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Not sure if it counts because I've never actually seen the full movie myself outside of reviews(thank God for that), but from what I've seen of it, Birdemic: Shock and Terror just made me feel sick from its wooden actors, terrible editing and the gifs of the birds just flapping their wings wildly in front of people's faces until they died, somehow getting tons of scratches on their faces in the process.

The movie just feels like a horrible parody of itself.

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I actually don't watch many movies, but I did actually sit through the entire Birdemic movie. Granted, I hardly heard and paid attention to the whole movie, it was still... 2-2.5 hours of my time gone. It was terrible, Lord. Never watch Birdemic. Don't do it. If you value anyone's time, you will NOT WATCH Birdemic. Please.

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You're requiring me to remember things that happened last year :(. This isn't going to go well.

I honestly can't really remember what movies I saw last year and didn't remember enjoying many of them. I'm also going to go with The Force Awakens because it was really good and I'm actually sure it was last year.

I don't even know what games came out last year that I've played...

I know Mario Maker came out last year. I don't really love it but at least it is a game I played that came out last year.

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I actually had to Google "movies that came out in 2015" bc I rarely watch movies, and when I do, it's usually super late. The only movie I remember watching that came out in 2015 is Jurassic World. I wasn't crazy about it, though...meh. All of my favorites came out in 2014.

For game, Dying Light bc it's the only game that was released in 2015 that I played. 2 many games on consoles I don't have 4 me

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2015 had some awesome movies, but Star Wars: the Force Awakens was probably my favorite

I haven't really played any of the big 2015 games other than Undertale, which was neat. I loved The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth i that counts

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I'm like mde. It really depends on how my day was, how much time I have until the next day, and things like that.

Sometimes, I feel like the noise of a pin falling on the floor could wake me up. And other times, I feel that I could sleep through this building collapsing.

And I'd reach hell asleep.


From January-12th-2016:

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QoTD 1/14

The latter, frequent awakenings in nights, i sometimes dont even need alarm to wake me up on major occasions that requires early rises, doubtly ever reach delta wave sleep which is the deep sleep scientifically speaking.

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I have no idea whether I'm a heavy sleeper or a light sleeper.

Other people calling me from other parts of the house wake me up just fine, despite being quiet when I hear them through the walls, and friggin' alarms have to be as loud as they can be and right near my head to wake me(even then, that might not wake me).

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I am a heavy-light sleeper; as long as nothing is going change regarding the room I'm in, I won't be awakened by basically anything (I can sleep in a loud room if it stays loud, etc).

On the other side of that, if somebody say... plans to randomly open the door to the room I'm in at some point, I'll be awake a few minutes before then. Yes, this makes no sense.

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