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EV trained gym leaders?


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Yes. I think so, because some pokes seem just too fast to not be EV-trained. They also had pretty good IV's, if I'm correct.

EDIT: Oh wait, this isn't about Reborn...well, damn

Edited by laggless01
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I believe that from a certain point on most gym leaders are ev/iv trained as well as rivals/grunts (maybe), admins/commanders and stuff.

For example, Fern's Roserade and Serperior seem to deal too much dmg when you first go to the tauros/bouffalant area and they don't die easily, as well as his Scyther being extremely fast and dealing too much dmg with just wing attack.

Same with rejuvenation when you fight Aelita before you enter narcissa's gym. A random scraggy's faint attack had dealt like 50 dmg to my Swoobat, but Aelita's crunch 1HKOed it.

Edited by timbla
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  • Developers

I dont have the power to specifically donate ev points to trainers(unfortunately). Essentials does it automatically depending on the opponents level.

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  • 6 months later...

I kinda hate the fact that gym leaders are EV trained/ good IV since they have so much advantage over the players with using both crazy good items and field effects advantage. I get that this game was meant to be challenging, but I'm not that game to EV grind all my Pokemon for 10 hours just so my Pokemon are all up to speed/stat. :angry:

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  • Developers

I kinda hate the fact that gym leaders are EV trained/ good IV since they have so much advantage over the players with using both crazy good items and field effects advantage. I get that this game was meant to be challenging, but I'm not that game to EV grind all my Pokemon for 10 hours just so my Pokemon are all up to speed/stat. :angry:

Please don't necro threads. Anyways, there are different difficulty modes for people who don't want to deal with that stuff. You literally chose this path.

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