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The Double-Posting Effect


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Hi. I'm here to talk to you about double-posting.

So, many of you users want to go out and post. Make all sorts of goofy comments and other sorts of posts. Many users, however, have fallen astray from posting the right way and they'll end up double-posting; even though they mean to relay information or accidentally have sent another post. Well, i'm here today to explain that to detail and hopefully this will help new users and veteran users alike to keeping our forums clean of the double posting scum. >:T

To start off, if you want to relay information back to people if things have happened, please edit your post. You can do this by scrolling your cursor/mouse over to the option edit, hidden under your post in the bar alongside other options such as Multiquote / Quote. If you want more attention to your post for updates, it's best to contact a moderator instead of double posting. This reduces our traffic and gives us your undivided attention.

(For a visual representation, here's a good one)

  Reveal hidden contents

Second, make each post count guys. You can't simply post a simple hi, or hello, or lol, or whatever you hip kids say these days. That's what the server is for. A bunch of one-liners is a big no no to us. Try to refrain from acting like every action hero in the 80's by making your posts more elaborate or reasonable. It really sucks to have to scroll a little bit further just because some guy posted "LOL" as their post. Don't be that guy. Or gal. ;;

Finally, I have noticed a lot of users have double-posted even though they don't mean to double post. Usually around a one minute difference and the post will be duplicated. This usually happens when the forums take too long to load and sometimes you refresh at the wrong time trying to speed things up. If you do this, please look back at your post to see if you have double-posted. This will be helpful to the users navigating the threads and help you avoid a warning point. c:

I hope this thread was helpful to you, and I wish you well in fighting the good fight against double posting. >:3 Go out there and be a posting wizard!

Disclaimer: We aren't actually Grammatical Wizards nor are we endorsed by any source of magical enterprise.

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I don't see too many double posts, but it's always nice to be on the lookout for those since most double posts are one worded answers.

Nice work

  On 5/5/2015 at 12:02 AM, Arkhidon said:

...what does this mean

Also, for those who aren't familiar with the site, pictures may help highlight where the Edit button is.

I'm already on it


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Nice and powerful visual demostration by Skitty :]

Honestly, the only thing that i still notice a lot is people still trying to do the "mod job" when it comes to double posting. It's not exactly bad, but i believe we should always report the double post and let a mod do the job.

The mods have to work more, after all.

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  On 5/5/2015 at 12:39 AM, Rosesong said:

Warn Skitty for double post because Arki deleted his

Jk, Skitty, ily~

Merged cause I'm obviously best auth

  On 5/5/2015 at 1:59 AM, Vinny said:

Nice and powerful visual demostration by Skitty :]

Honestly, the only thing that i still notice a lot is people still trying to do the "mod job" when it comes to double posting. It's not exactly bad, but i believe we should always report the double post and let a mod do the job.

The mods have to work more, after all.

Yeah, we got a warning for that, and we're trying to put it to use, but unfortunately people still do it, even after I made the whole announcement on it ;-;

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  On 5/5/2015 at 2:06 AM, TacosAndFlowers said:

Merged cause I'm obviously best auth

Such a good mod, that you hid the post that already had 3 rep points instead of the original post that had nothing important on it.

gj tacps <3

And yes, it's a good and informative topic :] am surprised jericho didn't make this before you moo~

Edited by Vinny
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  On 5/5/2015 at 2:23 AM, Vinny said:

Such a good mod, that you hid the post that already had 3 rep points instead of the original post that had nothing important on it.

gj tacps <3

And yes, it's a good and informative topic :] am surprised jericho didn't make this before you moo~

I didn't hide anything though, that's just what happens ;c

But yeah, great topic Tao. Hopefully it can cut down on these incidents.

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Either me or one of you other mod types, lock this thread after a few days so it doesn't get necro'd down the line.

And didn't Sonikku try something like this and get bashed way back? Just saying.

PS- If you notice you've broken the rules regarding double posting or necro posting and self report, I (and likely most other auth), won't give you a warning. Just try not to make a habit out of it. If you're not sure about something PM one of the auth, or ask us on the server and we'll see if we can give you the green light.

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Wasn't aware of the thread tbh. I kinda did this on my own with my own flare to it. If the people see this and take this at me stabbing at your work, I'm not. :(

Jericho feel free to lock. Time to let this solidify. owo

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/4/2015 at 11:53 PM, Cowtao said:

magical enterprise.



*imagines Star Trek as a fantasy* *drools*


On-Topic Excuse:

Yeah, I don't know why people still have a problem editing stuff. It's sad that this kind of this has to be said.

Edited by Rezilia
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