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What is your favorite memory during your time here at Reborn? [6/14/2015]

That's a very good question. I have made some memorable moments when I came to Reborn, but out of everything, my favorite memory on Reborn was playing through the Reborn League. Playing through the Reborn League made me believe in so much. I don't know why, but it was one of the few reasons weekdays were enjoyable. On weekends, I edited some changes to my team for certain leaders. I loved preparing, organizing, and I just loved the people I met while I was on the server! The Reborn League has brought many people together. It's a memory I shall truly cherish!

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Favorite memory?

I liked Reborn league, but what I really enjoyed was goofing off with my friends in SU. Some of the best people I have ever met online were in that clan. I also did enjoy being auth for that short while as much as I say I didn't like it. It did make me feel important and that's a nice feeling to have I guess. But that's a job that should be left to more capable people. Line hosting for the Reborn League was also pretty fun, and so was giving out the badges to challengers. Sure it was tedious as all hell, but the joy it brought others when they got their shiny new badge made up for it.

I'm not a sap I swear.

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this man right here named Choi Siwon, who was my bias back when I was a huuuuge fan of Super Junior (I'm still a fan, but not as hardcore as I was before)



I only grabbed two pictures cause I couldn't decide and would probably take forever staring at this man looking through Goog-- okay fine staring at this man

aaaaah goddamnit I forgot how gorgeous this man is fadkjgakgjdaslgkajd QQ now I can't stop staring at the pictures

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Who is your celebrity crush?

I wasn't going to spoiler this but it's a massive picture and I know she's changed her hair recently but gurrrrl you do you


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Question hasn't been changed yet!
My celebrity crush is Hori :)

Hmm, I'm a straight male, but I do love Chris Pratt a lot. I haven't thought much about female celebrities. I could be normal and say like Anna Kendrick or someone.

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What do you find to be the most overrated free time activity? - [6/16/2015]

I actually don't think anything you could do in your free time is overrated. I mean if you enjoy it that's great.

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What do you find to be the most overrated free time activity? - [6/16/2015]

Going to a party in a pub, I guess. Don't like the music + not that big of a drinker + can hardly hear anyone = me unamused and in pain (it just keeps ringing afterwards)

What was the question of today?

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Celeb Crush- I 'unno, can't think of anyone

Over-rated free time- I can't think of any that straight aren't biased in my mind. I'd say sport but that has it's own benefits.

I guess visiting museums and galleries. It's interesting. But that's it. I can't think of any way it really positively helps you outside of learning

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Worst season?
Can't really hate on them, but I'll just go ahead and "hate" on Summer because I sweat too much.
Winter > Summer
Edit: can someone archive these questions please? I'd like to see what i miss.

Late but I'm gonna start to do this from now on~

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What's the worst season of the year, and why? - [6/18/2015]

I actually love all the seasons. I don't hate any of it in particular.

Spring and Summer are the ones I dislike the most. Spring because it is the beginning of allergy suffering, and Summer because it's to hot. Now that may sound weird considering I'm in Washington (Western) but it gets up to 90+ alot. Then everything kinda catches fire and dies...
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