?

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Good Luck with this thing!

You know you've gotta put dem Dunsparce on dere rite?

Edited by Azeria
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Yeah, I'm with Nova here, Team Resurrection sounds a bit awkward, although I can't think of another word that could replace it while still retaining much of the original meaning in the context of the plot you've given us thus far. I thought Rebirth, but Resurrection and Rebirth aren't necessarily the same thing.

As for a character suggestion, since it looks like this game's story sounds like it might hold a heavier emphasis on the lore of the region, maybe you can introduce a counterpart character to Sal, who you say is a native that knows the region like the back of her hand.

Perhaps a male lorekeeper of sorts that is traveling around to collect as much information as he can (whether it be about a specific region's culture, or even something as simple as finding out which Pokemon are where), but not necessarily for himself. He could be doing it on behalf of the kingdom, assuming the people of the kingdom are largely separate from the natives. Because he'd be acting on behalf of the royal family, he'll act as if he knows more about the region than most people, which could lead to him unintentionally offending others, especially Sal if they end up talking about native culture. Maybe he can even end up filling in the role of the 'gym referee' during certain parts of the game too (and maybe get into squabbles with some actual referees).

Either way, I'd love to see this game become a reality. Best of luck to you.

Edited by Alilatias
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I could help out with the RPG maker stuff.. I mean with what little time I have left on this dimension of all you lower mortals before school starts..

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Hey Pyrrhon ^_^

Gratz on deciding to make a hack it's a pretty big commitment. Actually I'm working on my own hack and the first episode should be out hopefully by the end of this week. If you have any question feel free to PM me. But just saying I'm no pro and I still have to ask Jan for help every now and then so I'm sorry if I can't answer everything. I would say ask Jan but he's pretty busy with rejuvenation so I'm not sure if he could help:/. Anyway good luck with your hack I can't wait to see what you can do ^_^!

God I have to get rid of this Fern Avvy.....

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I'm going to say the same thing I say at any new Fangame I see.

Please for the love of god drop the "Team" name. You can be so much more imaginative without that shackle.

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So some small things. I've listened to your current suggestions and have changed them to resurrectionists. Unless I come up with a better name, that's what it will be. Also I would like to add, that I may add custom megas, and that is only if someone wants to help me with them, because creating Megas is hard work. Lastly I would leave you guys with something as minor as this so we have one last thing.

Introducing Sals counterpart as suggested, Hobbes. He has black hair, is 20 years of age, is tan, male and has blue eyes. He has arrived from the region of Unova to study some of the natives and their heritage and hopes to learns all of their history in the hopes of ending the conflict. However he isn't too good at his job, and his ignorance may just get him into deeper trouble than he may think possible. He is very hasty and often mixes his facts up and isn't liked much by Sal. He has a Sigilyph and Yamask. He does know a lot of Unovas history, so expect to hear that from him as he is a top historian there.

Anyway, again I still need some help with RPG Maker. Doing a project on your own can be pretty hard. Help would be enjoyed, but no matter what happens, I know at least some of you care.

Have a wonderful day and stay classy

Edit: Currently working on a certain green haired girls before battle sprite. When I say that, I mean the kind you see when you're about to fight a gym leader or rival in reborn, rejuvenation, etc. Hope you guys enjoy it when I finish it.

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Hey, I like what I see so far. Unfortunately, I don't have rpgmaker and have very little experience in working with it so I won't really be of much use there besides a few things I've learned from watching AtomicReactor's series on it (I'm willing to try/learn more though since I've been meaning to buy it anyways).

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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I think you should add some extra starters like eevee and pikachu just to differentiate yourself

Sometimes people want to have something other than the 18. I myself would like that.

The first gym leader being something out of the blue would be cool. Dark type would be cool. Fire right away.

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have different starter then the 6 gen ones have more diversity in your game.

fire water grass get too plan try ice ground or even flying pokemon for the three starers

and one world of advice don't hear out


he is one lame banana

Edited by herrera278
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Actually, letting you all know, I wasn't even going to gen 6 starters... In fact I wasn't even going to use certain starters. I was planning on using gen 1 starters because to me, they seem to have the least broken abilities... hidden I mean.

Also fun fact, I will be revealing our first gym leader tonight and some other characters. fun ^w^

Anyway, if you guys have any suggestions for different starters, go right ahead, but I don't want anything that would break the first gym leader :x i.e. Steel or Dragon.

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I kind of want to see a Poison, Ground, Grass or Fighting, Dark, Psychic starter trio.

Grimer, Hippopatas, Petilil

Makuhita or Machop, Purrloin (not that many pure dark types), Gothita (to keep it pure Psychic like the other 2 starters. If it was Ralts, it would have an advantage)

Edited by Generalguy64
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